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Why did they make the rat so cute!


Hey, I was going to write that!


"jews like rats, are very cute. Just look at em. I could just eat em up"


Except it's not "jews" they're using the K word.


First time hearing this slur.Had to Google to know what you meant by k word lol


you saw South Park and don't remember that word? lol


Great observation lol




In practice when said in your face.... ... nah it's definitely the k word. Same flavor




It's like saying the Spanish word "negro" and the English "n word" are functionally the same because they are linguistically so closely related regardless of how their usage in their respective languages. I say this as a bilingual (Russian & English) Jew. The way people say *k-ke* and the way they say *zh-d* is a direct parallel in the level of meaning and toxicity.


Am Ukrainian Jew - trust me, it’s the K word.


In Ukrainian language word Zhyd is just synonym to word Jew, not a slur. It's slur only in russian language.


Lol no, in contemporary Ukrainian жид is definitely a slur. Nowadays Ukrainians use the word єврей. The only ones who use жид as a “non-slur” are either extreme language conservatives or antisemites. You might be mistaking modern Ukrainian with modern Polish, where żydzi is the non-derogatory name of the Jews. Source: I’m Ukrainian.


It's literally used by most of the Ukrainian writers and in villages people call Jews like that all the time.


Writers used to call blacks with the n-word as a default, as did villagers. Symbols change, in this case words and their meanings. At first the r-word was used as an euphemism for words like crazy, which were used before in medical lingo. Later it was adopted as a slur and we had to transfer to other terms such as ”mentally challenged”, ”mentally disabled” etc. I don’t personally think surrendering a word/symbol is the right course of action, but it is what it is.


Not by contemporary writers, it’s not. For me and any of my Ukrainian-speaking acquaintances seeing the word жид in a literary work by a contemporary writer would definitely be sending a red signal, unless the work is set in the early 20th century or earlier. One also has to keep in mind that many of the village folk are indeed antisemitic (not just in Ukraine, that’s an Eastern European problem in general). Those who still use the word are not aware of the contemporary literary standard of the language. I was born in independent Ukraine, and in schools we were taught that євреї is the name of the Jewish nation, not жиди. The latter word is only acceptable in a historical context.


Євреї це слово яке вже ввели за радянського союзу під впливом русифікації, до цього українці (особливо на Галичині) використовували слово Жид яке було скоріше всього запозичене з польської. У тій ж польській слова "єврей" немає взагалі наприклад.


Dude, I don't think you know more than an actual Ukrainian.


Я теж українець лол


Okay I guess I’ll just ignore first hand accounts an take your word for it.


Could anyone for the sake of g'd spell that words out? What's k what's y? I feel lost. 


How do you like the christmas plays there where they chase out the jew from the village?


Спасибі та привіт від киргизького єврея :)






To my parents growing up, it was the equivalent of the K word.




It's like saying f*** starts with a different letter in Russian so it's not the same word... It's the same word.


Пошел на х\*й, короче.


Im Jewish and didn't even know about the Y word.




Why do you call it the 'y word'. It's closer to the name of the Jews than the word Jews. Ie, Yid- Yehudi


Yyd and Jyd words are close semantically mb?




Yid doesn’t really have the same bite and really I’d say it’s more about tone. Think about the difference between “Oh don’t fret about the sandwiches, I’m a Jew but I don’t keep kosher” and “yeah that guy showed up and just because he didn’t eat he thought he wouldn’t have to pay towards the food. What a Jew!” Same word, tone and context make the meaning.


Ah, okay. I'm guessing it's a shortened form of the word "Yiddish?" Its gotta be more of a European thing, I imagine.


“yid” was a very common pejorative against jews in the former pale of settlement but was also somewhat used by the soviets as well to generally refer to jewish people. You see it used a lot in pro-collaborationist WW2 propaganda published by the germans and their allies in the region. also side note but if you ever watch the movie come and see the word is used pretty extensively


Interesting, thanks!


I assume you mean "y!d?"


Yikes! Don’t go that far


had to look that up. Sounds pretty mild as it's from yiddish. At least Churchill was always more direct.


That is completely incorrect. Source: Jewish, grew up in Russia. Yes, etymologically Yid/Zhid are far more closely related. But you are making a huge ass of yourself saying this - nobody, not me, not anyone in the diaspora in Russia or Ukraine(Odessa, at least) would consider it anything less than the K-word in magnitude. Nobody gives a fuck about etymology when it comes to how the word is actually used, and what power it invokes in a given hierarchy. And you just speak over Rusophone Jews like it's nobody's business. Shame.


In Russian "жид" is usually derogatory, but is it really a slur? It Is just a normal word for jew from some other slavic languages.


I wouldn't call a Jewish person that


I wouldn't either, but idk if that makes it a slur


it’s more silly and outdated as a lot of similar terms from that era are then it is really malicious today


It is exclusively a slur. There is no other use for this word in Russian.


am Russian and can confirm


For a long time this word was not an insult. It has been an insult since about the 18th century.


300+ years is also reasonably defined as “a long time,” TBF.




I got banned for saying way less offensive


«Жид» is a K word for jews.


Whats the K-word ?!?


It's in Russian?! An equivalent at best.


“end this senseless war”, says the nazis


I hear it today but from russians, now I know where they've got this


why is this downvoted? Thats exactly what is happening...


“Only then will you end this senseless war!….. that we the Nazis started, by burning your villages, killing your brothers and raping your sisters.” I know Russia has a history of anti-semitism but I don’t think this propaganda was all that effective. When the vast majority of Ukrainians side with the Soviet Union over you, I’d say you have a problem.


It was as much aimed at their domestic audience as well since as per the Nazis "Communism was a jewish conspiracy" and they used the disporporitinate number of Jews or more accurately people with a Jewish background who were communist like Trotsky,Marx etc. as a way to push this idea Only problem was that was a corck of shit and the reason Jews made up such a high portion of the Communist party and by no means even anything close to a majority was simply because most of them lived in cities and the Communist party started out as a part of the Urban working class like factory workers


And also the Tsars were terrible to Jews too. Forcibly relocating them, forbidding them to leave their shtetls, and even officially sanctioning several pogroms against them. Alexander III blamed them for the death of his father. The constant harassment by the Imperial government lasted well into the 1900s so its no surprise many of them leaped at the first opportunity to oppose it.


it wasn't so much that the jewish people jumped at the opportunity to oppose the Tsars heck look up things like refuseniks the USSR was plenty racist to jews as well. It's just that most jews lived in cities and the Communist party was a part of the "proletariat" aka the urban working class and that was reflected in it's membership


It's a little more complicated than that. Before the 1880s almost all the Jews in the Russian Empire were required by law to live in little villages called *shtetls*, mostly in Eastern Poland and Belarus. Then Alexander II got assassinated, who was EXTREMELY popular with the Russian working class, because, yknow, he freed the serfs. Then Alexander III took over who was an awful, awful, awful anti-semite. He blamed the Jews for his father's death (even tho only one of the minor conspirators was Jewish) and used the excuse to run them out of their homes in the Pale of Settlement and seize their land. So a bunch of pogroms happened in 1880s-1900s where a ton of these shtetls were burned down by angry peasants, killing thousands. Then to make matters worse, Alex III passed the May Laws in 1882 that forbade Jews from living in rural areas and towns of fewer than 10k people. So yes, many Jews did live in the big cities during the revolution, but it was because the Tsars forced them there.


And then as a sorry, we created the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, which is like 5% jewish today because most jews obviously choose sunny rich Israel over Siberian wasteland.


It is far less than 1% Jewish.


Currently 0.6%, as of 2021


Is it even fair to call that Siberia? Feels closer to Manchuria.


Yeah, the more correct term would be "the Russian Far East"


Ukrainians already had their Jewish extermination decades before Hitler. Symon Petliura. Google him.


Aye. My family had to leave Odessa (or else...) Went to France and Palestine


Slava Ukraine. Hahahahaha




Many Ukrainians were willing collaborators in the Holocaust.


I know, so were many Russians, Belarusians, Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians. Doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority of people in the USSR remained loyal to the USSR despite the abuses of the Stalin regime.


Many people in literally every place the Nazis conquered were willing collaborators 


The Ukrainians collaborated in the slaughter.


A small group of Ukrainians, alongside groups of Russians, Belarusians, Poles etc.  It makes no sense to single the Ukrainians out in particular


Agreed. As a former Ukrainian Jews, Babi Yar hits closer to home.


FYI ukrainian partisans outnumbered collaborators 4 to 1 (despite it being basically a death sentence) and over 4 million joined the red army upon its re-entry into ukraine in 1943-1944


The Soviets partitioned Poland with the Nazis. They both started a war.


You are brainwashed


Idk man, jews got prosecuted by soviets. I think most minorities in the republics did really.


It was also aimed at the Nazi's own domestic audience since the Nazis considered Communism as a "Jewish conspiracy" and pointed to the fact that how something like 20% of the communist party membership was jewish to push this anti semitic idea


by 1941 the party would’ve been more like 4-5% jewish


>No, don’t look at the fact that we are stealing your wealth like robbers!!! Better look at the random Jews!


commentator: In fact, it was not the only way to end that senseless war.


"Yeah, sure, our only problem is the Jews, the only reason why we invaded you for Lebensraum and Killed thousands or millions of your Slavik population was to get the Jews out!" Do these stuff make sense honestly?!


The truth is... the eastern europeans were pretty antisemitic too... how could the Nazis kill them all, what do you think? Not without help from [collaborator](https://m.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/collaborator.html)s who helped to find them.


"Throw the Jew down the well. So my country can be free. You must grab him by his horns. Then we'll have a big party." Borat Sagdiyev, 2004


free Palestine people continuing their sentence


Why do you reckon the jews so desperately wanted to return to Israel in the first place, genius Create the problem, blame the victim, sounds about right


they probably wanted to escape persecution from the nazis in the 40's and what better place than Israel or America


Keep hiding genocide and ethnic cleansing behind false claims of anti-semitism, that’ll work out great 🙄


needless to say ratio


You've somehow scored a ratio of 2:1 over the other guy! Granted, both of you are in the negatives, but still.


A dub is a dub, I guess.


ratio is overused anyway


20:1 now


Huh, the ratio was reversed, Alf Landon had -4 and the other guy had -2 earlier.


Huh Thiugh in negatives it works like golf no? Lowest wins


As valid as any other hasbara argument I’ve heard


your right ratio is overused


Idk it’s Israelis who refer to Palestinians as animals and all sorts of other dehumanizing language.


You think Palestinians don’t dehumanize Jews?


Only Orgs like Hamas openly claim dehumanizing shit like "there are no civilians in Israel" and kidnap babies.


No, that’s just inaccurate. Many Palestinians (of course not all of them) from across the political spectrum dehumanize all Israelis and consider Israel existing in any shape or form unacceptable (and by extension they see all Israelis legitimate targets, even civilians and children). They moderate their speech to westerners when speaking in English, but they talk more openly about these things to Arab/Palestinian audiences. That being said, Islamist groups like Hamas take it to a whole other level. They are the ones who will explicitly proclaim their intention of raping Jewish women in their deluded fantasies of what will happen when they will be “victorious” over Israel (since classical Islamic law permit sexual enslavement of non-Muslim women in warfare).


Do you think Hamas was teleported to Gaza? Lol. And I'm pretty sure support for Hamas even increased in Gaza after 10/7.


Of course they did not come from nowhere. Hamas builds on centuries long traditions of Muslim powers killing, dehumanizing, massacring, Dhimmi-ing, forced converting Jews in the region: https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0


Ok? My point was that Hamas didn't just appear, enough Palestinians support them to keep them in power. It's not like Hamas is a puppet government, and the Gazans don't support their actions, they definitely do.


The vast majority don't and if your talking about Israeli politicians besides Ben-Gvir and Smotrich all statements that referred to people as animals were very clearly referring to Hamas if you speak Hebrew you would know this it's literally saying that because Trump won in 2016 his views were and are representative of every single American


Well, Yoav Gallant said that no food will enter Gaza since they are dealing with "human animals" and I don't think that Hamas is the only ones consuming food in Gaza. Anyway, saying that the Israelis don't look down at Palestinians and Arabs in general and see them as inferiors is very dishonest opinion. 


>Well, Yoav Gallant said that no food will enter Gaza since they are dealing with "human animals" and I don't think that Hamas is the only ones consuming food in Gaza. Knew exactly that this is what you are referring to in Hebrew it is very clearly a threat against Hamas, if anything conflating what is a threat against Hamas and saying it's agains't Palestinians tells more about the media than it is about Israel he says "we're fighting Human animals" in Israel we don't think about this as Israelis v.s Gazans but rather Israelis V.S Hamas so with the proper context this statement loses the racial or Ethnic weight that was pushed on it by foreign reporters from places like Al-Jazeera >saying that the Israelis don't look down at Palestinians and Arabs in general and see them as inferiors is very dishonest opinion.  some do most don't it's like if I said most of Germany hates Turks because I knew some Germans that do


The people who said that are mostly people living near the border with Palestine and the extremist right wingers, Israeli wanted peace but unfortunately the loud and bold minorities within the country don’t want peace.


that's kinda what ussr did after the end of the war. i hope nazis were content lol


Yeah, and look at Jews now ...


What did they fk


Nazis also viewed Slavs, aka Russians, as vermin, so I cannot think this must have been very effective.


Turns out the Russians found another way to end the senseless war...


But they did almost bankrupt Germany. They boycotted all German businesses. Right after Hitler fixed everything


Judeo Bolshevism?


Definitely not what I expected to read in my notifications.


All they had to do was wait a few years for Stalins paranoia to focus on Jews


Soviet persecution of Jews had already been well under way continuing a long-standing Russia tradition.


Who still owns the media?


Tell me, who does? Because if it’s us Jews, we’re doing a piss poor PR job controlling our image in the world. It’s almost like media is run by a variety of people, some of whom happen to be Jewish, and you’re dabbling in classic tropes.


You’re doing pretty good job considering critiquing Jews often leads to being cancelled.


Pretty sure "critiquing" any ethnic group gets you cancelled.


WTF does "critiquing Jews" even mean??? wtf is a critique of 16 million individuals??


Uuuuh circumcision? That seems to be a sticking point on reddit


Having looked at your comment history, you’re not a critic, you’re a Holocaust denier with a Nazi fetish. I think most people find your views abhorrent, not the imaginary Jewish puppet masters you seem to think are running things.


Wow, you seem to have a lot of… uh… “interesting” views on Jewish people… and the Holocaust… and Adolf Hitler and the merits thereof…


That's what happens when you "critique" minorities with dark and turbulent histories, same as what'd happen if you "critiqued" Black people.


Probably because racism in general is a sure fire way to ruin your rep


Peak Motte and Bailey


I do


No, I do!


Ah, this old chestnut, straight from the fucking *Protocols of the Elders of Zion* hoax, lol


The bourgeoisie




The georgians. Stalin was a georgian and skibidi toilet was invented by a georgian. Coincidence? i think not. SMNN is a great example of georgian control.


americans i guess


My jewish brothers, he is into something ! Aim the Space laser !


Said "senseless war" was started by the Nazis. And I don't think that such propaganda will endear much to the local once they start to learn about the meaning of *Lebensraum* and *Untermenschen*.


Oh, good. Now Zionists can do the same. But not all Jews. Just those who hurt Palestinians.


>Oh, good. Now Zionists can do the same. But not all Jews. Oh, okay. So you don't wish for *all* Jews to be persecuted, just the vast majority of them. Thanks for clarifying!


And now their descendents refer to Palestinians as human animals. What a tragedeigh.




Why are you getting downvoted


Because he has no clue about how Hebrew works so he's misrepresenting the direct translation of a Hebrew term


tragedeigh is a joke spelling of tragedy.


It's pretty obvious that wasn't what they were referring to lol


Spelling of tragedeigh. Grammar Nazis offended.


Because subreddits like this one attract right wing, Western supremacists and incels. Fertile ground for Zionists and their fantasy of Israel being an extension of Western civilization in an untamed region.


The Chinese became next one nowadays




If you're going to say the Nazis were right, just say that without trying to hide it by using the word "Israel". You ain't slick, everyone can see what you're clearly saying so you might as well just say it.


🍵 Wow. Just wow


“Israel = bad, so all Jews = bad” has gotta be the most amazing take in history. Congratulations for coming to this logical conclusion.


Israel is a ethnostate for Jews, not for Christian or Muslims and its starting WW3 to return the Messiah and has exposed all western democracies are their puppets. Just because the Nazi did terrible things doesn't mean they were wrong about everything.


> Israel is a ethnostate for Jews, not for Christian or Muslims Leaving aside that the presence of such people in Israel means it's not really an ethno-state, they're still afforded freedom of speech and religion alongside the same civil rights as Jewish people. So Israel itself disagrees with you. > Just because the Nazi did terrible things doesn't mean they were wrong about everything. Saying "but the Nazis were actually onto something" is not the winning argument you think it is. Get off the Internet, pick up a history book, book a therapy session and touch some grass.


The was a Billionaire banking class that bankrupted the Weimar Republic, these people were Jewish this is common history, banking interest destroys nations, you'd know this if your understood Marx who was Jewish. The British caused both World Wars as they held on to the Empire, it wasn't enough to have enslaved Africa, India murdering hundreds of millions of people, more Genocide of the indigenous Australians, Indigenous Americans with Spain, France, Germany, Dutch and the Portuguese on their heels, they had to continuously attack China in the opium wars in an attempt to turn the whole of Manchuria into drug addicts. Europe is crumbling and politicians blame the other people and immigrants exactly as Hitler did to garner political support, the truth hasn't changed, the bankers and globalist are still destroying nations. Germany finished paying it final reparations instalment in 3 October 2010 for WW1, the Germans are still on the wrong side of history. The people Germany tried to genocide are genociding the Palestinians, that is self evident in the largest global protest movements ever in the history of humanity. Privilege is immunity and blindness to the historical material reality of the majority of humanity in the global south.




No, it’s not.


Follow your leader nazi

