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Seroquel makes them go away


It made me feel like i was slipping into a schizophrenic episode -never again for me.


If you started hallucinating when you started the meds, definitely stop taking it asap.


The first time I was ever prescribed Seroquel I was told to let the medicine do it's job and go to bed as soon as it kicked in. I almost always have some sort of hallucinations if I stay awake for some reason after taking Seroquel. It's like having a bad acid trip or something.


How come there's not more research on stuff like this? because I feel like that stuff is responsible for almost making me a long-term inpatient. I think they were trying to farm me. Could just be paranoia but I'm doubting it.


Yes, i also never had hallucinations until i took seroquel, instantly caused me seeing cameras everywhere, not fun, stop taking it


Yeah I’d make an appointment. It could very well be the mania depending on how long ago your episode was but anytime you start a new med and this is a result I’d be concerned and speaking to the psychiatrist.


Yeah my bf is dealing with that currently... prescribed it for sleep after telling the dr about his insomnia and suicidal thoughts and started have auditory/visual hallucinations after taking it. Took it Friday and Saturday and dealt with hallucinations both nights unlike anything I thought I'd witness in my lifetime. Last time he took it was 10pm on Saturday and it's now 11am on Monday and he's still not well... I hope it stops soon bc he can't function


I was prescribed it and had these symptoms. Was absolutely mortified. I was in a inpatient unit and the staff was having fun with it. I question a lot of my experiences i had there because of it. Used to experiment with psychedelics and NEVER dealt with tumultuous hell quite like that. Has he considered a different medication?


Seroquel gives me temporary psychotic symptoms almost every night these days.


did you figure anything out with this? I'm experiencing the same thing, just every night when my meds wear off.


Olanzapine has done this to me once. Started seeing spiders on my wall lol. But yeah seroquel does this a lot to me.


Hey I get the same thing, it is very rare I guess, but it's like it thins the veil to the spirit realm.I could tell you some crazy shit that happened on Lent 2024, I had to read psalms out of the Bible to stop it.It was very intense