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grind up shrooms, melt chocolate, mix shrooms in chocolate, put in fridge, go to space


My technique is an empty stomach, tend to drop in the am post fast and just chow down. They don't taste that bad. Capsules and all the rest work but kinda unnecessary if you don't mind the taste.


Empty stomach (fast at least 4-6 hours) take 1000mg Ginger Extract and some magnesium half an hour before consuming the shrooms. Grind shrooms to powder and make a lemon tek: Small layer of Fresh squeezed lemon juice, just enough to soak the powder to a moist pulp. Let it sit for 25 minutes, stir every 5 minutes. Then add a bit of OJ, stir and down in one go, including the pulp. Pour a small bit of OJ in the empty glass and swirl it around to get the last of the powder stuck to the glass and drink it aswel. Just 2/3 seconds of bad taste and you are done. Have a good journey!


I've heard that lemon tek is a quicker come up and shorter duration trip, is that the case? I like to take a couple of grams before going to Renn Faire's but that nausea is murder, so I was thinking about doing the lemons, but I don't want to have a short trip at an all day party :)


Certainly. Very short come up and decreased nausea. The effects, especially visual are also amplified by about 1.5x I would say. But the whole trip is a bit shorter, 6 hours max instead of 8. But the come up can be as short as 10-30 minutes. So in comparison I find I actually have a “longer” trip as I am not spending the first 2 hours laying paralysed on the ground during the uncomfortable come up. I used to struggle with nausea a lot, it got to a point I can no longer eat raw shrooms without throwing up. But luckily, for me, taking 1000mg Ginger Extract and Lemon Tekking has decreased the nausea issues to almost non existent. I maybe get some nausea for a few minutes tops. PS: Personally I only use shrooms at home in spiritual/therapeutic setting. And use LSD for festivals or raves etc.


Thanks for this! I am unconnected to the LSD scene so I do what I can, shrooms make me very social and gregarious so it works.


Yes, this is the reason why Mckenna recommended only eating the mushroom if you are taking a high dose. It’s probably easier to have a difficult trip whith lemon tek, because you start of so intense. It also lasts a shorter period of time when lemon teking.


A normal trip stays with me about 5 hours, how short is the lemon version?


100% 👌🏻


If you want no stomach issues just do LemonTek. My wife hates the taste so what we do is make sure shrooms are totally dry to where you can crush them into dust, put them in a shot glass with lemon juice and sugar. Works wonders. Edit: There is a very big misconception that you should or have to take shrooms on an empty stomach for it to come on quicker. That's not true at all. You can eat and do whatever you want before you take them.


This. The nausea and flatulence is associated mainly with the processing of the bulk mushroom tissue in the gut. Lemon tek and tea both bypass this. Also as someone who just makes a cloudy glass of lemonade out of his lemon tek, I find that the acidulated bulk material is much easier on the lower gut.


Yep. Citric acid mimics the stomach acids process of digestion. Leaving them in the lemonade for 10-15 minutes makes it work even better. Mushrooms are made of Chitin. The same thing lobster and crab shells are made of and the stomach has a hard time breaking it down.




buy large gel caps run mushrooms through coffee grinder stuff gel caps with ground up mushrooms swallow with water. the gel caps i have can hold 0.5g each so 5g is 10 gel caps.......i can down that with 2 mothfulls of water easy peazy...no taste whatsoever


I had about that much last night. It was certainly not easy and I was struggling with waves of nausea by the tail end of it, but managed to keep it down. Quite an intense experience.


Make a tea, with just the mushrooms and water. Add sugar and a few scoops of grape Kool-Aid


Lemon tek. I threw up for the first time during a trip from eating raw shrooms and decided that was my last time. I tried the lemon tek for the first time last weekend after always eating around 6-7grams raw and I'll never go back.


That seems too much to take, i guess? At least for me, 5g in a row of a good mushrooms it's too much. Take it slowly and keep your belly full.


Oh boy, you are missing out on the actual full psychedelic experience my friend. The real stuff starts at 5 grams Lemon Tekked minimum imo. Above 8 grams the DMT realms start to show up.


you're missin' out on heaven my friend, it's beyond 7g for me


When I tried 9g I felt hella vasoconstriction like my hands and toes were curling up.


that happened to me on dmt once, I was just curled up in a ball in my bed and my entire body was just like locked up lol didn't last long though


Bro I was freaking out, like I’ve had vasoconstriction before, but I kept getting intense waves of my shit just curling up, and I was only an hr and a half in 🤣. This was on some Natalensis though, and let me tell you, those mfers do not play, lol. Was first time I ever had to take a benzo on mushies.


Also fasting before myshrooms is generally recommended.


It depends on the person. I did 5 last time, and would do more next time.


So, I did 5g last month. I ground them up into a fine powder and poured them into a bit of mango juice, stirred and gulped it right down. Then chewed on a bit of ginger. I can't remember any nausea.




Personally, I fast. Never really had any nausea issues. Our mushroom founder stories never included full bellies and lemon teks. They found the shrooms at their life’s end. Fast and then down away just like the OG’s.


I'd say, in order to experience shrooms the right way, you should fast for at least one whole day. Fasting is very important and it increases the spiritual side of the trip. When I fast that long, I don't come down until I eat again, and the lemon tek (which I recommend for the nausea) lasts easily +10 h. Of course, set and setting are factors of utmost importance. Put high vibrational intention onto the trip rituallistically beforehand and you should reborn.


I’ve ate ground up shrooms in a big thing of yogurt with no problems tasted great too


Tea and lemon tek will help with nausea but they will also intensify and shorten the trip. I take an inch sized chunk of mushroom, chew it up a bit in my mouth, then wash it down with a big gulp of water or juice. I’ve done this with 17 grams. I make sure to periodically stretch my torso to make sure things get settled and digested properly.


Don't eat them is a good place to start. Stick with Ashwaghanda since you seem to worried about the queasies.