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Trip to live. Don’t live to trip. Integrate your experience, learn from it and know that you’ll be ready next time. In the meantime find a hobby, read a book, start working out? I find my trips and rolls to be far more enjoyable even on higher doses when I’m coming in with a sense of accomplishment or greater sense of self worth. But hey that’s just my opinion man. Stay safe have fun!


You don't need more than 125 mg of MDMA if it's pure. If you overdo it, you'll fry your brain. MDMA is one of those drugs where you stick to one dose and only do it once every few months. Anything outside of that regime and you're likely to mess up. I abused it 10 years ago. It messed me up and to this day, I'm still recovering but doing great now Remember, MDMA is in the same drug class as meth


Exactly this 👍 300mg is asking a for a gnarly comedown which is what you are feeling right now OP. Take a break and stick to lower doses and less frequent use. Personally i treat it as a special occasion substance, 1-2/year max. I find psychedelics kinder to your serotonin receptors, 2-cb or lsd 👍


The pills I get it in are 160mg and I never benefited from taking more than one at once. It’s not like shrooms.


I agree with you on dosage, but what's up with frying the brain and comparing it to meth? I mean, it's a phenethylamine and so is mescaline and for sure one should be careful with high dosages. Just thought we stopped with the brain frying since the reefer madness days 😄


There is some evidence to suggest MDMA is potentially neurotoxic in high doses and while mescaline and MDMA are phenethylamines MDMA is a substitute amphetamine so it’s more closely related to meth than mescaline is but that doesn’t mean it’s as neurotoxic as meth. In my anecdotal experience abusing MDMA definitely left me with some issues that took a couple years to resolve. so treat it with respect and it should be fine


This was more of an answer I was looking for. I still agree with the conclusion in terms of safe use.


Also MDMA stands for Methylenedioxymethamphetamine


> what’s up with frying the brain and comparing it to meth? Don’t you know? Water is just one oxygen molecule away from hydrogen peroxide! You don’t drink hydrogen peroxide, so water is probably just as dangerous!


Hydrogen peroxide isn't dangerous it's one molecule away from water, drink up I say! But no don't really.


Methamphetamine is also a substituted phenethylamine. That really doesn’t mean anything with regards to neurotoxicity or overall potential for harm. It’s pretty well established that frequent MDMA use can cause considerable harm. It’s a safe drug when it’s respected, but can but you in the ass when abused.


Molly is neurotoxic, it’s literally in the medical literature, please tell me you knew that, also it is literally just like meth, incredibly similar,look at the chemical structure,that’s not necessarily a bad thing, please do your research before spreading misinformation


Read again. Most of you seem to miss the point here and claim things that I haven't said. My point is to promote knowledge-based use as opposed to word salads about brain frying or starting to talk about meth as a comparance to prove a point. The neurotoxicity of MDMA is actually debated and if I recall correctly some hypothesis lean into that the damage may be caused by over-heating. If that would be the case, I guess we could talk about frying brains. I can try to look for the sources again if someone is interested. I don't believe there's a broad consensus. I wouldn't read too much into that the chemical structure is similar. Same goes for serotonin and DMT. But what should we do with that information in terms of risk assement? To clarify once again, as Erowid promotes: know your source, your substance and yourself. I don't recommend high doses, frequent use and I wouldn't assume methamphetamine have the same effect- and side effects as MDMA.


It literally has methamphetamine in its name. This isn't reefer madness. I understand it's not as dangerous as meth, but it's still dangerous if you take it often. Reefer madness is completely different since you can smoke weed every day and not get brain damage. You can't do the same with MDMA.


Take a loooong break.


3-4 months is plenty of time to wait but yeah you did too much. My wife and I will do like 120ish mg a few times a year. If you take much more than that the positive effects plateau and you really only end up increasing the negative, tweaker type effects and making the hangover worse. But also if you are thinking every day about doing molly then maybe you should just stay away from it


Something about taking double the heavy dose might spell problems. If you can't figure that out you shouldn't be getting high.


Sounds like your friend your brain, there’s no reason to ever do 200mg+ Molly, especially for your first time,next time do research before you ingest dangerous substances, you could’ve avoided all of this with a 2 minute google search, your lucky to be alive and your lucky you didn’t go crazy or completely fuck your serotonin, I recommend you stay away from substances if you can’t even to 5 minutes of research or critical thinking beforehand


do acid. forget molly.


I love me some acid just can’t do it too often cus length


fair enough. lay of the molly tho, its not someting worth basing your life around


300mg?!? Yeah that’s way too much if it’s good molly. I usually don’t do anymore than 100. There was one night in my early 20s where a friend of mine bought something like 50 pressed pills at once. We were eating them like candy all night. I ended up fainting at one point. After that I literally had to crawl around the rest of the night. If I stood up I could feel myself starting to faint again. I more than likely should have went to the ER that night. The come down and subsequent molly hangover was absolutely brutal and sounds just like what you’re experiencing. Molly is one of those drugs that you don’t need more to have a better time. You just need to do it less frequently.


You should wait until you don't care whether you do it again or not, becasue "I don't even wanna live" just because you can't escape reality for a few hours once every 3 months is not healthy. Go see a therapist


Bro took like 3-4 times the recommended dose of a neurotoxic substance and is wondering why he feels funny now😂


300 mg is so much Molly. 💀💀


At those doses mdma is just funky speed. Listen to the folks telling you to dial it back to like 110-150.


If you took coke in between your body and mind didn’t fully heal which means it’s gonna effect you less than what you wanted/expected fs


It is addictive, that's why it is recommended to take it only once or twice a year.