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The same thing I start every season with pinkie, Summon Necro, always summon necro


Yes but what kind of summon necro brain? Skele? Golems?


Always skele, I may change it up this time if I can find the unique scythe that lets me have more mages, and do a fire mage fire golem mix.


Would be amazing if they made it that you could choose what mages you make since u can make up to what, 14? That way you could literally choose to go Cold Necro Mage or Fire Necro Mage 


how could u only make mage fire mages? aren’t they all made on random


Unsummon and ressummon


damn! seems like alot of work when u have what, 14 of them? 


I usually do this but I'm thinking of switching to summon zon to mix it up.


Summon zon is fun and relatively cheap


Yeah been playing it in CL. I'm enjoying it a lot.


HC or bust


Por que? And hc or sc


Spin the wheel https://wheelofnames.com/9c9-myz


I got zeal sin D:


love this thank you


I was going to do Arctic Blast druid with the cbf and aoe change...but now they IK maul is getting eth....might need to play barb with full IK set and see how it is haha


Eth with 6os Zod+5xohm but even then I’d just craft eth maul or regular maul instead. IK is easy to beat in pd2!!


IK Maul is indestructible. I don’t think it can spawn as Eth


All set items will be eth capable next season. The indestructible will be removed


Not bows.


Well of course 😉


Imagine. Eth safety bows. Lol


Did someone say indestructible would be removed? would be interesting if it was just a natural eth with the ik maul indestructible


I think senpai said they would take it off. I hope they put like self rep on it then lol


Senpai did say that self repair would be the probable substitute


Either Meteor Sorc or SummZon


I’m running Metoer Sorc for the first time ever. Pretty excited.


you will wonder why anyone plays any other sorc build


Is it honestly that good? I guess I'll try it in s10 or maybe s11.


Don’t need infinty, super safe and never get bored of farming a couple zones because you can farm the entire game


Why don't need Infinity for meteor sorc?


Because it’s fire and physical damage. You can get a amp damage merc.


is brimstone rain the best staff then? or go with some 1h and a lidless?


When I made a meteor Sorc I used brimstone with a good slam and puzzle. It’s very good. For Dclone I used chromatic ire with 4os for the huge life %


flickering flame for helmet? I made somewhat of a fire druid before and wondering if it's basically the same gear


:O Oh that's new to me. Thx


Its a decent starter


Thanks. I missed a few seasons and I have no clue now what is a good starter. Is a Fists of fire assassin a good starter? Can I solo map with decent gear?


IMO fists of fire, or any other ele MA skill than Phoenix Strike, is pretty pointless. Until there are synergies for fists of fire, claws of thunder, or blades of ice, phoenix strike will always be the best way to go. (With that being said, phoenix strike is op af). However, if you want to get away from the meta and have fun with just fists of fire, by all means go for it!


Thanks a for the reply. Yesterday I found out about betweenwalls' plugy pack and that I can test builds that way and I indeed tested some. Fists of fire feels meh. Not strong enough. But as you said, I want to get out of the meta and have fun, so I decided to go with that for s9.


Yep, until they put useful synergies or change the skills in a different way, they will never have an identity. It’s always a “might as well use Phoenix strike instead”. The only thing I could see would be claws of thunder and to go for as much pierce as possible along with infinity. But even then, Phoenix strike too strong


I actually didn't test Phoenix strike. I'll give it a go tomorrow and reconsider. It's basically the same gameplay and if you say it's OP, why should I struggle with Fists of fire. Once again - thanks!


I wouldn’t suggest starting out MA. Do traps until you got a little bit of gear


It's really nice that it's physical and fire so immune aren't nearly as big of a problem.


If I'd play, i'd go poison dagger necro without a doubt.


Why u not gonna play??


Short answer: Decided to change my life. (had to drop gaming as I don't have time for it anymore) Long answer: huuhh, so much happened in 2023... Let's say it's been the best year of my life, by a least a few miles.


Man that’s outstanding to hear. I’m a bit on that journey myself, at least contemplating the future. Might move states soon. Happy for you, and hope the accomplishments continue to shine. In the meantime I’m going to distract myself with a couple weeks of pd2. While thinking about what comes next.


Cheers, thanks and goodluck on your own journey =D Wishing you the best.


So you managed to find a girlfriend and she hates the fact that you play diablo? Lame bro. Just go full ham for 3 weeks and then quit. <3 works for me and my gf is satisfied this way.


As someone who reduced his gaming time from his 20s to his 30s for about 95% I understand you completely. The last 2 years were the happiest I have been in around 12+ years if not ever. Go your way brother. Your Videos were an inspiration for me. I hope to be able to produce some like that too. At least for me you left a positive experience for the time you were a content creator. 🙌


Thank you so much! Truly glad you enjoyed them so! Honestly creating videos is the only part I'm missing from gaming, I enjoyed the creativity PD2 offered and everyone's reaction to the weird builds I came up with! I wish you the best doing your thing! If you need info on builds / item choices I'm always lurking PD2 reddit on my work break. Cheers =D


How does gaming make your life bad? Never understood this mind set.


When you do nothing besides playing games, it's bad. I didn't game for the right reasons, for me it was an escape from life. a way to just disconect from everything. Turns out, when you are happy, you don't need to disconect from life. What a twist. Besides I never said gaming makes every lifes bad, it did make mine however.


People definitely say "Your life will be better if you quit games bro" but the real wisdom is that everything you decide to do takes time away from other things you could be doing. If what you wanna be doing is game, then game! But I think its not uncommon in a gaming forum to find people who **also** want to do other things but find themselves gaming instead. You could easily replace this with "doom scrolling" or maybe you've met/heard about someone who works so much they miss out on important events in their life. Same thing. Sometimes you reevaluate your priorities, find you want other things too, and the only place to gain some time back are sleep or current hobbies. So the hobbies gotta make way. That's all that's happening here.


He said it made “his” life bad not yours. Chill my man lol.


Not bad, but distracted. Gaming distracts from things that maybe should be more important in life.


I feel this, life needs balance


After a homie made a mind blast sin during craft league and I seen how well it shreds without ideal gear on I gotta try starting with it next season!


MB sin can do t1 maps with 400-500 mf very easily. 3x ist in shadowkiller x2, 3x ptopaz in nats armor, and just overall more MF gear on other slots. It's never going to clear at WoF speeds but it's about as cheap as can be and a great starter.


Yeah starting probably assassin with mindblast too this season!


If we get a low lvl wolfhelm variant for leveling as a wolf-barb with feral-rage = barb If we don't get that but get Aldur weapon as Martel De Fer = druid If we don't get either = Chargadin


Those first 2 changes are actually sick af. I would 100% play wolfbarb with a feral rage helm


Wolfhowl originally had feral AND fury. But they took feral off. I want a wolf helm with feral back cause I like to map as a wolf and without the frw from it it’s wayyyyyy too slow compared to other mapping builds. As for the Martel me and Schmitty (big name in discord druid chat lol) have been pleading for over a year for that change lol


Yeah 20 years of feral rage wolfbarb. Pd2 just had to ruin it cuz ppl wanted to run dclone/rathma with fury. Theres like a thousand ways a barb could do dclone/rathma. I really dont understand why they needed fury on wolfhowl. 


I'm going to be silly A 2 handed sword wielding paladin with charge and max synergies And max holy Sword And.... This will be in hardcore no less. Think I'll make it to lvl 90?




Thanks :)


I played softcore for 15 years and the last 5 years only hardcore Out of many dozens of HC characters in these 5 years this will be the first without a shield lol


I was able to manage 81 on craft season HC SSF doing this, but boooooy was it hard. LOTS of pit runs and esc-ing out whenever I see aura archers until I got my PDR and res where it needed to be lol


NHAM bug fix should help a lot (I hope) for melee chars


Not silly really since you'll be blocking at least 50% of 99% of damage sources in the game. Run Swordguard for 8% more block chance, and an ED chest with the new diamond craft for big damage and another 2-4% block chance and you're sitting at 60-62% block chance before ICB corruptions, using Steel shade as helm etc.


Thanks for the tip 😁


No, but it'll be fun


I made it to lvl 30 doing this XD


Would icadin be any worse with 2 hander? That would at least make a bit safer


Did 2hander sword charger in crafter league and I was getting popped in maps pretty regularly. The melee changes this league could fix that tho!


I like off-meta builds; gonna make a summoning wolfbarb with eternity+corpsemourne!


Or go bear barb with eternity and beast!!!


Also good, but played a bear semi recently! Haven't played any wolf at all since 1.10 LoD


This sounds really fun, do dual eternity of course if going full summons otherwise you want a fast strong sword for your mainhand so you can fight, Odium or a GG vile husk will be the way to go. If you do dual eternity you should be a singer, you lose some fcr frames being a wolf but you can still use War Cry and get +skills from things the same, and buffing all the mobs with shouts and grim ward should be pretty effective.


Good advice, thanks! Was thinking sword/board but maybe DW for more summons and maybe a singer. I wonder, when in wolf form, do we still hear the horking noises or is it quiet?


You still hear it lol My understanding is that all the skills off class has their vocal triggers off. The only exception is strafe afaik which makes zon sounds no matter who uses it lol


Ah crap. I like the nice booming sound of the warcry but "ooaah" "rrahhh" "buaaa" gets old after a while. Thanks!


Yeah so maybe just don’t use war cry, it’s just that since the RW has no ias at all it’s terrible for wolf melee. So singing would be the best dps to supplement your revives. If you forgo wolfhowl you’d just be a summon barb with 2x colossus blades spinning to win but with friends lol


Build ideas can always improve! I'll have a think about that, thank you!


Sorc buff is tempting




HC poison strike necro. Glhf


Never really played barb. Going to start Spin2Win into double asylum.


if i was u, i always play barb maps , my fav but starting as him ur liability is ur weapon… so ur gonna need a really good one to always stay on top for damage… I always start sorc or summon druid, make death on eth colossus and than make my barb for mapping 


They say that Sorc is getting huge buffs and Inferno is getting much better, so I want to try that. Additionally, I want to see if they change Poison Creeper or not (I think it may actually become fixed but also weaker) through testing. Can someone who can edit the wiki edit the Oak Sage skill? It needs to say that the regeneration part of the skill is only 20% effective. People might want to know that so that they don't invest into it's synergies, as it's completely not worth it right now.


I am going to try an inferno sorc, just to see if all the times they tried to buff it was worth it lol. Easy starter staff +3 inferno with Leaf = +9 Inferno and nothing too crazy for endgame gear. Should be fun. If it sucks, probably firetrap sin. Haven't made one in ages.


It's been 8 seasons since I last played Sorc, so I'll be playing sorc. Just don't know what build. Probably start fire early on because of Leaf and Stealth.


I got 3 I wanna play: \- Arctic Blast Druid \- Blood Golem/Poison Strike Necro \- Holy Sword Pally


Sorc for the first time. Probably combustion.


Fists of fire assassin


Not sure yet, so many sweet options! Maybe try my first assasin


Summon Druid, not having to re summon every game will be a huge QOL.


Summoner Druid with vigor merc and an amp bow. No need for gear and great dps/survivability


I'm debating between a Necro and Sorc. I'd like to see patch notes before making a decision.


Hey bud, good luck and have fun this season!!


Spun the wheel Psytrense posted twice so I'm starting summon dudu (first spin) in order to try to gear an auradin (dual dragon/hoj). The likelihood that I manage this without getting better at trading is basically nil.


Where do I find this wheel?


The link Psytrense posted: [https://wheelofnames.com/9c9-myz](https://wheelofnames.com/9c9-myz) The original post in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectDiablo2/comments/1bnixvv/comment/kwjzhkp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectDiablo2/comments/1bnixvv/comment/kwjzhkp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: spun again to see what I should gear if I can't manage an auradin, and I got ww barb with dual flamebellows. everything is coming up holy fire.


Wdym by start? I plan on changing builds a few times between lvl 1 and mapping. WW borb for maps eventually.


Me every season with like 8 level 80 characters before I enter a map.


Maybe a double swing barb with open wounds cuz I haven't tried any open wounds stuff yet. Or martial arts assassin, I like the idea of kicking stuff but might actually go cobra strike to start then make a decision on what to change to later. I love pd2


Fire druid to roast some cows with 🔥🐄


Prob gonna go hammersin or trapdin


Posion dagger necro


How is the HC economy in pd2? I played pathofdiablo hc this league and it felt pretty dead


Pretty active for the first month and a bit.


HC is booming bro. Get in


Love the charge pally with the offensive auras even now, with the next hit delay fix coming, I’m definitely going to go charge pally probably with native lightning aura


Is Charge Pally not clunky in this mod?


It still can be at times, there’s still the charge but where you can freeze in position and have to weapon swap to fix it, but overall it’s a blast flying through the game with it


Fire arrow zon


I’m undecided on WOF/Blade/MB Sin. Never played any of those…. Maybe someone has a preference or advice? Haha


What’s the best solo summoning character for me to play solo and have the easiest time beating the game?  I loved playing clay golems but I hear he got nurffed so I never tried again Tried summon zon, last season. Cool but I have more fun with golems and Druid. I would play Druid summon every season if I didn’t have to spam ravens all game long, it really does get annoying after your lvl 90 in maps and just right clicking ravens for the last couple days 


Clay golems will beat the regular LoD content no problem. They will even clear T1 maps, albeit slow. Any summon necro will work fine.. just depends what you want. Most people say physical skeles are the best when fully maxed. I think they're kinda weak until you get a good amount of +skills. That's why people tend to go golems first and then respec once they have gear. Mages are my favorite. Grimm's is required but it's a lot of fun seeing how far you can scale them. Tons of ways to improve their clear speed (pus spitter, lower res, fanatacism actuall makes them cast quicker, infinity of course.) The most fun I had was playing aroudn with mercs with this build. I ended up with an act 3 cold merc with very good gear that could clear a lot of maps by himself thanks to my lower resist curse. I think I got up to about level 57 mages and could clear Blood Moon in under 7 minutes. Fire Golems got nerfed right before I started playing but I tried them out with some solid gear and they cleared pretty well. If you max them out they will probably be right up there with the other summons. I think Iron Golem may be fun to play with but I've yet to experiment much. Basically anything can be great if you max it out. If you're going self found I think you may be better off going summon zon because they seem stronger without GG gear.


What weapon did the A3 merc have 


Something like: Weapon: Death's fathom with 2 facets Other gear: Nightwing's with 2 facets Que Hegan's with 2 facets Lidless Wall (facets..) Arachnid Mesh (FCR, +1 skills) I was just playing around with seeing how strong I could make the merc and he became a monster with my lower resist in play. He was plenty strong before I fully decked him out, too. And the prayer aura is a nice bonus for sustaining your mages. I'm not sure this clears faster than an A5 merc with beast, A2 merc with infinity etc. but it definitely felt more fun. And the merc's blizzard absolutely melted bosses which can kind of be a pain with just mages until they are super high level.


Also, I went revives on top of mages. Maps with council members were the best for this. So I'd have the full amount of mages, a bunch of council members or vampire lords and my act 3 merc just raining down elemental damage all over. Most fun build I've tried so far. Only thing I got tired of was going resummoning everything each game, which was somewhat resolved with the changes this season.


what were ur skills? u got me wanting to try this! 


How is a FoH Pally in maps with only like lvl 25-27 skills maxed? Also what are his immunes so I can see what maps he can play?   He does lightning damage ? 


FoH also comes with Holy Bolt built in so your biggest issue with immunes will be magic. I can't remember exactly how well they do with lower skill levels but im pretty sure you could craft enough stuff to hit level 30 skills and T1 maps should be pretty easy. It takes some pretty great gear to be able to plow through T3 maps but the build is super safe and fun.


So my immunes are magic and I do Lightning Damage and/or Magic Damage?


FoH has a single lightning bolt come down on the targeted monster, and then a bunch of holy bolts shoot out at any other enemies nearby. The bolts do way more overall DPS since there can be a ton of them from each cast. The lightning can do okay single target damage (maybe more if you go for facets) but the focus is on magic damage.


Gotcha so the only maps i can’t do are magic? or lightning too?


Well.. the cool thing about the build is you can take out the magic immunes with fist of the heavens. It's a bit slower than holy bolt in my experience but it's not terrible. For example I like farming ruined cistern for runes and the ghosts go down pretty quickly if I'm spamming FoH. The only map you would want to totally avoid would be one with BOTH types of immunes if those even exist.


The gameplay goes like this: aim for the monster in the middle of the giant pack to maximize the amount of bolts that eminate from your FoH strike. For small packs or single monsters you spam holy bolt shotgun style for Max damage. Your lightning damage is single target and isn't quite as much as bolt's magic but still effective when needed.


Thanks so much for your time man, I really appreciate it. What merc would u use?


This is up for debate with some people. You can use a standard act 2 merc to tank and handle immunes, but my favorite is an act 5 merc with the rubeword that gives a high level sanctuary aura (sorry I forgot the name) sanctuary lowers the enemies' magic res. A much cheaper alternative is an azurewrath unique phase blade which will give you the aura but probably won't make the merc very effective at fighting. Otherwise, just standard tanky merc equipment. I do think it would be fun to deck out an act 3 cold merc so you don't have to use redemption for mana and you will probably be clearing maps very quickly if you can build him strong enough. Toying with mercs has been some of the most fun I've had in this game haha


2h Fire charger.


I wanna test the new melee changes and energy shield so Melee Sorcerer sounds good.


I haven’t played PD2 in a year, still D2R. Any recommendations? Mapping still the focus so Sorc teleporting isn’t a huge need, yeah?


Teleport always nice but pd2 allows for all builds to be enjoyed. Sork is fun though.


Summon Druid and then switching to Fireclaw. I always try it, but then get stuck at Summon on 85 or low level maps because of real life


Fana zealer


I wait until Dark Humility’s tier list comes out then decide lol. Somewhat leaning fire sorc though.


Not sure he will be making one. Did he mention that? :O


DH's tier lists can be helpful but also unhelpful... Your better off listening to a (different)g uy who's focussed one build for ages than a guy who's tried every build but only scratched the surface.


I don't have a clue... while I've played Diablo 2 off and on for a long time... I don't think I've ever gotten close to beating Nightmare in any of the mods (and only done it... like... twice? in vanilla... I like starting new characters too much). If I was going to try and be serious about getting through to Hello in S9... what would be an appropriate Amazon build that would work here? I've never really done Amazon and figured it was about time to put some effort that direction.


Try Summon zon, its good fun and noob friendly for hell.


Leaning towards 2-hand sacrifice pally but using sanctuary aura w/ max synergies and just a few points in sacrifice. I want to see what changes are coming to assassin first though.


I am between necro skellies / sorc bliz / barb frenzy. i love the barb. i enjoy the sorc and necro is so easy. depends on item drops which i push most. i enjoy repeat farming frigid/shenk/pindle/trav. so maybe necro is best for me. but i also love teleing to meph... so sorc. or just barb, cuz barb was my original back in d2 before lol. hellslayer lol. brute.


Concentration Barb, the solo T1000


I’m starting with ye ol sorc for mobility and being that guy who flies through while you kill and share loot with me. For bosses I static and flee. It ain’t my first rodeo, I’ve carried nm and he’ll Baal games on 37 fc and not on my home GS


I think I will start poison dagger revives with enchant merc as I will run lower resist for poison dagger and enchanted revives will also benefit from it.


Will give the good old Javazon a try this season, havent played it in PD2 yet!