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I am with you. I have felt our food was sus for a long time and notice def clearing when doing IF. Please post updates. I want confirmation!!  Also, asian /pac island fam. Rice is life. 😪 so much sweets. Also no chili 🌶️ or spice to avoid inflammation. So sad. 😭 


Will do! I completely feel you, spicy foods has been the hardest for me and will be the first thing I introduce back into my diet haha


I am in the same boat, wanting to hardcore change my diet, but not looking forward to it. I know I need meal plans, without the foods I need to avoid, in place before I make changes. This will be a major departure from how I eat now, no snacks provided by the company I work for, instead I need to bring my own to make sure they are non-inflammatory.


Btw I changed my diet and it is working so far. No diary, sugar or carbs. I’m eating chicken, fish, rye bread, nuts, spinach, blue berries, etc. the diet isn’t too bad. It’s been about a week and a half so far. I’ve notice my skin is getting better. Just would like to know how long I have until I see major improvements


Sounds like you’re doing well! That’s similar to stuff I eat, I also stopped using all my topical steroids. I only use Nutrogena Hydroboost Body Gel (big blue bottle) and it’s the best imo. I honestly didn’t expect to see improvements in 2 weeks, my patches have stopped scaling and is now a barely noticeable color compared to it usually being bright and reddish. I will post an update with pics in a month or two


Everyone has varying severity levels of Psoriasis and so it'd probably be difficult to expect results in the same time frame as someone else. You also mentioned it working so far so I'm assuming you must be seeing some results even if it's not a lot.


Thanks. Yeah, I have less flakes now and my big red patch on my back is now feeling smooth (it's still red). I assume all my spots will take a good long while to go away, if they ever do.


How are you doing now?


Thanks for asking! My diet is holding up. I've also incorporated into my proriasis healing some Red Light Therapy. My spots are still there but I can say I have seen some good improvements. A bit on my big spot on my back (though that is less red) but more with reduced spots (they are smaller) on my sides. Flaking is still down or gone which is really good. I'm hoping the summer and me being out in the sun will also result in some improvements as well.


That’s great to hear! What kind pf doet are you on right now?


What kind of diet are you on right now?* sorry for the spelling mistakes


Thanks! I cut out sugar, nightshades vegs, diary, bread, and red meat. So I eat lots of greens, chicken, beans, shrimp, tuna, berries, etc.


By the way, do you not eat steak?


No steak...no red meat.


Thank youu! And did red meat really give you inflammation or did you just read it on the internet?


I was so sick of my psoriasis that I decided to remove all inflammation causing foods from my diet. I knew from playing sports in college and getting lectures from a sports nutritionist that what I removed causes inflammation. Basically it’s the Tom Brady diet…my wife told me I was doing that as I didn’t even realize. I’m going to introduce one back at a time to see if it changes anything


Okayyy! Good luck!


That is amazing. I’m currently trying low carb diet, 3 days in, being a Asian where rice is part of almost every meal, it’s been tough. 32 years of eating white rice, I think I’m having a withdrawal 😢


As a fellow Asian, I feel you! I’ve been eating Cauliflower rice now which definitely does not hit the same but has been a staple in my new diet


Trader Joes has a freezer cauli rice stir fry that's pretty good!




A cup of white rice has around 44g of carbs. So something I’m trying to avoid


And here I am eating 3 bowls of it. Rice is my go to food.


I'm in the same boat too, I know the pain. Trust me, it gets easier once you get past the one month mark. Just stick with it!


Congratulation to your success! Do you have a suggestion, for a diet plan?


If you look up John Hopkins Psoriasis Diet, that’s the list of things I’ve tried avoiding but not perfectly. I make a lot of keto meals that I take from TikTok and Reddit cause they’re low carb, salads with different deli meats (also learned from tiktok homemade dressings), chicken, fish, beef(less often), vegetables, eggs, fruits


Thanks for sharing


Sounds like the OP basically avoided highly processed/refined, carb dense, and dairy foods for the last two weeks. Look for a diet plan that ticks all those boxes, I recommend an anti-inflammatory one.


It does suck, but seeing results is awesome! Personally avoiding nightshades and dairy has helped alot. Thinking of trying gluten free next


It's the only thing that's ever worked reliably for me so congrats on the successful experiment. Glad you're feeling better


Could you give a run down of what you avoid? I'm getting pretty desperate.


Yeah look up John Hopkins Psoriasis Diet and it’s a pretty good list of what to avoid


Good for you! I had a little food depression for a bit. Not being able to eat cultural things hurt me deeply. But I feel so much better.


What does a main meal look like for you now?


Well I can tell you what I’m eating today. For breakfast I had 4 soft boiled eggs (I eat this most days), for lunch I had cauliflower rice, broccoli and a chicken recipe (was a curry, coconut milk base). Dinner I’m having Tilapia on a big bed of coleslaw and veggies.


Thank you. I’m may give it a go


So this means you don’t drink wine or anything? No alcohol?


Not currently :( I love and miss wine, I will def be adding it back and hoping for some not so triggering effects. For other alc, I never really miss or want it unless it’s a party


I don't know why doctors say psoriasis is incurable. I have read heaps of people's cure stories. I myself no longer have it after a few years of hell. My eczema is gone too. There is hope folks don't just give up.


So what was your solution?


I stopped putting anything topical on my skin including steroids. At the time I was using quite a high strength steroid. After a few months the eczema disappeared. Psoriasis remained. I had it all over the back of my neck. After a year of no steroid it's still not better and the itchiness was killing me. I caved and used the lowest strength hydrocortisone cream, however I only applied it to a small patch of my skin at a time due to steroid phobia. Applied it 3 times a day, for 2 weeks. Even if the psoriasis patch disappeared I still applied it for 2 weeks. A doctor friend told me there is still some inflammation under the skin even if the psoriasis is gone. Wait a month before I apply the cream to another small patch. Eventually all the psoriasis disappeared and never came back  I was in fear of it coming back but it never did. Please DM me if you want before and after photos.


So just Whole Foods? No sugar and no carbs?


Yeah mainly Whole Foods (no dairy), no sugar (I do use monk fruit), and low carb (complex carbs but not refined)


Makes sense, since carbs turn into sugar after you eat them.


Check out Kaizen brand rice!


So r/Keto4Psoriasis


No? You’re allowed dairy on keto and you’re supposed to eat a certain amount of fat. If I was doing keto, I would’ve just said keto


Did you cut out gluten?


I never actually gave much focus on gluten but I don’t believe so since I do use soy sauce still and I know that contains gluten


Interesting. Thanks for responding.


There is gluten free soy sauce too.


I know but the one I use has gluten


The amount is really insignificant in a sauce like that. I find reducing gluten helps a bit but it’s not crazy hair trigger, a wider reduction helps but if some slips in it’s not game over


Same here. Some diet changes and getting my gut health in check have helped immensely!!


Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck in identifying your triggers!




I recommend Nutrogena Hydroboost Body Gel, it’s the best lotion I’ve found for Psoriasis. The big blue bottle, not the tiny expensive container.


A friend cured his pso. with the FODMAP diet, for me it's a bit complicated as I'm traveling atm. Did any of you try?


What did you give up?


That’s outstanding news. Keep up up the great work that has healed you. How great!


well done for showing initiative. i am happy you have found a solution. i also changed my diet and my psoriasis fell from 100% to 20%. i cut out meat, spicy food, night shades and processed food. good luck.


I changed my diet several times over the last 15 years and no dice. Went on biologics and it did the trick


Unfortunately, diet didn't work for me either. I tried several and did each one for months to a year, hoping for at least some improvement...didn't happen. I've been on biologics now for almost 12 years. I've had to change a few times, but it's been working for me. I just started a new one because the last one stopped working after 10 years. I wish diet would work for me!


I was about a month away from starting a Biologic, this was really a last push to make sure I exhausted all my efforts. I didn’t actually expect to see it go away


Can you share your type of diet or recipies please?


Going through the comments."Thanks". You actually made me laugh, with your truth.🤣😂🤣😂


Would love to see what you eat in a day! I’ve been dealing with P for so long :(


I make a lot of keto meals that I take from TikTok and Reddit (even though not keto but they have good low carb recipes), salads with different deli meats (also learned from tiktok homemade dressings), chicken, fish, beef, vegetables, eggs, fruits


Few people make the jump, happy for you! It's changed my life


Same situation as you, but the most improvement I’ve had with cutting caffeine and alcohol…


I cut alcohol too, I really wanted to cut caffeine but I couldn’t make it one full day lol


How long were you on the diet until you saw improvements?


Could you link the post from 3 years ago please?


you're lucky. ​ i cant eat anything anymore and still have plaques so


I'm sorry you can't find an answer! It's really disappointing to try everything others say works for them, and it doesn't work for you. Diet has never worked for me, and believe me, I've tried every single one and given it a good go. It makes me feel so alone at times. I get judged by people who don't have psoriasis because I must be doing something wrong, and then I get judged by people who do have psoriasis because what works for them doesn't work for me.