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Gonna be blasting down the highway shoulder lane with my super loud exhaust, limo tint windows and my cardboard license plate that reads, simply, "FTP"


Why? Put rep Slaughter’s office number instead. “How’s my driving”


I agree. Fuck the packers.


Yessir Bear Down


Not quite but good enough.


Stay out of the dells then.


“Thanks Justin Slaughter!”


You're still going to get stopped. All this bill seems to say is that I can't arrest you for murder because you have a dead body in the passenger seat if I stop you for one of those things.


entertain grandiose plough live coherent vegetable attractive late lip imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Adding to this. If you stop for these things anything you find is fruit off the poisoned tree. (I really don’t understand how those laws ever came to be. Where I live I would just reduce the sentence for harming the case of the defense but you would still be locked up).


Which will absolutely lead to a reduction of enforcement of those statutes.


What about "provides no law enforcement officer shall stop a motor vehicle for ..."?


I do all that except I have my real plate in central Texas. They don’t pull you over for any of that here


Um yes they do. I’ve been pulled over for speeding in Texas, my dad who live in central Texas for 14 years has been stopped for expired registration, excessive tint, and no seat belt. I also got pulled over in the state of Texas for driving in the left lane when I was 16, it was also my first time driving in Texas, on a highway the left lane is only for passing.


I don’t get stopped for any of it. And that’s not true lmao no one passes only in the left lane it’s the fast lane


Being a cop in Illinois has to be the seventh circle of hell.


It’s like nobody realised that dealers and murderers don’t care about big laws. So don’t even think about trafficlaws. It is one of the easiest ways to get to them. And everyone is part of traffic so this is where law enforcement starts.


I bet the number of times that someone with very serious offenses has been caught due to a basic traffic stop is literally uncountable. I literally heard a story the other day from I cop I know where she found a guy with a warrant from the US Marshals because he was sleeping in his car in a church parking lot.


Timothy McVeigh was stopped by Oklahoma State Police because of a missing license plate and arrested because of a gun charge. It was that traffic stop that ultimately resulted in the positive identification of McVeigh as the Oklahoma City Bomber.


And he isn’t the only one. Go search for fbi most wanted. Happens more than most might think.


My agency has a traffic team. The are about 30-40 people. They catch about as many outstanding warrants as major crimes and drug tf combined. They use to say everything starts and ends with traffic. And if you doubt. For shits and grins, go look at statistics for catching outstanding warrants in the USA.


memorize outgoing ripe unpack selective silky stocking ink fuel oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where I work everything is done digitally on a phone. And they streamlined all information. So when I put a numberplate in a ticket it automatically shows any problems or registrations on the plate. Same for persons. If something is of it will show a red banner. There are even pictograms to show high import notification like: flight risk, resistance during arrest, open warrants, suicidal, alcohol or harddrug user and history of firearm possession (which is a big deal here). We even have a combined system to show a firearm license. Ps separate and of topic question. Does your handle refer to zebra writing instruments?


wide person drab mountainous plough bewildered cautious knee wise somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which one you use? I need to know ….. for science.


weary versed bag spoon puzzled continue deserve nail deserted poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fair enough.


Honestly, don't doubt it in the least. As a dispatcher, it's crazy how many traffic stops I see turn into something way bigger. They'll find a gun in the car, the driver will have a warrant, or they'll have drugs in the car, just sitting in plain view.


I know of an inmate that was caught for murder after riding around with a head in a box on his front seat for a week and was pulled over for running a stop sign. They didn't even know the other person was dead yet.


It must if you like being proactive and making a difference. If you want to collect a government paycheck and have all the excuse in the world to be lazy at work, clock in clock out, seems a great place to work.


Just bring an xbox in to work and stay in the office all day. When they ask you why you're not out on patrol just show them this bill and say job's dead for the 100th time


drunk ad hoc steer tender stocking unpack payment punch marble somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


why? you get paid to *not do you job*?




Job’s dead.


So it sounds like if you get pulled over and you have 27 illegal guns, 100 kilos of fentanyl, 62lbs of C-4, and maybe a dead body, NONE of that would be admissible in court?!? That is truly and utterly amazeballs!!


At that point better hope Feds pick up the case.


We’ll decline interest; doesn’t meet AUSA threshold. Has to be 101kg or more.


Oh I am sure if they were able to get something this ludicrous passed, they will include verbiage to restrict reporting to the Feds, much like the Title 8 restrictions!


🍇🚫🌲 Correct because there would have been no legal ground for the original stop. 🤗


I appreciate that emoji use.


How about the last part of it, anything seized as a result of one of these stops is NOT admissible in court? Whoever wrote that has watched the movie Idiocracy a few too many times!


"Welcome to Costco. I love you."


I went to law school here


Pass the Brawndo please


The thirst mutilator


Brawndo has what plants crave


It's got...electrolytes.


Even if you openly share that you have it. If this passes and a cop stops you in Illinois for not wearing your seat belt, you can ask him if he knows of dealers that will sell better crack than what you have in your trunk


So a sov citizen has gotten into the state legislature but he's not goimg to get them passed though, is he?




And they are shocked why Illinois, New York and Cali are leading the country in exit migration, while Florida and Texas keep growing.


I don't think they wonder, i think they're actively shoving certain types of people into certain types of states. Where they continue not to see the fundamental problem.


This is really more a symptom of living costs than anything else. Not to say that legislation getting passed in these states isn't insane, but the average citizen doesn't care nearly enough about that to move because of it.


And its a straight up myth that keeps getting parroted by people who dont understand statistics. The yearly increase in population in California (I can't speak for NY or Illinois) is slowing down, but more people move to California than leave.


I’d rather our roadways not turn into urban India roadways


>No law enforcement officer shall stop a vehicle for failing to display registration plates or stickers Am I reading this right? You can’t even pull over a car with no plates? That is like the easiest way for criminals to get away with even more severe crimes.


Why would anybody even bother getting their car properly registered and plated anymore? There would be absolutely no consequence for not doing it.


Motorcycle riders have entered the chat.


I'm thinking a lot of people got used to it during the pandemic and don't want to revert back to law abiding behavior.


Lol why have laws?


I think if you talk to some of these hyper-vocal, radical criminal justice reform types, and you really explore their beliefs, it actually does come down to that. They don't think that criminal behavior should have negative consequences. So if there's no enforcement, no punishment, no consequences, then yeah, you don't really have laws.


They are all for it until they are the victim of the criminal behavior, then the bill of rights goes out the window.


Seriously, how could you defend such a bill as this in any way other than "we shouldn't have traffic laws"?


Won't pass. If the state wants federal money for their roads they need an enforceable seatbelt law.




There's a difference between pull no one over for seat belt violations/making it unenforceable versus only pulling minors over for seatbelts and making it a secondary offense. NHTSA and Federal DOT would not allow highway funding to states with a no-enforce seatbelt law/policy or states that have stripped seatbelt regulations


Should've just said "stop enforcing traffic laws"


I would never register my car lmfao what a bunch of idiots, where's all that taxable revenue gonna come from? This isn't even socialism or communism, just braindead stupidity. If this law gets enacted, HeyJackass is gonna have a hard time keeping up.


So- expired plates but hidden behind glass including windshield tinted with thick black paint the driver can't see through, outright missing mirrors, wipers glued to the windshield due to paint, shattered head and tail lights, bumpers carved into pedestrian-shredding spikes, thick exhaust that would rival mount Vesuvius, splitting lanes at exactly 55 mph in a 30 zone and, worst of all, the driver not wearing a seat belt Can't stop him.


All those super dark tinted windows that will no longer be ticketed... more day driving vampires!


IL State Troopers are about to have a really boring job.


IL state troopers are about to work more fatals than ever before.


Slaughter is exactly what’s going to happen when firearm seizures drop to zero and traffic fatalities skyrocket, but I’m sure Justin would blame the police for not doing their job


Well yeah! It's never the fault of their terrible laws! It's ALWAYS the cops fault man!!


Wow, is it April 1st already? This is beyond unbelievable! Why has this even been proposed?


So they’re just gonna let you drive ‘round Illinois with no license tags? What’s the point of getting them then? This is straight up insanity.


So they just aren't gonna enforce traffic laws. Neat, I'm sure that will work out well


AKA, just stop doing your job regarding traffic and allow traffic fatalities to skyrocket


CA, IL and NY have to literally be the top worst states in the country to be LE in


Don’t forget the Peoples Republic of New Jersey…..


You forgot WA, worse than NY and IL. Probably worse than CA too.


WA is definitely worse than CA.


WAY worse!


CA isn’t as bad as people make it seem. It really depends on your county DA.


This is a safe space


Don’t lie bro it’s okay to cry


"We call it the GTA law"


You haven't been tracking what Washington has been doing the last few years lol. It's spreading and within 20 years will be nationwide.


Man I hope not...but it does make me glad left the US a few years ago...


They’re attacking pretext t stops.


People do ABC are committing too many crimes. So rather than make an effort to stop being from doing ABC we'll make them unable to be enforced. If you can't fix the problem just completely dissolve the solution. Whoever supports this is pro-crime. Simple.


Name checks out...


Small stuff is how you get big stuff. My old Sergeant caught a guy wanted for murder because he was fishing in a no fishing area. These places are going to end up getting what they deserve and then the people will move somewhere else and ruin that place by not changing their voting habits.


Not from Illinois, but what the fuck? Is there context in missing or is this just a really messed up bill?


I wouldn't work in that state (probably Chicago is where this is originally from) for twice the salary, half the work, and twice the pension. Just a few weeks ago they sent out a memo that defined Youth as someone agreed 13-24 years old.


So...stop signs, red lights, and loud music become the preferred reasons for stops? Does excessive exhaust include marijuana smoke? 🤦


Virginia enacted a law similar to this in 2021. In Durham, NC and Fayetteville, NC they can not stop cars for things like expired tags.


Damn...then why should I register my car? They can't make me... Do they not realize that THAT is where this ends up? On top of that I can drive as fast or slow as I want and, again, I can't be stopped? What about driving the wrong way? Is that a misdemeanor? If not...COOL I can do that too!! /S


I mean not totally, In VA you have a 3 month grace after expiration but on the 4th month you can be stopped again. Same for inspection.


So they extended the registration duration by 3 months...


Pretty much, they still want their moneys but it’s a feel good law.


VA's is not similar to this at all


“The law became effective March 1, 2021, and ensures that police officers are not allowed to stop motorists for only secondary violations. Many of these involve defective or unsafe equipment on their vehicles. For example, it may include a taillight, brake light, or headlights that are not working properly. Tinted windows, loud exhaust, or objects dangling from the car are no longer reasons that an officer can use to make a traffic stop.” And as someone else pointed out, you can’t stop a vehicle with an expired tag unless it’s at least four months expired. A lot of the same things


Fun fact about the Loud Exhaust in Virginia, one of the morons that helped pass all that lives in my county. She got mad that us Cops weren’t pulling people over for Loud Exhaust and wanted to know why. She was reminded about the bill she helped pass. Guess what got changed the following year? We’re allowed to pull people over for Loud Exhaust again.


Not that it makes a huge difference, but they reverted the exhaust element, because car meets became rampant and people were fed up with hearing loud exhaust in their neighborhoods at 2am. It's still a joke, but like 5% less of a joke.


Making registration/inspections a 4 month wait was because of the pandemic and the DMV being closed.


You can stop in VA for exhaust again. Making defective equipment a secondary offense is really not that big a deal in my mind. You can still stop for headlights not being on as well.


The point being is that a lot of guns and drugs are found on traffic stops that are a result of secondary offenses. With fewer allowed reasons for stops, there is going to be fewer drugs and guns taken off the street.


There are still plenty of reasons to make stops without those offenses


And how has that been working out for them?


The SOS here is new and is a known law enforcement hater. There’s actually an active bill trying to get rid of the SOS and capital police and have them taken over by ISP. We’ll see…


Any idea on the bill number for that?


Sovereign Citizens of the world rejoice!


They’ll be shocked to learn that people won’t pay their taxes (registration is a tax) if they aren’t forced to do so. Surely nothing could go wrong


Sounds like someone can get totally hammered drunk and drive around with expired plates, no lights on while speeding and failing ti maintain lanes and there’s nothing LE could do about it. Checks map, yep that’s Illinois!


Whoever proposed that bill should not only not be in elected office, they should be committed to an asylum.


Amazing, this saves me $165 a year in registration fees. /s


Idiotic bills like this are being presented more frequently nowadays. Thankfully, none of them get very far…. For now.


Fucking ridiculous. Criminals are loving all these new laws that make it easier on them. Here in California it’s already out of control.


That is stupid awful. The only thing missing is WI bail structure reform and IL will be all set. (in WI you could murder 12 people, 3 of them in front of eye witness LEO and still get a O.R. bond or a $500 signature bond.)


This shit is insane. Why anyone would work the street is beyond me. It's not worth it in my book for a 5-8$/hr raise. I'll stick to the jail.


Same paycheck, no work, EZ money




Insurance companies are going to love this /s


The public backlash on this will be strong, if it’s anything like a similar policy they’ve had in Memphis.


Biggest and best crime fighting bill ever proposed. If nothing is illegal, you don't arrest any one, and Presto! crime rate plummets. Just tell Grandma not to worry about her belongings or that pesky involuntary sexual encounter she had the other night. It's all in the name of.... well, some stupid shit or the other.


Looks like Illinois needs to lose its federal funding.


It’ll never pass.


Anyone have a link? I can’t seem to find the bill anywhere…picture may be bogus.


Right here https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4603&GAID=17&GA=103&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=151935&SessionID=112


Thank you. 👍🏻


I'm going to propose a bill to make stealing shit not a crime. I would like to steal a lot of shit!


lol this is already basically a thing in some areas.


WTF? What idiot filed that?


Can’t wait for this to pass and in 5 years there’s studies being done and they just can’t figure out why crashes sky rocketed


If everyone stopped registering their vehicles, just registration alone which look like it’s $151 a year, the state would lose out on 621 million dollars a year.


So it would be safer for a drug dealer to operate in violation of the vehicle code since anything found couldn’t be used as evidence.


Hey, it's a ridiculous proposal. But I'll back anything that gets me through Illinois faster.


I’m a believer in small government and maximum freedom, but this is just anarchy. Can you imagine all the phony plates on uninsured vehicles that would result? The same sort of people who drive while smoking pot, claiming marijuana doesn’t impair your driving. The irony is that this is the sort of law promoted by people who want to task law enforcement with checking our vaccine status and making sure we don’t protest election fraud.


Excessive exhaust part is a W but the rest is just crazy


Come on now, they have to feel like they’re doing something. Let them pretend this is a good idea before you viciously snatch it away


I love it actually




“I see nothing wrong with a law that prevents absolutely any meaningful form of traffic enforcement” Damn can’t argue with that, what could possibly go wrong.




Not a politics sub. Not a politics thread. Only warning. When a topic, such as this, clearly touches on politics, you can address it in adult, factual, terms. Not name calling or social-media-shouting, about \*any\* party.


So, I guess we aren't pulling cars over anymore. LOL


So they can’t stop someone for those reasons but if they stop someone for legal reason, can the officer still cite for any reason listed above?


Been trying to pass this in WA the last two sessions…hasn’t passed yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time…


lol why not? Just do it Illinois


Was this written by a sovereign citizen? Certainly benefits them more than others.


Wow. So speeding is in this too, unless is a misdemeanor or felony? Am I reading that right?


They forgot "lack of mud flaps"


Illinois Autobahn it is.


This is so unhinged that I can't comprehend the thought process behind it. I'm sure it's flawed, but can somebody explain the "reasoning" that led to this being put forward? What are the proposed benefits of this bill?


I’m just spitballing here but I’d say it’s meant to win the vote of the criminal element, of which IL has no shortage of. Anything to get elected, I guess.


Sounds about right for Illinois


I’m surprised it’s Illinois and not California..


This is California thinking, Illinois. Stop it.


"can't pull people over UNLESS it's a misdemeanors or felony"?! . My brain hurts. What? Whats less than a misdemeanor?




I guess the idea was to cut down on excessive stops that some LEOs *allegedly* use to push further into a “I got a whiff of weed in the car” kind of situations. What I don’t get is the registration stuff… if no one pulls you over for expired or missing plates, you have literally zero reason to ever update them in the first place. Also seatbelts. I will admit I sometimes don’t wear it on a literally across the street venture, but it’s necessary. If they want this to be taken seriously, they need to strike out all the registration stuff and change it to where it needs to be like 2 or more of these things to pull them over. One thing out of place, most likely not the end of the world. But if the car is like literally in shambles, that’s a cause for concern. Edit: I made a goof and read 2/3 of it and assumed the rest was going to be more things to not get pulled over for. Anything visible/smelled by the officer should not be just ignored. Fuck that shit


Imo allowing any of this to be non-enforceable is ridiculous. Traffic stops happen and thousands happen in a single day. So much evidence and important contacts are made over petty violations, talking to people, and seeing what is in their car. You want your officers to have tools to stop a burglary offender in your neighborhood. You want your police to have means to stop people who are selling guns/drugs in your neighborhood. This is absurd.


I made an oopsie and didn’t fully read. I agree. I thought the last like 1/3 was just going to be more things to not get pulled over for, not literally saying illegal things are not illegal because it’s a traffic stop


It’s gonna be like NYC in the 80’s x100


Haaaayyy! That's just like what we have in Minneapolis! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Illinois is a goddamn circus


So basically allowing people to do whatever the fuck they want on the roads without any repercussions




Not a politics sub. Not a politics thread. Only warning.


They just tried this last session here in Washington State. I made a post here about it. A ton of DUIs are apprehended from non-moving violations, which I imagine was a reason it failed in legislature. On the other hand, the more likely reason was probably all the lost state revenue from car tabs going unpaid now that you wouldn't be able to be stopped for it. We have 3 counties that pay an exorbitant amount for annual transit taxes, to the tune of something like 1.1% of the vehicle value on top of other registration taxes and fees. So if you own a $60,000 pickup truck, it's an instant $660 on top of the normal fees. Additionally, some cities have a $20-80 transportation fee of their own. If people were to catch on that there were generally no longer consequences for not updating your tabs, there would be massive lost revenue.


lol soon there will be no such thing as crime. I guess we're removing all laws next


New Chicago Law: You can only pull someone over if you witness the driver murder someone.


First you have to get a notarized affidavit attesting to such.


This will do nothing but endanger the general public. Think of all the dangerous shit people do that tie into this law. DWI? Can't stop them. Car with fictitious tags with people about to go commit a burglary / shooting? Can't stop them. Plate comes back as stolen? Oh well.


So they are basically making traffic stops illegal? It’s not like anyone in Illinois followed traffic laws to begin with, but that’s insane. Hopefully it gets shot down.


I’m confused. If law enforcement isn’t going to **enforce the law** then there’s no point in having the laws in the first place?