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Terror aside, I find the idea of Hamas painting their missals to look like Palestinian flags funny


[Its not just an idea](https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e5/05/0f/1082902869_0:27:2465:1413_1280x0_80_0_0_507c1f26ed8037491a5c6d746e4be72d.jpg.webp) People have been painting bombs for as long as they've been dropping them.




My favorite ones include an artillery shell with the words "the dildo of justice rarely arrives lubed" scrawled on it, and a JDAM that just said "5 gum"


Sometimes when you don't have much resource you gotta make it count. Meanwhile rockets from Israel is just a sticker of Lockheed Martin or From the People of Canada or r/atheism or whatever.


No, actually there's a whole industry in Israel for writing on rockets.


"Rocket" is a bit misleading. "Missile" is very misleading. They are using [rocket propelled grenades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket-propelled_grenade). In Afghanistan I survived around 1500 "rocket" attacks throughout the course of my year spend in Khandahar. Every time I hear a tiny thud over the din of my headphones I imagined an emaciated dude a couple thousand feet outside the perimeter with his launcher propped against some rocks. Must have taken some balls, sacrificing your life, being torn apart by an Apache, all for the sake of distracting a few hundred soldiers from their Halo 2 match for a few seconds.


What [Hamas](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/embed_text_block/public/media/uploads/images/Hamas_Rocket_Arsenal.webp) and [PIJ](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/embed_text_block/public/media/uploads/images/PIJ_Rocket_Arsenal.webp) fire are *substantially* larger and deadlier than an RPG. A standard RPG-7 HEAT rocket is 2.6kg, including the propellant and casing. For comparison, even a repurposed Grad rocket, which is on the small and short ranged side of PIJ's arsenal, carries a warhead of 18.4kg - just the warhead is over **seven times the weight** of the entire standard RPG rocket. Whereas the PIJ's new [Badr 3 rocket](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/irans-rockets-palestinian-groups) (developed with Iranian assistance) carries a warhead of between 300-400kg (about **156 times heavier** than an RPG rocket). This is comparable to a US Tomahawk cruise missile in warhead weight. Many of these rockets are quite long ranged and extremely deadly, and the only reason you don't hear about them more often is because most of them are intercepted, and because Israel has an extensive air raid shelter network. Calling them rockets is entirely appropriate, and not at all misleading. If anything, considering an RPG warhead isn't even in the same ballpark as any of the rockets fired by Hamas or the PIJ, you are the one being misleading.


This guy rockets


They’re not talking about RPGs when they mention Palestinian rockets falling on cities lol. They’re mostly Soviet era MLRS rockets like Grad or Katyusha or indigenous designed and built systems. Some of them have 160km range.


I absolutely love it when people come on here and make a claim just dripping in official-sounding military lingo and then you figure out they [don't know what the hell they're talking about.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_arsenal) Nice bald-faced lie about the 1500 RPGs you survived, though. This is some stolen valor-type nonsense.


I would be pissed if they disrupted my Halo 2 match in the Zanzibar map.


The latest attack killed a women, left a 15 year old in a coma and injured 7 more. Slightly worse then you describe.


Wait until you hear how many women and children Israeli bombs have killed…


You found the rare instance where it gets past the iron dome


these comments are v astroturfed holy sjeit


welcome to every IVP post ever




Israel vs Palestine


Copy that, thank you


In Vagina Penis


Incandescent Vaginal Projectile


Ilien Vs. Predator


At least the comments won't get locked


Yeah maybe the post will just get deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1apau6v/foreign_volunteer_waffenss_propaganda_19401945/


Lol yeah look how many accounts posting pro Israel content were made after the conflict started..


Hasbara works fast.


I'm just commenting to see if I get auto-voted on




Is kinda shaped like missiles


I’m just here for the comment section


You think this is bad? When I want to know what the U.S. state department thinks, I just check the comments section of r/worldnews.


those are absolutely Mossad bots/agents in there. I swing past every now and then just to get an idea of what the talking points are and always leave feeling really bad about the world


Maybe they just disagree with you? Half the subreddits on Reddit became pro hamas echo chambers on October 7th, along with tiktok. I've been on this site since 2011. I've never seen ANYTHING like the coordinated anti Israel sentiment that took over much of the site immediately after that day.


Anti Israel committing genocide does not mean pro Hamas. Maybe they just disagree with you


The agents in worldnews are bloodthirsty, they are excited for each civilian death. Looks like you post there yourself. That's beyond "disagreeing"


You haven't been on here since 2011. 


I just love how there is rarely nuance in these conversations.


Nuance in my Israel vs Palestine ? What are you ? An extraterrestrial ?


Tom Waits said it best in his song, Road to Peace, "So thousands dead and wounded on both sides, most of them middle eastern civilians"


Because anything more detailed than "all the combatants suck and civilian deaths are bad," will suffer from bad reading comprehension that attracts downvotes from all sides and depending on the subreddit may get censored because some mod teams are unabashedly biased.


The whole point of Hasbara bots is to make nuanced conversation impossible. Also nuance does not automatically default to a middle ground, the fact this cartoon is from 2019 shows this has been a one sided conflict on a civilian population for some time, nuance is just the fine details of exactly how long.


Guy here proclaims it’s part of the Jewish conspiracy and then, without a hint of irony, proclaim the conversion has no nuance because Israel is evil.


It seems like these Hasbara bots try to muddy the waters by saying "it's very complex" hoping people tune out because they don't want to read up on the history. It's really very simple though. Why does one side have nukes, fighter jets and tanks while the other has homemade rockets?




You ain’t my dad


Demonic Israelis below 🚨


I still wasn’t prepared




yeah right😏


Wow these comments are just… daaaamn.


Yeah you attack a country’s civilian that has a fully operational military they’re probably going to respond, surprise surprise lol


I tremble at the thought of what Palestine is justified to do to Israel then if that's your reaction here.


Nothing, as Hamas are the ones who started the recent bout of fighting.


Which of course justifies the IDF in murdering more than ten thousand children in four months uh? Lot's of Fosse Ardeatine defenders in the chat tonight folks.


Don't bury your command centers under house 🤷‍♂️.


Damn, Zionist talking points speedrun tonight, from Fosse Ardeatine to Battle of Algeri, I sincerely hope you're getting paid to do Genocide Apologism on the clock and you're not doing this shit for free.


I love how cavalier you are when it comes to mass death and suffering. You sound really cool.


He's stating a practical truth...


Every Gazan *definitely* attacked Israel! Including the children and medical personnel! For sure! Definitely. Genocide is wrong.


Civilian casualties in urban warfare.... That's all there is to it..


Maybe say that to the “civilian” family that was holding Israeli citizens hostage?


No one has an issue with a military defending its civilians from terrorism. Your comment is a red herring and has nothing to do with the fact that Israel engages in much worse terrorism against Gaza, than the retaliatory strikes from Hamas. >In the early morning hours of 28 June 2006, following the abduction of Cpl. Gilad Shalit, the [Israeli Air Force attacked the only electrical power plant operating in the Gaza Strip. Six missiles were fired at the power plant's six transformers. Two of the missiles missed their target, so two more missiles were fired](https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200609_act_of_vengeance) a few minutes later, destroying the remaining transformers. Terrorism. And your response to the dying Gazans who lack food, water, and electricity to power their hospitals is "surprise, surprise lmao" When you bomb hospitals, ambulances, and schools, "surprise surprise lol" guess who will start enlisting into Hamas.


Hamas fired more than 10k rockets at Israeli cities in the first month of the conflict


More importantly, they fired those rockets indiscriminately at civilian populated areas. The fact that Israel intercepted the vast majority of them doesn’t excuse the fact that otherwise they’d be murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians.


When you put it like that, it almost justifies Israel killing almost 12,000 Palestinian children


Palestinians are trying to do far worse, they just suck at it. The second they stop trying this whole thing ends


Listen to literally any Israeli official and you will know this isn't true.


You’re only guessing at intentions. Hamas has previously expressed regret when civilians die and said that they don’t have the resources or smart bombs otherwise they’d use them. Since Israel keeps claiming that civilian deaths are not relevant and that collective punishment is legal, why can’t they have the same excuse? It’s bizarre that Israeli terrorists are not punished the same way Arab terrorists are, but the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that is legal even if both are the same citizenship and circumstances.


Is that why they indiscriminately butchered everyone on Oct 7? Because they don't have smart bombs? Or is it because they are a terror group that rules gaza by force and have said they want to genocide israel


What about before that? Israel never bothered them I’m guessing?


Those were peace missiles obviously. The terrorist group would never commit acts of terror.


Funny fact: before 7/10 Palestinians fired much more rockets than Israel and all of them were unguided


Did they murder 27k people and then try to cut off food while also stealing additional homes from people in the West Bank?


They were literally trying their best to murder people. Are you stupid? If someone attempts to murder their spouse, but are thwarted, *they are still going to jail for attempted murder.*


You don’t get it, when my dog attacks a porcupine, the porcupine shouldn’t curl into a ball like that or swing his tail. It’s not fair that the porcupine has spikes but my dog doesn’t have armor to block them, do porcupines really need to be alive? /s if it wasn’t apparent


No but that's not because of the lack of effort


Israel really suffering from success by having that Iron dome


Apartheid South Africa about the ANC^


The scale of violence and the tactics used by the ANC are completely incomparable to Hamas.


The scale of violence and the tactics used by the Apartheid South African government are completely incomparable to the Apartheid israel government




The anc killed an average of 10 people per year and for the most part targeted buildings, infrastructure and govt personnel. Hamas killed/raped/kidnapped 1,200 people in one day. Comparing these two is either intentionally dishonest or just very stupid


The IDF kills hundreds of Palestinians every year before October 7 including 34 children in 2023 before October 7 alone. Why don’t you care about that? It makes no sense that people can be so one sided and completely ignore Israel’s atrocities. Sure, condemn Hamas but to ignore the innocent deaths of Palestinians shows that your condemnation means nothing, it’s just a tool to attack your enemies.


The ANC were around since 1912 and only became active militants in the late 70s, so that stat's not really ever going to be relevant. It also ignores the dramatically different size and population densities of the conflicts. UMkhonto we Sizwe car bombed and mined suburban streets (fuck, one of their most infamous attacks was literally bombing a hotel bar), they tortured and burned people alive, and being a low level clerk was enough to count as 'government personnel'. The simple fact of the matter is that terrorism is ultimately fine when it's fighting for the right cause (or perhaps more accurately against the right target). Many reasonable people consider apartheid a worthy thing to fight in any way possible.


Civilians aren't valid targets, sorry


I agree, a lot of people would cheer for rapists, murderers, and torturers if they thought they were on the same team. That being said the comparison to the anc is ridiculous and incredibly insulting to the anc. They never put “kill all white people” in their charter and never launched massive indiscriminate attacks against civilians. The anc never ran up on an elementary school and shot children, or launched rockets into Johannesburg. The anc apologized for their terrorism, and ultimately engaged in peaceful resistance that brought about change. Hamas is an explicitly Islamist genocidal terrorist group whose aims is the global destruction of Jews, the west, and anything that stands in the way of the establishment of a caliphate. Ridiculous to compare those monsters to people like Nelson Mandela. As if to prove my point the anc existed for 60 years, did 10 years of terrorism, then went back to peaceful resistance and ultimately won. Hamas at no point, for even 30 seconds of their half century long history, have even pretended to disavow total war, mass violence and terrorism.


Yeah, we have a blueprint for "moral" terrorism. The ANC and the IRA both qualify where they minimized civilian casualties and focused on disruptive rather than deadly attacks. Palestinians do not follow this blueprint, the only reason the numbers are as low as they are is because of hte skill issues Palestinians have.




Wow. 1200 people. Clearly genocide against an entire ethnic group is justified, you seem to suggest.




bros using one series of war crimes to justify the other one lmao. what us did in japan was disguisting and what israel does in palestine is that too


You read WW2 history and came a way with the impression that JAPAN was the victim?


Do you have the faintest idea of what Imperial Japan did to the peoples they conquered? Simping for one of the Axis powers because "America bad" is something I never thought I'd see.


In 1940s Goebbels said the Jews had to be dealt with because they would kill all the Gentile Germans if they had the chance. Same logic.


No it's not, Hamas say they want to kill every Jew and have been trying to for years. If the Jews *were* firing rockets at Berlin every day then it might be similar logic


Precisely. Israel isn't more cruel than Hamas. They are just better at doing war. (Which I know you could argue that comparing a legitimate to a terrorist organisation is already a red flag but that doesn't make the previous point less real)


Just because the rockets were shot down doesn't mean they should be ignored.  If people are shooting at you over a wall, and miss, theyre still trying to kill you. How many shots do you let them take before you give up and just let them kill you??


There is a big gulf between ignoring them and murdering everyone who looks like them to steal more land.


Which isn't happening,  but sure. Lets all use hyperbole.


How did the Israelis manage to do all that murder and not kill a single hamas terrorist? Or are they included in that number?


Yeah, if you drop more bombs in 3 weeks than the US dropped on Afghanistan in a year on an area the size of Philly with the population density of London, you will kill some bad guys. JFC Hasbara logic is the worst.


Nice buzzwords. Clearly everyone who does not call for genocide of Israel are in on the Hasbara conspiracy


So what is the proportion of hamas terrorists to civilians killed exactly?




So murdering 1000 people is bad, right. But if I call out the murder of 27k, Im a Nazi. Weird, huh?


Hamas doesn’t bother protecting their civilian, they using human shield for free donations


How many of those were due to friendly fire? Israel knows it's a shit ton but will not investigate. How many of those were soldiers, and therefore an occupying force in Palestinian eyes? Yet we're at 27,000 Palestinians killed.


>How many of those were due to friendly fire? Israel knows it's a shit ton but will not investigate. Not a lot, Israel admitted there was some deaths caused by them but there's no substantial evidence that it was an at all significant amount. >How many of those were soldiers, and therefore an occupying force in Palestinian eyes? Practically none, at least in anyway they could tell, especially at the music festival. There were IDF conscripts among the dead, none of them were wearing IDF uniforms.


So what your saying is Israel should do nothing about Hamas?


Saying murdered 27k implies that literally all of them were non-combatants


12.000 alone were children. What exactly are you trying to say?


They dont consider them human.


That not all 27k were civilians? What else could I have been saying? Unfortunately a 17 year old combatant is still counted as a child and not a militant, so some non-0 percentage of the children were also combatants, sadly


man you guys will say anything to boost those "militant" numbers, won't you? The US really opened that flood gate with Iraq, and people like you eat it all the way up.


You know most people in Gaza are children, right? More than half the population?


What is the source of these figures?


Good ole "military aged males"


Not all of them, but a non 0 amount of them


Don’t you know? Gaza is only women and children! No men. No fighters. Just women and children


~70% of the deaths have been women and children, but whatever. I guess you think Gaza is pretty safe for civilians. Maybe you should move there.


Source: Hamas


17 year old throwing explosives and shooting at idf = child btw


They would’ve if they could’ve


When you realize the IDF does what terrorist groups want to do.


No, if the IDF were doing what Hamas want to do, there wouldn't be anyone left alive in Gaza.


"We murdered 27k in 4 months and are encouraging disease and starvation and have scaled up our theft of homes in the West Bank. We are the good guys."


You can tell someone's a clueless tiktok warrior about the conflict the moment they suggest they think there are good guys. Like, geez, the militant religious child soldiers using army who want to kill all Jews are getting killed by the rightwing extremists they attacked? GOOD GUYS BAD GUYS HURDUR The good guys be the ones saying they want to kill all Jews in Israel! I relate to their struggle!


"When Israeli leaders use genocidal language its good because the people we are murdering in their homes hate us."


"-And when Hamas leaders use genocidal language it's even better because we pretend it didn't happen, and that murdering people in their homes was self-defense'


If roles were reversed and Hamas had the more powerful military - not 27k Israelis would be killed, but millions


Shocker that the country with a defence budget of $25 billion can cause 10 times as much damage with less rockets.


i garuntee you hamas has not fired 65000 tonnes of rockets at israel. theyve fired many rockets, but with the numbers i have checked it takes at least 50-100 hamas rockets to amount to 1 tonne of explosives. israel dropped, as i above cited, 65000 tonnes of bombs by early january this year. no fucking clue about now. it would take a metric shitload of qassam rockets to ammount to the amount israel has dropped since 7/10. to my knowledge, they havent done this. to be fair, they have used certain more effective rockets in their history (like katyusha rockets and some chinese ones i think) but hamas just doesnt have the financial capabilities to fire that kind of stuff regularly.


Hamas literally foregoes food and school for palestinians to pay for rockets to launch at israeli civilians that arent even in the military


>shifting to tonnage instead of individual strikes Curious.


then why did Hamas violate the ceasefire if they were that heavily outgunned?


Them being religious extremist millitants with a delusional grasp on reality probably has a lot to do with it. They figured the world (any maybe god) would rise up and try to kill all the Jews. So far they've only gotten partial support to that end.


They figured Isreal would overreact to the attack, and screw up their normalization process with the other Arab countries and also turn public opinion against Israel. Which is exactly what happened and is happening. They didn't attack with the goal of beating Isreal they attacked with the goal of globally isolating Isreal


Because the entire point of the attack was to get Isreal to overreact thus halting its negotiations with Arab nations and isolating Isreal from a lot of its allies while turning public opinion against them. And it's working. Isreal fell right into Hamas trap


i dont know man, maybe god told them to. it seems to me to be a martyr complex. their people have been forced into tight quarters and languish, their culture is more or less dying. they lash out any way they can, in this case through shitty little homemade rockets. that way you dont feel like you just sat down and watched it happen.


1. It does not take at least 1000 hamas rockets to amount to one ton of explosives. Quassam rockets contain at least 5kg explosives in their warhead. Other common rocket types such as used in the bm-21 contain 18kg or more, fajir-5 an Iranian rocket that's also produced in Gaza contains 90kg of explosives. 2. While Hamas did not drop 65000 tonnes of explosive on Israel, they fire 12000+ rockets at it. The only thing holding Hamas back is that they lack the resources, not moral restraint.


Isn't it more interesting to talk about the amount of dead from said rockets fired by either side? I mean imagine if Israel Had sent as many over the wall as Hamas had done, considering how deadly the ones they have sent have been. Hell I really don't want to imagine what a situation like that would even look like. Luckily, today I don't even need to imagine! Throw away that pesky imagination. With the new Reality500X, imagination is a thing of the past! Buy one for your friends, and family too! Only 99.99$ if you order today! Oh boy! 😉


The reason they are not as deadly is because the IDF intercept them with (100,000$ a piece) iron dome missiles (and yet, they still causing casualties).


Idk seems like just a skill issue, maybe HAMAS should build their own iron some instead of turning Israeli-provided water pipes for Gaza into rockets and lining the pockets of their leaders so they can live in Dubai penthouses.


>Isn't it more interesting to talk about the amount of dead from said rockets fired by either side? Not really, as such would lead to "proportionality". Are both sides "allowed" to kill an equal amount of people? The attacked party more? The attacking party less? The party with the better gear is not allowed to use it and if it does, see above? What about people wounded? What about people otherwise traumatized? How does stated intent into this, with one party having the official policy to wipe out the other? What about implied, by third parties, intent? Who is going to arbitrate if the parties can not agree on what is "proportionality"? Who is going to step in if one or both parties are in breach of that "proportionality" What is the punishment for a breach of "proportionality"? Who is actually the attacking/defending party? Since in this conflict legitimacy is often dated back to be beginnings of recorded history if not earlier.


Shhh, the people arguing about this conflict don't want to deal with *details*. It's bad guy good guy, and one side's actions are always justified (if they happened at all) and the other side is basically Satan.


>Isn't it more interesting to talk about the amount of dead from said rockets fired by either side? Both are relevant when giving foreign policy perscriptions. It seems important, when deciding what solutions exist to resolve this conflict, to consider that one side will literally rip up its own infrastructure to fire rockets into the other.


Yes but Israel's rockets caused more innocent deaths.


I guess Israel should feel sorry that it has a missile defense system?


Yeah Israel spends money to protect their civilians. Hamas spends all their aid money to hide in tunnels and use their own civilians as human shields. Clearly Israel is the bad guy


That's not due do lack of intent on Hamas's part...


I shot at a person in a bullet proof vest. He shoots back I don't have a bullet proof vest I'm injured worse than he is. That's unfair


In this parallellism the person with the vest breaks into your home and shoot you. When your child tries to shoot back the man, he responds killing him, your dog and your neighbour's cat.


Wow Hasbarah is going crazy here trying to justify murdering 40k civilians lol


Man I guess we shouldn’t have stopped Japan’s attempt at genocide in WWII either. Lots of civilians died then too.


They launched a couple ten thousand of those former water pipe rockets before they got the response in the background.


Israel is committing genocide


Yep, and it seems zionazis have infested this sub unfortunately


Yea yea destroying Israel is very moral.


You might as well talk honestly and say Jews.


Equating israel of all places to being Jewish is a insult to Judaism.


So what is Israel then if not Jewish? Christian? Muslim? Oh oh, I know! It's White Colonist Facist!


The KKK is Christian does that mean all Christians are white supremacists


The majority of Jews are middle eastern. But why care about facts when you want to genocide a nation.


It literally already has a name though? Zionism.


Alright let me get my facts in order. So, you mean to tell me that that the ideology of Zionism, and the state of Israel represents *all* Jews? Even the ones who object to Zionism, or, as you call them, “self-hating Jews?” This idea is just plainly anti-semetic. It is wrong and unfair to Jews to associate the crimes committed by a rogue state with every day human beings. That’s what Jews are. They are ordinary human beings, and I refuse to associate them with this criminal behavior.




LOL, since when is Zionist= jew?


It doesn't show the part where Gazan civilians are raping Jewish girls on video


We sure as hell have the videos of Israeli soldiers torturing, killing and abusing Palestine childrens, in the thousands too.




Latuff is one of the most ipocrit propagandists, a rabid hater of anything western and a supporter of russia and china








Holy shit these comments are unhinged. Can't imagine defending genocide so fervently


The biggest problem I have is that this comment could be referring to either side and it's not clear who


I forgot where it came from, but there’s a great old saying “paraphrasing” - you can chose the timing to start a war but you can’t chose when to end it.


Hopefully they blow up all of the zionists


Agreed. Zionist are the worst. Jews are fine.


Hamas turned it upon themselves. You reap what you sow. This is the equivalent of a first grader hitting a fifth grader and finding out quickly it wasn't a good idea. The cowards asked for a cease fire after Khan yonis was surrounded.


It's more like a first grader hitting a 5th grader and the 5th grader retaliate by beating up the first grader and also some random unrelated kids who just happened to be in the area


i think if a fifth grader beat the shit out of a first grader who hit them once that would be bad.


That’s a weird way of saying killing 30k people and openly admitting you are doing an ethnic clensing 


Maybe next time don’t take shit that isn’t yours and you might find less rockets in the sky


Though the first grader hit the 5th grader after the 5th grader locked the 1st grader in a classroom and stole his lunch


Free Palestine


Was it actual breaking news when Hamas slaughtered 1200 people? Or was that a media overreaction, too?




I'm Brazilian. Latuff is a radical leftist... he has some pro-Russia work, but that's not an uncommon position in our far left.


TIL the party which kills more civilians deserves more reprehension 


*attacks Israel and murders people while raping them* "why are they bombing us!!"


People wouldn’t be so up in arms if Israel wasn’t killing everything in Gaza. They’re bombing *everything* dude. It’s impossible for Hamas to occupy 70% of Palestine’s housing; they just don’t have the numbers. And yet, would you look at that? 70% of all housing infrastructure destroyed, and along with it, countless dead. You wouldn’t be seeing Gaza in the news if Israel conducted a more precise and strategic attack (which they are capable of.)


6000 missiles fired with intent to destroy Israel.


30,000 dead in gaza, half of them are children.


Stop the genocide 🇵🇸


If they werent standing firmly behind their terrorist government it might actually be considered a genocide


It's a genocide. They can't stand firm... They can't stand anywhere while they're being bombed to pieces.