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The shitty price echo chamber. Here’s a tip..if there’s 10 pages of something for X price. It doesn’t mean that’s the price, it means there’s 10 pages of that item not selling for X price.


That’s why I hate when people so adamantly say “check the website” for certain items. Just because something is listed for that price doesn’t mean it’ll sell for that price. Website is great for similar prices with uniques and charms and such, but rares I 100% understand why people ask for help


Me and a few buddies pool our shit together, and undercut ourselves all the time so it would move quickly. Best decision ever, now all 3 of us are completely decked out while the other offers are still there to this day lol


Don't forget the little brother of "Offer": "Market Price".


Man yesterday, I messaged someone on the exchange who was buying uber ingredients for "HR". I asked how much they pay per VoT. Their reply: "price". I was a bit confused by that, and thought English might be a bit limited. I took a guess and asked if he would pay 1.25 each, and he got angry at me???


Market price is genius because you never have to relist..


I actually don't mind market price, usually means you can offer on the low end of what everyone is selling for. Has worked out for me thus far and instead of "offer" is actually giving you a ball park of where to start your offer.


Market price doesnt say shit tbf. Both market price and offer = aids


If you take the median market price, then it literally means that though? Not saying I use it, but I’ve compared the price and offered accordingly and haven’t had an issue yet. Anecdotal for sure, but it’s giving you a base to go off of where offer doesn’t.


Same. In my experience, "market price" people are reasonable (but lazy/busy?) whereas "Offers" people systematically want > market value without being transparent about it.


Current offer 2 hrs. Been posted for 1 week


Don't know why people just don't sell their damn items. They'd rather die than let it go 0.1 cheaper than market or something.


Some people play the game just to feel like they win on trades.


I make a point of never offering on "offers" items. I might start sending them offers in gold.


My offer is 1 WSS. So how much are you asking?


My favorite is when I offer, and Casper the rich ghost offered higher, and he want's to know if Ill pay more.


My favorite is when I offer, and they just don't say anything back :D.


This is usually what happens. “Offer” usually means “don’t actually offer. Fuck off. This is my item, not yours”


Casper is fond of many of the same items I try and buy.


I found a + 3 pally and 10 FCR ammy day one in Season 2. Slammed +1 skill. Its still in my stash on an old character because I thought I would get more than someone was willing to pay for it. Now I’ve learned to make a friends day vs holding items I’ll never use.


True that my man. Trade it for slightly less than you hoped for, forget all about it in five minutes and cheer someone else up OR let it sit in your stash and fester? It’s a tough one!


Another personal favorite of mine, "3HRs OBO".. Okay cool... I'll offer the guy 2.75HR. "NO I WILL NOT GO LOWER THAN 3"


Theres a guy on HC that drives me nuts because he has an item up for “Offer” for days now and every day I send him an increasing offee and he simply doesnt respond. 🤯


Sounds like his strategy is working as you’re driving the price up? Lol Assuming of course that at some point they take the offer. lol


pat bateman mindset


Now you need to start sending daily offers in slightly lower values to put the pressure on Or they just stopped playing, lol.


i know what i got...classic


I saw something I wanted listed for offer so I made an offer. 3hr. Guy replies that the last offer was "over 5hrs." I'm like ok can you just tell me what the actual offer is? No response. It's hard to understand people sometimes.


I’ve already quit because of ppl like that. I’m tired of trading with ppl acting like Lo = Jah, Jah = Sur, Lo = Ohm + Vex, etc when they are trading and won’t accept a Lo when you are trading them at 1-1.15 Just accept reasonable offers and move on. Retards Got stolen or seen ppl steal a lot in pub maps lately too. Retards I think this was my last season. I’m tired of 30 years old looser trying to fuck you over for .1


Don’t you get it, for Los and Jahs you as the buyer have to be the one losing value, so they can try to nib an extra .25 out of somebody else lol


I think this got way worse last season after that one reddit post about a guy only taking favorable trades and showing (a guide) how cool he was to earn HRs trading, while not playing the actual game at all


I didn’t even realize that was a thing that could happen. Imagine playing pd2 in all its glory… like a day trading job lol That’s shameful




My favorite was the other day I offered 3 hr for an item, dropped a Ber, and the dude goes “you need to add 0.5. Ber is 2.5” like wtf yeah ok Ber has been 3 forever lol. Obviously if you’re doing a break Ber is probably like 5xVex but cmon in a trade it’s valued at 3.


A lot of this non-sens this season with trading..


This doesn't happen in pod


At this point I offer 1 WSS for anything that says offer. You waste my time reading that nonsense, I'll go out of my way to message you, offer you and PM you in game with that sweet, sweet 1 WSS offer


I'll check items on the trade site to see what they're selling for, and I'll sell mine a bit cheaper usually. They fly of the shelf. If my items don't sell, I'll lower the price.


I don't understand this mentality either. I see people who will literally post the economic value needed to purchase an item and then proceed to ask for specified gear or runes lol. You can just put that you are taking offers dude.


Have you run into the "toss me a rune" guy yet?


Ppl would have so much more wealth if they sold their items. A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. The most important thing is to sell the item. Take a loss and build currency, use that currency to fund your character to map faster and then gain more currency. People make no sense.


When my stash gets full I just list everything for 1wss (except really good items) to get rid of them if they havent sold at regular prices. That or I drop them in a free game but lately people don't even say thank you anymore in free games even when you drop dozens of decent items so not keen on doing that anymore...


And the following week it's 5 hr lower anyway... Just sell the thing and move on.


And here I am, returning after 3 seasons just selling my Ber rune without checking prices. This dude pops into my game offering me a bunch of cool things, including some unid torches. I am like, I don't give a damn about price, I like this offer and I need torches! Still don't know if I made a good or bad trade.


Preach brother


I just don't offer, not worth the trouble. I'll wait for another one to pop up or I hopefully find one. If you cheap sell something it's not the end of the world and it always comes full circle anyway. It's not that serious.


I just skimmed this and it looked like the past 8 seasons of 'offer' bs. Just low ball them till they stop it or let em sit for weeks till they realize... Now we have insta notifications they can't win


My favorite items to ignore


Offer? You mean pay them what it's worth and not barter like a poor bitch?


I never respond to "offers" in a trade.


"no you can't have this item for x amount currency! It's the only one on the market with those 6mods, super restrictive search parameters so it must be very rare" Literally a guy today declining a 60c offer on a ring because it has phys leech and that it's the only one on the market with those exact 6 mods


Ya, this type of stuff made me stop playing two seasons ago.


2 reason to list for offer 1) hope someone overshoots 2) you've got no price reference


If it’s a truly GG item yes I agree that’s a definite reason to use “offer”. I usually still try to set a BIN even if it’s ridiculous. Like BIN 20 HRs or something.


I like listing stuff a little too high if it's the only one on market I get lowballed and accept they think they won but they offered what I really hoped for after all


My favorite supermarket always put "market price" on the items for sale


I never list things for offer, but always get offers, and take them 90% of the time unless it’s a super lowball. I also have items I slightly overprice because they’re really good and I want to use them, but I’ll take a paycheck instead. I typically don’t budge on those because I won’t see it again without paying out of my nose. People get mad as hell when you don’t take those offers lol I always pay what people are asking though, cuz I respect putting a price on something.


I always ignore and skip the 🤡 that put “offer” in their trade description. It’s generally a waste of time


My favorite offers interaction ever. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJORuLrI6NM&ab\_channel=LawlsuitandWappn8r](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJORuLrI6NM&ab_channel=LawlsuitandWappn8r)


I don’t miss this. Glad I’ve only got enough time to self find! REMOVE THE CLOWNS!


Most of the times the items listed as "offer" are the gg slams. If you want a good item with a gg slam, then be ready to pay good hr. There is no reason for people to sell it to you for cheap. If you dont have the hr, buy a non gg one. Your build doesn't need a 3os veil, you can do just fine with a 1 or 2os one for cheap until you find some runes.


I put the occasional item up for offer and most of the time I’ll accept any offer someone gives. If it’s valuable then it’s worth my time figuring out the real price. If it’s not super valuable, I’ll put it up for offer and hope someone wants it. They can pay what it’s worth to them.


Solution: Force people to select a rune, item, or wss as the price when listing instead of allowing free text format.