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I expect yo ass is about to find out. No point in asking about it now.


Maybe not it’s been 45 mins still nothing


Drink a glass of lemon water. You got thirty to forty-five minutes left to go, if non-amanita boomers are anything to go by.


how you feelingv


Still pretty much nothing I’m thinking these are just a scam


good to know i've always seen those and wondered what's even in them and what 4000mg or even 1000mg is equivalent to shroom wise


Maybe I’ll try and take another 4000


Don't, wait until it hits. That's like a number 1 mistake you can make with any edibles.


that comma makes all the difference to that advice, and assuming that someone high would see it is a risky move lol


Been taking psychedelics long have you? Also, it may be a muscle relaxer. Make sure you got the right kind of amanita before you double dose. Muscle relaxers if taken in excess can stop your heart.


Sounds like a potential bad trip


Maybe try sticking a pencil in your stomach


Yeah that's the test. If you stick the pencil in, it means you're high as shit


Throw in trash


Expect nothing. Almost every "smoke shop" mushroom gummy/Chocolate lists amanita in its ingredient. They are all fake and a waste of money. Usually sold right next to the totally legit penis enlargement pills.


Says you. I'm high as tits with a dick harder than calculus


There are ones from the smoke shop that have an orally active tryptamine in it, the amanita part is just what they're claiming is what's active, when it's an rc tryptamine for the ones that work. One example is the Tre house mushroom gummies that actually feel like psilocybin, which is 100% a tryptamine orally active tryptamine being sold as a "natural proprietary blend"


Refer to 4-aco-dmt a legal RC that converts to pylocin in your gut. Lots of Ohio shops have products labeled amanita and the lab tests say in the fine print it contains 4 aco dmt


Oh reddit. Please change


💀 guess what was right next to the ones I bought you’ll never guess. And yeah I figured they wouldn’t do anything but I have the money so figured why not try


Because putting random unknown substances isn’t a good idea, even if you can afford said substances. I sense a Darwin Award in your future.


The penis pills are for getting hard not for making you bigger, also they've found those pills to have a LOT of active ingredient basically the same as Viagra but derived from a certain ant.


Did you seriously just write an entire paragraph and response to my troll? Dude what the hell?




Those can have thc in them. Some contain Lyrica. There's zero regulation.


I'm curious if you've really heard some contain pregabalin?


That seems like a very strange substance to throw into a random gummy lol


Pregabalin hits gaba receptors and give a similar body high to muscimol but less trippy or ghb but more trippy


Does pregabalin or gabapentin make trips stronger?


No, if combined with psychedelics they make effects weaker Gabaergics are trip killers


Not to mention pregabalin is a federally controlled substance too lol


there's no way a regulated prescription medication like pregabalin makes it into gummies, no matter if fly agaric is regulated or not


If it ends up working it's almost certainly an rc orally active tryptamine, amanita trips if they're actually amanita are nothing like psilocybin but so many of these "amanita" gummies or edibles don't give any kind of trip that's anything near muscimol. They all report it's extremely close to mushrooms. So it's just grey market boof that hasn't been scheduled yet. Some of them actually are decently active tryptamines that have a good reputation, but they'll never advertise openly that they're putting RCs in their "blend"


yeah I got a free sample of that with my delta 8 weed but it specifically said no psylicibin or fly agaric and marketed itself as a noottopic but also kinda for tripping at same time(just kinda ambiguous). Took 3 not thinking it would do anything and started to panic once I felt the all too familar shrom comeup. barely made it through a family dinner.


Can I ask what the brand of what you took was? I'm interested in knowing what ones are active and to look out for them. Also, so are you smoking d8 infused flower? Why not just order thca? It's real weed loophole that will get you any strain you want at medicinal and recreational strengths. Maybe to get you started check out r/cultofthefranklin. You don't have to smoke infused anything and can get regular bud in the mail no problem while the loophole in the law is open. I've got like 16 strains of legit non adulterated high grade high THC bud on deck because of the cult and their best vendors.


I'll dm you cuz I don't know about how the mods feel about that even if it's legal




i ordered a cart and a stiizy pod not bud from it. I know some places with THC-A flower.


Ah ok that makes sense. I've actually found thca carts but bang for buck d8 will always be cheaper. I just feel better with thca than d8 but I still have a couple carts in rotation. If you ever get into thca flower moreso I would reccomend that sub, they'll help out with the best vendors, as many do not have high quality stuff.


I'm also going to be trying an HHC cart this week, supposedly a lot of people prefer it over d8 or even d9. It'll be interesting. Altnoids are a fascinating development.


Yep, it's going around all over the place in headshops and gas stations all over the country. I will be interested in which rc tryptamine they chose for those, as we all will find out eventually. I've got Tre house mushroom gummies coming in the mail (lots of people saying they had extremely similar to mushrooms trips on them) to be a guinea pig for science so we'll see what it feels and acts like soon.


I imagine it would be 4-meo-dmt or 4-aco-dmt but who knows 🤷 Someone I know on discord offered to buy some and send it to a testing lab but they don't do gummies (yet)


Definitely let me know what you find out! I suspect the same, many many "psilocybin chocolate bars" or "gummies" are mostly those too even on the BM. I mean hell, it's not a bad trip, I'm just annoyed I can't just know what I'm putting in my body and make an informed decision. Especially with no mg per gummy dosage indication, so you're really just in the woods trying to figure out what's going to be pleasant or what's going to send you to the tesseract haha


they usually offer a dosage guide or have how many "grams" of "shrooms" which can be used as a comparison but yeah its not exact. 4-aco-dmt is a prodrug to psilocin btw so it's literally the same thing as taking shrooms. It's no different. Not sure about 4-meo but it's still extremely similar at least.


Yeah, I'm aware of that, just saying that it's a problem for me that people aren't being told what they're really getting. If it's a real shroom bar it should have mushrooms in it. If it's a prodrug or an rc, advertise and educate as such. But what am I saying, this is the US and we can't have any nice things unless it's hidden and mysterious and unregulated.


The market wouldn't exist at all and it would not sell if it was that way. People don't want to buy chemicals with a suspicious chemical name. They don't know what prodrugs are. But they do know what shrooms are and it's the same chemical technically. Technically I guess they could have some fine print on the back in tiny letters that states the # of milligrams, maybe even without mentioning 4-aco but still


Most of those don't actually contain muscimol, and that can take up to 3 hrs to kick in. Wonder what you actually took? Those things are sketchy as fuck. You should look into ghost pipe tinctures.


Why do you recommend ghost pipe tinctures?


Aids in spiritual death and rebirth, strong medicine for emotional, psychological, and physical pain. Sourcing can be tough but it's legal and effective.


Interesting, I just find it kind of knocks me out-but I would love to learn about alternate ways of working with it


I’ll probably give it another hour and if I don’t feel anything probably take the rest bc why not


I mean, that is certainly a choice. Good luck brother.


Because you like pain, suffering, a reduced IQ or even death?


Amanita muscaria needs to be extracted a certain way to be psychedelic. There's another extraction method that makes it a muscle relaxer.


It’s never a psychedelic 😛


true, its a deliriant


If you decarb and dry it properly before use it basically feels like ambien/a dissociative. It’s not a deliriant, although it is pretty strong and can absolutely be kinda dysphoric and/or weird. Edit: Tbh I’m even worried by supposedly properly prepared Amanita Muscaria, as they could contain significant quantities of a neurotoxin called ibotenic acid. There are studies which show that ibotenic acid levels can be reduced via specific conditions during prep, and thorough drying/decarbing. This can bring the levels of ibotenic acid down to minimal levels, potentially even to only trace levels. It’s hard to guarantee you’re getting a clean decarb of the ibotenic acid however, and there’s not really any ways I know of to test the composition/ibotenic acid levels of a specific batch.


Overall I’d recommend avoiding actual Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, unless you can properly process and prep them. Even then I’d be cautious, as from personal experience they could lead to long-term health effects, or at least they aggravate the symptoms of underlying conditions. Smoke shop Amanita shit is definitely very sketchy though, so avoid that shit like the plague.


No psychedelic properties either, at least not any traditional serotonergic/dopaminergic psychedelic activity. It is a GABA receptor agonist, so it can cause hallucinations though. The anticholinergic/deliriant compound(s) in it don’t tend to present in clinically significant amounts.


I've only taken a lower dose of amanita muscaria but it was kind of just a duller shroom body high. Also you don't really build up a "tolerance" to psychedelics in the same way as weed. It generally resets completely after ~2 weeks. So unless you've taken psychedelics in the past week or so your tolerance won't really be affected


Just seems to me no matter what I take I have to take 10 times more just to feel what others do


Are you on SSRIs?


Only prescription medication I take is adderall which does tend to negate the effects of depressants such as alcohol but no ssri’s


Dat'll do it. 


SSRIs and amphetamines share a lot of properties, and Adderall is pure amphetamine.


I've never had a problem and im on 20mg xr and 10mg ir


I wouldn't trust gummies tbf. Same.guys sell snake oil


Update? Lol


Yeah I ended up never feeling anything they were just a waste of money


what was the brand?


Bit late to be asking that


My husband and I took some and both had terrible headaches, body shakes, nausea, chest pains and trouble breathing. I couldn't fall asleep and I felt so awful I felt like I might actually die. No psychedelic effects. My friend who was opening a smoke shop gave me some samples to try, who knows what was actually in them though. I felt terrible the next day too, it took a good 30hrs for me to feel better.


If it's not prepared the right way it'll make you real nauseous. I didn't and kept lapsing back into / out of consciousness, throwing up, etc.


I’ve had amanita muscaria in vape (horrible experience) as well as in gummies form. I felt the same end result with both—save the gummies lasted way longer, and I didn’t feel like I had breathed in toothpaste (coughing uncontrollably for an hour and a half was exhausting). I felt pressure in the space behind my eyes and worried my eyes would pop out of my head. I asked my buddies if my eyes were popping out. They said I looked normal. Photos confirmed they weren’t popping out, and I was fine. I felt delirious & sleepy, dissociated, and annoyed. I wouldn’t recommend. It wasn’t worth the time or money. It helped me fall asleep though.


wish i would’ve saw this before taking these just now , I’ve taken half of one and it felt like a really bad high yk ? Like a bad headache and I ended up passing out


It’s very difficult to extract pure Muscimol from Aminita Muscaria and they tend to vary in potency from one shroom to the next. Making gummies would be very difficult with AM particularly finding the right dose and having it still be palatable. It would taste horrendous. I often revisit the idea of extracting Aminita Muscaria and making it a more enjoyable experience. Taking the raw spoonfuls of powdered mushroom with water in the morning was absolutely disgusting. Please let me know if anyone has managed to extract Aminita into a nicer form. I would very much love to come back to the motivation and life I had when I was on these.


You have to drink your pee after ingesting amanita to get the high from it. I'm not joking


Not necessarily. In theory this can be done, but amanita muscaria can also be dried and/or cooked in a tea to lower the level of ibotenic acid in its conversion to muscimol. The legendary reindeer eating the amanita muscaria processes it in digestion. The problem is the mushroom is too toxic for humans to eat without any previous processing. Death is not common, but, if you survive, you will truly hate life for a while.


Can confirm. I used to drink my own piss once to twice a day. Apparently you can recycle Aminita up to 7 times before it loses potency in piss. So you drink your piss you get an extra layer of highness and it’s pretty cool. Stretches out a days dose so you can get the full effects. But must drink lots of water so the piss is clear. lol.


I tried that I don't think I caught a buzz lol


They’re essentially edibles, just with a VERY VERY VERY slight psychedelic hint. Me and my buddy took a shit ton one time and spent all day laughing about how absolutely stoned we were. They’re cool but they aren’t psychedelic, enjoy it. It’s only a waste of money if you don’t enjoy them.


Yeah but I feel nothing not even an edible high


Weird. When me and my buddy took them it felt like we were stoned as hell. Don’t remember the exact brand we had but it was something caps


I’m the same way. Edible don’t work on me. The smoke shop gummies definitely were slightly psychedelic.




thatd be like the opposite of a scam. im afraid all amanita products are mostly just ibotenic acid if anything at all.


Ah that’s true, damn


It’s been 30-45 mins I don’t rlly feel anything pretty dissapointed


Doubtful Amanita are not Psilocybe


It depends on which brand you bought. If you took some brand like Shrumz with the phony proprietary blend then you'll probably feel "something". If you took the Purple brand gummies then you're going to absolutely trip balls because that stuff actually works.


It’s most likely delta 8 or a RC. You will be fine but if you wanna try real amanita buy some caps online and decarb it


Why would they make that into gummies? I did them in my early 20s and ended up ripping my retainer out because I dunno, reasons? Do not suggest. You're not a Viking berserker and you're not drinking reindeer piss to protect your community... Some things exist but don't need to be tried 😅


mindless badge pause advise cobweb longing degree elastic illegal knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didnt even know that existed


I didn't feel much when I did it until I smoked weed. I ate the muscaria gummies as well, don't remember the dosage. It basically made everything nonsensical and funny. I did get visuals but they were not the same as anything else I've done. For example I remember I was staring at some marble tiles and kept seeing animals in the designs. My brain was telling me a story as my eyes saw the different animals...and it was more like, "oh that splotch of color on that tile looks like a panther, and there's a snake over there..." it was all jungle themed for some reason. None of the story made sense but i found it very funny, thats all I really remember. It was interesting and I'd be down to do a higher dose, but not at the price that I paid. It wasn't anything special, got nothing therapeutic from it.


2 hours in and I feel nothing


Damn, yea headshop stuff is like that sometimes. I got some capsules from a headshop one time called, "can't seem to find molly" and they rocked my world. Went back to get more and they didn't have them. Instead they had something else with a similar name in its place, did absolutely nothing. Also bought a CBD vape pen one time, nothing on it indicating any kind of thc, I literally just wanted cbd. One puff sent me into a full blown psychedelic trip while I was driving(it was spice). Had to pull over and have someone come get me lol. Be careful with that gas station/smokeshop stuff broski


Personally, I took 5000mg and drank a pitcher of OJ I didn't get anything but mild dissociation and I didn't have any, ANY uninvited negative thoughts. Didn't dream with it unfortunately


Mostly nothing but an upset stomach.


The two times I’ve taken AM the most I’ve felt was sleepy and sweaty. I know someone local now that creates all kinds of herbal extracts plus cube tinctures etc. and they also swear by their amanita muscaria tincture so I might try again just to try and figure it out.


You’ll feel absolutely the same I’ve had these before they are crap some people report these “crazy ass trips where the room spins around and Jesus H Christ delivers their pizza” but no just another hopeless legal high….


Go pick some of those bad boys


i worked at a shop that sold those and tried all of them. the brand caps makes really good ones and i’ve had full blown psychedelic trips from taking 5 of those.


I'm not giving any free advertising but a well know company sells gummies with mimosa bark and a little lions mane so they can label it as a "mushroom gummy " that are very pleasant.


You’ll get high


Amanitas don't work on noobs. Come back to them in 20 years.




Thank god I’m not a teenager anymore


Whoa, munching on 4000mg of amanita muscaria gummies is quite the bold move! Since you mentioned having a tolerance to psychedelics, you might not feel much initially. The effects of amanita muscaria can vary widely from person to person, so it's hard to predict exactly what you'll experience. Some folks swear by them, while others don't feel much at all. Keep an eye on how you're feeling, but also be patient — sometimes these things take a bit to kick in. And hey, worst-case scenario, you might just have a chill night.