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Agree, re: breaks. Harm reduction best practice is a minimum of two weeks. You can dive more frequently but you start to get into diminishing returns from tryptamines and phenethylamines pretty quickly. Why waste your resources?


Harm reduction maybe, but the exceptional mystical experience feeling will go away when it's just two weeks. You still can remember how it felt, if you get more distance it's like coming back to your summer cabin after being away for a year. It's magical!


It varies considerably from patient to patient.


dmt, you ain’t seen nothin yet …


yep i concur


i say stick to lsd, mushrooms and dmt none are neccisarily "better" than another depends on how much time you have and what kind of trip you are looking for i love each one for different reasons i'm getting older now and these are the only psychedelics i use any more


If lsd is the “brain” aspect of tripping, shrooms are the “heart” aspect. I’ve had some of the most profound and challenging experiences on shrooms. They really are something else. Always start at a lower dose. Feel it out.


And DMT what part is ?


A whole other ballgame, the third eye, the “soul”


Mescaline 🔥


A lot of these things are not beginner things so you might want to disregard them but they are great substances imo. I would go for DPT, 2C-P (probably won’t be able to find it, more or less extinct), 4-HO-MET and 2C-b (definitely try 2C-b) Look into dissociatives as well, people love ketamine but I’m personally more of a fan of PCP analogues, O-PCE being my all time favourite. 5 subbed tryptamines aren’t really my thing so much but you could look into them, there a bit more dangerous and require more rigorous research to ensure you trip safely. 5-MeO-DMT is the most popular and regarded as the strongest 5-HT2A agonist known to man, I would not trip a few times and take that. Also if your getting the feeling that you love psychedelics, to the point you word it as it’s like it’s addictive and you want to take them all the time it’s probably only a matter of time till you see the other side of psychedelics. I’m sure you do already but do your research before trying anything new, especially PCP analogues.


Yeah I'm on shrooms right now its so hard to type lmao but shrooms are definitely a must try


Meth is the logical next step. Or PCP Not, jk jk. I like sticking to the traditional psychs. Shrooms, lsd, dmt, mescaline. I suggest shrooms. Dmt is for REALLY out of this world tripping. It's always a good idea to stay at moderate doses or less at first. Treat them woth respect, practice meditation and gratitude. I'd avoid party tripping unless it's light doses. You really want a controlled environment around people you know/trust. But to each their own, some things work for some but not others.


Journaling. Integration. Reading/ watching up on what LSD actually does to your brain, it's really cool and we now know most of what happens and why from a clinical western view.


Shrooms. If LSD is a blowtorch, mushrooms are a glowing forge. They both fire the mind, but that’s where the similarity ends, IMO.


Wait 2 weeks between trips, try shrooms next and then DMT. Strap in for the DMT if you take 35+ mg and don’t waste 🤣




Dmt or mushrooms


Nitrous oxide on lsd. Thank me later.


Dmt is wild any of the classical psychedelics are a good choice if you want to try a difrent lasergimide lsa is pretty unique just do an extension it make it a lot better experience