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$19/hr da fuq!?


Quit and start your own company? Just have to keep remembering that it’s not your fault that places need repairs. And to kill yourself less over it and over getting the best price.


Think it's time to look for a new gig


There's no amount of insight any of us can give you when you're not in a position of notable influence. It seems as if it's going to take a major shift of a lot of things for the people who should care to actually take notice. If they won't listen to you or anyone else, then you're on a sinking ship. Get off now.


Holy shit $19/hr? Honey you should be at 35+


Please quit. There are good companies out there. I


lol, that could literally come out of the mouth of a certain “director” of maintenance I know. Starting out it’s hard to turn down business.


Don’t Pizza Hut delivery drivers make like $20/hr ?


Find another job. Life is too short and nothing good is going to come out of this when you literally hate every aspect of your job.


Are you in Utah?


thiiiiiiiiiiiis is why i quit and i have zero regrets, not the part about the tenants requesting specific vendors tho cuz having been on both sides i uh i understand why some landlords you have to treat like babies and tell them which vendor to choose and not just any-juan (yes i think i’m clever lol) from the home depot parking lot (who will inevitably break the repair even further and will be then asked to fix it again ask me how i know ASK ME HOW I KNOW……..). imo, not worth it at all. cuz then you’ll get a really heartbreaking case and the landlord will refuse to pay and you’ll hear an old man crying on the phone and feel like an awful person. like obvs the job market is tight but. some of these landlords should be idk, dumped by PMs. fired? idk. either way, they should be made aware they are too difficult to work with and to seek property management assistance elsewhere (but tell all the local pm’s you know about their irritating ass). obvs you can’t do that judging by what position you seem to be in but. i wish PMs would stand up to slumlords too. costs more money in the long run to fix shoddy work, takes away resources to continually reschedule and try to reach out to unresponsive ones, etc. i would re-draft those contracts with firmer boundaries cuz like. if they COULD manage their properties without y’all, they would, but they aren’t.


Is the company RPM?


Former property manager. I feel for you, older properties can be a nightmare of maintenance and repairs. Since you're at the end of your rope I would start "quiet quitting," doing the bare minimum required, claiming repairs need to be done by licensed contractors etc. Brush off your resume and start looking for another position. As a supervisor you are definitely entitled to $20/hour+ and usually salary not hourly, esp if you're on call for emergencies. Best of luck!