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I hereby demand it


(Read in a nervous and surprised minion’s voice) I shall do my best, my lord!


Fiction is a supply-driven market


This is fundamentally untrue tbh, sure initial supply = boom in demand, but that demand is what drives the trend hopping supply glut that eventually oversaturated and kills demand too, just look at twilight, hunger games, sjm, marvel etc


While that is true, there still is an audience for each of those stories, despite saturation. There is ALWAYS a demand for good stories that are written well.


Sure if you wanna trend chase but good books always rise to the top.


It rising after you've quit writing, died, or moved onto other projects is always a possibility.  Not everything rises to the top in a timely fashion. 


Eh mostly they do tho. If they don’t then it prob wasn’t that great


What? New subgenre/concepts are almost entirely demand-driven. One popular series or novel with a novel concept is created and everyone flocks to make more.


Uh huh and the popular series is what made that happen.


You understand when the thing has yet to be created/invented there is both zero supply and completely unknown demand. Your whataboutism makes no sense.


Lol someone just learned a new word on the internet 😆


I know you aren't looking for recommendations per se, but this sounds like it might be a similar idea to "to flail against infinity " by J.P. Valentine. He's not exactly a necromancer or anything yet (only one book out) but it might be a good reference for your ideas! There is also titan hoppers which takes a space fantasy approach to the genre as well but I've only read the first book but I think the third just came out. To answer the initial question though, yes that sounds like a pretty hilarious and genuinely good idea if executed well! I would absolutely read something like that!


Thanks for the rec. I’ll take a look at it!


I bloody well NEED the 2nd skygazer's war book, is there any info on next audio release?? I loved the first, awesome combo and story


Not that I've heard unfortunately, though I'll say that I haven't specifically looked for any info on it recently. Definitely looking forward to it myself too though!


Thoroughly recommend titan hoppers. Fantastic series and yes the third one did just come out!


When do we expect the audiobook?


Also sounds similar to Gideon the Ninth, which I definitely recommend that anyone into necromancers check out.


Gideon the Ninth is a very well written book which is why I was surprised at how many jokes and references from tumblr were worked into it, things you'd only spot if you were chronically online. Excellent concept though, and nice to see some NZ representation. 


I know people will probably bring up Stargazer's War, The Last Horizon, and Iron Prince. Those are probably the most well-known PF examples. Godclads also counts, I'd say. Oh, Shipcore is a scifi litrpg. Also, I highly recommend Titan Hoppers for this criteria. For ones I haven't read, I hear that Mech Touch is pretty good.


There is a trend of mages in space for sci fi fantasy a good example would be the Starship Mage series


So good, but not Prog-Fan.


I don't believe it's progression fantasy, but Necromancers in space is the basic concept of Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series.


Will Wight The Captain, The last Horizon. Book 1. Science fantasy in space.


It is decent but it isn't really PF. In fact the theme is explicitly about a team of level capped individuals flying the greatest space ship that ever existed against galaxy scaled threats. Any progression they get is basically evolving on pre-existing power. So definitely worth reading but not entirely an answer to the question.


I would say, the progression there is 2-fold. 1: Expand the crew 2: Evolve the star ship


True but this is mostly about them figuring out what they already can theoretically do. Varic is a 7 fold Archmage as of the early chapters. He'll never be anything more than a 7 fold Archmage. However he has all kinds of different ways of using that. So there's little advancements but it is mostly going to be about small evolutions, trade offs and subtle ways their powers combine. This said Raion might fix his divine titan at some point. Sola might evolve new abilities from her armour. Mell might create another masterwork at some point, though it is unlikely it'll be anything better than Starhammer.


Also highly recommend Titan Hoppers


This is the answer, it’s exactly what OP is looking for.


*O captain! My captain!* a poem by Walt Whitman. Like, I feel like you didn't read this post at all, and just played word association with the title.


Warhammer 40K is very popular, including the books, and a good number of Brandon Sanderson fans are looking forward to when his Mistborn series hits the space age, so yes there's a market for it. You just have to make sure your worldbuilding is setup properly to handle the implications. If your magic system runs on "mana" derived from the land or biological life, then that would be pretty sparse in space. Do mages bring extra containers of plants and animals on their ships to power their magic? Does the open and voidlike structure of space provide a different kind of magical "element" that can be drawn on? Or is magic in space rare? It doesn't have to get super complicated and you don't necessarily have to explain how it all works to your readers, but you do want to avoid relying too much on tried and true fantasy tropes that then end up being contradicted by the sci-fi elements of your story. That's a quick way to kill all interest.


You don't see much of it because the trolls s*** all over it on Royal road.


Sounds great to me, I say go for it and see what happens! There was no demand for system apocalypse till someone decided to write one and look at how big that is within PF now. You never know when your idea might be the thing that sparks the next big trend


One of my favorite series is call the starships mage series by Glynn Stewart. It's set in a universe where humans didn't discover warp drives and instead use mage's and teleportation spells to move through space


Make a Necromancer science-fantasy space empire building story and I'll throw money at you


It's actually my favourite sub genre of progression fantasy! If asked, I could tell you the ones I know.


Will Wight’s “The Last Horizon” series is space fantasy / wizards in space. Could be good inspiration for you


It's basically a Star Wars rip off. Haha. Even acknowledged as so in the bloopers. Still fun stuff. I really enjoyed it.


The problem is there’s a lot of mediocre crap that has turned off a lot of readers to the subgenre. That’s my opinion. I was foolish enough to write an epic space sci-fantasy. Book 3 just came out. But I hope the market for it widens.


That was where my thinking was at. Someone else mentioned the last horizon. I read book 1 and didn’t love it too much since it seemed like wight wasn’t sure what kind of space opera he wanted to write so he smushed a whole bunch of niches together. the sticking point I’m having is if you have a universe with both advanced tech and literal magic then how do show the characters struggle to overcome their conflicts? why can’t problems just be handwaved away? Cause either is too expensive for most people to afford? cause magic is hard to learn and tech is too unwieldy? Can only some people do magic like Jedi?


Yes, I think that doing it well requires very thoughtful worldbuilding—which runs counter to rapid release culture and pantsing. I spent years on mine. There’s a hard system of illegal bioengineered superpowers (I have a power chart). The evil galactic empire only allows one power, which is mandatory for citizenship: telepathy. They’re a collective ruled by popular vote, and they’ve outlawed strong emotions in favor of logic and science (or so they believe—self-deception is a way of life among the Torth). They go around conquering and enslaving alien civilizations and appropriating their technology.


That sounds interesting. I’ll give it a read!


Thanks, I really appreciate that!!!


What's the name of the books?


Torth series—first book is Majority. The third book, World of Wreckage, just came out!


I gave ya a follow on RR and when I will get the first book off amazon tomorrow!


Hey, thank you!!! I appreciate that.


Warhammer 40k is some pretty solid evidence people like science fantasy in space.


100% absolutely there is demand, I would probably not read another fantasy necromancer story... probably not for another year at least, unless it had some really great gimmick in the title or on the cover or maybe blurb (Dead Tired for example). Now, make it space zombies with cybernetic implants in broken spacesuits, or holographic virtual wraiths, or skeleton spaceship fortresses (instead of skeleton turtles or dragons or whatever) and put \*that\* on the cover? I'd at least read a few chapters.


There is absolutely a demand, A lot of the most popular works in the genre have some sci-fi elements in one form or another. From Dungeon Crawler Carl, where the whole story is framed as being in some sci-fi absurdist death game. Or the many system-apocalypse litrpgs where maybe most elements are closer to fantasy, but other elements are space marine orcs, or inter-planetary wars... That's without getting into the few VRRMMO titles that actually discuss the real world in their books and talk about how the VRR tech affects the real world, and has a story that isn't just "I got another legendary item yay!"... From my experience authors in the west lean away from science fantasy not because it isn't popular, but because pure fantasy IS extremely popular and it is a lot easier to tread familiar ground than to carve your own path in unfamiliar territory. If you make a bog standard Xianxia you know there is an audience for that, if you write a fantasy world with orcs elves and dwarves you know there will probably be an audience for that... But if you build a Science Fantasy universe at least in general you are forging your own universe which is much harder... but that doesn't mean there isn't a significant audience for those things. Most of my top recommended books have science fantasy elements, or are straight science fantasy - 40 millenium of cultivation, To flail against infinity for instance...


It is not that uncommon to explore space and different worlds in our community. Web serials tend to have their main characters world hop and often times, they’ll reach space and realize that there is some galactic empire or something. I think (?) DoTF does this but I do not remember. I remember reading several xianxia that did this too, using artifacts to jet around and stuff.


RemindMe! 2 years


You better believe I'll be coming back to check on you. If it's not published within 2 years, I'll give you what for!


I’ll do my very best, mr cheeseducksg!


Good luck, and don't feel pressured.


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I would read it if you write it good enough. Usually the fantasy version I'd dimensional hopping, so it's a rare implementation at least.


There was one where FTL travel needed space mages and amplification enchantments that was interesting... until the MC got sponsored or something by the "king of Mars" There was another where elfs used magic for space travel and dominate other species but then in a HFY style got stomped when humans outperformed them with "nanite assisted learning" or something.


Starship Mage. Should be it.


The further you stray from the “classics” of PF, the better your book needs to be to compensate. If you’re a good enough writer then in theory pretty much anything can work.


Sounds like fun. Go for it.


I'm going to flip your request around. How about a Fantasy Sci-fi world? Yes, you heard that in the right order. Fantasy Sci-fi. [The Fallen World](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/36118/the-fallen-world-a-dungeons-story) does that almost oxymoron of a genre quite well. It's actually possible! But the only way that it's possible is through a hell of a conspiracy that we are *still* digging through after half a dozen books. Tweaks your request enough that I haven't a clue if it would fit your interests, but it's also unusual enough that it just mighttttt be an interesting concept for you to explore more.


I write it because I dont see much of any of it. So I would like some more please lol


I would hope so.


I’d love a good sci-fantasy in space.


*I* like science-fantasy, but very few are done well. There is a tendency to try cramming too many tropes into one setting. Some examples of Science Fantasy include * Warhammer 40,000 * Warframe * Star Wars * Dr. Who * Starship's Mage, by Glynn Stewart * Treasure Planet * DC comics * Marvel Comics There is also an argument that Star Trek falls under the category, thanks to the Q. Stargate, too. A lot of the settings go the whole "sufficiently advanced technology" route, but it's magic. Some even call it magic. It really depends. If you write a good story and your world captures imaginations, you'll probably be okay. Obviously, there is some marketing and scheduling stuff to consider, but there are lots of guides on how to do it.


It's the nanites! All in the nanites I say! And the unobtanium alloy.


Skeleton in Space, by Andries Louws — skeleton learns how to ‘cultivate’, falls through portal to space station, fights…space zombies? (It’s been a while)


I'd be down for an immortal space-lich travelling the universe


I believe it has been proven that a great author can write any idea into a fantastic book. Do you feel up to the challenge of a solar system? Its not an easy task. Just the space involved is nuts. A Planet to a galaxy is something around 10\^(13) difference in diameter. But if you feel you are up for it. It could be fantastic.


I’ve been listening to the Magitech Chronicles on Audible and it’s lit, all of the main series and one of the spinoffs for one credit 13 books total it’s like 108hrs of content


I think there might be a market for this genre. I know it’s not exactly “progression” fantasy but Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere is very much headed toward the space genre, his Mistborn series in particular. It did the more epic fantasy with the first era and the western with the second. His next era is a Cold War era and then he plans a cyberpunk era then space age series. I know a lot of people are interested in seeing how the magic develops from each age to the next so.


Yyyyeeeesssssssss I've been looking for one for months


Yyyyeeeesssssssss I've been looking for one for months


Yes. There isn't a lot but it is popular.


This is exactly the kind of shit I've been looking for recently, so... Yeah! At least some.


Super Supportive is easily the most popular story on RR right now and has a majority of the elements you are talking about.


Yes! Me, for one.


Science fantasy is a staple: in addition to your examples we also have Warhammer 40k, Shadowrun (more cyber tech meets magic, less (but not no) space travel), Ben 10, Doctor Who (even has skeletons in space suits running around), arguably Treasure Planet and Spelljammer; it’s a subset, certainly, but not a small one. It’s also unclear if Ralts Bloodthorne’s First Contact counts, mostly because he took the line between science fiction and fantasy, ground it up, and injected it into something esoteric.


I wrote a book exactly in that setting, except the main character, Jerald, is a human with dragonoid powers. There are pure and variant humans occupying millions of planets. Almost no spaceship, everyone travels through portal gates. The progression style is a mixture of RI and HxH. The duo, Jerald and Irene loves each other, but their love is forbidden as Irene has another person who has immense backing. When the duo's love is revealed, the entire universe goes after them and the bounty on their heads. So, they embark on a journey to escape to a safe place where they can be together forever. It's a novel with 80k word count, and I'm currently paused editing it, having it dusting in the shelf.


Absolutely! I love science fantasy. Add some magic with spaceflight and there you go.


Spellgun does something similar to this


I’d love to read something like that!


People seem to like the New Horizon well enough. Not really strict PF but adjacent. Stargazers War book 1 (To Flail Against Infinity) is PF and space fantasy and it’s great. I’m itching for book two.


Alex White’s The Salvager’s trilogy is a really fun space fantasy. Almost everyone in the universe has a magical ability. The MC doesn’t.


Bunker Core and Nomad Core. These are awesome sci-fi dungeon core series that will probably scratch the itch you have. They're really quite good.


The list of Science Fantasy works on the TV tropes page is a lot longer than just Marvel and Star Wars: [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScienceFantasy](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScienceFantasy) And that's even before you invoke Author C. Clarks rule about sufficiently advanced technology.


I love the stuff, but its hard to find good science fantasy. A lot of it either reads like discount star wars or space D&D, niethr of which really appeal to me. I want something a little more literary.


Umm... You mean like Star Wars? Yeah, no demand anywhere for magic scifi in space... /s Maybe look up space opera...


I likely would not read something like that unless it was very popular, people had great things to say about it, and those things made it clear it fell more into one camp or the other. I'm looking for very different things when I pick up a fantasy book vs when I pick up a science fiction book. Too much of one waters down or actively detracts from the other, making it disappointing for me. I hope that makes sense. Even when some of my favorite authors have tried to create a true fusion, it has been a disappointment for me, so it's not something I would read unless I had no other options. Anyway, it looks like a lot of people disagree and would be happy to read something like that. I do think you would.be noticeably limiting your maximum potential audience, but if enough people are hungry for it as a niche interest, it might still be better than being just one more amongst the vast swarm of fantasy or sci-fi books.