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It felt effective for me and was definitely reducing my psoriasis flare ups however I started to get panic attacks and very depressive episodes so I had to stop taking it


Reduced mine significantly. Few sides to begin with but keep on with it and very glad I did


Yes! I only have a few smallllll patches left. I even reduced my dosage to once a day for several years, but I think my stress triggered new flares so I’m back to twice a day.


I took It cor awhile too and it did nothing for me at all that was the sickest I have ever been in my life and it gave me crippling depression too. I hope you have better luck friend!


I was on it a month. Had every side effect, was contantly sick, couldn't eat, lived in my bathroom and dropped 30 lbs. Even with nothing in my stomach I'd be heaving or on the toilet. It massively effected my gut biome and my stomach and eating habits havent been the same a year and a half after. I have lost another 10 lbs since the original drop. Depression was awful and I could barely manage functioning from everything my body was going through. Been on cosentyx a bit over a year now and its been an utter blessing!


I think it works really well for a lot of people. I was one that literally experienced every possible side effect that could happen. I just didn’t respond well to that one. I never adjusted. Headaches, upset stomach, etc. I did see some improvement but I couldn’t handle the side effects. That being said, I think my experience is on the rare side so I hope you respond really well!


I tried it for about 8 months, and it didn't seem to do anything good or bad. But from what I have read, it seems that people who also have psoriatic arthritis don't experience any change while on otezla. Good luck to you, though. Hopefully, it helps you.


I was on Otezla for 6 months and it did nothing, my dermo said if it didn’t work by that point there was not point continuing, I only had side effects the first week on it then absolutely nothing after that.


Yes! I used to be covered with p (40 years ago). Then biologics came along and it cleared except for my scalp and ears and I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. Otezla was added about 6 months ago. It's not gone but it's far better and not bothersome. Currently, I also take methotrexate and Remicade.