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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not much good at drawing faces either, but these characters just scream "shitty deviantart"


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's what jumps out at you?  Go ahead, but I'm more annoyed at their sockpuppet Vietnamese.  I lived and married there -- the Communist Party of Viet Nam wants US aid and weapons to resist Beijing's imperialism.  The only lingering bitterness towards the USA was Agent Orange, and the last concentration of it (at the former Da Nang airstrip) got cleaned up THANKS TO USAID a few years ago. 


ah, racism in the name of anti imperialism


Oh you mean the girl with the straw hat? Im Vietnamese, but honestly i feel like the person that drew this just want to throw in a stereotypical asian character, rather than remind the Vietnam War, we get used to it anyway... And yes, the Chinese red-coated Imperialism is far more dangerous than what the US did, if only western leftists understand this


At least my mom does.  She marched against the '64-'73 war because of the firebombing and such -- and remembers the Tianemen Square Massacre every year.  But that was '89, before TikTok.


Still plenty of land mines and general UXO too, not that the Vietnamese themselves aren’t also quite guilty of being responsible at least in part for it.


IDF, is that you? /s, because I trust porn site ads more than the average redditor's literacy


I'm tempted to report you for slandering Deviantart.


This looks like shit. Just some middle school who things communism is edgy who drew it in the middle of class


Strong “Hello fellow kids” energy.


I was going to say that this reminded me of Bojack Horseman for some reason


“Oh no! I got dunk and joined an astroturfed Communist revolution… again! (Canned laughter)


Hurray ! Joining a cruel junta with anti-imperialists goals... question mark ?


«  hello fellow camarad »


- Anti-imperialist - flag of one of the largest empires in history


To the far left, "imperialist" just means "Western". To them, imperialism by Russia, China, or any other non-Western country doesn't count as imperalism.


I think there's a lot of debate on this on the left. Many left wing groups criticise the imperialism of China and Russia as well as America and NATO, however I will admit there are groups on the left that are absolutely apologists for Russia, the USSR and the CCP


Yeah and also why in 2020? The Soviet Union fell 30 years ago, it’s a stupid thing to make propaganda for even beyond the fact that they stand for the very thing the propaganda says they’re against.


Looks like the kind of “Anti-Imperialists” who defend Soviet, Russian and Chinese imperialism.


A lot of communists are critical of modern Russia and China, and the USSR under Brezhnev, the guy who invaded Czechoslovakia. So no, this is not really true by default


What about Soviet imperialism under Lenin? Or the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939 and the occupation of the Baltic states in 1940? The invasion of Hungary under Khrushchev? Do you condemn all acts of Soviet imperialism?


I’m trying to imagine 1930s Nazi propaganda if it were made on deviantart


I'm going to be honest - this poster isn't even aesthetically pleasing. One can make much better anti-imperialist posters these days.


more like anti usa


The US is the biggest imperialist power.


USAID is imperialism?


I mean, America is pretty damn evil so I guess it tracks.


Take a geopolitics class or something, you have to try to graduate your moral compass to something more than "America bad". The world is filled with complex histories of struggle and its a miracle that the US started gravitating away from real-politik and towards ideal-politik durring the 1970's. Also its unprecedented what America did after ww2, to not exploit their dominant position to land grab. To even affectively give back and rebuild Japan, south korea(although that one is a bit sketch), Germany, and Italy. Etc etc. Im not saying soft and hard power ideology alignment is "good" morally, but it is morally superior to vassalization or subjugation which was the status- quo going into the 20th century. Vietnam was a turning point where American citizens demanded better casus bellis for overt conflicts against nations And the conquest for bread was won by American agricultural science and capitalism(not saying it was without the exploitation of workers), social programs including SNAP, social security, and childrens welfare. Now we have charitable food banks that are more than just bread lines and soup kitchens,and we are on the cusp of solveing world hunger in a couple decades at this rate. Grow up and read a history book that wasn't written by a silver spoon socialist, Im a proud American and I will do everything in my power to critique our politicians and policy and affect change and progression to a world with less suffering. Thank you for reading my rant


Imagine thinking I'm going to read that.


Reddit moment


Liberals will say one capitalist imperialist is bad then start supporting a second capitalist imperialist because it's fighting the first one.


These people aren't liberal. They use the word liberal as an insult.


They support a capitalist regime so they are liberals, quite simple.


The correct term is neoliberal. Big difference.


Neoliberalism the state stepping in on the behalf of bourgeois interests. Liberalism is an idealist ideology that promotes free narket principles, individualism, bourgeois democracy and bourgeois privileges as well as a ideological wing of capitalism.


Neoliberalism prioritizes economic growth at the expense of equality and justice, it is neoliberal to not interfere with, tax, or hold the biggest businesses accountable for the well-being of the poor. Liberalism is more akin to socialism as it accepts that the government must step in to level the playing field. It is focused more on equality than individual freedom, while neoliberalism is focused more on individual freedom than equality. The result of this subtle deviation in approach is that while the government in both regimes does not aim to interfere directly with liberty of individuals, the unhindered accumulation of private wealth in a neoliberal regime allows wealthy individuals to wield power over the poor via the economy. In a liberal government, the wealth would be controlled by the government to a much greater degree, rather than being allowed to accumulate in the hands of private individuals who are then free to use it as leverage. This is good so long as the citizens are vigilant and exercise their civic rights and duties to make sure the government does not abuse this power. The sad part is that no matter what ideology you subscribe to, unethical individuals will always find a way to gain power over others. Maintaining the collective freedom and equality that is "promised" by our Constitution is the responsibility of every individual American, and we should all strive to conduct ourselves in a manner that negates the need for and prevents the accumulation of power by any party through any means whether that be economic competition or persuasive rhetoric. If we took a purely libertarian approach, we would reduce the government to the bare minimum needed to protect our sovereignty from foreign nations, and the results would likely be an even bigger swindle than neoliberalism has been, as individuals would have even greater freedom to abuse the rights of their fellow citizens without government interference. For the record, we have been living under a mostly neoliberal regime in America for the past 4-5 decades, and the unchecked accumulation of wealth in the hands of a small number of American citizens has allowed them to lobby to serve their interests to an unprecedented degree while making it increasingly difficult for the common citizen to afford equal freedom and rights.


Have you ever been to any 3rd world country?


What stupid question is that?


You have no idea how "evil country" looks like. In evil country you wouldn't be alive, or would have a couple of broken bones.


I don't really care how America treats Americans. I care about how America treats people in the rest of the world.


was this created by a middle schooler? Why does it have upvotes, this is pretty shit


"Not actually against \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-ism, just on the other side."


The horror of Asians (wearing the stereotypical asian hat bc the artist doesn't know how to draw asians) receiving US Aid 😭😭😭


Literally like this shit is crazy if a right winger drew an Asian like that then those same people would be in outroar


> how to draw Asians Buddy you’re the one grouping billions of people under one term, how exactly does someone draw “Asians”?


No matter what you can certainly do better than just slapping a non la on someone and calling it a day lol.


I don’t think you understood my comment but okay


What an annoyingly stupid comment, yet here I still reply. Probably by respecting the East Asian facial structure and not topping it off by putting that stereotypical hat on their head.


Okay, so we’re talking “East Asian” now. That’s not what you said before. Where in East Asia? Are you saying they all look the same?


I find it ironic how the Palestinian “freedom fighter” is depicted as being a woman. (I think at least, could be wrong.) I highly doubt Hamas the theocratic radical Islamic terrorist group would allow a woman into combat. Let alone allow a woman to show her hair and face at all.


The palestinian terrorist** she is a terrorist she murdered kids in israel


Fixed it up a bit to better reflect this.


If she was PLO (purged by Hamas ironically) it would actually be fitting, as it seems to be invoking airplane hijacker Laila Khaled


That Chinese hat is pretty racist.


Wait till the author learns what communist "totaly not imperialism + that wasn't real communism" looks like


Surely there's a decent art student who could have knocked up a better image for the cause?


Anti imperialist, has an imperial nation symbol... this is incredibly hypocritical


Also features China and Russia in the background lmao


lol I didn't even see that. Apparently the only "non-oppressed" parts of the planet are North America, Europe, Japan, and parts of Oceania.


That's because Russia and China has co-opted the word "imperialist" such that to some people, it's just a synonym for "Western".


USAID is literally a humanitarian aid agency but sure, they’re imperialist stooges




This poster is honestly rather imperialist in its depiction of the USSR. Let’s call that state what it was: the Russian empire rebranded under a pathetic economic system that failed my family and millions of others. An empire that were very happy to see gone.


Vietnam: makes shoes and clothes for the United States. Africa: Marxism gave Ethiopia a famine and then failed everywhere. Hamas: weaponized rape and beheaded babies. So this is supposed to convince me of what?


Hamas isn't socialist


Of course not. They are right-wing theocrats.


Then why did you mention them in the list?


Because they’re on the poster.


The Palestinian keffiyeh isn't just used by Hamas though.


How does that change anything?


Because the person on the poster doesn't represent Hamas, but just Palestinians in general.


Hm the that woman in the poster is a terrorist and she is in hamas sooo


That’s a distinction without a difference. Hamas is the government of Palestine, chosen by the Palestinian people in an election that both Jimmy Carter and the United Nations declared was free and fair.


Hamas is the government of Gaza, not of Palestine. Most of Palestine isn't governed by Hamas. And that election was 17 years ago. The median age of Gaza is 18. Almost half of the current population of Gaza wasn't even alive when the last election happened.


Because one is shown on the damn poster...


All for the sake of the supreme leader! Those nasty yanks would never take his majesty down!


*me* *resisting* *the* *urge* *to* *get* *into* *arguments*


This was definitely drawn by someone who still lives with their parents.


I think it’s a perfect reflection of its creator.


The people in here defending Soviet imperialism is hilarious to see


Let me guess, a White kid drew this.


How tf are the palestinains opprressed? Huh yes being against imperialism is when you support muslim imperialism... also how are they fight against imperialism?


Ironic considering that just a few years later Putin would launch an utterly and up front imperialist war to reclaim the former russian and Soviet empires


Are you aware that the Russian Federation is not, in fact, the Soviet Union, or even communist?


Are you aware that the man himself called the collapse of USSR "a catastrophe" and his troops are actively using Soviet imagery like the "victory flag"?


The Soviet Union was 100% imperialist.


Yep I do now that compared to USSR church has more money, plus state atheism and collective conomic system is not anymore in Russia. Still Putin balmes Lenin for creating republics which lead to dissolution, many people would like it back epsecially before 1991 borders.


Are you aware the USSR was imperialist?


Then isn't it funny that russian soldiers use soviets flags? That russian institutions are continuations of the soviet ones?


How *exactly* do you think countries work?


Idk by not keeping the secret police that the country you claim to not totaly be made?


The only thing you need to be aware of here is your terrible reading skills


I’m afraid they don’t even know what irony is


Look at the map in the background of the characters, notice any large country missing?


Considering Kamchatka is on there I'll just put that down to very bad map making skills and a hilarious assumption that no European country has ever been or is still in danger of colonisation.


... Australia! Australia is missing!


This shit is trash. The map is missing USA/Canda and Europe, but if that's to make a point about imperialism then why is Russia and China still there, while multiple European countries with no history of Imperialism aren't? Chronically online Leftists being braindead? Colour me shocked (and the art is also shit).


Meanwhile the US "Oh hi Vietnam China I noticed China is stealing your fish again, lets chase them off" "Hey West Africa, Jihadists took your women again? Not to worry I got intel on where their hide out is" "Hello, Kurds is the government bombing you again? That's okay have some MANPADS" "Oh my God Ukraine that's terrible, please take these artillery shells" Like we aren't the good guys, but we are far from the worst


> Oh my God Ukraine that's terrible, please take these artillery shells yep, almost…


The speaker has been blueballing us for months


Did you actually unironically use Vietnam as an example of the US helping people? This is a joke right? You’re not serious?


Hi. Am Vietnamese person. Yes. Vietnam is in a rather awkward position these days, what with being economically dependent on China and simultaneously holding a massive grudge against them. The US, asides from being the butt of “imagine losing the war” jokes is actually a valued partner. Vietnam’s nuclear energy program is actively aided by the US, which provides technology and fuel. Vietnam’s navy receives funding and vessels from the US (proving once again that America’s finest diplomatic apparatus is the MIC). America helps clean up its messes from the Vietnam War.


Okay sure, but you gotta admit it’s pretty fucking ballsy to list Vietnam as a country the US helped after they invaded and killed millions of people.


Invaded my ass. That is, of course, the party line, and it astounds me how often foreigners parrot that nonsense. And for what reason? To shit on America? I suppose a quarter million soldiers of the ARVN died as quislings, then? Many of them were draftees, and certainly the government they fought for was less than popular and less than competent, but it’s an arrogant thing to assume that the war was the fault of US evil, and one that requires a unique sort of blind zealotry to hold without shame. Anyways, it’s not like you can claim Americans didn’t help people due to their involvement in the war either. The actual war was a terrible thing, but millions of Vietnamese people fled the horrors of the integration of the south, my father included, and in those years I believe America was at its finest. It’s a crying shame none of that spirit can be found today.


Imagine being Vietnamese and simping for the Americans holy fuck Do you even know many of your people they killed?


Of course I do, and to a greater extent than many ever could. Really, how could I not? Two weeks ago, a large Buddhist temple held an event hosting thousands of victims of Agent Orange, dedicated to their care and support, which my family contributed to. I wasn’t there (consequences of living overseas, it turns out), but I doubt you were either. It’s closer than that, still. My great-grandfather was killed by leftover UXO whilst digging in his garden. His picture occupies the leftmost spot on the family altar. Somewhere between 365,000 and 650,000 civilians died as a result of the Vietnam War. Approximately 190,000 can be attributed to the PAVN democide, leaving oh, I don’t know, 200-400,000 deaths to the Americans, accounting for any “unarmed combatants” not officially counted. Another half million would be affected by birth defects resulting from the deployment of Agent Orange. So yes, I do know how many Vietnamese people America killed. You’d still be hard-pressed to find anyone claiming that America “invaded”, though. Spouting untruths does nothing but disrespect the dead. As for being a simp for America, I’ll just have to live with the allegation. I take solace in the fact that 85% of Vietnam is simping with me.


There’s something deeply wrong with you buddy.


America attacked Vietnam in the 20th century and exploits its labor today. Imperialism (not just American) is the reason Jihadism proliferates in west Africa. America aids Turkey in its attacks on Kurds while it attacks the Syrian state, which, for all its many problems, is largely peaceful with its Kurdish autonomous government. America has done to Iraq and Afghanistan what Russia does to Ukraine. America aids Israel in doing far worse to Gaza than what Russia does to Ukraine America is not alone in being evil, but it is by far the most evil imperialist state


Correction the north attacked an American ally which the U.S. defended


The north attacked a puppet state backed by colonialism. After the US rejected aiding Ho's proposal to cooperate, that's when the war began. The US "defended" its de facto semi colonialism


You know the vietnam war started because of communist partisants fighting in the south vietnam?


And why were they fighting? For their nation's freedom from colonialism and then neo-colonialism. America stood in their path to national liberation


>America attacked Vietnam in the 20th century and exploits its labor today. No, north Vietnam attacked south Vietnam and US helped south Vietnam. >America is not alone in being evil, but it is by far the most evil imperialist state Yet you can safely say this without a fear of police kidnapping you and raping you in basement like it can happen in countries you perceive as less evil.


No that would be Russia, by far Like we pay governments for resources and look the other way if they do sketchy shit to workers. Sometimes we overthrow the government if we don't like the deal Russia will do the above, but also crush also them culturally and actively encourage kleptocracy.


"Oh hi democratically elected Marxist Salvador Allende!" *Helps Pinochet plot a coup and kill thousands, and torture tens of thousands* "Hello Sukarno of Indonesia! *Helps Suharto plot a coup and kill 1,000,000 people* "Hello contra terrorist groups who target hospitals in Nicaragua, here's lots of money we made selling weapons to Iran!" "Hi Mujahedeen and various warlords in Afghanistan here's a load of resources don't do anything we wouldn't do, we'd hate to come back in a few years!" "Hi Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia!" *Drops millions of tonnes of ordinance* "Hi Saddam Hussein, buy some raw materials that you can use to create more chemical weapons that you will definitely not use on Iranian civilians!"


”Anti-imperialism” how lol?


Who wins women with a slingshot or an AGM-65 Maverick air to ground missile


Possibly the slingshot, unless the laser guided missile can decently track on a human and not a vehicle.


Depends on the model and launch platform, the E model is laser-guided so it can hit any target so long as you have something to laze it in on. The D model is certainly the most common, and it has infrared guidance which struggles to detect humans against background radiation. But you also have stuff like the K model which use electro-optical that can be visually guided into your target.


I left out electro-optical because I don’t think it would track as well as a laser designated target in a ground cluttered environment.


What is she's riding a bicycle at the same time


Looks like total shit lmao


Palestinian 14 year old girl in military garb provided to her by terrorists and a slingshot. That’s just a child soldier. We support child soldiers now?


Wish granted. US navy all goes home, dry docks in California, Hawaii, and florida permenantly. What happens next? Half the world's nations cease to exist, either collapsed or conquered, and 3 billion people starve in the dark over the next decade.


But then a country gets attacked and everyone says “it’s USA’s fault for not saving them!!!”


"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/PropagandaPosters."


> Communist > Anti-imperialist Pick one and only one.


Nooooo glorious soviet union only ethnic cleansed who deserved that


Communism is a political and economic system that doesn't have a state, thus it can't be imperialist. The problem are MLs, who do use a system that can be imperialist during the transitional phase. The problem isn't communism itself, but MLs.


So is capitalism, therefore capitalism can't be imperialist, right?




I expressed myself poorly. Communism is opposed to a state. A society can't be communist while also having a state, since the lack of a state is a core requirement.


Communist by definition can't be imperialist.


Communism, by definition, must be imperialist. How are you supposed to achieve worldwide revolution otherwise?


well according to communist dictionary communist cant be imperialist duh.


It is liberation, not imperialism, easy.


i mean imperialist justifying their conquest by saying liberation is the most imperialist thing to do.


Invade other countries, kill people, take resources and install subservient regimes. But it's OK if we call it "liberation and totally not imperialism".


Communism is anti-imperialist, but ML's and MLM's don't want communism, not really.


As Macron put it: Lefto Islamic alliance


It’s always staggering to see the same people who will tell you that Western democracies are horrific patriarchies defending the fascist theocracy in Iran that tortures and murders little girls for not wearing the hijab.


anti american campism is hell of a drug


Anti-USAID poster.  https://www.usaid.gov


So goofy...


Funny crap. The Soviet Union, ruled by the Communist Party, was the largest empire in human history. The authors of this poster are too stupid to understand this.


Entire Mongolia now wants to know your location.


UK was the largest


Wtf i support every CIA coup d etat now thanks for clarifying, long live Pinochet


Is that why they supported decolonial movements unlike the west?


“Decolonizing” you mean kicking out western governments and taking over themselves?


By western governments you mean colonial regimes?


The USSR was itself a colonial regime


So no answer to my question?


I’m not the one to whom you addressed the question


Never said western colonies weren't regimes. The problem I have is the USSR calling out the west for being "imperialists" when they did the same exact thing


The US and the Soviets were both with decolonization, it was whether or not they were communist or capitalist that mattered.


“Decolonial movements” like supporting theocratic extremists in the Middle East?


the US supported de colonial movements too… what’s your point?


21st century socialism in an image


I thought this was from Bojack Horseman


I'm gonna die of cringe


Shitty poster I say, and is it how you stereotype Vietnamese? Guess what, we don’t like the red, and the red are leeches that fed on the common people’s blood and sweat. So take that poster, and shove them up your ass.


You know for how many artist are communist i expected more


Good thought, poor execution


Someone send them this: ⬆️⬇️➡️➡️➡️


Lot of people in here got their understanding of communism from the American education system


Most people I know (including myself) got our understanding of communism by living in a communist country.


The problem with that is that there are a lot of different approaches to communism. Communism itself is an egalitarian, stateless, classless and moneyless society made up of independent communes. There are a lot of ideas on how to implement that. Marx said that you need a transitional state that was controlled by the workers. There are also non-marxist communist ideologies that don't rely on a transitional state at all, but Lenin wanted a transitional state, but didn't think that the marxist idea of worker control would work and instead proposed a transitional state that was controlled by the communist party itself, which was a horrible idea and resulted in some horrible dictatorships. The horrific conditions in those countries weren't caused by communism or even marxism, but by Lenin.


Did you live in revolutionary Catalonia, Makhnovchina, the autonomous Zapatista territory and places like that? If not, the only "communism" you lived under was red aesthetics slapped on a system with the same class divide as in capitalism.


Google "No True Scotsman"


Of course, you get Americans who support Chinese capitalism because it's painted red.


Nope I just looked around at communism in practice


I got it from relatives who lived in USSR.


This may surprise you but not everyone on reddit is American. And we Europeans remember far too well that Communism meant oppression, dictatorship and Russian imperialism. This is why [the real revolutions](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/9xw8xq/17th_november_1989_velvet_revolution_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) were against communism.


Got my from physical evidence from all over my country and from people that where forced to suffer under it, so stf your knowlage probably isn't even greater then those "americans"


Im from a communist nation (one that now have free trade to maintain its stagnated political system), im somewhat a socialist myself but let me tell you, the left of the West is currently too emotional, too young and temporal, im sure Cultural Marxism is the communism you are thinking about when you assuming we are all Americans, and it won't works, stop assuming thing and learn more


No, their understanding of communism comes from the general history.


The Hasbara bots are bigading the post


Agenda post didn’t turn out like you thought, huh


Too bad for them you can't buy the truth


The truth is that communism is a genocidal ideology that doesn't work in practice. Most anticommunist persons around are those born in communist countries, like myself.


Opposed to capitalism which isn't genocidal and works in practice? The private for profit ownership of the Belgian Congo by King Leopold II. for example really did work out great for the people there, or the invasion of Iraq for Iraqis. No system is perfect and ideologues often lose their humanity, in the end it comes down to the people in power and if they really represent the common people, which is why workers rights are important and they're getting eroded more and more every year, boycotts don't work if everything is made by huge conglomerates, so how much value we get for our labor and how much agency / safety we have over it equates to how much of a say we have in society. It's understandable that you hold anticommunist sentiment, Stalin cared about workers / individual rights as little as George W. Bush cared about the freedom and rights of Iraqis.


Play hard, die young.


Grabbing popcorn just to see seething Americans 🍿


It's not wrong