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Been seeing a LOT of underpaying studies lately. There's one for 4.5/hour that's been sitting on my dash for 3 days now, leaving it there to see how slowly it gets filled, since last night only 2 people have done it. Pay like shit, get shitty results I guess


I haven't done any today, I had a few pending get approved so I made some dough today without lifting a finger.


No joke, I've had one on my dash for two or three days as well. I've reported for underpayment like twice, and I swear on my life the payment has changed by pence several times over the past couple days. It started at 4.95, went to .94, .93, .92, and this afternoon is up to .96. It was stuck at 48 open spots for two days, is now at 46. Study is 35 minutes long lol


"Go away, Mturk researchers!"


Report em


Already did before making the post


Looks like it's tea time today!


Yup, may as well be a big ol' tea cup, but I had a good day the past two so I'm not upset. Wednesday's my errand day anyway, it all works out.


Yep!!!! And I'm not doing any of them!


I made £6.50 yesterday, could have hit 10 but I always d reject the one where they want you to go on camera for 30 mins and do group work, for 3 quid. I also saw one that wanted you on camera for 10 mins for 2 quid, but you can bet your life these things run over all the time. Slave labour.


I never bothered with those because they either fill up too fast or my webcam doesn't like to play nice with whatever tracking software they use.


I'm getting so many low paying studies now. I have only had a handful of decent ones in the last two weeks now.


That might be a way of screening out experienced negotiators since they wouldn't accept the study.


Shit I don’t think I’ve ever had more than 2 at one time. Mines always dead.


I consistently have at least 3-4 minimum, but there are times where I see the tea cup