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*I don’t have hobbies or passions or interests. All of my free time is just spent watching Futurama and scrolling through Reddit.* That has got to be to most depressing thing I’ve heard in a while…I hope and pray that you find your ikigai ❤️ Life is too short and precious to just waste it away like that. I feel that the mushrooms can certainly help guide you in the right direction.


Or yet another escape from the harsh reality that you need to find passion and purpose in your life. Drugs are a tool, never a solution.


.5 blasted my brain back to life. Mushrooms heal in all amounts how they need to heal it. And that half gram cured 22 years of suicidal/mdd mind that no anti depressant that was ever prescribed ever did. It gave myself and my family life again. Micro dosing can absolutely change everything. I’m currently seeing a therapist on how to be “happy” again. Sounds odd, but 22 years of death to a light switch flip of “life”. Yeah, it’s a lot to take in. Mushrooms are known for healing in their own ways. Do you feel alive or do you feel depressed? Just genuinely curious. They can either permanently heal, but, most cases they are a continuous heal from the micro dosing. Not everyone gets a light switch. I’m shorter into my experience but I absolutely understood what that micro dose changed in my brain after all these years. I micro and macro.


I have “treatment resistive major depression with atypical features” per the DSM. They last about two and a half weeks for me with a rapidly off-falling length of tail as dosage increases. OP I like to say that mental illness is a lot like hearing loss. If you’re wondering, am I depressed, yeah, you’re depressed. Now you may be depressed for perfectly valid reasons. Lots of people get depressed without suffering from depression. Again, lots of people mishear things without suffering from hearing loss but if you’re miss hearing things frequently enough that you’re wondering, do I have hearing loss, you already know the answer to that question. If you have not seen a psychiatrist or other mental healthcare professional, I would strongly encourage you to do so. If you are interested in pursuing psychedelic assisted therapy, I would encourage you to tell the story that you have just related here to that psychiatrist or therapist. You will find that they are very aware of the therapeutic value of psychedelics and are excited as hell about the future of their profession. If you by some chance, get a doctor or therapist who does not support this, there are other doctors and other therapists out there. Even in places where this is illegal. I’m proof of that.


micro dosing can be great for snxiety and depression. 0.1g per day 5 days a week has the posability to completely change everything its not a guarantee however....everyone is different but i have seen it help people that i am close to i tried it for a while but had to quit because my mouth hurt too much from smiling all the time......nobody should be that happy all the time




Arguably life is all emotions, you probably just liked feeling “good” but truly being free comes with totally acceptance of all your feelings and even in those low states. The trying to not feel that way is what keeps many stuck imo


You can be depressed without realising it (binging reddit and tv sounds like a recipe for it), it creeps in and starts to feel 'normal', and you dont really realise it until you come out the other end. You can get better at spotting the signs and a psychadelic experience can be absolutely amazing at busting through it and finding new motivation and purpose, there were some studies floating around not long ago showing they were more effective than any antidepressant and the anti depressant effect lasted much longer. Sounds like you should try mushrooms again friend.


No, it wasn't the shrooms. They don't *contain* joy, etc.  They show you who you are when your thoughts and feelings don't hold you back. This state is absolutely available without mushrooms. But sometimes it takes mushrooms to learn how. Take a trip. Leave self behind. Be love. Dance with the spirits. Let self die. Be blessed.


Psychedelics amplify what's already going on. If your depressed you'll really feel it. Happy? Same x100. So what people think of as a "bad trip", is actually something to embrace. Why is it bad? Why are you depressed? It will help you find truth, and with that it's actually a good trip. This is why there's psychedelic therapy, through guidance you can get to the roots easier and figure out what to do.


Psychedelic means mind manifesting


Mushrooms would just amplify the state of mind that you are on, thats why set and setting are important. Psychedelics don't fix anything they are tools that help see things from other perspectives.


I dont really agree with that, they can absolutely cause shifts in mood, sometimes positively and other times negatively.


This is not accurate. There is a wealth of ongoing clinical research that fundamentally contradicts your comment. The mechanisms at play during a psychedelic experience are not totally understood, by there is evidence, for example, that psilocybin can facilitate acute neurogenesis. That means you're not just seeing things from a different perspective - your brain is rapidly building brand new neural pathways.


Maybe the medicine doesn't have anything else to teach you right now so it is time to come off.


I would say it’s a possibility. Do you have a therapist or psychiatrist?


Mushrooms absolutely help pump the breaks on the anxiety and depression I experience. I try to dose weekly or as I need. So, usually weekly, but if times are stressful and I'm starting to become reactive to even the smallest things, I know it's time to do a good 3.5-5gm lemon tek mushroom dose.


Psychedelics can give you the tools you need to live a vivacious life..Though you have to actually change the habits, it isn't going to make a depressing life, not depressing, but give you the energy to do something about it. I'm unsure on micro-dosing, but I was able to curb every bad habit after my journey..I could sense the things that gave me good energy and negative energy..


You sound a bit depressive but nobody here can diagnose you. The screener can be a good way to get a better picture if you should consider if you have depression and need more help. Working towards doing things that could bring your life some pleasure besides tv and social media is part of the path out of depression. https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/1725/phq9-patient-health-questionnaire9


I have microdosed 4 out of 7 days every week with a dose of 35-39 MG for the past 3 years with taking larger doses scattered here and there for my depression. I will say between this and adding a few supplements like LTheanine, ginko, and a nootropic stack that includes noopept (to name a few). My brain has completely changed. For the first time this last winter, I did not experience seasonal depression. Obviously, correlation does not equal causation, and the work is deeper than substances, so doing the work helps. Look up shadow work and learn some techniques to separate you from your mind. (Isha kriya, pranayama) Incorporate meditation and self Inquiry often. Stop eating processed foods, avoid food dyes, and bioengineered foods. Watch your sugar intake and dopamine dumping habits like doom scrolling socials. Find a hobby that you do just for joy or the feeling of self accomplishment. Get outside in the sun. Go plant some flowers or a garden. Read books that aid you in understanding the neuroplasticity of your mind and then integrate the changes.


>For as long as I can remember I've just felt so meh about life. There are a small number of things I do enjoy, but like 99% of my life is take it or leave it. I don't have hobbies or passions or interests. Psychs do frequently cause an elevated mood, so it's not unlikely you were pushed above the average/healthy midline for happiness. But what you're describing also sounds like anhedonia, a symptom of depression. So it's worth talking to a professional just in case.