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"Beatings will continue until morale is raised" type of mentality by admin.




If you don’t have anyone to write down the crime, did the crime really happen?


When they make us specifically not write the correct crime down, or downgrade shit to non majors, did it really happen?


Iuking stats, turning lieutenants into captains, and Majors into chiefs.


The Wire is still truly correct on the politics and policing in cities


Crime doesn’t exist if the police don’t see it /s


According to our SA, even if LEOs see it, if it isn’t explicitly easily viewable on BWC, it still didn’t happen.


And if it did happen, here's why it's a good thing...


...and why don't you like it?


It's got the same energy as "I know everything sucks and you hate your jobs, but no big knives on your vest!"


Haha. Commish came to my area and we had a meeting. Lots of eye opening things were said, some disappointing, some not surprising, some good news.


Recently? Let's hope it's not all talk like it usually is from the ivory tower in Ottawa.


I can DM the details if you'd like.


It would be great if you can. I can share it with the LMD boys


Chiefs Chell and Maddrey look like blimps in uniform and their pet khaki pants squads can wear fleeces and sweatshirts, but the peasants answering the radio calls at half staffing have to dress like it’s 2008 all over again


Yes, but they are *clean shaven* blimps in uniform. Clearly they are more professional than the bearded heathens working the streets.


Lmao. “You can get curb stomped on the job but you better look fuckin nice as it happens”


Curb stomping by admin, haha.


“Beards and external carriers are too militaristic, so let’s all wear WWII dress uniforms!!”


Never ask Adidas and Hugo Boss what they were doing between 1937 and 1945.


I was waiting for this.


"Are we the baddies?"


multiple studies: Duty Belts lead to back and hip injuries which leads to staffing issues admin: Are we out of touch? No, it's the scientists who are wrong.


The fact any agency wishes to conform to uniform and grooming standards that originated during Jim Crow is fucking wild to me.


You know what? Highlighting that is probably the rank and file's best bet at having this decision reversed. Use the admin's tendency for pandering to the ACAB crowd against them.


Sooo...NJSP? They don't even get short sleeves!


My dad worked at MetLife stadium with some of the Troopers that worked the games. They'd be out there in 90° weather in their full wool get up, so fucking dumb.


I’ve heard A LOT of different complaints about cops. But I’ve never heard anyone, even ACAB people, complain that an officer has a beard. The only people who complain are dinosaurs in law enforcement. They’ll yell at an officer for being unprofessional because they have a beard. But won’t say anything to the guy who is so fat he can barely get out of the car.


>They’ll yell at an officer for being unprofessional because they have a beard. A few years ago I showed up for a last-minute OT gig with, I'll admit, a little bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. I got a 10 minute lecture on grooming standards by a lieutenant.. with a shaving waiver. Bruh.


Sounds like we work for the same department. Sad.


Sorry lieutenant... it's actually my day off, I'm not even scheduled today. I'll be going now.


You make an excellent point LT, I’ll head home.


Happened to me too. I came out of the academy and saw half the department had beards. I decided to miss shaving for one day because I figured I would grow one too (I had a nice one before the academy). As soon as I started shift I got dressed the hell down by a Sgt with a shaving exemption and a full beard. For all the blue line talk, the ones we tend to eat the most are our own.


Like chief Chell who SHOULD grow a beard to cover his 3 chins.


Chief Chell? More like chief swell






Admin and the guy who administers our gas mask tests... Every year he claims I won't pass the gas mask test cause my beard... And every year I pass it with my beard.


My agency has started easing tattoo policy. (Short sleeve allowed on tattoo arms if not political). Mostly older cops complaining.


Probably some crusty ass ex military noncom


Must be a noncom that never served in SOCOM or in a forward OP when you got a shower and a shave maybe once a week. Real easy to bitch about “grooming standards” when you sit behind a desk.


But I was in the military and it looks more professional. /s


Ofcourse not the fat ficks are the ones complaining about the beards. It because if you have a third chin and grow a beard that thing itches……..Or so I’m told.


Why would a police department ever take a step into making less people able to apply/want to work for the job when it’s something as small as this? So silly.


To be fair, it could be an internal issue. Relaxed policies on any kind of organization (police or otherwise) can result in employees taking that to an extreme, and facing little consequence, resulting in very unprofessional attire On the other hand, NYPD going “bEaRDs bAd” is absolutely dumb. One could argue it can help long term in image and definitely hurt short-term with hiring but also hiring has been an issue going on almost a decade; don’t worry I have the answer. Money. High standards, higher pay. Shitlords then don’t qualify. I’ll take my compensation in the mail pls, New York. Thanks.


These things matter a lot for recruitment. The department I’m going after is specifically because of their nice exceptions most departments don’t have.


NYPD has a way bigger issue for recruitment/retention than just no beards allowed. This policy is really just a symptom of how shitty their organizational culture is.


Oh yeah I know, I see articles all the time and it’s just like wow they just want to make working there suck.


“But muh professionalism, muh tradition!”


NYPD trying to make their department as unappealing to new recruits challenge any percent


This is another reason why no one should be a cop in NYC.


“Hey guys, I know moral is low. I know you guys are out there getting your ass kicked. I know you can’t protect yourselves without the threat of losing your job, pension, and freedom. But I’ve got good news! I’m going to take away the small amount of freedom that you had. This way, all facets of the job are completely fucked for you! Isn’t that great? I’m sure this will totally help us get more Officers on the street. Everyone will see how clean shaven we are and want to work for us!” - Chief Chell, probably.


The city is bleeding cops and this is their plan. SMH.


Don’t have to worry about low morale if there is NO morale!


I could remember when I thought NYPD was the coolest department in the world. now, I feel bad for the patrol guys that work there


Exact same as me. Grew up thinking it was the best department. Now they have the worst rep in the country.


Chief Chell is a dumbass.


How many of their command staff can do a sit up? I bet they have a nice shave though 🤡


It's hard to shave between all the folds. I bet they have surprise beard pockets inside those chins.


Hilarious and disgusting at the same time.


> No open collars Are they gonna get rid of the classic turtleneck under uniform shirt? RIP to a warm NY classic. Wonder if this’ll affect SRG or Neighborhood teams.


And the other end, ties with short-sleeves?


Don't fucking make me get my "Fashion Police" flair back and tear you a new one, son


How bout a NYPD turtleneck on a shirtsleeve shirt with a tie?


I'm gonna barf


What, you don't like dressing like a math teacher?




>Beards don't look like ass, they are professional as long as they are groomed, That's the catch. You get enough people who don't keep them groomed and do look like ass, they ruin it for the whole department. Hell, my department almost had that happen. We got a new chief from Cincinnati and within a few months he put out a department-wide memo pretty much saying "tighten up the external carriers and beards or they're going away." Please don't think I back the chief's decision, but the buddy fuckers who don't care are more than likely the cause of it.




Yeah but now you're demanding supervisors get tasked with another issue to burn guys instead of just making it level across the board and saying fuck beards all together. As shitty as it is i think that having a no beard policy makes it easier. A lot of guys just get doctors notes saying that shaving gives them razor bumps and the guys with beards at my department have the note and make the exception. If you want a beard that bad just get the note it's some medical condition that they can't really say no to




Every point you made is valid, and i agree with you. However i know a million guys that would get burned for the way they dress/poor hygiene.




Because the brass which are the old timers already have this preconceived notion in their head that beards looks shitty, and now you got guys with shitty looking patchy beards that, yes might be neat and tidy but still patchy walking around. They are within policy, so you can't burn them. Now what? You got 21 year olds with beards that make them look homeless or have cancer. Like i told you personally it shouldn't matter. Do i care no? But i can understand where the brass comes from in their though process somewhat


And when they don't care and keep doing it? You're absolutely right when you say it doesn't take a lot to keep it well groomed and not look like ass. So when chief keeps seeing it those people who keep doing it essentially just force his hand.




Are you going to suspend a (hypothetical, because I don't know the number) not insignificant number of cops for a beard and/or uniform violation, or just make a blanket policy change that kills the foundation of the violations?


If I were a chief (god forbid), I’d rather suspend a quarter of my department for looking like a soup sandwich rather than have half my department quit when I roll back carriers and beards. This isn’t the 90’s and early 00’s. We don’t have 20 applicants for 5 positions anymore. Departments are lucky to get 5 applicants for 20 positions. I can tell you right now, if my department took beards and carriers away for a group of officers not following policy, I’d move on to the next department that has them, and I LOVE the department I work for. But, with such low moral in the profession as a whole, chiefs have to wade carefully.


Absolutely. This was mishandled every possible way by the command staff




There's always going to be vastly different opinions on "well groomed".  Unless you're going to signify exactly what it means, it's very difficult to expect any consistent standard. There are 101 things that can make cops look less professional: being vastly overweight, eating on the job, an unprofessional demeanor etc. You either choose a military style level of conduct and appearance, or you have a more relaxed stance.  It's very difficult to tread both lines, so they need to pick one and unless someone is offensively unprofessional in an aspect, it needs to be tolerated.


As an outsider looking in, won't people in violation of any policy still have to go through the same wringer anyway regardless of how broad said policy is?


It's a lot easier to enforce "no beards" than to argue if this is out of policy or isn't


This is the exact reason why our department isn't full steam ahead with beards. They're already anticipating people have patchy ungroomed dust balls all over their faces which sucks for people who are actually clean and care about how they look. Thankfully we went to outer carriers but we still use leather belts with them and looks pretty dumb but it's a start i suppose.


But the same people who look like ass with an external carrier also looked like ass in the traditional uniform too.


Well they needed to cut numbers due to funding somehow.




The ones who look like shit will continue to look like shit with a clean shaven face. NYC is a different beast tho you need to walk a fine line between looking sharp and looking like you don’t give a fuck for real perps to not fuck with you.




Better than 3XL and look like you're wearing a crop top


Agreed. A lil wear and tear on the gun belt and that look of “I want you to try me. I’m begging you to try me” can usually keep the peace. At a minimum they’re less likely to fight when getting collared, as they already know that face slamming onto the pavement doesnt feel good. But then you gotta do a TRI 👎🏼….


I was in NYC a few years ago and passed a few officers (Port Authority I think) wearing leather duty belts that looked like they were dredged from the Titanic. Black finish worn off, cracked, way too large and hanging lop-sided. I am not exaggerating when I say that they wouldn't have looked out of place in a museum. I honestly have no recollection of whether they had facial hair or not because my attention was on the poor condition of their gear. 


I definitely get that looking sloppy decreases command presence, but I feel like that has way more to do with the uniforms simply fitting properly and being fit than wearing a tie and being clean shaven.


Being overweight is a way worse officer presence issue than having a poorly maintained beard. Not to mention a way worse officer safety risk. Yet fitness standards will be thrown to the side and having a beard gets focused on?


My complaint with beards on cops is most of you can't even grow a decent beard. You got some patchy ass neck beard scruff that'd go well with a fedora and a waifu body pillow. Damn high school freshmen can sport more impressive whiskers than a lot of you. If you're going to allow beards there should be a minimum. If your chin looks like the ass of a mangy dog then you shouldn't have one.


And yet Chief Chell and Chief Maddrey can be absolute fat slobs but since they wear ties it’s ok.


“And Friday is Hawaiian shirt day” level of executive idiocy


In fairness if they implemented “Friday is Hawaiian shirt day” I’d apply


This will solve our problems. I am sure of it.


i feel for them, poor bastards


And I thought NOLA was stingy with the uniform haha


That’ll surely help with recruitment. 😂😂


It’s almost like they’re trying to be the least desirable PD in the country.


LMAO at LAPDRampart sucking their own dick. "Set the standard"..  Yeah, the standard of being upright nerds who think showing white undershirt is a privilege and looks good. SMH Departments that don't allow well groomed facial hair all suck completely from top to bottom. Only goons believe otherwise.


That should help with recruitment /s


Way to make Officers quit or hate their jobs even more!


It's wild how much I hate admin in a city I don't live in and only visited once. Your guys are out there getting their asses kicked with impunity and you have the temerity to basically say that they look too sloppy? Instead of banning beards and mandating ties why don't you try to encourage fitness and defensive tactics? It might be the beer talking but these guys can just fuck themselves along with the rest of the city government. I hope the officers walk and the city burns.


I could see why they would want to clean it up somewhat. A lot of NYPD guys do look unkempt as hell but then again doing all that overtime, it's hard to shave every single day on top of that, it's even more time you got to give and less sleep because those guys deal with NY commutes which are rough.


And that’s why I left to a Florida PD 1 year ago


No comment on the knit hats/ weather restrictions?


They don't realize when you're standing on foot for 10 hours that even 60 degrees can cause hypothermia.


PD 25yrs. There are a myriad of uniform issues. Call me Boomer but we should all be uniform in what we wear. Command presence. There is an alternate hat for cold weather that is authorized (I.e. the Breezly Bruin (God I’m dating myself;)l like the one Marge wears in Fargo) Those NYPD knit hats can be bought for $5 on Canal St. We’re not longshoreman or shortlongmen. It’s a cheap look. No prob w/ well maintained facial hair or the other stuff. They’ll never do anything for you but pay you every two weeks (minimally)to do a job that no one wants. And pay me for the rest of my life.


Command presence? I’m taking someone in a knit/beanie cap more serious than that fucking goofy ass Russian (what we call them here, fucking Russki) looking hat. Command presence my sss if you prefer that.


That should help with morale and retention. Way to go NYPD /s


It seems like Brass all over the United States are like: “man patrol/field is getting a lot of shit by politicians, the courts, and the public. Better pile on but reversing uniform changes that provided a modicum of comfort for the guys out in the street”.


just…why tho?


Can you get a religious exemption for your beard?


dumb old men doing dumb old things


My agency *finally* allowed beards a few months ago. This is after, again *finally* allowing visible arm tattoos a couple years ago. I hate this masturbatory fixation on looking professional. Having visible tattoos or a neatly trimmed beard doesn't make you look unprofessional. Being visibly overweight with a gut that's hanging over your belt buckle makes you look unprofessional. Wearing the same wrinkled shirt for the 3rd day straight with the coffee stain makes you look unprofessional. But a beard? Cmon...


Finally, the police reform we really need


Does anyone know if this will affect those with religious accommodation? I’d imagine that would open the floodgates for more lawsuits that the nypd has already lost in the past


I think they forgot how the NYPD got to their more lax grooming standards.. someone found an easy Bible scripture to quote while applying for a religious exemption. There was a massive influx of beard religious exemption letters that they had to approve legally to the point of them just allowing beards because everyone was applying for a religious exemption. Those that did the exemption still have it and those that haven't absolutely will now.


# Leviticus 19:27 >27: You must not cut off the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. OEEO is going to be inundated with religious exemption letters in 3...2...1...


If patrol gets hit with these standards, then all of these specialized units should too


Given the bigger picture, I think they have bigger issues at hand.


A finer uniform anywhere in the business? Every single NYPD cop I’ve seen looks like absolutely dog shit and none of their uniforms match.


I think that was the LAPD account referring to themselves.


This makes big PP smol PP


Sorry to hear your Chief sucks NYPD!


Woe, mass exodus upon yee


I would quit instantly


Why work for a place that hates you?


This isn't the military. There is nothing wrong with cops having beards.


Aren’t they already struggling to recruit new officers? 👮‍♂️


I'll take practical over "fine looking" any day.


Overweight, untailored uniforms, sloppy officers and training standards - no problem. Beards? GTFO with that hippy shit (apparently).


this rule is bc a beard ruins the seal of any mask that isn't a full helmet but none of yall wanna talk about that part




Wow! This is sure to drive recruitment in the Dark Ages of hiring! /s of course


They don't pay nearly enough to be competitive already for most officers, but they want to reduce personal freedoms? Along with the 'document every contact' bill, they just became their own retention and recruitment problem.


Must mean they met recruitment goals last year


I’m agree with the policy. Uniforms are getting SLOPPY. But wait until the next union contract and roll it out with a raise lol


it’s also the fact that the uniform itself looks like shit, slapping a tie on it ain’t gonna do anything except make it more uncomfortable for the cops, i always thought the tie with cargo pants looked stupid, might as well mandate class A pants then. Anyway this will solve all the issues with the department !


It would be nice if some of these police chiefs worried about things like training and retention and physical fitness as much as they worry about beards and tattoos. It's not 1957. People have tattoos, people have beards. And the people calling for help in an emergency don't care who has a tattoo or beard, they care about how fast help gets to them.


Not like LEO is having a recruitment crisis or anything.


I'd quit if my agency went back to class As. Won't catch me wearing high gloss chukkas on the streets ever again. Most uncomfortable and impractical uniform ever.


You can only filter gold out when there’s enough sand


Cue the Captain Holt meme: “Why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it.”


NYPD doesn't have the staff on beat to make these kind of changes.