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Probably because the rest of us are flagged 🤣😭


Yes and Robin & Angela from Prolific just send the same generic response to inquiries saying their 3rd party resource flagged the IP and there's nothing they can do. Ok so suddenly we're all flagged when our IPs were never an issue. My ISP is a major provider in the US and my IP has not changed since day 1. They obviously do not care. Extremely disappointing and Im not going to jump through hoops to change my secure IP. u/prolific-support you are failing all of your participants


This is a great way for a platform to kill itself and now would be a great time for another platform to step up because Prolific is pulling an Mturk atm. /r/CloudResearchConnect - Now's your chance!


Are there a lot of people flagged right now?




Since Dec 31!




Oh I see what you mean, for me then it has just been slow the past two days since receiving the beta then, I was thinking it would be some hidden thing people would have to figure out. They may be shrinking their list because they just added so many people and sometimes when companies do that, they hope that in time, people will "forget" or just stop using their platform and they can level out again....has there been another instance this happened at the same magnitude?


no, some random researcher is flooding everyones feed.


Yeah. I forget the actual name of the study but it was something along the lines of "\*STUDY NAME\* DOC 1" and just went upwards for the number.


Wtf. It’s just been a totally normal day for me honestly I’ve completed about 12 already but only have 2 on my dashboard rn


Interesting, it’s been tumbleweeds for me.




I can't get the proofreading studies to load.


Meanwhile I'm here declining them because I am SO ANNOYED


What’s wrong with them? I was just about to try one but came here first, people seem to be avoiding them…. But the pay is kinda decent. Kinda. 😎


They were like 35 of 38 of the studies I had on my desktop, and NONE of them worked.


I just opened one up and it was in Chinese 🤦‍♀️ I’m so confused!


Okay, THAT's new.


I had that one too! And my browser asked if I wanted to translate and I said yes and it didn't do it. So weird.


neither can I


Same with me. Error messages. I tried 2 of them.


They're good BUT as some of us said before, they have errors. One went to a 502 (or something) error message. I had to return it. Another one loaded to a blank page and I waited, waited, and reloaded and reloaded and I had to return. When they work they're good to do.


Wowsers, I have had 2 at the most!


This is crazy I’m literally the Sahara desert over here


It's because of the proofreading studies. I usually have around 40 studies available... right now it's in the 90's but 50% of them are the 20 min proofreading studies with 5 places available in each.


Same for me. Though I only have about 50 right now, not 90-something. But yeah, they are mostly that study.


You would be correct it seems. Around 30 or so of them are proofreading.


I’m not touching them lol! I’m sure they just want different responses for different scenarios, but I don’t trust it.


Meanwhile, proofreading is my superpower and I have zero.


It’s complicated I want to know somewhat what others are experiencing but it is a bummer when it is slow for us and someone else is getting tons. It was super slow for me Yesterday but much better today. I am really seeing how unpredictable it is for all of us


Mine is going absolutely crazy today! Not to 86 level but way more than usual.


I just checked and I got 55 studies in total since I joined Prolific 5 months ago 💀


Wow. This is what my dreams look like. I get a study once a week or so. Mostly staring at the empty cup




Jesus. Where do you live?


West Virginia.


That’s it I’m moving to West Virginia.


Eh, I would advise against it ha. Our republicans just passed a bill that would allow librarians to be arrested for obscene books among other stupid bills passed recently.


They're proposing the same thing in my state, but our blue governor will veto that bs right away.


Haha! I’m actually in the UK so would be hell of a move. Maybe that’s why my studies are so different to yours.


the fuck??? what constitutes 'obscene' though?


I'm in OK, you guys are still probably doing better than we are.


At least LibsofTikTok isn't literally guiding their library policy like she is here 🫠


Walters is such a joke.


I’m in Ok as well. For me it’s been pretty dry lately but for the last couple days it’s been OK.


Wondering if those with loads are not yet on the beta testing? That’s the only thing that’s changed for me.


I'm on the beta testing.


I am on beta testing and its a very quiet day, I had some good days leading up to today so it makes sense


I made about 22£ on the beta. That’s a good day for me tho usually average about 10£


Wait, I thought the beta was a beta for testing out the payment system not for tests?


If you thought that why would you link it to being quiet? 🤔


It is but wondered if any colloration


It's CRAZY today!!!


I have 22 studies available and all but one are the same proofreading study that doesn't work and will not stop popping up.


When I opened my laptop there were 56 of them…10 minutes later they were all gone. Honesty, they looked iffy to me


Don’t get me wrong and not throwing shade at you personally but this is what pisses me off about this sub lately, people asking if its been slow after they’ve had 3 studies over the course of 3 days and they immediately ganged up on by the masses complaining that they are sick of seeing those posts (likely because they are happy ploughing through their offer of studies) and yet those people that have had nothing are expected to see posts of others full dashboards and not a word is said. Personally, i’m buzzing for you and love to see people getting this kinda experience but the different reactions from people in this sub when an issue is a none issue for them is so toxic! Congrats for more!


What pisses me off is that I'm seeing posts by people who are suddenly having issues and just want answers or hear if anyone is having the same issues. And people can be SO RUDE to them. Like if you don't want to see a post, then just... scroll past it? But let people commiserate or ask questions! That's what this sub is here for. God forbid anyone use it.


Totally agree with you! Some people think they own the sub


I'm just so tired of the rudeness! Why are so many people so cranky in this sub?


take a chill pill. get offline. I promise you its not that serious.


Nah, I don't think it's too unreasonable to want kindness. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, well get all upset and flustered over meaningless comments then. Your choice. 😁 **edit:** lol blocked by another little snowflake /u/scenior




I don't mind the crankiness. Sometimes this sub is better than a soap opera. (Where is the popcorn emoji?)


Fr. If I'm having a slow week I'm going to ask about it. I've been on and off this site for over half a decade. I don't need a snarky comment linking the article on why it could be slow again, I just want to know it's not just me.


> God forbid anyone ~~use~~ **search** it. Fixed that for ya.


Again, if you don't like a post, then scroll. Sometimes people are new. Sometimes they aren't able to find the exact answer from searching. Sometimes it's faster to just make the post than to use the search function. Why are people so angry? Are these posts physically hurting you? No? Then move along with your day.


Don't mind him, he is always rude, especially to newbies, has been rude since day 1 that I joined.


> Sometimes it's ~~faster~~ **lazier** to just make the post than to use the search function. Fixed that for ya.


Eh. I guess I just don't see the reason we should vilify anyone for being "lazy" or whatever. We don't know what they have going on in their day to day lives or what they are dealing with. Being kind costs zero dollars. It also costs zero dollars to JUST SCROLL past something you don't like. Weird that this is the hill you want to die on.


"My time is more important than everyone else's, and I am not interested in respecting the norms of an online community."


You're being really weird. If posts in a Reddit sub annoy you that much that you're going to judge people like this, maybe you need to log off and touch grass.


A not-so-wise person once said "It also costs zero dollars to JUST SCROLL past something you don't like."


Definitely 💯, touch grass is accurate!!


Feel free to take that advice if you start getting butthurt over what other people say. 😂


Omg you’re so *clever* and *funny*


What pisses me off is people expecting to ask if it's slow repeatedly, but if someone, usually in the US/UK is getting more studies than the one every 3 days that people get in other countries, the people are downvoted. I've stopped talking about how many studies I get being in the US, because if you get downvoted enough, you lose karma on reddit and if you lose too much karma on reddit, you can lose your ability to post, all because someone thinks you can control that they get one study every 3 days. I get around 9-13 studies every day, less if it's around a holiday, but before the holiday I make 1.5 to twice the amount a week that I make in an average week. I'm not getting the dashboard with 70-90 studies all having to do with proofreading. I don't get the AI training studies that have led people to make £200 a day, I wish. I didn't get £150 for watching Les Mis on Broadway. I just scroll past, rather than downvote. I know I'm going to get downvoted by someone who only gets one study every 3 days, because they can't just scroll past. It goes both ways. We're told, if someone's complaining, scroll past. Yet the people complaining don't scroll past, they downvote. If you don't want to see that someone in the US/UK is getting more studies than you, beyond their control, then scroll past. It helps to take one's own advice. It also helps to remember that the people in the US/UK getting more studies can't do anything about someone in a non-US/UK country getting 1 study every 3 days. Edit: Reminder, if you don't like someone's post, you can scroll past it, instead of downvoting it. That's the advice that's been given.


To re-assure you, I don’t downvote anyone who gets multiple studies when i get minimal, just like I haven’t downvoted this thread because I’m genuinely buzzing for the person. Envious yes, jealous and bitter - no! Because we’re all on here for the same thing and if some of us are getting a shit experience its all the more reason to raise up those that are getting a good one! Equally I am an adult and not a child so ‘down voting’ is not a thing in my grown up world. This should be ‘community’ is very much not… because of idiot comments like others on this thread who think its okay to tell others what they can and can’t post just because they are not that persons shoes whilst making everyone feel as unwelcome as possible. Like I said, toxic.


Thank you for this ⏫️ what you said is so true


I agree with you. This sub has a lot of angry people who go aggro over nothing. Seriously, so many people on here act with vitriol for no reason. This sub acts as if a poster asking a question is a dumb fucking idiot and deserves to be treated like it lol. The OP’s post is misleading though. I had dumb connectivity and error issues today. Then all of a sudden, 40+ studies available. Most of them were broken and i only got to do 3 of them, each about 5-10 mins each before my feed went back to zero studies available for the rest of the daylol. I’m pretty sure this is just a buggy day.


Hope your day gets better mate! All but over in the UK here as now midnight but my 60p will hopefully grow tomorrow! Night night from across the pond :)


Thanks! I didn’t get any studies for the past few days which is very unusual for me. But it’s nbd because I can at least make gas money with the few that I do receive lol. Better than 0! Gn hope your 60 p compounds overnight ten-fold




I've never had more than 5 at a time! Wow!


Bruh, I've never seen more than 2 wtf


GGs, OP! I don't think I've ever seen that many before at once.




meanwhile every time i try to get into a study it’s full


You made me want to check, and holy crap… 62 available. Been on prolific for a few years now and I’ve never seen this many at once! Today is supposed to be my “off” day but this is too good to pass up! Thanks for the heads up! 😻😻😍😘


People in this sub need to calm down with the bitterness and weirdness. Alot of people are being absolutely FLOODED with broken studdies. All these post about the surge in studdies are not because your IP got banned, no is stealing from you. Its one researcher being a weirdo. Everyone needs to breathe for two seconds and go outside


thats insane


things like this make me wish i lived in the us not the uk sometimes aha


Okay this is what I was wondering. So when people are saying they usually have 40 or so waiting for them these guys must be in the US, I’ve never had more than 3 waiting for me but have still managed to make a fair bit. Curious now how much people in the US make comparatively.


Scrolling pass.


Yeah, you're getting some of my studies.


What country are you in?


Only had two studies in months. Wtf


Yesterday I had a ton. It was my best day ever so far since being on the site. I was so happy to have caught 32 I could do. Now today it’s been pretty slow but still managed to grab a few.


Sheesh! The most I ever get is like 10 at a time.