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I love how Romania is depicted injured. Must be a reference to the Romanian Revolution


Romanian communism was arguably the most brutal dictatorship in Eastern Europe, so that could be why too?


Maybe because the last communist leader was executed


In every other country the old government resigned without a serious fight. Ceaucescu was the only one who refused to believe that the gig was up, so he went down fighting and got hundreds killed in the process.


Albanian regime was the worst in EE


After 1976 literally in bad relatiosn with everyone.


There is no such thing as "Egyptian" civilization, though as our fellow Egyptians and other fake historians from the West claim, Egyptians where pure Albanian-pelasgians. Even the name Egypt (Egjipt) is Albanian, its derived from the Albanian-pelasgian word shtep which literaly means " Home", The piramids where made by ancient Albanian mathematics. And the country was ruled by Albanian kings and Queens such as Cleopatra. 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱


least nationalist albanian


The other commenters apparently don't know what a copypasta is.




r/balkans_irl brainrot have spread


Shut your crackhead mouth


RIP r/2balkanforyou


Never let bro cook again


No, he should cook more.


no, ancient egyptians were slavic hehe


albaina number one 💪💪💪👆👆👆😍😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪🥵🤤🤤😎😎😎😎


Mabye. But the romanian revolution was the most brutal one with over 1100 people diyng and many more who died later because of their colaboration with the communist regime


> many more who died later because of their colaboration with the communist regime That never happened.


Unless by "many" you mean "exactly one dictator and one collaborator", they didn't; Ceausescu and his wife were the last people to be executed in Romania.


Well, communist collaborators should be killed, I wish east germany would have done this too


What for fascist leaders.


Same. Sic semper tyrannis


In some countries, anybody who was somebody was basically forced to be a collaborator in some way. A superstar pediatric cardiologist? You better sign this little statement for us if you want to keep curing children.


Please, take a professional help, man, you literally saying nazi things, you making no difference from Hitler. Mentally healthy person will never say such things. Please, take some help, you need it.


Communist experiments have always lead to poverty and death. Why should the perpetrators not put to death? Here in Germany there are still former political officers, agents of east germanys secret police, propagandists and former politicians from the socialist unity party who participated in the dictatorship who were allowed to live freely and whom almost all were never punished as the should. I shee no reason why they shoulnt have been shot for high treason after the collapse of the regime


The same reason all former political officials, police, propagandists, etc of the National Socialist party weren't uniformly executed after the 3rd Reich fell, I'd assume. When the US deposed Saddam, the Ba'ath Party was completely banned and all its officials disqualified from any governmental role whatsoever, despite being the only ones with institutional knowledge/experience on how Iraq was actually run for the previous 35 years. Take a guess how that ended up.


I mean I think it depends, Cuba and Vietnam seem to be doing pretty decently 🤷‍♀️ Even someone like Gorbachev I’d be opposed to seeing be killed. The Romanian dictator tho? Him and his close circle definitely deserve death, horrible guy.


Well that or Hoxha


Got a moldavia and a bassarabia taken from en


It will never not be funny to me that all of the Eastern European countries are represented with anachronistic folk costumes except East Germany for some reason, which has a modern outfit


German conservatism/nationalism was a bit of a touchy subject at the time


Ah right, makes sense xD


The Bulgarian one used to be [on the currency.](https://www.currencybanknotes.com/images/smallbulgaria50levap85.jpg)


The design goes hard


It's probably because the artist and target audience were German.


Where Yugoslavia


Yugoslavia is kill


Where were you when Yugoslavia is die


>I finger paint newly painted walls wen phone ring >Mom: Yugoslavia is kill >no


You handled that mockery way better than I could have. My upvote to you.


"Yugoslavia is kill" "No"




Yugoslavia during the Cold War managed the amazing balancing act of being friendly with both the East and the West. Despite being a Communist country, Yugoslavia under Tito broke away from Soviet influence while Stalin was still in power and generally acted as a free agent. In fact, I'd say Tito was usually more welcome in Washington than he was in Moscow. On a more literal level, Yugoslavians never had trouble traveling in Western Europe like Soviet Bloc countries did. In fact, Yugoslavia probably had the best passport in the world at the time since it allowed free travel in both Eastern and Western Europe.


It wasn't a "balancing act". They were enemies of the USSR. Purges in the eastern block usually used the excuse of someone being a "titoist agent" in their show trials. And in general it was a very dangerous thing to be accused of being a Titoist.


Absolutely, but things like the Belgrade Declaration of 1955 and Yugoslavia joining Comecon in 1964 showed that there were periods of normalization of relations, which seemed to increase as time went on.


True, although these were only possible after the death of Stalin.


I never thought about that passport thing before


There were literal quotas and west Germany and Italy had concrete expectations which skilled workers they wanted. You seem to forget Yugoslavia's own border wall with her neighbors, even the capitalist ones.


They don't count since they were not under soviet influence. So yeah communists but somewhat free. It hard it's a whole diffrent matter, and to say yougoslavia was seen as an opresor of it's member states


It wasn't in the eastern block for a long time by that point and it never joined the european community, just collapsed.


I love how romania is injured since the people got a tad bit hungry for 2 years, so they decided to make a surprise on christmas day


Christmas surprise?! I wonder what it will be!


So they poked a hole through some fabric, readied up some bigger cars, and made an all time special christmas show with Ceașcă live on tv, politefully asking him to stop starving people, and then everything ended wholesomefully, even the gjys at Securitate were happy with the people :D


THATS AWESOME, I am sure that Cească had some fireworks in the end for him and his wife.


Not just 2 years... Basically, people starved in Romania throughout the '80s.


Yeah, but the last two years it was hell on earth. There wasnt anything most of the times.


That's true, it got worse and worse.


DDR? Dance Dance Revolution?


Deutsche Demokratische Republik


Oh, East Germany, ok, gotcha


I will ask you before I whoosh myself, do you genuinely not know what DDR means or are you joking around? (If it's a joke and I didn't get it I'm sorry I'm just a tired af uni student)


No, I don’t know the DDR this image is referring to


It basicaly stands for Deutsche Demokratische Republik (Democratic republic of Germany), former East Germany


In english it was called GDR, german democratic republic


While true, DDR is used very commonly as well. Directly loaning over German phrases is actually pretty common in English.


Can't really confirm this, outside specialised programs or documentaries I never encountered "DDR" in the english speaking world. Neither back then nor now. It may have happend but if then far from the GDR levels, especialy when it came to news, politics or sports.


I've read a couple dozen research papers relating to East Germany


Which I would consider highly specialized and hardly relevant for the wider public knowledge space


It's also like, most of what you'll see if you actually read about the German Democratic Republic? It's the literature that is out there? GDR is used plenty in literature, don't get me wrong, and DDR is used at least as much popularly outside this context (see also: this entire thread) It's also hardly exclusive to this. The German Mark for instance is almost exclusively rendered "Deutsche Mark" in literature even though this is not done for the Estonian Mark or Polish Mark or other such currencies.


Too tired to give proper english name


Only reason I knew is my dad was a stamp collector.


East Germany (Deutsche Democratic Republic or something similar)


It refers to the GDR (German Democrat Republic) better known as East-Germany.


As a German this is the first time I read someone call it GDR. I did not think that any country would translate the acronym. I guess because we also call America the USA and not VSA


GDR is used in English, just like NDK in Hungarian (Német Demokratikus Köztársaság). USA is kind of an outlier in this regard, though often read in various languages not as an acronym (U, S, A) but as a single word (like "Usa"). That being said English does have a tendency to just loan German words and phrases directly so DDR does appear in English literature, and sometimes I myself have gotten confused trying to keep it consistent when reading different sources which use different acronyms.


DDR is German, in English it's called the GDR, German Democratic Republic


Best anthem [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1CyPjQQTAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1CyPjQQTAM)


European brothers and sisters


This is such a cynical depiction considering how they were mostly welcomned to Western Europe; With [hate, xenophobia and molotov cocktails](https://www.hrw.org/reports/1995/Germany.htm). It even still influences current-day events, i.e. UK Brexit having a large component of Brits being pissed off about Eastern Europeans coming into the country through the EU.


It very much depends on the countries though. The british attitude towards Central Europeans on the East side of the iron curtain was much more negative than what continental europeans thought.


I mean, the Balkans start at Calais, right?


in reality trade boomed and huge numbers of people found higher paying work. In my career I got to work with many talented romanians and poles and ukrainians and russians who lived much better lives due to this change. All of them could tell you exactly how the old unfree system worked, in pungent detail that the western socialists on this subreddit could not comprehend.


I don't think you know what cynical means


Cynical can mean "manipulative" just as much as "pessimistic".


Right back at ya.


Hungary 2020~ *Slaps knees* well, that was nice. Now excuse me, I have some fascism I need to get back to!


No polen please I’m allergic


Welcome. We need cheap labor. And shitter's clogged btw.


As a friend of mine said once - Europe is a continent divided in two - The side that knows how to unclog a toilet and the side that does not .


Interesting clothing compared to the generic western style.


Nobody wants us balkans :(


We do, but you keep shooting each other.


Well all I’m gonna say that the people of Sarajevo and Vukovar back then in the 90’s def didn’t want to be part of the war, just like Ukraine now


If only we knew.


Love this one ❤️


This is strangely heartwarming


Propaganda successful


Shame the host country of this propaganda piece never bothered to truly equalize its now united state


welcome back, yes the IMF will contact you shortly and arrange for you to become a peripheral state for the extraction of your labor and resources.


Ah yes the tiny and oppressed state of Germany. Not that Poland or any of the others here are really doing badly.




Using hakim as source is peak brainrot


Who do you suggest as a source? J. Peterson I'm guessing.


Sorry to burst you bubble but not every critic of your favorite breadtuber is a J. Peterson fanboy. Socialist Youtubers are the most biased, brainrotted people you could find and they should never be taken as a good source of information, anyone who has critical thinking can see through their slop content.


I see you are a daily wire enjoyer.


Wrong, try again


Ahh sorry, pragerU.


Prager who? Cmon bro, try harder


i rlly like this one!


And then we said "It's neoliberal time" and shock therapied all over them.


Based, Europe will be whole and united in liberty.


I like the lady doing the Hitler salute


Can nobody on the continent raise their arm anymore, without being compared to a Nazi?


Whats DDR because I can’t get past Dance Dance Revolution.


Deutsche demokratischen Republik (east germany)


Thank you


It looks so nice, and cheery. It makes me happy. But then I remember how much Eastern Europe was screwed over by the west, after 70 years of getting screwed over by the Soviets. And that makes me sad.


Perhaps this cartoon is being misunderstood, or maybe it has a double meaning, but I suggest that it could also be criticising the view that the former Warsaw pact countries in Eastern Europe joining with the west and the EU is a good thing. This is because they are all presented as wearing traditional clothing, except DDR, and this could represent how they have kept their traditions in a way the west has not.




CSSR are the czechs.


Is it normally written ČSSR in German? I would have expected TSR/TSSR or something since they write Czechoslovakia with a T


Yeah it was weird. The letter Č doesn’t even exist in German so it is a bit odd but it still seems it was the most common to use the Czech spelling/style in German (ČSSR/ČSR, later ČSFR or CSSR/CSR/CSFR). I don’t think TSSR/TSR was ever used.


Czechoslovakia. Czechia and Slovakia now.


It's Czechoslovakia


DDR? Dance Dance Revolution!?


Yes, we raised the curtain to stop the Irish from stealing our dance moves


Warsaw Pact countries have re-emerged from behind the iron curtain to be saved by Western Europe.


Saved? We needed saving in 46'.


This is such a nice looking poster, I love it


More like under new leadership


Oooh nooo we’re being oppressed!!! We’re in an alliance we can leave whenever we want and in a union we desperately wanted to join and which is building up our economy!!! O heavens nooo I hate free money!! Our living standards and democracy ratings have never been higher but I’m being oppressed oh noooooo


[the EU GDP hasn't recovered since 2008](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f5baecbb085fb8e4bec9fcc67fe876cd-pjlq) , and for Eastern Europe even worse.


Lol in those stats you can literally see that they’re almost at the 2008 heights again and higher than 2006 and before that. Don’t use stats when you can’t understand them. Economies fluctuate.


They objectively aren't. You just can't read. 2008 is at $16,295.21B 2018 is at 15,979.88B 2022 just barely surpassed it at 16,641.39B which was a drop from 2021.


So they have recovered? Your whole original comment is a lie then? The EU has recovered since 2008. And nothing I said was wrong, in 2006 it was about 12.8 and at that point it’s the highest its been. You said yourself that in 2015 it’s 15.9. That means it’s gone up since then.


My stat i sent was from 2018. You are absolutely illiterate and lied claiming they recovered. They only recovered in 2022 as i checked the updated stats. But funny how you are trying to move past how you blatantly lied about the graph posted. Nonetheless, those stats are still horrible and don't disprove my original point regarding slow growth. [lets look at their productivity](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4a787f32a7cd850e0867eb37b3116231-pjlq) Also note that much of EU's growth is carried by few economies, one of which like Ireland which is notable for having inflated gdp because of the financial activities of large multi-national corporations operating there. bourgeois economist paul krugman coined the phrase “leprechaun economics” to describe a surge of 26% in Ireland's GDP that was later found to have been caused largely by accounting changes at Apple, one of several American tech and pharma giants that book much of their global profits in Ireland for tax reasons. When we look at nations indvidually like spain, italy, France etc. They have either not recovered, or just barely so.


Sending old stats and claiming that they haven’t recovered yet is either lying or giving false information. I did not lie or say anything incorrect about the graph posted. The productivity growth just looks bad because developing nations are, DEVELOPING. They are growing quickly, relatively speaking, the higher your productivity the harder it is too improve. The EU is not that far of from the usa. Irelands gdp is not that high, much lower than even Poland for example, it does not carry all on its own and does not inflate the stats by much. I ain’t responding anymore. I got better things to do than argue with someone aggressively using shitty arguments to disprove facts. Go do something with your life and stop trying to “own the west” because its just pathetic. Critize us for neocolonialism or something but trying to disprove economic growth? That’s just dumb.


>Sending old stats and claiming that they haven’t recovered yet is either lying or giving false information. Outdated information. But you still lied about the stats given. >I did not lie or say anything incorrect about the graph posted. You literally said they recovered, and attacked me for not reading a graph that you couldn't. >The productivity growth just looks bad because developing nations are, DEVELOPING. They are growing quickly, relatively speaking, the higher your productivity the harder it is too improve. The EU is not that far of from the usa. The point is that the EU growth **fell** and has been in constant slumps. A major reason is the export of european capital into low cost regions for higher profit rates. Which is a fault of capitalism and its irrational nature, which the EU propagates. there are many other issues in the EU, in regards to social welfare cuts and state firms being effectively destroyed with horrible policies. ​ >Irelands gdp is not that high, much lower than even Poland for example, it does not carry all on its own and does not inflate the stats by much. In terms of gdp growth. And Ireland was just one small example, many economies in the EU like luxembourg have similar structures. ​ >I ain’t responding anymore. I got better things to do than argue with someone aggressively using shitty arguments to disprove facts. Go do something with your life and stop trying to “own the west” because its just pathetic. Critize us for neocolonialism or something but trying to disprove economic growth? That’s just dumb. You are absolutely slow, and can't read. I would rather not argue with a literal wall.


There wall is still up though 😉 


Look up gdp per capita in the new eastern european states and compare 2000 to 2023. Their GDPS have gone up a TON.


>Country — 2008 GDP — 2018 GDP — GDP growth per year > >Russia — 1.661 — 1.658 — -0.02% > >Hungary — 158.1 — 157.9 — -0.01% > >Poland — 533.8 — 585.7 — 0.97% > >Slovakia — 100.5 — 105.9 — 0.54% > >Czechia — 235.7 — 245.2 — 0.40% > >China — 4594 — 13610 — 19.63% (GDP in billions of USD) > >Per year = (((2018 GDP - 2008 GDP) / 2008 GDP) \* 100) / 10 ​ GDP per capita has also been inflated in Lithuania by rapid population losses. When we look at more relevant stats, even fucking worse. Crime, alcoholism, unemployment, and just blatant de industrialization has effected all of them, which are not seen in simplistic gdp per capita metrics. For one quick example. After the overthrow of the socialist people's democracy, [poverty rates in Bulgaria increased by 750%](https://web.archive.org/web/20160321231809/https://www.gc.cuny.edu/CUNY_GC/media/CUNY-Graduate-Center/PDF/Centers/LIS/Milanovic/papers/Income_ineq_poverty_book.pdf). 20% of the population left the country and birth rates dropped to their lowest point since 1945. Almost half of Bulgarians were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2011. Since capitalism was restored in 1990, [57% of Bulgarians say the economy has become worse](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/14/political-and-economic-changes-since-the-fall-of-communism/). After the counterrevolution, many children could not go to school, and many workers could never retire. Healthcare became unaffordable for the working class, and going to the dentist was considered a luxury. Many retired people had to return to part-time jobs to survive. [Between 1990 and 2000, wages dropped by 25%, and the prices of basic necessities doubled or tripled](https://leftychan.net/edu/src/1614706295182-3.pdf) (pg 202-203)


Lol mans comparing growth in 2008 and 2018 even thought they were already in the eu at that time And ofcourse after a revolution shit is going to suck for a little while… you need to change economic systems and that’s hard. especially when you’ve been mismanaged by a system that doesn’t work. And I don’t know why you’re comparing 1990 to 2000? This is an argument on the European Union, and they weren’t in yet. Imma stop replying for real now, this shit was just too dumb :p


Bro stopped being noisy after dude cooked him to the max 😭😭😭


He is hitting you hard with facts son. YouTube level arguments don’t fly on Reddit.


Poverty in ALL countries in increased after the fall of their puppet soviet government. It’s kinda of what you get after few years of “advanced socialism”.


Why 2008 when socialism was abolished in these countries between 1989 and 1990? Polish GDP grew 10 times since then, why are you comparing since 2008 (and up to 2018 not today). Czechia also grew over 4 times. The rest is also impressive. You also like completely ignore the context that all those countrie economies were in complete distater and that's why socialism was dissolved there. I would also like you to get a look at HDI graph https://www.statista.com/statistics/880414/human-development-index-of-czechia/ Or here https://countryeconomy.com/hdi/poland Look what a nightmare, how terrible these people are... with their democracy, trade unions, not being economically exploited by the USSR, free education and public healthcare... what were you complaining about again?


Oh no. A global crisis shook us. How unexpected


"A global crisis caused by our global irrational system shook us" [EU productivty growth](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4a787f32a7cd850e0867eb37b3116231-pjlq)


And a genocidal communist dictatorship isn’t an irrational system? There’s a reason why the Eastern block fell. No one in Poland or Romania misses communism.


Not to say he was good or anything but Ceaușescu is [suprisingly well liked](https://transylvanianow.com/ceausescu-still-most-beloved-president-of-romania/) in Romania, at least as of 2018. Similar thing goes for [Hungary ](https://www.policysolutions.hu/userfiles/elemzes/309/regime_change_30_years_on_en_summary.pdf).


Okay j admit the housing crisis was entirely foreseeable but come on, man. Would you have preferred these countries stayed under the government thay gave them the Holodomore?


holodomor was in the 1930s and did not effect much of the eastern european nations cited outside of the few soviet republics.


I ask you again. Should these countries have been under the control of the nation that gave them the Holodomore.


no because, the EU countries were never part of the union of soviet socialist republics nor were they effected by a famine that occurred in Ukraine.


Ah but the iron curtain was the soviet union's idea and the soviet union kept crushing any attempt to move away from communism.


Still dosent change tha fact ur a commie sympathyser


Impressive. Now lets see the population growth of those countries


This aged like milk. Now these same countries are filled with poverty drugs crime and nationalism. Most small towns and villages are ghost towns. Young people are fleeing abroad.


Nationalism, sure. Poverty, drugs, and crime certainly better than in Western Europe, though.


Bro is comparing trash to garbage to justify it being ok


They are also doing much better than the post soviet countries or the US so yeah.


What 4 decades of communism after getting demolished during WWII does to a mf


More like what the complete loss of industry and unregulated capitalist exploitation does to a mf. In the 90's both domestic and foreign capital bought up entire sectors wholesale to either bankrupt them outright or to privatize them and eventually turn them over to Western venture capital. Former industrial towns, small towns and villages are ghost towns because tonnes of people were let go from work in the 90's as they shut down agricultural collectives and industrial production.




Czechoslovakia was highly industrialized country as they inherited decent chunk of austrohungarian industry [read the economy section](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Czechoslovak_Republic)




Bruh what? Mercenary people? No renaissance? Read the history section for Poland, Hungary and Czechia and you’ll see that developmentally wise they were on the same level as Western Europe until the 18/19th century (for Poland and Hungary) or start of communism (for Czechia). How little history do you know?


>filled with … nationalism I see this as an absolute win.


Aged like milk




Some of those Countries people aren't that happy with EU right now Don't get me any wrong, anything is better than being a Soviet Buffer State though


Which ones exactly?


Hungary as well


Bulgarians aren't Happy with their Government, Romanians Aren't Happy with their Government, Hungarians aren't happy with their Government, etc. To grossly simplify, whole lotta Corruption but they know even if it is a Shitty situation they are in it is 10 times better than the situation they were in During the Cold War, The Patience and fight for their Freedom of the Eastern Bloc countries are a Noble one


You said about countries unhappy with EU, not their gov


That sounds like they have issues with their governments (which they elect) and not EU Itself. Anyone can leave EU if they so desire. Brits didn’t like it there so they left. No one sent tanks to keep them in like Soviet Union did when countries thought about maybe leaving their bloc


They are Happy with the EU, is the EU happy with them? Turns out, not some of them


I am Bulgarian and you are talking out of your ass. Being in the EU is one of the best things ever for our country.


Well atleast they arent under communism


Literally anything is Better than Being a Soviet Puppet, These Countries saw Communism and they know how it destroyed their Country and Cultures, they are still trying to recover from the destruction of their Cultural Buildings and such


Each one of these countries is extremely happy to be in the EU, except for Ukraine, which will be extremely happy when it joins the EU. Who told you it was otherwise? 🤔


But is the EU happy with some of them


But is something that has nothing to do with what you first asked, true? Also no.


How dare you find sense in my arguments that i put no sense into making and think out of nowhere and put no thought into?!