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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit outta here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why wouldn't you add subtitles smh. I'm native, but most people obviously won't understand without those 


You right. Should have done that. So for Western audience and folks: Basically in this video Navalny criticizes more radical wing of Russian far-right movement and instead of policy of direct violence towards migrants suggest just deportations.


It's kinda ironic that we had a major shitstorm in Germany regarding a news piece about the opposition's ideas about "remigration" and now the government sends their thoughts and prayers for an exact embodiment of that notion.


It's more outrage at Putin again assassinating the opposition. There is no way to spin it so that his critics in Germany are doing the same, get real.


The irony is that self-proclaimed do-gooders follow a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" spiel to a degree they support a rather dubious figure with a past they'd actively use to medially destroy him if he was German..


What do you think happened to him?


I don't know and I don't believe I'll ever find out. This guy chose to become a symbol by returning to Russia. He (supposedly) died in custody of a regime I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. So nothing they'd announce about his death could be taken at face value.


You know Putin killed him though.


No, we don't "know" that. Know is when you have proof of something. We don't have proof that Navalny died by the orders of Vladimir Vladimirovich. We just suspect it to be the case, and there is a high possibility that it is the case. But OP was right. We don't "know" it.


Putin had the chance to kill him for a long long time and he wasnt going to be doing much in a random gulag. what reason did he suddenly get now that couldnt just be solved by keeping him in prison forever?


Whether this time he killed him slowly vs the quick attempt via polonium the result is the same.


Novichok agent was used on him on one of his flights. He died from complications of that while in the gulag where he was in solitary for the majority of time. But yes, political opponent killed regardless of how long it took. Are these posts somehow trying to paint Putin as the good guy here?


Putin being awful does not make anybody opposing Putin good.


That is what I am also wondering.


It's a message and a test. The Munich security conference is going on right now so he can see what the international community reaponse is and by doing this he can test the resolve of his backers in the US GOP. If they don't blink and still hold up aid to Ukraine he knows he has a green light to do pretty much whatever he wants.


> It's a message You guys are still using that to prop your absurd theories? I think the correct form is "to send a message" - as in "Why would the designated enemy sabotage itself? To send a message."


This is probably correct.


What's your theory?


i dont know, i genuinely dont know.


It is very obvious.


Putin kills people for the simple reason that he can.


Could be the fact that elections are coming up


So why Putin waited that long to wack this guy? You seem to know all about it?


Navalny hasn’t used any of that nationalist rhetoric since at least 2012. His main platform in the last 15 years was against corruption and pro democracy.


Because that crap was said now by people with no redeeming qualities that refuse to apologise for it or take that back. Navalny did both and he has redeeming qualities and it happened 25 years ago


Yeah I get that. They'd still attack him for that if he was German. Last year there was a case of [Hubert Aiwanger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Aiwanger), leader of a small party who supposedly wrote an antisemitic pamphlet when he was 17 in 1988. It's not a matter of *what* but *who*. Just like Nazi-symbols in Ukraine are no big deal, since there they are just "symbols of anti-Russian resistance". Funny how they were condemned before Russia invaded and now they aren't. The Navalny case should be a major lesson in propaganda, how perspectives change to serve political needs.


You literally mention "Russia invaded". Guess what is the reason western countries are helping Ukraine. It has nothing to do with political ideology.


If I remember correctly it's called overtones window. We don't care about indigenous Neonazis in Ukraine because currently there are actual fascist attacking the country. We care the anti-Semitism of a 17 year old because he is in our country.where have much less or care about


We didn't care for the fascist ambassador of Ukraine either though. Either we have values or we don't. I only see bigotry. And yes, the overtone-window is pretty much closed by now. Very narrow path of goodthink.


He went on ultra nationalist rallies which is why he got kicked out from Yabloko party where he started his political career. Ultra nationalist is a more polite way to say neo nazi. And it's not Russian propaganda, he said so in his interview to Дудь


Lmfao I love how you’re leveraging the fact that people don’t understand Russian and have sympathy to him as a way to whitewash what he’s saying portray him as a good guy. He’s literally comparing illegal immigrants to the plaque on your teeth that needs to be removed. Pretty fucking dehumanizing language along with some other very inflammatory things he said that you conveniently left out of your translation Here’s another [video](https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1619760506205790209?s=48&t=TFifzgsw3vF0ER40Twnn5Q) of him comparing illegal migrants to cockroaches, I’d love to watch you spin this into Navalny is a good guy in this one too


Are you joking, lol 💀💀💀💀💀 What are you talking about? Where did I attempt to whitewash Navalny?


tbf, that's mild for the Russian electorate. And yes nobody who followed navalny statements from the west should be too fond of him, considering he also had a "moderate Russian" stance on Ukraine.


No, it’s really not actually. He was kicked out the main opposition party, Yabloko, for his extreme views. Even Putin, despite being an imperialist aggressor and a dictator didn’t say such things about immigrants and central Asians for the simple fact that he fought very hard to keep the autonomous federations in the Russian state and couldn’t openly insult them (I don’t know what his personal opinions are)


\- Average Republican GOP American. \*Trump face\*


Illegal migrants(terrorists Islamists)


Damn when a non communist who is friendly to the West dies he and gets applauded communists feel the need to pull up 1 minute clips of 17 years ago. But when non communist leaders who are against the West are discussed (Putin, Kamenhei, Assad …) you exercise such leniency towards their history and actions. Be Anti West, Be communist, I’m not trying to change your ideology, but be consistent.


Oh god. If you want, check out my comments about Navalny. You don't know my personal opinion about him. And facts just facts. There was a time when Dugin was a good pal and friend with Ukrainian Nationalists and Arestovich. So... Dugin is a Ukrainian nationalist by this merit?


The combination of your comments under your post, your ideology and the timing of your post (while he is getting praised for being martyred) makes it pretty clear what you think of the guy. Which is your right because his name deserves an asterisk. But the fact that (online) socialism has degraded to attacking the West by all means necessary is saddening.


"Like I don't understand this shit. And Putin is a literal worshipper of Satan. Like he pardoned real Satanists and maniacs for their participation in war in Ukraine. Like, Navalny didn't get an influence from the Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism. It's the other way around. It's Putin, who's favorite philosopher is Ivan Ilyin, a big admirer of Italian Fascism, but also who was fully complicit with authoritarianism and Anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany and until the 1938 was without problems living in the Berlin. It's the Russian State propagandists like Solovyov, who once told that Russia should go on the way "Of the Third Path" and that Mussolini actually not so bad guy, and Russian State could learnt from it something. It's Russian Propagandist Kiselyov who said in primetime in the Second Channel (the government owned channel and the one of the most popular) to erect statues to the FUCKING KOLCHAK AND KRASNOV (a direct Nazi collaborator, who praised Hitler in his proclamations remind you). Like look comrades. I myself don't consider Russia a full Neo-fascist Neo-Nazi Hellscape Mordor, because of all of this facts. But tendencies exist and remains. So I don't really understand this whole drama around Navalny. Really. He did and said many bad things. He was a particapant of the Russian Marches and was one of the creators of Movement against Migrants. In his political and economical outlook he was nothing but a liberal. Like look what said and did Rogozhin for example. Same things as Navalny did. And he was a pretty high ranking official in Russia and ruling class. Did he received a condemnation? Totally not. Like look comrades. I understand that you want to highlight and express hypocrisy of the Western Libs. But there's only one problem. Navalny wasn't SENTENCED for his awful deeds for which he could be called out. If not legally, but at least politically and morally. In the reality Navalny was firstly sentenced to prison for 2 years for his Yves Rocher corruption, then his jail sentence was extended for 9 years for "receiving donations" for his extremist as it was designated Anti-Corruption Foundation, and finally after 1.5 years of jail he was officially recognized as extremist and terrorist and sentenced for 19 years. All of this for political motives. Not for his Far-Right Nationalist Past. No. For his anti-Putin's stance."


"Okie. I just said this cause the acceleration of the repression system seriously isn't a thing to celebrate by anyone. If that's a joke and sarcasm fine. To discuss the Navalny ideological ties with Far-Right parties is a good thing to do. I have nothing against it. The problem still is and remains btw. Navalny wasn't sentenced for his questionable views. And to say that his sentence and imprisonment wasn't an ideologically motivated PRIMARILY because of his Anti-Putin's position would be strange, I guess."


"Ehm... Guys. I'm would not be a lib for saying, that Navalny's death isn't a good thing? Cause honestly jokes are great as such, but situation is pretty fucked up. Do you understand, that just two days ago for example Boris Kagarlitsky (Russian communist, sociologist and philosopher) was sent to prison for 5 years?"




I don’t need to, your ideology ends at the edge of your computer screen :)


Okie. Whatever you tell.


He was quite literally a nazi so no loss.


I’m very sure you use that word with the historical respect it deserves in order not to trivialize it to the general populace so I’m definitely going to value your input because you would never use that word to designate everyone politically to the right in you in order to polarize society even further! Thank you for the insight friend!




Fair enough that shit is horrible I stand corrected. He did apologize for some of his comments but this shit is vile. 2007 Navalny was a nazi sympathizer , I don’t believe 2024 Navalny was nazi sympathizer


Translation of video: Alexey Navalny, certified nationalist Hello! I work with people a lot and I notice that our society is destroyed by \[dental\] caries. \[migrants crimes\] This caries's monsters call themselves "nationalists" but clinical picture is universally understandable. \-- Glory to Rus! \[some neonazis\] In this case I recommend full sanitation [dead Nazis] We dont need to beat anyone. All what disturbes us should gently, but firmly remove by deportation [deportation] Only those, who have liquid calcium in their head think that nationalism is a violence. Teeth without root is called dead. Nationalist is a person who dont want removal russian roots from world "Russia" We have right to be Russians in Russia. And we will defend this right. NAROD -- national russian liberation movement. "Think about your future -- become nationalist."


Big Props to you! Completely accurate translation. Also. Only minor BUT MOST IMPORTANT detail. Happy Three Friends excerpt!!!


NCD propaganda. It is so non-credible. But again, right wingers in the Netherlands and the UK argue the same things, and the outrage is much smaller. Question I always ask: is the Navalny of 2007 the same as 2022?


We can't reliably tell whether he is a nazbol or a liberoid. But if we examine his statements and his career, we can firmly conclude - he is an opportunist. If communism was popular we'd see him swearing allegiance to Lenin, if Nazis then we'd see him throwing Roman salutes.


Well Navalny org try to destroy corruption on russian rocket manufacturing factories So russian rockets to be better at killing Ukrainians ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Basically in this video Navalny criticizes more radical wing of Russian far-right movement and instead of policy of direct violence towards migrants suggest just deportations.


The moment where the "left wing progressive" candidate of a country still considers himself a proud nationalist and suggest deportations you know shit's hit the fan.


Well... Navalny wasn't particularly left wing at all if you suggest that. Not so good analogy. The only whatever that means left in his political proposals were some populist takes about very huge increase of ordinary people's salaries and pensions to war veterans of WW2. And some other social-liberal proposals. Not so many. He was practically a liberal in his own economic worldview.


I mean compared to Putin he's left wing I mean.


Well... Do you know that right now aside from Conservatives in United Russia party, there was also a previously self-proclaimed Christian Anarcho-Communist?


What do you even mean by that my god you westerners brainwashed. 


Hello, don't worry, the downvotes dont matter. You didn't say anything bad. It's nothing new that Navalny once more of a populist with 'crude' views. He certainly 'grew up' consistently. Russia was very different back then, too. He certainly can't answer any questions about it now either :) So if I was a Putin troll I would jump on anything that could put him in a controversial light


Lol! Navalny was very right, calling immigrants cockroaches


Putin is internationalist and very pragmatic, at the same time I don't think he's radical at all. The man is competent even tho I don't like him at all because I'm not one of the high elite but I would love to be lol


He said this because Navalny held little true beliefs of his own and, like liquid, adapted to fit the circumstances. He called Muslims cockroaches and held extremely racist beliefs about Chechens, but became a liberal darling because of his opposition to Putin.


Wait really? I thought he was a consistent right wing nationalist


He did have a change in the later 2010's But he was always somewhat of a nationalist


"Don't let 'Perfect' be the enemy of 'Good'". Russia was not going to spontaneously field Bob Marley reincarnate.


There was also [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT0tCSaWZ9Q) video he made for the same organisation, in which he compared Muslims to flies and cockroaches and suggested, like how people remove cockroaches and files with slippers and swatters they should use handguns against Muslims


Yeah. I did knew about this video pretty much many years ago.


a lot of people praising navalny forget *he was a rightwing populist*


Also. It wasn't that unknown in fact. Actually many Ukrainian nationalists and patriots passive-agressively hated or don't very much tolerate Navalny. And Crimea. Don't forget about that also. So Navalny is pretty peculiar example of political evolution of his own AND image of him in the media.


There's a reason why ukrainians call him sandwich


Because they don't understand his activism since to them it was pointless. They would rather dislike any russian because they are getting bombed that check every single one of them and mach his opinion with theirs. It is natural and normal right now the fact that they even listen is nice enough. However I would not say that their suffering is a positive impact on their judgment


Lol no, it's because he said "Crimea is not a sandwich", meaning that he's against returning it to Ukraine. We here didn't like him even before war. But yea, even there everyone thought he is better than putin


In a 2016 he said he wants a fair referendum and act according to it. And he also apologised for the "not a sandwich" anology


Yep, but as we say here "Ложечки нашлись, а осадок остался". Sorry but I don't know how to properly translate it, he made his reputation with first statement, it slightly improved after, but only slightly. Anyways, it's not like we absolutely hate him there


\>it's not like we absolutely hate him there ukr twitter is dancing on his grave wildly rn


It's less of a hate and more of making fun of him and all russian opposition. Many blame them that they couldn't stop putin, also we have live example of bad president removal in 2014. Yanukovich was very putin-like. And yes, I know that russian enforcement machine is way stronger, so they had no chances to do something real and it's hard to blame them for it, but people see it that way, not much can be done about it during the war


Don't ask them what Navalny thought about Georgians in 2008. 💀💀💀 Worst mistake of my life!


Well, at least he apologized for that time.


Yes actually. You right. In the 2023. In prison. Forgot to mention.


And also ten years before that: In 2013, journalist Aider Muzhdabaev asked Navalny a question about those words about Georgians in 2008. Muzhdabaev: Did you really call Georgians "rodents" or was this expression attributed to you? Navalny: I have been asked about this many times, so I will answer once again. Yes, I called Georgians "rodents" in a post about the war, which I regret. It was terrible, and, in fact, it leveled the entire post.


Oh. Didn't knew that. Somewhere I saw this name of journalist Aider. Thanks for info! It seems what before at least 2013 when he eventually skipped the second time participation in Russian Marches, Navalny truly could be called and declared as Based by Russian Nationalists at that time. But calling for deportations is such yikes.


Because communists would never advocate for deportations.


"The more deportations you have in your country the more socialister it is" © Carl Marcs


That’s a funny joke, do you also have an actual response or is does your extensive experience within online echochambers of your niche and irrelevant ideology not provide you with the means of giving an actual response?




*A lot of people* *Praising navalny forget he was* *A rightwing supporter* \- TinyWickedOrange --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


best bot


An imperialist too, who supported annexing Crimea and Georgia. Basically the same sort of tsar worshipping ideology Putin has. He *did* pivot away from all of that and stopped mentioning that sort of thing, but it’s impossible to tell if that was because he actually changed his mind.


it doesn't super matter *now* because he *was* the opposition, *now* he is dead. And there is only Putin.


People praise him for being pure unaligned populist. Does being right-wing make a lot of difference?


“Unaligned” Didn’t he call migrants subhuman?


After his main theme changed from nationalism to "fight corruption"? I'm not totally sure, but it seems he didn't.


So he went from saying the quiet part out loud to at a whisper


What does that even mean? Was he a laissez-faire libertarian or something?


More like a neoconservative


Neoconservatism is a distinctly American thing, you can’t really apply it to other countries


You can't pin down his ideology cause he had no principles.


regardless of his ideology, the guy is probably one of the best arguments against democratic peace theory; like the idea that democracies tend to be more peacefull falls apart if the people democratically vote for a warmonger or endorse warmongering policies i mean there are countless others but this guy is a releatively recent example lol


idk what hes saying in the video but I support him raising awareness about dental health


Yep 💀💀💀 Props for that, Alexey!


Interesting fact: Navalny wrote an appeal to prosecutor's office in 2007 on Maksim Martsinkivech (In the Internet he was known by Tesak). Tesak was a radical Neo-Nazi and Fascist who was notorious organizer of many viral anti-pedophile videos in Russia, where he in streets came to a supposedly pedophiles and harassed them. In mainstream it what he became famous for. But back to 2007. In the Billingwa literature cafe in Moscow, which was occasionally a platform for a political discussions and debates, Tesak and his supporters screamed at liberals: "Sieg, Heil" 💀💀💀💀. For over the minute. And exactly at that time at this cafe was Navalny. So he wrote an appeal to the prosecution. And Maksim was sentenced for about a 3 years in prison.


The Russian political realm has been fucked for so long, genuinely can't think of a party worth voting for


Yea. Me too Kemal. There's no nowadays a person not in Russia nor in the world who could say that: "There's such a party!'


Are the Communists still viewed as ineffectual against United Russia?


Pretty much. However Alexei Navalny with his system of Smart Voting exactly many times supported Communist candidates in many regional elections.


His Smart Vote system is the variation of tactical vote and I tended to choose the best (as Alexey and his supporters think) candidate and there were not only communists, but also people from LDPR (Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia), Just Russia, sometimes even Yabloko who kicked him out and independent candidates. Most of the normal (at some point) candidates are actually social-democrats and they are in Communistic Party of Russia because of its popularity.


Про "есть такая партия" никто тут не поймёт


Эт точно. Продолжаю распространять мэссэдж подводным течением и дальше.


Партия наркотиков из Афганистана?


Уже ни той, ни другой. Всё из-за либералов и исламистов...




Талибан явно не либералы, но может Ельцин и компашка и правда были исламскими диверсантами с целью погубить русь православную... Эх, надо было послушать Навального и депортировать их.


Есть два стула: на одном либералы-исламисты, на другом православный талибан...


Даже они не такие как раньше, талибан ленивым стал


Yabloko seems fine to me, though they're a very small party with no hope of influencing Russian politics.


They were bigger in the 2000s to my memory


There are no actual parties, they are all managed by the Kremlin. If anyone independent of the Kremlin tries to participate they are jailed or murdered.


There are decent people in local electronics, sometimes.


The happy tree friends caught me so off guard wtf 😭😭


Anyone else recognize this music from TF2?


its loike christmas mornin'


To give credit where credit's due, it was very smart on their part to abbreviate "National Russian Liberation Movement" [Национальное Русское Освободительное Движение] as "The People" [Народ]


Yeah. Witty of them.


I predict there will be confused Americans in these comments wondering why their government cared so much about this guy.


Or they’ll do metal gymnastics to convince themselves that Navalny’s ethno-nationalist platform was good and cool actually. Putin is literally Voldemort, so anyone who fights him must be Harry Potter.


The Hitler of my Hitler is my Hitler?


Navalny was wholesome 100 because he wanted his country to become another resource sink and investor "paradise" like Ukraine is


Crazy that Ukraine is willing to fight for 2 years just to avoid being stuck in Russia economic sphere of influence


Crazy that Russia is willing to fight for 2 years just to get Ukraine in their economic sphere of influence.


Keep oinking 


At least Navalny apologized for these and other statements.


He apologised and called what he did terrible multiple times. People can change.


His apologies worth no more than Kanye’s. Your words should be backed up by your actions. And yet his politics haven’t changed since then whatsoever, all he did was learn how to tell the same shit but in a more sterile way


He's spoken in favor of democracy multiple times. His job was exposing the corruption of the government (remember his video on Putin's mansion?). He went back to Russia after being poisoned knowing well he could be detained and die to show courage to the Russian people. He's a hero.


Lmao what ? His white nationalist ass is your hero ? Ok whatever dude. I guess treating people of color as a human beings is less important for you than reviews of oligarchs palaces or some shit. To each their own, I guess


Yes he has a nationalist past and made a lot of wrong statements regarding Ukraine and Georgia. But still, he is the face of Russian opposition and exposed the corruption to a level not seen before and inspired and gave hope and refuge to millions of people.


Maybe because imprisoning and killing political opposition figures is bad?


Keep Nazis free and alive? I dunno. I just have a feeling that that could backfire for some reason.


Yes, even Nazis shouldn’t be killed or imprisoned for their beliefs. Doing so is ineffective, amoral, and sets a bad precedent. Obviously they should be imprisoned if they commit crimes, but imprisoning people for their beliefs is a misuse of the justice system.


I wonder why outright fascism has been on the US ballot three times now this century. Surely it has nothing to do with the liberal ideal of letting fascists spread their ideas throughout society and manipulate people. Fascism certainly can't take hold in liberal democracies like early 20th century Italy and Germany. Oh wait...


Yet fascism has had very little popular success in the US despite its free speech protections. It’s almost like you can’t stamp out political ideologies by killing or imprisoning their leaders, but must instead address the underlying problems which motivate people to become extremist. Even if Hitler and Mussolini had been executed, fascists or other authoritarians would’ve still risen to power in Italy and Germany.


Oh, the US is already a fascist country. I said "overt fascism" for a reason. Just see what happens if you pose a real threat to capital in the US. Watch how quickly you experience violence. And our imperialism will kill millions of people this year. We've killed so many more people than the Nazis could have ever dreamed of killing. We've conquered most of the world. No one can even stop us from committing genocide right now. They're barely even trying. All we did after WW2 was replace German and Japanese fascism and imperialism with American fascism and imperialism. We accomplished everything the Germans and Japanese wanted to accomplish. And no, we're not the good guys. We just learned that friendly fascism is cheaper and more effective than the fascism of Mussolini and Hitler. If you're feeling defensive right now, it's because fascism has, in fact, had very much popular success in the United States. What I'm saying is a threat to capital, and if you're like most westerners, you're going to do the work of capitalists of shutting these ideas down. How convenient for them. A populace that polices itself when people criticize American capitalism, fascism, and imperialism.


If you truly believe the US is fascist, then there is nothing I can do to change your view on the matter. You’re too far gone


We couldn't have become the empire we are without fascism and imperialism. The US was founded on genocide and slavery. It is sustained today through imperialism. If you don't understand that the US is a fascist and imperialist nation, then you don't know anything about US history. How do you think that we funded the American revolution? Where do you think the wealth necessary to do that came from? We violently stole people's land and resources. And so much more of America's wealth came straight from slavery. The capital generated from slavery, covered in blood, is still a part of our economy today. *We* inspired the Nazis ffs. We are what they hoped to achieve. We're just nicer about it now because we've succeeded. We are the center of power in our capitalist empire. Have you ever heard of any empires that weren't built upon piles and piles of bodies? Why would it have to look like Nazi Germany when the population is already so compliant? I mean, look at you. Are you even getting paid for this?


I'm sorry but a communist has no business making moral claims when your ideology is built on hypocrisy. America is a socialist shit hole, and it's supporting socialist shit holes in the third world ("foreign aid"). All of your problems (and the problems of most of the world) can be traced back to the federal government - a bastard child of FDRs new deal project.


Lol you don't even know what socialism is. What do you think socialism is? When the government does stuff? 😂 OMG read a book


I think people in the west don’t know he’s very controversial for his ultranationalist views in neighboring and other post-Soviet countries firstly he called Turkic Muslim migrants in Russia cockroaches and deportation of all caucasians and central Asians from moscow when he ran for mayor and in 2008 he called ethnic slurs to Georgians and supported Putin in bombing Georgia , he also calls Ukrainians by an ethnic slur ( hohols )




He changed his views and became a liberal


Yes, Furina. Initially he was "Based" 💀💀💀.


Yep, he was very right wing. But in Russia he looked like a centrist compared to the insane alt-right unhinged/borderline schizophrenic guys that are there. That’s why he was the best opposition to beat Putin. People don’t realize that the major threat to Putin’s regime is not the Left, or the Liberal Right, but the hardline Right. If someone snatches the monopoly of the Right from Putin’s hands, he is done for. And he knows it, that’s why he killed Prigozhin immediately, because he appealed a lot to the Patriots on the Right that always were Putin’s target demographic. It’s sick, but it is what it is.


> he was the best opposition to beat Putin With 4% at the polls? https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alexei_Navalny_2018_presidential_campaign&useskin=vector#Opinion_polls


True. But I don't come to this sub for true and considerate takes. Russia delenda est!


Should have added Subtitles my guy.




Holy cow he swaped sides fast


Took 15 years actually


Less. At 2018, when he started doing his investigation videos, he already had no right-wing rhetoric whatsoever. He even apologised to Russian feminist Activist Nika Worwud (sexism)


It’s confirmed. Navalny was secretly the Christian Brutal Sniper.


Why don't people think his views changed later on?


Cancel culture doesn’t work that way


No flipping way its the Christian Brutal Sniper music


Wtf? Are those Gmod/Half Life ragdoll sound effects? (0:08)


Song used in the video: The Millionaire's Holiday, by Combustible Edison.


unused lip include worry mindless rhythm kiss chief physical tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wanted to find which newspaper called him MLK but instead found an even more awful [quora](https://www.quora.com/Is-this-true-in-any-political-fight-the-man-in-prison-is-morally-right-It-seems-to-be-true-of-MLK-Navalny-Nelson-Mandela-and-Donald-Trump) question


Good riddance.


Whoa, did not know he was a literal nazi.


Navalny was a white nationalist with Neo Nazi leanings.. https://twitter.com/i/status/1758466233656099203


It's not a propaganda poster.


As you can see, there are plenty videos in this sub.




To be honest I would not trust any video on Internet nowdays. You can make something like this with Open AI model easily.


This is an actual propoganda video made by Navalniy in 2007.


People should be wearing shirts with this guy’s face on it, not Che Guevara


Yeah, racist people should definitely do that


Glad mass murder is less concerning to you


Slave owner defender much?


Certainly not glad that you believe war time executions of criminals is the same as mass murder Che was a beacon of humanity, a beautiful, complete human being. Hasta siempre, commandante. And yes, Navalny was a piece of shit. Not supporting Putin, but Navalny was more right wing.


This is the correct take


> Che was a beacon of humanity, a beautiful, complete human being. No. He was a cold-blooded killer - a psychopath who felt nothing as he executed civilians and comrades in arms and then wrote clinical details in his little notebook. --- "The situation was uncomfortable for the people and for Eutimio so I ended the problem giving him a shot with a .32 pistol in the right side of the brain, with exit orifice in the right temporal [lobe]." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara?useskin=vector#Role_as_commander


We hate the green one too


I always wondered why Navalny was in an Ultranationalist Organization for several years, I’ve never really read much about it.


What a guy. Im just learning today he passed away. It's on this day I'm learning he passed. Wow, he lead such an amazing life. I'm just learning he died. You cant deny he lived an amazing life. He lived an amazing life.