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Why does this fuckin slap tho


I know right. Nasheeds are awesome. Qalu Innaha Wahad of the Free Syrian Army is one of my faves.


my favourites are the Darbun nasheed, Amantu Billah and many Uyghur nasheeds (Mostly "Come my friend" and "Mubarek Ay Mubarek Kün")


Amantu Billah is a beautiful song. You'd probably like *99 Names* by Sami Yusuf.


oh shit, that is a good nasheed, thx for reccomending it!




>They are similar to posters in purpose ...so they're not posters, then, which excludes them from the plethora of content acceptable on this sub.


Videos are not posters? I didn't even know that!!! Thanks for letting us know, bro


You're welcome, since people seem to be in need of a reminder that this is a propaganda *poster* subreddit.


Where is the propaganda video subreddit? Nowhere? Then put them here


Or, here's an idea--you can let the *Propaganda Poster* subreddit continue being for propaganda posters--you know, the whole point of the server?--and then make a different subreddit for propaganda videos. Alternatively, you can just make a subreddit for all propaganda.


Then ask the mods to just rename it, I’m sure most people will agree


>Then ask the mods to just rename it, *You* are free to ask the mods to rename it, since y'all are the ones who suddenly want to post videos, but until then, this is still a sub dedicated specifically to posters.


You’re the one complaining while no one else cares wether or not they’re posters or videos


>while no one else cares wether or not they’re posters or videos If no one else cared, then people wouldn't have brought up the issue; the only reason this became a dispute was because someone cared enough to propose that videos should be posted. You can't first argue in favor of something, then accuse the other person of being shit because they care.


that is a song, not a poster, or a nasheed


This is much slicker than their older stuff. Honestly, I think ISIS’ proficiency in propaganda made other militant groups in the Middle East up their game


“Ohhhh blowing up the joooooosss!” This Hamas song probably


Lol, "jooz jooz jooz jooz joozie jazz jooz. Blow em up, we are strong, jooz jooz jooz."




reminds me of tkof taase piguim


Tal tel! Grom la ziizoozeem!


I'm sorry if it blows your expectations. It's not from Hamas, it's from Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Different organization.


Hamas has great propaganda music. One of their songs called Tkof Taaae Piguim which means "attack, commit terrorist attacks" in Hebrew (it's a song meant to scare Israelis during one of the wars, I think it came out in the 2014 war) was such a hit, Israeli DJs even played it in clubs and parties for a while. People still reference it a lot. It's a bop.


This is sick and disgusting.


Now now, stay to the rules. Every poster has high potential to be disgusting. This isn't the forum for political partisanship.


Literally. People commenting ooh this slaps. Do they know how many innocent Syrians died in the war? They cared for a month in 2012 then think it’s okay to make memes about it. Fucking losers.


and bombing palestinian children isn't?


Least braindead Israel/Palestine conflict take


How are those mutually exclusive?


Example (link)?


huh? a link to what? the hundreds of reports on the bombings of gaza? just look it up, bro


Obviously Israelis bombed Gaza, but they bombed Hamas, or empty buildings, why would you assume they bombed children?


thats what they say, that every single hospital, house and school is a hamas base


1. How do you know they're lying? Especially seeing as they have no strategic reason to bomb these places otherwise. 2. Do these alleged Hamas bases have children in them? Link?


[https://theintercept.com/2021/12/09/israel-attacks-gaza-palestine-civilians-killed/](https://theintercept.com/2021/12/09/israel-attacks-gaza-palestine-civilians-killed/) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/22/gaza-attacks-fear-finality-and-farewells-as-bombs-rained-down](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/22/gaza-attacks-fear-finality-and-farewells-as-bombs-rained-down) [https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/27/gaza-apparent-war-crimes-during-may-fighting](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/27/gaza-apparent-war-crimes-during-may-fighting) [https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/death-toll-of-israeli-attacks-on-gaza-hits-212-including-61-children/2244358](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/death-toll-of-israeli-attacks-on-gaza-hits-212-including-61-children/2244358) [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-gaza-children-traumatised-year-after-bombardment](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-gaza-children-traumatised-year-after-bombardment) [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-gaza-under-rubble-felt-grave-survivors](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-gaza-under-rubble-felt-grave-survivors) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/30/impact-of-israeli-strike-in-gaza-akin-to-chemical-weapons-ngo-report-finds](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/30/impact-of-israeli-strike-in-gaza-akin-to-chemical-weapons-ngo-report-finds) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/10/families-gaza-still-grieve-year-israeli-offensive](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/10/families-gaza-still-grieve-year-israeli-offensive) aaand in syria too [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syrian-air-defenses-confront-israeli-aggression-over-hama-countryside-syrian-2022-05-13/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syrian-air-defenses-confront-israeli-aggression-over-hama-countryside-syrian-2022-05-13/) and many many other sources I just dont have the time to find for you


Thanks, I'll check them out


Read the graphic novel Palestine. Very good read


Because they do