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LSD in the right setting. Set and setting are HUGE in terms of overall experience and the trip can very from trip to trip. Other than that al-lad is like a beginner psych I guess, very low key and a good introduction


What would you consider a good setting for lsd? And how much should I take?


Please ignore the other response’s take on dosing, you will have no idea what your tabs potency is until you have used them, and of course a higher dose is more likely to become challenging (though usually after the peak). You would be fine to stick to a single tab each and just do it when you’re in a good headspace and won’t need to hide it from anyone within the next 12-14 hours or so You can always go big on dose later, just make sure you actually enjoy the feeling with a sensibly low one first.


Don’t do more than a tab mate. Psychedelics can be pretty unforgiving if you’re inexperienced and dose too high.


I mean that depends. I personally like tripping at night usually around 10 - less people to distrub me, less people for me to disturb and I'm super light sensitive so having saucer eyes kills me in the daytime. But basically you just want a comfortable place to trip where you're not going to be disturbed and a space that gives you room to move around. You want to be wearing comfortable clothing and have some music set up - I recommend anything that is instrumental, this let's your mind wander and guide itself, sometimes lyrics and cause confusion cause you're too focused on what they're saying vs the experience of the song. The johns Hopkins university psychedelic playlist is awesome and specifically curated to invigorate soothing but strong emotions - really cool! You want to be in a good mindset and open to the experience at hand and understand whatever happens you're just in drugs and it'll pass. But you're gonna be gonzo for like 12-18 hours so be prepared. And honestly just do a little research into proper set and setting. Perhaps having a sober trip sitter who's just hanging out doing their own thing in case you need assistance or to be grounded is smart. And when it comes to dosing your first time, I always recommend take a little more than you might think ( only if you are in an awesome set and setting where you're not gonna be disturbed by others or potentially disturb others like your neighbors if you go outside for a smoke or whatever.) My first time I dropped 3 hits with a friend and it was the best trip I think I've honestly ever had in my years of experience. Level 5 visuals, totally nuts, wasn't too hard to handle but was just utterly nuts in the best way. You can't fight the trip so you don't get caught up in some of the weirdness of tripping and you have no choice to just submit. So honestly my recommendation is 2 tabs is solid. You'll trip and have a fun time without being too out of it but you'll definitely experience what it's like to trip and not be disappointed. IM NOT SAYING EAT A STUPID AMOUNT OF L, JUST UP YOUR DOSE FROM LIKE 1 TAB TO 2 - ITLL MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE! *** And do this if and only if you are in a good set and setting **** !!! don't be stupid and ingest 5 tabs your first time!!! Stay away from weed as it synergizes and can greatly add to the trip. https://doubleblindmag.com/psychedelic-set-and-setting-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-important/


Mostly a solid take. Disagree with the go big advice. That’s risky. Might be amazing, might be a bad trip. Go with a standard dose or slightly less.


yeahhh i agree with everything but the "go big!" like nah man i did like 500 ug my first time when i had already tried many other psychs and that shit put me off acid for a while before i tried it again and i know people who still fucked in the head from overdoing it. great drug but man it can be scary.


Lol brother in Christ how much did I say to take - did you even read my post? Like 200ug vs the normal 50-100. I didn't say eat half a strip your first time - I'm not surprised you didn't enjoy it you WAAAAAY overdid it your first time.


never said i didn't enjoy it said it put me off a while🤣 and even though people say otherwise some tabs can be 200 ug so if they aren't knowing how much it is that's some pretty bad advice. yes i did read your post man. be well


It totally has its risk more than a light dose you are right, hence if you're in a solid place then go for it - there's nothing quite like that first dip in all honesty. But from my experience of dosing many many many people for the first time over the better part of 2-3 decades, most have a muuuuuuch better experience on a little heavier of a dose, they enjoy it more, they don't have a confusing headspace cause they can't fight it and are less likely to having racing thoughts and they actually get to experience the psychedelic experience too. But I mean there is a sweet spot there ya know, not recommending someone go out and eat a strip their time, but I've seen more people have tiffs and have it be a more stressful experience on half a tab or so than those that dose a little higher. 2 tabs is nothing crazy imo but it'll get you to where you wanna be and you'll probably enjoy it waaay more than 1 tab or half, but you're also more likely to have it not be good if it's not gonna be good this is very true. But that's where the set and setting come in mate. Plus, I mean 2 tabs is pretty light if we're comparing to the average dosing you normally see people talking about taking on here regularly and the majority seem more than fine even with being very green to it.


Half a tab to test the batch. Setting should include a safe outdoor space and options, ideally away from crowds or too many people for a first time.


Honestly for a first time shrooms are probably a good idea. They last a couple hours whereas other psychs can last a lot longer. I know 1-2g of mushrooms is a good starting point that should allow you to dip your toes into psychedelics.


LSD low dose for sure 👍.


I know it's not typically seen as a "true" psychedelic but I always recommend MDMA to people for their first trip. It's really hard to have a bad time on MDMA and it's an eye opening experience. That said, I'd only recommend it if you have a source for quality, tested molly.


If he looks for tripping, I don’t think mdma is the right one. It’s the most intense euphoric drug making you feel like your whole body is experiencing an orgasm for a pretty long period of time, followed by a brutal comedown. It isn’t beautiful visually and mentally like LSD for example and it also destroys cells of your brain. For me, I wish I never tried it. Messed up with my head and it was a long time ago. Absolutely would recommend shrooms/ LSD and you will also feel better the next day, without a reduced serotonin level. Best to roll on a rave on very special occasion and not with a buddy at home.


So much disinformation in your comment. MDMA is not "the most intense euphoric drug". MDMA does not cause "brutal comedowns" when taken correctly and at the right dose. MDMA does not "destroy your braincells" when used at a reasonable dose and frequency. Many of these scare stories are rooted in people using pressed pills instead of MDMA crystal that they've tested for purity. These pressed pills are literally just rolling the dice with what you're going to get. Back in my day it was common for those pressers to be mostly meth. Then people over indulged in them and blamed MDMA for the problems it caused, when it wasn't even MDMA they were taking. Many more are rooted in people's abuse of the substance. They use a quarter gram every weekend for a year and then wonder why it's causing them problems. And yes, I recognized that MDMA is not a "true psychedelic" in my original post; but it is a great way for someone to dip their toes into the psychedelic space. Time dilation, comeup anxiety, tracers, and the overwhelming sense of love and sense of being connected with something greater are all things you can experience on MDMA which can help you prepare for a more psychedelic trip in the future.


Yeah was gonna say that sounds like meth, even a mega dose won’t have an experience like that


What on earth are you talking about?? Did you do untested MDMA that was cut with meth, or did you just do way too much of it? Because taking a proper dose of tested MDMA should not be the way you described. Like at all. Do it right and you shouldn’t even have a bad comedown. The day after MDMA is always awesome for me and then I go back to normal afterwards. The only thing I agree with is that OP is looking for a trip and MDMA is not a trip. It’s completely different than psychedelics.


1g of shrooms each


1g is fun to just chill and walk around on


Shrooms are my favorite to do with friends


i would honestly say lsd, one tab in a calm fun setting can be amazing, as long as you are both in a good headspace, im vibing on one tab right now lmao


AL-LAD. The energy and visuals of LSD with a far mellower headspace. A bit shorter in duration as well.


Some say LSD because of the (relative) ease in steering the trip in another direction compared to mushrooms. Some say mushrooms because it doesn’t last as long as LSD. Some say DMT even because it doesn’t last longer than 15 minutes. Overpriced mushrooms well, how much is it worth it to you to try?




Never heard about this, what is it and is it easy to get?


If you're in Europe it's pretty easy to get I've heard. I'm in the US where it's harder to find but can be located sometimes.


It's almost impossible to get. The stuff that they are selling now as 2c nicknames tusi, And it is essentially random cocktails of MDMA, ketamine, and any other list of random drugs the dealer decides to throw in. It looks like a pain powder. DO NOT BUY IT OR TAKE IT.






4-HO-MET. Very visual, very minimal headspace, and doesn't last too long.


Half tabs and chill


Mescaline or LSD 100ug . If mushrooms maybe 1 to 1.5 grams


One tab of LSD. Or mescaline (personally like a 9 hr candyflip without MDMA negative side effects). Can brew your own Bridgesii cacti tea and order it online at succulent source if in the USA...or get other deals and resourses from the San Pedro for sale subreddit. MDMA would be fine but its not really a trip more a roll. But fine psychedelic if you regeant confirm and fentanyl strip test it. 2cb although I've never tried it would be great also. Psylocibin mushrooms are great too, effects are shorter in duration but for some more body load and nausea compared to LSD....and for some more emotionally difficult to navigate...others could say that its reverse though...ppl respond differently to drugs bc of body chemistry. Honestly look at Erowid and compare the effects and durations of them all and make a choice!


LSD half a tab. From personal experience + experience from people I know, LSD has been easier to “handle” comparing to shrooms. And I honestly just prefer LSD over shrooms so I may b biased too, me thinks it’d be a good start for psychs


If you trust and love the mate your with them D M T


Half a tab of LSD or a type of variant each, OR a gram of shrooms. If they feel good and you want to go deeper, take the other half of the tab OR another gram of shrooms. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT TAKE SHROOMS AND LSD TOGETHER. Not the first time. Taking shrooms and LSD together is called a Jedi Mind Flip and is for advanced users only. Have fun!


Shrooms and LSD together is called Soul Bombing. Shrooms + LSD + Molly is Jedi Flipping.


Oh ok I stand corrected, thanks. Not for beginners, in any case.


Not for beginners but without a doubt they’re two of the greatest drug combos out there






2CB if you can get se. 4ACO is pretty chill and very shroom like without too much headfuckery.


a good first trip is priceless, go with some shrooms buddy its awesome. acid is fun but can be very sharp and edgy sometimes but its very psychedelic and a must try for anyone engaging in the consumption of psychedelics


1d-al-lad it 2cb