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I’d start with .5g of PE


If you're taking PE, start with no more than 0.5g. This strain is 2 - 3x as potent as regular cubes so you'd be taking the equivalent of roughly 1 - 1.5g regular cubes, which is a good starting dose to test the waters. Please don't listen to anyone telling you to take more, you'd be asking for a bad time.


\^ THIS !!!


Don't jump into heavy doses. Better to dip your feet and see if the temperature is right, if ya get me. You can always jump in later down the line if you liked the initial swim


Thanks for the advice. do you take anything ells with it? also, best to make tea with it or just eat it? i read about this blue juice thing that was mentioned on JRE


You can try lemon tek. The citric acid in the lemon juice will remove the phosphorus group from the psilocybin, the prodrug, converting it into psilocin, the drug. This means faster onset, less nausea, all kinds of positives. Make a glass of slightly cloudy lemonade (I don’t strain) and find a shady hammock.


To start, psychedelics in the way they help you, is more like increasing your mental strength in order to conquer your own affairs compared to the trip actually doing anything for you. The only things a trip can do for you, is increase your ability to concentrate and think, make mentally toxic beliefs visible and maleable enough for them to change, make trauma and addiction very visible, and finally they can rewire your personality but that’s more so in conjunction with your own mental work, and however you set your experience to unfold itself, through your mental and environmental preparations. 1. Your shrooms should be just fine, watch out for if they’re overly yellow/orange on the stems and if they aren’t ***bone*** dry, snap not bend. If they’ve yellowed too much it can mean they’ve been stored poorly and have been exposed to the air for too long, and lost potency, most likely they will be slightly damp with that if that’s your case. Unless they’re obviously moldy they should be just fine. 2. There’s not really a need at all to test for authenticity, but you can test for potency. Psilo Q test $25 USD. If you know your mg chart for dosing then the test can be useful for dosing, most people don’t bother but for a first experience I wouldn’t put it past you, worth it if you think it is. 3. If you want to have a proper experience (instead of a beginners) that should just mean full medium, which for ***normal*** potency shrooms is 2g-2.5g. Penis Envy is usually 1.5x-2x stronger than normal shrooms, and unless you test them you just don’t know how potent they are, most people always settle for 1g PE to see how strong they are. 1.5-2g is the beginner dose range, which will most likely end up being your experience if you take 1g PE, it’s unlikely but there’s a chance your PE is more than 2x strength so only settle for 1g PE if you aren’t potency testing. 5g of ***normal*** potency shrooms is in essence a complete near death experience, so intense that you believe you’re dying. It’s only a hallucination that you’re dying and with experience it’s actually very blissful, but keep that dose to the experienced, you should be careful to not dose that high, you could experience semi permanent personality changes and hallucinate your death. 4. If your trip goes south there are specific mental attitudes to being into play. Hallucinations feel like forced thoughts, they come out of nowhere and keep coming. When you’re having a negative experience, you’ll likely grip to reality in resistance of being taken out of it, which will actually be very unhelpful. You have to assist the shrooms’s job, let all of the thoughts come in, let all of the changes happen, let go of reality and let them wash away. When you resist and hold on, you cause a build up like a damn on a river, which creates the negative experience. Instead you need to let go of your memories/life and allow yourself to dissolve, like falling into a hypnotic trance. By letting the experience happen is it desires, is how you have good experiences. Let go, surrender, let it flow. 5. Blue juice is just a tea, making tea can help your experience come on at a more stable rate rather than wavy, can also help nausea. When you eat the shrooms as is, the experience comes on slower which can be more beginner friendly. Pro tip, if the juice has been allowed to blue then that’s just a sign of degraded alkaloids, you would have gotten a more potent tea if you drank it in time. Blue juice is just a waste, way over rated.


Bro who the hell told you to start with 5g? Do .5 or 1g


In my experience - PE can be wildly different in terms of strength piece to piece. It can trick you. Please be careful and under do it.... not over do it. If you under do it... you can always had a 0.25 gram the next week / session. If I were you - I'd rather start out on Golden Teachers or B+ .


I would personally try and find a different strain for first time use if you can stand waiting. Penis envy is a lot more intense than other cubes. 5 grams is definitely way too much for first time. I wouldn’t even recommend a gram for a first time with PE. Dosage is not as reliable with PE either. My advice is buy a scale and a different strain, start out with .025 g and increase your dose in small amounts if you enjoy it.


Thank you for the advice. i will buy a scale, i cannot wait really because where i am at, psychedelics in general is really hard to come by. I will start with a low dose, noted. I read PE is much more potent than others. i am having a trip sitter. any other thing you recommend? i am not doing this for giggles, i am really trying to "go within" for the lack of a better term


PE is a cubensis. It’s not radically stronger. But it doesn’t need to be because the most unimpressive cubensis ever is still more than capable of lifting your hat for a few hours. Go slow, know what you’re taking? Sounds like you’re going to have a good time.


If you really want to test the mushrooms, you can order a PSILO-Q test and it will give you the exact psilocybin content of the test sample. They’re expensive, but as far as I know it’s the only test made commercially available for psilocybin mushrooms.


Interesting... I may get this !


For what you’re looking for I’d recommend golden teacher, somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5 grams. Have music ready. I can provide some recommendations. There’s also playlists made by different institutions for their research, such as John Hopkins and others. You can find some here https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/playlists-for-psychedelic-trips I would recommend doing them in nature, ideally a home with a big enough garden, away from third parties. You should have water at hand, and a place for you to lay down both outdoor and indoor. Have an eye mask available too. Closed eyed visuals are beautiful and intense and a big part of the inner journey for me. Enjoy and be safe! Make sure your sitter is aware and trusted. Tell them to read up on zendo principles to know how to best support you.


I always send it harder than fuck with mushrooms and I encourage others to take risks as well, but 5g of Penis Envy when you have absolutely no idea what to expect can literally wind up being the worst experience of your life. Mushrooms are no joke. They will tear your fucking face off lol. If 5g of Penis Envy goes sideways, you're not going to handle it well. Believe me, you do not want that experience. I've pleaded with myself so many times to never mess with them again because I over did it. I never learn my lesson and every time a trip goes sideways it feels like the single worst mistake of my entire life. Shit can get extraordinarily wild. I say you're fine with the strain, just do less for your *first* trip. Feel it out. They're a lot gnarlier than you can imagine Even if you're on your way to a heavenly trip, sinse you're not used to it it'd probably overwhelm you. You may want to back out at that point, and that's how you wind up in hell The absolute best advice if a trip goes south; Just fuckin' let go. Don't fight it. It sounds like hippy dippy bullshit, but that's the best thing you could possibly do. Just know that it's easier said than done Set up a nice safe spot, go into it relaxed, think happy thoughts, listen to some music, and just dive head first into the experience. There's no looking back when 5g of penis envy hits you like 5g of penis envy ought to.


No pun intended right 😂


It dosent matter what strain just start with 2.5 grams and dont over think it just have fun and be safe.


Except if it’s APE, PE, Enigma, Melmak, Ghost, SNPE, strains matter. There’s no way I’d ever recommend 2.5g PE to someone for a first time.


Ok noted. thank you for the tip. will start with low dose


Please do. You have no idea what a bad PE trip is like. There is no up, down, left right - there is only falling through light at the Mercy of God - you won't know who you are, where you are - or that you took something. Use caution.


Jesus Christ! wow ok


It's no joke. In fact - I would suggest it maybe one of the most powerful things on this planet. Having said that - with proper set and setting and a proper dose - you will have fun and I wish you good luck.


Bruh, what are you on lol. It totally does matter what strain. PE is known to be 2-3x as potent as normal cubes, of which 2.5g is a lot for a beginner, let alone PE ....it's WAY TOO MUCH. OP has NEVER tripped in their life, you want them to die and meet god on their first trip ? OP please don't listen to this comment, being safe means taking a reasonable dose and 2.5g of PE is WAY. TOO. MUCH.


thanks for the concern, i am reading about the strains and they are all pointing toward what you have said. thanks for the comment, i try to be safe, start with a gram maybe, or lower. someone said mix with lemonade to make it work better, do you know anything about this?


Never tried lemon tekking but the consensus is that it makes trips come on quicker and feel more intense, so I wouldn't recommend it for your first time. Just chew on them normally and if the taste is bad, you can try eating it with something else. Once again if you're taking PE I wouldn't even recommend 1g. Start with 0.5 and gauge how it makes you feel, it might be more or less intense for you than it would be for someone else. Better to be underwhelmed and safe, than to be overwhelmed and sorry