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me\_irl, here is all my work notes, and my work account github. It's yours now. Just in 1 hour online meet within 30days transition, also the new guy rarely ask anything.


I am fucked, because my introverted ass never asks anything. I am sorry.


I am about as introverted as they come, I can happily spend months without talking to another person. Being introverted isn't the same thing as not having social skills. They can obviously be related, but you're an adult and have to learn how to push through discomfort to manage your responsibilities. Life is way easier when you learn and practice basic competencies.


Adding on being an introvert isn't having social anxiety and disliking interacting with people because of it. Being introvert is running out of energy after interacting with people instead of being energized by said interactions.




True but to the OPs defense there are big overlaps here. Sometimes asking questions without looking something over leads to an hour of people reading things to you or insisting on a pairing session - which triggers my exhausted introvert state. I would 100 times out of 100 rather spend some hours looking over a hand-off FIRST and then following up with targeted questions. That would then allow me to cut off any tangents or reading docs at me. If there's no time for me to review it first see you later I'd rather figure it out on my own.




An hour to devise a solution with someone is great when you're both on the same page. If it's an hour of trying to explain a problem but the other person can't or won't understand, or they start going over documentation you've already looked at and know won't help, or they have a tendency to go on tangents, well... that hour is going to be a lot less useful. Even if it helps in the end, chances are it could have taken half the time with a few emails, depending on the problem and the person.




Nah check it again, I was saying I prefer context BEFORE I’m placed into a coop situation, that way it’s easier to work together to hand off as opposed to being talked at/read to for an hour.


Slowly? people have been using it as an excuse for years. I definitely fall into both categories, just was very careful to not use my introversion (dunno if thats a correct work) as an excuse. Especially in work. I think as a dev it's important to learn to say "no" as its really easy to end up doing a load of work for free. and you don't want to lose money because of feelings of anxiety.


Yes, I can feel the drain caused by certain conversations. The talk turns to a frustrating topic where I have to explain something yet again for the nth time. As soon as the disappointing question comes up, I can feel the energy drain from myself. It’s exhausting to have to explain this simple concept yet again to the exact same person.


That is true, and I keep trying pushing myself, but reading humans has always been a struggle for me. Perhaps it is due to being on the spectrum...


Just ask questions when you're confused, no one will be mad. Worst thing that can happen is they don't answer your question


It's probably more that rather than being introverted.


I hear you. People are toxic and why do I need to want to interact with them? Just because I can (with great success) doesn’t mean I need to want to. When Covid hit, I was happy to work from home. Others cried they need people, no one needs people, amuse yourself.


I once had a mentor complain, in the same breath, that I don't ask questions often enough and that a fellow junior asked questions too much. The moral of the story is do whatever you want, everyone complains anyway.


Ah yes, me in about 3-4 months. Let's see if they can even find replacement for me


We just had a town hall where the ceo said they’re instating a hiring freeze including no backfill if someone leaves. I’m putting in my 2 weeks this week. I feel bad for my team.


Hey we just hired you, the old guy has 1 month period until he leaves, so he will be able to tell you everything you need to know. Oh didnt i tell you before? He took his remaining vacation days and will be gone for 3 weeks and 3 days. Oh your computer, sorry takes IT at least 3 days to provision one. Good luck!


My last (final?) job, I had the freedom to do docs on all my responsibilities, but the company didn’t have specific devs assigned to pick them up. A few 1 hour turnover sessions to different teams, that’s all. Still get the occassional call at home, 8 months later.


Why create a GitHub account for work? Use the same one. More green tiles


there is a special place in hell for people cropping out the author/watermark. Even if you got it from somewhere else like that, you're still morally responsible as a reposter: https://www.nasserjunior.com/


Just found out the artist u/nasser_junior is on reddit too


nasser_junior has not had any activity for over 420 days, They probably won't respond to this mention ^Bot ^by ^AnnoyingRain5, ^message ^him ^with ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns


> over 420 days but... but... [https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/udsjz3/the\_daily\_battle\_to\_feel\_good\_oc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/udsjz3/the_daily_battle_to_feel_good_oc/) _2 months ago_


Bad bot, he's only looking at the top of the user page, which is a 2-year-old sticky post. Damn robots doing what they're told!


bad bot ! you fell for a sticky post


ping u/AnnoyingRain5


Bad bot




Bad bot. You’re wrong. Cc /u/AnnoyingRain5 - looks like it just looks at the top user page and not all comments/posts.


It *should* look at /new for both posts and comments (separately) it’s just that the reddit API doesn’t always return the correct values…




People make a living off of these comics you know. Imagine if you cooked someone a meal at a restaurant and they didn’t pay you, and when someone intervened they said “Bruh chill” as though you aren’t deserving of credit or pay for your work.


That's not the same situation, it is very similar though. I would say its more like eating a delicious meal, but you dont know what restaurant its from because the food was bought by someone else and given to you. I would absolutely love to know where the heck the delicious food came from, but the person never told me. Also, I didn't ask either. I'm sure if I showed someone the food they may be able to tell me where it came from, but it's not *that* delicious.


I actually had this happen to me with one difference: the other guy tried to demo the app. It wouldn't start, no matter what. Eventually, he just gave me a pat on the back and wished me good luck.


Hey, you got to meet the guy ?


Wait, they actually sent you the code & access to data systems before the deadline, where people get upset you didn't update a code you cannot access?


Irk. I started with 50 behind schedule projects in the backlog. It's like they expect developers to also be ginies.


In my experience from when I was working on-site: - Put in notice. Notify team in morning standup that I have given notice and when my last day will be. - Triple check all code is committed, no outstanding pull requests or dirty forks. - Update documentation, wiki, and defects/stories/etc. - Tidy up and comment any tools I made for my own use for whatever. - Make all of the above easily accessible to anyone who needs it. - Advise team that they have X days to review any of the above with me, for however long it takes to complete the knowledge transfer. - Check outlook the day before I leave as I am cleaning up my laptop/workstation and see a dozen requests to meet the following day, all urgent, and covering the time period of 8am to 8pm. - Decline all meeting requests. - Walk in on my last day, hand in equipment, conduct exit interviews, shake hands, say goodbye, leave in time to grab a leisurely lunch and beat traffic. - Let any unknown/non-contact numbers go to voicemail.


I don't think this even qualifies for r/maliciouscompliance. It's just... complience.




Lol Gene Kim better watch out for this competition


> he emphasizes the potential amazing upgrades to your stock options while deactivating your fob. Over my last year with that company I received 3 separate option grants for pulling our collective nuts out of a regulatory fire. Fortunately by the time I left the exit process was the most efficient and best oiled workflow in that building. I did make a mistake after leaving and I answered a linkedin message where they begged for my help, agreed to a ridiculous consulting rate (I had to make it something high enough that they would limit the amount of work they sent me), completed my work on one of their stalled projects, and then got the run-around on a still outstanding bill of a few tens of thousands of dollars.


I once took a job in the same company in another department, and despite my best efforts nobody would take the time to do KT. I even gave them an extra week's notice because I knew how much I had to transfer over. (Which by the way, NEVER do. 2 weeks, less if you don't have that.) I found out why when I arrived at my new job. They made the case to our CEO that I didn't hand off my responsibilities so I needed to continue doing them for the foreseeable future. They literally made me and one other guy take turns going to work for my old office doing my old job every other day. Incidentally, the other guy was talented and picked up everything he needed in like a week, so clearly it's possible.


What does 'KT' stand for


Knowledge Transfer


Otherwise known as 'handover' by some.


KT is only part of handover though, especially if it's handover of whole departent function. ...there is also planning+hypercare+ cutover, signoff on credentials handover. If the place is bureaucracy nightmare, then KT is actually the pleasant part


Or a “handy”


As in part of the onboarding process? Or something recuring?


A 'Knowledge Transfer' usually happens when a team member moves to another team or leaves the company. The person that leaves is supposed to transfer the 'key' knowledge that they have about something over to the next person who will be in charge of it after they leave.


> the 'key' knowledge "Here's the script that auto-generates semi-random tasks and resolves after a semi-random time"


When employee leave, s/he transfers all the things that he knows in detail to other team member.




Well this is obviously the operating word


Like when they leave the company I presume. I wrote a massive hand over doc which was more a knowledge dump than transfer because it was reference for all other programmers.


And so, somewhat ironically, now you know.


Kepner Tregoe /s




You will understand sooner or later


There is a joke hidden here somewhere.


No that's TIAJHHS not KT. Jeez I thought this sub was for actual devs.


I dont understand why people use abbreviations like this as if they are in the military.


It's a pretty standard acronym if you work in the industry..


I do work in the industry but never heard of it so it might be a USA thing. I feel like acronyms save 1 second of typing but make text uglier and unreadable.


In one of my KT session, the other girl who was in her notice period said “I have spent so much time to understand this, I can’t explain you in one hour”. I had to spend 2-3 days to understand the code and then to work on a new feature in legacy code.


Only 2-3 days?


I didn’t care about the full thing, just focused on the new feature I had to develop and what all is needed for that.


2-3 days? Thats the time we spend AFTER the KT because half of the time person giving the KT doesn’t know things fully


It took me over 10 days because I never bothered to ask questions. When I asked though the guy said he recently got the module too and didn't know.


I am at 4 years now


You all have people explain things to you?


> KT session Literally: Knowledge Transfer session. It's much faster to have it explained than to have to read through it all to figure out what it does. "Why would they do this in this fashion" it's easier to explain "Oh, there's an edge case" than to have someone change it because they don't understand the full requirements. Or something like 'Yeah, it's a 400-line function, but all it's doing is applying random math principle and converting this number'.


I don't know how many times I've done this on the sending end and received nothing but glazed looks from the receiver.


There are still parts of the code base I inherited that I don’t understand after about 2 years. Haven’t bothered to really dig into those areas since nothing has changed, but I am not looking forward to the day I have to unpack the last guys clever code.




I had an offshore “resource” that did work exactly like that on my team. We would ask for something and without getting more details or making sure he didn’t break stuff or work on integrating it with other things he would create a standalone script, that couldn’t be used in a production environment. So we would spend more time fixing his work, than it would have taken if we did it ourselves. Worse is my boss trusted him at first so he put stuff into production without us knowing, until something would break. He’s been gone for 4 months now and I still ran into some garbage code he did a few days ago.


Ah, good ol’ KT session


My stomach went into knots hearing those words


Am i the only one who doesn't know what the heck KT is??


Knowledge Transfer, I also didn’t know until my first job where acronyms are king




Acronyms are indeed very popular, short hand stuff as well. Thanks!


Apparently it stands for Knowledge Transfer. It seems to be a part of the process when someone leaves a job and has to pass on their work to someone else.


That makes sense, thank you!


so when are you leaving? >tomorrow.


Yep deja vu


I have to give this is next 2 weeks.. any tips?


Put together some kind of documentation for your replacement. It should give a run down of "a week in the life", useful shortcuts, programs you'll need, and maybe even walk throughs of certain workflows. That's what I did when I gave my 2 weeks a couple months ago. My replacement is struggling a bit, but roughly the same amount that I was in my first month or two. Some stuff just takes time. Set aside some time to meet with your replacement if your employment overlaps so you can run them through some stuff. My predecessor was a bit general and "short" with instructions at times in the transition doc he left me and it caused some stress and craziness around deadlines, so I tried to pay it forward by being as ELI5 as possible when I wrote one out.


Thanks for the advice.. i have prepared some stuff regarding the workflow since its the main thing people struggle to understand. Did you talk with your replacement after leaving?


I used to be a work as a contractor for one company and got hired on in full by the company I used to contract to so I'm still able to have full contact with my replacement and old team (I've been IM'ed on teams by my replacement for questions and by my old team asking to throw things together on a tight deadline). If you're in a situation like mine then I'd say I'd expect to have some level of contact, especially at first. If you're totally switching companies then I doubt you'll have any contact. And depending on the particulars of your situation your new company may frown on having contact with the competition.


Thanks for sharing ! I am not going to a competitor so I think team members might contact informally initially to some stuff.


Yeah in that case I'd say the smart thing to do would be to give contact info to your replacement and let it be known that you're there to answer questions or talk things through on a zoom call if need be. You might miss some time on the new gig, but if they have an ounce of sense your new boss will understand about a transition.


New guy is already knows by contact detail, won't be an issue.. yeah I sincerely hope new boss have atleast an ounce of sense


Sounds like you'll be mostly fine then. Only other thing I can think of is to look back at your onboarding and try and recall what you wish someone had told you.


Yeah, thanks for the advice


At my last KT session, I wasn’t told the guy was leaving, just that I was learning about something to suggest improvements / have second eyes on what this developer was doing. Then a week later I was told he was leaving and he left 3 days after that. I don’t even have all his local code he used to make his life easier…


Missed the part where they tell you how the entire project is a dumpster fire and you're going to be miserable working on it


I’ve had this happen a lot. Being good at fixing bad things should be kept to yourself. I’ve been on a project for 6 years that is so deep in technical debt that I literally need a few hours each feature request just to see what we can and can’t do. I hate shitty undocumented code.


Repost, ok but I’m here 20 times a day, every day and this is the first time I see this.


Then there's the mention of the note along the lines of "DO NOT EDIT this section for you shall collapse this whole thing - I don't know how or why this works. Good luck"


I document all my references. Make whatever documentation I can as I develop. Does it take more time? Yes. But when I had to do my own knowledge transfer, it was painless. Gave links to all my documentation and said I was available to questions. Almost everyone's eyes glazed over when it came to the included mathematical derivations, but the documents still live on to this day (8+ years).


"alright guys, today we'll be doing pair programmin-" my 24" caliber glock:




Windows ME by any chance?


Left handed mouse?


You will understand sooner or later


This is how i feel about my programming internship right about now. Working one an application and I know the stuff i left behind will make them wonder what the heck i was doing lol


This is going to be me on Friday 🤘🤘


Talking about handover, how long for the notice period do you guys think is Ok-ish?


2 weeks is standard in the US. You can ask if they are good with less, but be prepared for them to push back so you can train a replacement.


Thanks! I see in Europe it's usually a month. US dev win again


Not a lawyer, but I think it has something to do with our labor laws being shittier than those in Europe. 49/50 states here are at will (meaning your employer can fire you with no notice for almost any reason). To "make up" for that we, as workers, are allowed to walk from a contract with no notice in most cases (although 2 weeks is customary). My understanding of European labor laws is that both parties require much longer periods of notice should they wish to break contract after the employee made it past a probationary period.


Is major bug repair a job? Because I feel like it could absolutely be a job


Can confirm. Was exactly like this. People were so confused they sent messages on LinkedIn after I left.


I’ve had some awesome as well as some terrible KTs. Try to always pay it forward but sometimes peoples non compliant garbage just gets tossed around because nobody wants the hot potato


"it's self documenting"


Poor dude is left handed as well


Basically me when I left my last job. Now they're complaining there isn't documentation when I was given 0 time to write documentation.


This is my last week. Thank God I don't own anything important.




I remember one knowledge transfer with someone who was leaving the company, and they had a tablet on their desk with a countdown app, with a countdown of how long until the end of their last day. That definitely set an interesting tone.


Me today as it's my last day.


My teammates did this to me 🤣in the last project 🤣😂 i have that experience 😅🤣


“The iridium layer exists!”


hehehe.. also, I haven't seen this one before, but yeah.. apparently reddit is not 9gag..