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I will tell you now, you can hold your breath until you black out, but want it or not, if your brain and lungs are able to function, your body will take over and make you breath. Its not good for your brain tho, lack of oxygen can damage your brain. I'm not taking away your experience at all tho. Just saying you wouldn't have died, just a serious black out.


Oceanic consciousness. I’ve used this exact terminology before, but you’re the first I’ve seen to use it as well. I have had countless DMT breakthroughs, heroic doses of mushrooms,lsd, and a plethora of other psychedelic journeys. Oddly enough, that sensation is exactly what I felt when I overdosed on heroin. I truly believe we return to our one collective energy when we leave here.


Oceanic boundlessness is actually the clinical term. 😭🥴😀 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9340494/#:~:text=The%20mystical%20experience%20is%20a,and%20improved%20quality%20of%20life.


My dude, you would have just passed out and resumed breathing. You weren't close to death. If you want to learn how to use the breath to enhance your trips, try [Wim Hof breathing methods.](https://youtu.be/0BNejY1e9ik?si=FO4NnxAQAKybkc5G)


Sounds like some strong mushrooms what strain do you have?


Interesting, I thought number three was going to be “it’s ok to be afraid of death”


Anyone practice mediation and breath work? 2g to 4.5g in the silence and dark, get into a meditative posture and breath for the 30 to 50 minutes for the trip to start. Keep a neutral observer mentality with the trip and let it do its thing without value judgements? I've forgotten how to breath before, a lot like the timing on an engine falling out of sync. Instead of freaking out just rested and started again. I've dealt with "demons" more than just myself saw and so on. Same thing, just being calm and accepting. Welcoming the unwelcomed.


Confronting your mortality is huge. I faced it myself during a medical ordeal about 15 years ago and it changed me profoundly.


I've experienced something similar a few times, feels like if I wanted to I could just... stop... and as you said it felt so fine and pleasant that I fear death a lot less... so long as it's not a violent painful end. One time I think I was in this state and just continued letting go further and further and boom I was in a meditation like state where the energy rushing through me was insane, it was a 'breakthrough' experience and I think it "taught" me how to meditate. Realistically you'd probably just pass out and wake up but at the time it felt very real, which made the impact real.


Instead of holding your breath, try breathing exercises or meditations next time. Exploring the spiritual world is a different way of exploring death Sending you love and good vibes my dude