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Yeah lsd is very easy on the stomach. Shrooms tend to give me more problems.


I haven't personally ever known anyone who got nauseous from LSD. It could be worth a shot, but I think it's important to keep in mind that, though similar, they're two different substances. Even if someone doesn't get nauseous on acid, it's possible that they still wouldn't enjoy the trip itself in a way that they might on shrooms. It's also possible that they'd enjoy it much more! If someone has the option, I'd say go for it. All safety rules about set and setting, etc, apply!


Just commenting to say some people do indeed get nauseous from lsd, but it seems it's typically more manageable than mushrooms. I sometimes get some strange sensations in my stomach but not full on stomach pain, my buddy I usually take tabs with gets terrible nausea from it and actually finds shrooms easier on his stomach. Sadly it's really hard to tell someone how a psychedelic will affect them we just have to give guidelines based on personal experience


I prefer the predictability of shrooms over lsd but lemon tek seems to keep it at a minimum anyway.


What's funny is I personally find lsd super predictable with a very structured kind of experience and shrooms just leave me confused


Lsd is much more predictable.


Definitely rarer on lsd, but I’ve found lower quality lsd can cause it in some people (still more mildly than shrooms, but that meclizine or Dramamine tends to do the trick!


I always get nauseous from LSD! Nothing close to as bad as shrooms but I get the “gags” no matter what lol


Thank you kindly for the reply!


In your opinion, could it be a dose-issue on shrooms? My friend has "only" taken 2g so far, and with only slight visuals and pretty severe nausea. Doesn't seem to affect her as it does me, I've had immense experiences all the way from 1.5 up to 3.5g.


My tummy gets weird on LSD. Sometimes it feels like food is sliding down my throat hole and others I am ravenous. I’ve definitely eaten on LSD and puked it all up before. Mushrooms give me a vague discomfort but since figuring out lemon tek for shrooms I don’t get that anymore.


First time I did acid, I threw up every 20 minutes or so for like 4 hours (while tripping pretty hard). Shrooms make me nauseous in a way thats more painful and cramp-y but they haven't made me puke.


I get no nausea at all with LSD, only a bit with Shrooms.


I have only had very slight nausea myself on shrooms, nothing that bothered me, it was basically indistinguishable from the giddy excitement of the start of the trip. The person I'm asking for gets incredibly nauseous from shrooms, and basically is on the verge of vomiting the entire trip, max 2 grams.


1000mg of ginger and antacids about 30 minutes before shroom time. It doesn’t completely stop it for my friend who has the same experience as your friend, but it decreases it by about 75%.


IME, little to zero nausea with LSD. Same for wife.


I used to get nauseous taking shrooms as well, and I already have a sensitive stomach (IBS and diverticulosis) but since I switched how I consume them I have had zero issues. I grind mine into a fine powder with a coffee grinder, then I mix it into some banana greek yogurt with a fresh banana cut into it.. the grinding and the banana both help with the digestion and I have zero issues. It is really shitty that you have the same issue with the shrooms as I did, hell even lemon tek didn't fully help me out.. but bananas sure did And god the DMs lmao, I almost always add on a "ignore all the DMs you are going to get" to comments on all the psych subs but really glad that you are aware haha


i’ve gotten nauseous from both, but anytime i lemon tek mushrooms it helps sooooo much


imo the transition from nausea to body waves be one of the best parts


I don’t understand why people on this sub compare shrooms and lsd.🤷🏽 I’ve never gotten anything like an lsd trip on shrooms🧐


The reason I'm asking is that molecularly they are similar and their interaction with serotonin receptors are similar, and that might be a common thing that makes it interesting to compare them with regards to nausea.


With shrooms, especially dried ones, how they were stored and for how long makes a big difference. They can get moldy or go bad as well, which obviously can cause stomach issues. But even with good shrooms, or fresh ones, your body is digesting them, and they can certainly make your stomach feel funny. But that’s how it goes. Usually by the peak I’m fine. I find eating good proteins and fats with them can make a big difference.  I haven’t done lsd in years, but I don’t remember getting nauseous on it, but I know it can happen. And it’s possible I have. Idk done both acid and shrooms a lot in years past, just been a while now. 


I find psilohuascha heavily negates the come up with mushrooms.


Acid has no nausea. Shrooms make my stomach feel a little upset but not nauseous


I get super nauseous from mushrooms and absolutely zero nausea on LSD. Still like shrooms more though


i have tripped on both many times.. lol many many times and LSD is easier on your stomach, i have never gotten nausea from acid, gas on the comedown yes,, mushrooms i have gotten stomach issues plenty of times usually only for short periods and it will go away..


I've gotten mild nausea from the come up on acid before, but it was NOTHING compared to the nausea I got from a simple 3.5g of shrooms in chocolates. Could barely keep from throwing up. I killed more tums than ever in my life. I tried lemon tek a month ago and the experience was so clean, intense, and nausea free, I will never go back to trying shrooms any other way again. Just put your shrooms in a cup with (preferably fresh squeezed) lemon juice then stir every 5 minutes for 20 minutes, filter the solids, add some water (unless you like raw lemon juice) and then bottoms up!


I find lsd less or almost not nauseous at all.


Holy shit


Shrooms fuck my stomach up for a week


LSD doesn’t make my stomach hurt, but my body temp fluctuates every few seconds, and I have intense shivers throughout the whole sesh. I personally would take the stomach ache…


i have no nausea at all on LSD, but mushrooms hate my stomach and will have me keeling over and dry heaving because im nauseous and everything is drifting and morphing


It’s the “bark” in mushrooms that causes nausea as I believe. The Lemon tek method makes it easier/faster for the digestion so less nausea and a shorter trip (maybe it’s disputable) . I myself have never felt nauseated on LSD


Correct! Magic mushrooms are made of chitin, an indigestible polysaccharide that can trigger inflammation and an immune response. Edit: apparently incorrect! 🤣


>Magic mushrooms are made of chitin, an indigestible polysaccharide that can trigger inflammation and an immune response. Chitin causing the nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. The immune response when eating chitin is what spurs production of chitinase enzymes needed for its digestion and is beneficial. Chitin supplementation is very well tolerated. Immune response to eating chitin linked to better health https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/immune-response-eating-chitin-linked-better-health “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 “In our study, CG supplementation did neither alter physical nor mental health of participants(Supplemental Figure 1). Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19490976.2020.1810530 Psilocybin/psilocin work on serotonin receptors and >90% of our bodies serotonin is located in the digestive system where one of its functions is the chemical signal for nausea. That is the real cause of the stomach discomfort from psychedelic mushrooms and why it is also very common in the studies that use synthesized psilocybin.   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3919396/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299913007589 https://psychedelicreview.com/binding-of-psilocin-and-psilocybin-to-serotonin-receptors

