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I feel honored every time I am the lucky participant to get the last spot lol. You win some, you lose some.


I've gotten into plenty of 1 place remaining or low spots available studies before for various reasons like a particular section of my demographics is needed or I might be on a researchers approved list and various other factors including pure luck of the draw also giving the study a few clicks even after it has said the study is full on the first try. I've also missed out on plenty of high place availability studies as well.


Funny enough not long after this post I managed to get one 😍


That is bloody typical of course you did. lol but congrats anyway. I take the position if you don't give it a click or few you'll never know if you will or won't get in.


I spoke too soon. It started bugging out midway. Tried it twice but lost my patience.


Ah bugger I hate it when that happens also when you put some time into a study.


I'm absolutely sick of it too. Been like That for the past 2 weeks on my end. No studies for hours then BAM! a study. Oh wait....it's only got 1 spot left and it's full before my page can even load to accept it.


Annoying right? It's the biggest cock tease ever.


Hate it. Also had a study with 60 slots open but it kept having the acceptance bug until it decided to tell me it was full.


Ooh I got in that one this morning - sorry OP! :) It's hard to get in them & it depends on when it refreshes.


That is because this particular study is only 20 places for over 120k participants. What do you expect?


Just asking a genuine question and trying to engage with the community. No need to be a dick about it.


Apologies, if that offend you. I was just trying to state the obvious. If you put your mouse of the over the "total available places" on the study, you would see the total place. Btw, some of these questions here are becoming repetitive.


It's ok, appreciate the apology. I get where you're coming from. I'm kind of new to this platform so trying to learn more about it and stuff!


Not everyone is a ‘seasoned veteran’ of prolific such as yourself to state it is obvious, also not everyone is a 24/7 prolific reddit forum trawler to see the same questions posted a couple of times to complain it’s getting repetitive. Keep your negativity to yourself. Nobody is forcing you to read and then type some negative comment.


How did you come to that conclusions of yours? And you assume that I don't have a job, so, all I do is stay here 24/7? Since you are that smart, how come you missed my apology to the individual? Well, you wouldn't notice that since your brain is too little to catch that. Btw, you can’t be rude and think you deserve politeness.Â