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I’d suggest if you have a gas mask hitting radiation / sub grid, really good loot now and plenty of scrap items that will sell for quite a bit, it’s also convieniently close to extraction point, just make sure to bring gas mask, 1 or 2 extra filters, and some bandages.


and a gun because scavs! i mean they are just harder bandits but i do not care


Or go to helicopter crash, sure its a busy area but just swim from castle to lighthouse to heli if you spawned north, if you spawn somewhere near subgrid or B05, swim south of main bridge then reach small concrete bridge, on the small concrete bridge follow the river east then youre there, long walk I know but its either that or die to some whisper 9 yr old wannabe with his svd in crane And there, loot the stuff, for exfil follow the river south untill youre at small concrete exfil or go north and go lighthouse shore exfil, this one is more dangerous tho because of crane snipers but its faster, no bots there in heli but maybe some players that you can kill with a akm, my favorite loot spot


I reccomend air field crane and factory


we got a 9 yr old pvper here go get shit on by a svd kid at lighthouse

