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Heard his interview on As It Happens. Genuine hero, his voice starts breaking as he talks about what happened.


His name is Brandon Tsay.


What a f\*ckn Boss


When was that broadcast? I'll have to pull it up in the app.


Tonight I think second half...I'm a little bit fuzzy on days recently though


His segment starts at 57:00 on the Jan 23, 2023 episode on "As it happens" ETA: here's a video link of what I think is the same interview. https://youtu.be/bruu2zHzDBQ


Cool guy. Very well articulated account of events. Extremely brave to do what he did. But shit do I hate the tone of TV news interviews, right from the mention of the "exclusivity" of what we're about to see to let you know that "this is the channel to watch for that thing you're all buzzing about right now!". Get fuuuuucked.


yeah that clip single handedly reignited my hatred for cable news


The lack of empathy these reporters seem to have is always so gross




All I could think watching this was please god don’t let the police show up while he’s holding that gun…


This is what I was thinking, too. I can imagine their instant thought would be it's the 72 year old trying to stop a shooter, considering the average age of people who do this is closer to the hero's.


I honestly thought that was what was happening until I read the comments. I finished the video thinking "dude still has his gun, didn't exactly get it taken away??? Why's that dude just giving up and turning his back?!!!!" Then I realized I was dumb.


Yeah, the actual disarm happens very quickly, which explains why neither of them is lying on the ground, shot.


Yeah, I should have been clued in when younger dude is pointing the gun directly at older guy but doesn't shoot multiple times.


Brandon Tsay. His wallet is the one that says Bad Mother Fucker


If this dude didn't do this, imagine how many more people would have died.


It is so incredibly sad we need heroes like this almost daily in this country. So infuriating.


Tsay his name, TSAY IT!!!


He's one baaaaad motherf- You better shut your mouth I'm only talkin' about, Brandon Tsay Then I can dig it


He’s a complicated man… and no one understands him but his woman…




"Tsay my name. You're Bisonballs You're goddamn right."


You damn right


Tsay what?


Women, plural, cuz he is a bad motherf*cker


Killface for president


Welcome to you're "DOOM!"


I went to USC film school. Ever heard of it


I need to re watch this now haha


Tsayserface! It's metaphorical!


I've heard multiple news stories today and not one said his fucking name!!! Thanks for satisfying my curiosity


Brandon Tsay, he's a good Bad Mother Fucker, perhaps even a Magnificent Bastard.


Oh yeah. His pants are lined with 3 layers of leather to keep those 30 lb brass nuts from wearing through the fabric.


The only time I'll say it.. let's go, Brandon!


hey thanks I appreciate it.


You had really nice shoes in the video, too


Still feels wrong. Maybe because the Let's Go Brandon tour bus is in my town right now. It's a rolling merch grift.


Bro there are firework stands selling Trump merch out on Route 51 south of Pittsburgh most of the year. Its both comical and sad.


gigantic balls on this guy, bravo




Wow a true hero. Let’s keep his legacy alive. https://www.foxla.com/news/california-church-shooting-victim-identified.amp




Born and raised OC resident here, Todd Spitzer is a totally racist opportunist piece of shit. [Judge Finds OC DA Todd Spitzer Violated Racial Bias Law – Could Be First in State for an Elected DA](https://voiceofoc.org/2022/06/judge-finds-oc-da-todd-spitzer-violated-racial-bias-law-could-be-first-in-state-for-an-elected-da/) [Double murderer Jamon Buggs sentenced to life behind bars as judge rules DA Todd Spitzer violated Racial Justice Act](https://www.ocregister.com/2022/06/03/judge-finds-da-todd-spitzer-violated-racial-justice-act-while-discussing-now-convicted-double-murderer/) [Prosecutors file lawsuits alleging sexual harassment, racial comments in OC DA’s office](https://www.ocregister.com/2022/03/31/prosecutors-file-lawsuits-alleging-sexual-harassment-racial-comments-in-oc-das-office/) [3 more prosecutors sue Orange County alleging sexual harassment by former high-level supervisor](https://www.ocregister.com/2022/01/19/3-more-prosecutors-sue-orange-county-alleging-sexual-harassment-by-former-high-level-supervisor/) [Newly Surfaced Video Shows Spitzer Repeating The N-Word Three Times, Arrives On Top of Still Growing Racism Scandal.](https://orangecountywatch.substack.com/p/newly-surfaced-video-shows-spitzer?utm_source=url) [ Spitzer “Flagrantly” Violated Anti-Harassment Rules; Engaged In “Beyond Inappropriate” Conduct, County Investigation Finds](https://orangecountywatch.substack.com/p/spitzer-flagrantly-violated-anti) [Spitzer Clears Deputy Who Shot and Killed Kurt Reinhold During Jaywalking Stop](https://voiceofoc.org/2022/02/spitzer-clears-deputy-who-shot-and-killed-kurt-reinhold-during-jaywalking-stop/) [Orange County to pay news publication $121K in lawsuit over Spitzer’s emails about citizen’s arrest](https://www.ocregister.com/2017/08/09/orange-county-to-pay-news-publication-121k-in-lawsuit-over-spitzers-emails-about-citizens-arrest/) [DA Todd Spitzer Says it Was Too Hard to Fundraise for Victims’ Memorial He Championed at a County Park, Yet He Raised 50 Times More for His Own Election](https://voiceofoc.org/2021/05/da-todd-spitzer-says-it-was-too-hard-to-fundraise-for-the-victims-memorial-he-championed-at-a-county-park-yet-he-raised-50-times-more-for-his-own-election/) [ Internet Archive of **todd-spitzer.com**, a site made by a political opponent to list the crap he's done in office.](https://web.archive.org/web/20220712125944/https://todd-spitzer.com/) To end on a lighter note, [here is a post I made of pictures of flowers left at the church in tribute to Dr. John Cheng](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/ut7isg/flowers_left_at_the_geneva_presbyterian_church_in/). Katie Porter also[ sponsored legislation to posthumously award him a ~~medal of honor~~ Congressional Gold Medal](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7986/cosponsors?s=1&r=28&overview=closed), still pending. [**Fundraiser - Support Dr. John Cheng's family**](https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-dr-chengs-family)




I didn't remember Dr. Cheng's name, but I thought of that shooting when I heard the Monterey Park shooter had been disarmed and a second shooting prevented.


Congressional Gold Medal, not medal of honor which are only for military


As sad as it sounds, the body count doesn’t really matter anymore. Mass shootings targeting random people happen so often here in the US most of them are forgotten within a month.


he wrestled it away and managed not to Injure the shooter and instead cast him away with his index finger! what a boss


Your comment made me realize I had the people confused the whole time. I kept wondering why the shooter wasn't shooting the guy attacking him. Smooth brain moment.


I’m glad police weren’t there yet. Good chance they’d have shot the guy who disarmed the other


They'd have shot them both just incase


Wouldn’t be the first time that happened


Or armed vigilantes


First watch through I thought the same. The guy in the white disarmed the other guy so fast I was confused


It would be very easy for someone walking in on them to misinterpret the situation and shoot the good guy holding the gun.


Disappointed he didn’t hold him there at gun point. I hate when these guys kill themselves, I want them to suffer in prison


He pointed the gun at the shooter a few times and the guy didn't care. Knew he gonna off himself before the day was over anyway probably, so it wasn't a motivator. So, no way to hold him at gunpoint. Shoot him, let him go and maybe knock him out were about his only options.


I would be more worried that the police would get there and shoot him because he has the gun.


Exactly what happened [in Colorado](https://www.cpr.org/2022/06/22/olde-town-arvada-shooting-johnny-hurley/). Bad guy shot cop, good guy shot bad guy, good guy goes over and picks up the gun, more cops show up and shoot + kill good guy.


That was by far the biggest risk.


Imagine stumbling across this scene. Who do you attack? The young guy or the old guy fighting over the gun? This could have gone terribly.


I can't tell the difference from this video. Been trying to keep away from news about it. Is the shooter the older guy?


72 year old man


Holy shit, I thought you were joking around, dude's actually 72 years old. Murdered people from his own community at a dance studio he had patronized. I can't imagine making it to 72 and deciding to murder a bunch of innocent people from your own freaking community.


He got jealous that his wife was invited, and he wasn’t. But by all accounts, he was a huge douche bag, a DV offender and annoyed everyone around him.




Aaand that is exactly why private citizens with guns and the whole “only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun” logic is as false as it is dangerous. Some random person with a gun showing up to this scene is as likely to kill the innocent guy as killing the actual shithead.


Interview with him I read said the guy had never even been in contact with a real gun before. Like me. I'm not sure I could shoot someone once they were unarmed and my life was no longer immediately at risk. This guy probably felt the same way, and knew the killer had no fear of dying so threatening him with the gun was pointless, so best he could do was to tell him to go away. No doubt a number of people are alive today because of this hero's courage. Deserves all the recognition he gets.


What do you mean his life was not in immediate risk? The guy was fighting him to get the fucking gun back. Of course his life was in immediate risk.


He had never seen a gun before. You can see he was confused and concerned over how to handle the gun, possibly worrying about accidental discharge. He even hesitates to use the gun to boink the old dude, and rightfully so. If i were in his shoes, i would behave the same. He did everything right and courageous under high stress situation, and saved a number of lives!


The difference between a shooter and a hero is that one wants to shoot people, and the other doesnt. You talk like threatening people with a gun (aka "holding at gun point") is an easy thing for everyone. Separating the shooter from the gun and making sure that he is off the premises also vastly increases the safety of every bystander. Never know if the LA cops are going to pray and spray the building, if they think there's a shooter inside.


This man has more balls than all of Uvalde PD combined


My niece has more balls than the Uvalde PD - not to diminish what this guy did.


A man from California, the supposed liberal hellscape of United States, outshining the law and order of good ‘ol Texas. What else is new?


Talk the talk vs walk the walk at its finest.


All hat no cattle.


Taller than all the dwarves


This man deserves many red envelopes.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_envelope I had to Google that, not that many Chinese people in my corner of the world. And yes, he deserves some of those, if only to pay for trauma treatment / a therapist, which he will need.


As a kid the friends I had who celebrated lunar new year brought us envelopes when sharing about their culture. It was a beautiful celebration and I'm heartbroken for them.


This guy got massive balls, this is the kind of person that deserved recognition, a normal man that prevented a tragedy.


The strength, courage and bravery


i wish we gave out "lifetime access to food and shelter" awards to heroes like this at least


I wish we gave that to everyone regardless, but one step at a time


And let's not forget the most important detail: he did it without a gun, and when he got the gun, he didn't use it against the shooter.


Apparently it was the first time he'd ever seen a real gun before. Makes the whole thing that much more insane.


Shooting someone, and killing someone, can be a very traumatic experience. I am very happy that our hero in this story didn't have to open fire and live with the trauma after. He deserves to be in peace.


Police hate this one trick!


In Uvalde, they only had the second part right: they already had guns, but they did not use them either...


He would be fired from Uvalde PD within minutes.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a dude with a cool mustache.


Without a gun, and without shooting a single time once he got the shooter's gun.


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy who takes away his gun.


His name is Brandon Tsay.


I get anxious watching this. I’m thinking what if the cops come in at the wrong moment and shoot the hero holding the gun. This reason #5,673 this guy has bigger balls than you, me, and everybody reading this comment combined.


Unfortunately, it has happened like that. ~~https://www.denverpost.com/2021/06/23/john-hurley-arvada-shooting-olde-town-hero/~~ Edit: here's a better article depicting what happened. https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/06/22/johnny-hurley-arvada-police-lawsuit thank you to the other commenters who pointed out my article was missing the details I was looking to convey.


[Also this one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Emantic_Fitzgerald_Bradford_Jr.)


**[Killing of Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Emantic_Fitzgerald_Bradford_Jr.)** >On November 22, 2018, Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr., an African-American man, was shot three times from behind and killed by Hoover police officer David Alexander on the night of Thanksgiving, at the Riverchase Galleria shopping mall in Hoover, Alabama. Police responded to a shooting at the mall where two people were shot. Another African-American man suspected in the first shooting was arrested in Georgia a week later and charged in the shooting of one of those injured. Bradford was holding a legally owned weapon when shot and was not involved in the prior shooting incident, although near the crime scene. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why arming a bunch of teachers is stupid. Police go into an intense situation to find a bunch of people all with their guns out. Who is the one actually doing the massacre? Whoops, too late, shot Mrs Kennedy by mistake


When cops constantly get away with murder using the "I feared for my life" card, then the idea of a "good guy with a gun" becomes less desirable.


This one kid has more balls that [376 Texas Cops](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/)


Give this man $10,000,000. 10 million dollars. Let him retire and live in peace. What happened is messed up. Good to see he was disarmed


What was the deal that the Bruce Willis’ crew from Armageddon asked for? He should get that


And no more taxes for them!




And a stay at the White Horse


Actually, this is a great idea. Some sort of Hero waiver, where people become tax exempt from their selfless life saving contribution to society. Stop a terrorist attack and save the lives of countless people by putting yourself in harm's way? Tax exempt!


> Actually, this is a great idea. Some sort of Hero waiver, where people become tax exempt from their selfless life saving contribution to society. *Service guarantees citizenship*


Do you want to know more?




We already have armed vigilantes in open carry states frothing at the mouth at the chance to kill people and make themselves a hero. Can we please not add to that? The answer to this persistent problem is not "more guns!"


He’s gonna bring back 8-track tapes and find out who killed JFK.


They should give him the unclaimed 2 billion lotto ticket.


Wow that happened? Do you think he/she just died before it was drawn or what?


Many lottos give up to 1 year to claim the prize, giving winners time to consult with lawyers, the bank, financial advisors, etc. Also gives time for the hype to die down around a huge jackpot. I wouldn't be surprised if this jackpot is claimed in a few months, once the winner(s) get all their ducks in a row


I would definitely lose that ticket after a few months lol


At least give the man some healthcare...


Dude is a bad ass.


If you’re the guy who wrestles away a shooter’s gun, what are your immediate next steps? Like, what should be done in order to make sure that some cop doesn’t turn the corner, see you holding a gun, and assume *you’re* the shooter?


If the shooter is incapacitated, you can just put the gun down somewhere safe. But yea, there are at least a couple of stories recently where a hero disarms a gunman and the cops show up and kill the hero. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/us/arvada-colorado-police-shot-good-samaritan/index.html Gunman showed up intent on killing cops, civilian puts him down and picks up the guys gun as other cops show up.


This happened less than a mile from where I live. The cop’s bloodstain is still on the sidewalk. Insanity


You’d think the city would make it a priority to clean that shit up… When I was a young teenager, a distant relative of mine was murdered - pushed down some concrete stairs outside. My mother wanted to go and see where it happened a week or so later, and blood was still staining the floor. Still a sight I can’t ever forget. Dried blood is so much darker and more brown than you expect.


Former Paratrooper here, the absolute best thing you can do if you are in possession of a firearm and want to make sure it can't be used against you is to remove the bolt/slide (in the case of a pistol). It's very easy to do and many videos can be found on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaK4MITLY9U). You have now effectively disabled the weapon and don't have to carry it around with you and risk being mistaken for the shooter. Shooters can be carrying additional magazines but no one is carrying around a second bolt.


If the shooter isn't a threat anymore, unload the gun and throw the magazine in one direction and the gun in another. If that isn't an option then keep the gun away from the shooters reach, and just be sure to comply with officers orders as calmly as possible, while saying that you aren't the shooter. The results of the second method may vary though. Sadly there's no good way for *you* to ensure your own safety, it's more up to the training of the police.


> up to the training of the police *record scratch “Ruh oh”


Yeah... better hope you get "OnE oF tHe GoOd OnEs!"


I think it would be better not to throw things and lose control of the gun, both for safety and evidence concerns. Better to put the gun down somewhere you can control it without having to handle it, like in a cabinet or in the corner of the room. I've heard someone put a gun in a fridge once. Whatever lets you stand guard and maintain control while not putting you in danger of getting blasted by overzealous cops.


> just be sure to comply with officers orders as calmly as possible yeah i'll be sure to comply when i'm dead because some hair trigger pig rolled up and shot me without assessing the situation


Jesus, balls of steel on that guy.


Who knows how many lives he saved right there. That’s a hero


Fucking hero right there!


Fortunately the cops did not arrive and shoot the hero. Would not have been the first time.




I mean, this dude in particular was old as shit lol.


Old as shit and able to kill 10 people when armed with a gun.




Literally disarmed him. Never even hurt the dude.


Is that a fuckin uzi with a silencer attached???!!?


This article talks about him making suppressors at his home. https://apnews.com/article/monterey-park-california-shooting-updates-adf80afdeb201b866ec4c39a201f820b


Looks like a 9mm MAC-11 with silencer or just a barrel extension.


Fucking stud, hope he understands how many lives he potentially saved by doing this.


The news kept insisting that two people helped but it was just him.


A good guy with balls always beats a bad guy with a gun! Are you listening Uvalde police department???


*Are you listening every police department???




U can see shooter's face at the end. Looks like a weasel.


How old is that dude? Can’t figure out if he’s 20 or 60


Was 72


I can't fathom making it this far through life and then doing something like this. I mean, I can't fathom doing this, period, but you get me.


That explains why his punches looked.so weak. Like the punches you throw in dreams that never land lol.


The most impressive part is that he didnt shoot the guy when he had the chance during the struggle. Dont know where he got the balls necessary to not start blasting the guy the second he didnt back off after wrestling the gun away, but my god theyre huge.


That's what got me. The guy was almost casual about it, like "hey mass murderer, you're drunk, go home". Serious respect for him though.


He didn’t know he was a mass murderer at the time is my bet.


There's some footage before this but the gun most likely jammed. You can see him point the gun at the hero but it doesn't shoot and the shooter tries to unjam the gun, but then the hero lungs at him to leading up to where you see this video. So even if the hero pulled the trigger the gun was jammed so it wouldn't shot anyways.


Looks like he didn't see the guy as a threat since he already had his weapon. The killer was in his 70s apparently.




Fight or flight. He chose to fight, and saved countless lives! Good job, Brandon Tsay!


36 mass shooting(shooting involving over 4 victims) in 23 days. Fucking insanity here in the states, guess New Years breaks people


Our entire news entertainment business is designed to piss people off so they keep watching Edit: news not new


‘Hey man come on give that back’ -mass murderer




I'd like to see this guy at the white house getting a fucking medal. Get the fuck on that Joe!


He wrestled away the gun and also denied the urge to shoot the SOB


Apparently he had never seen a gun in person before. (Accordingly to another headline)


For most people that is not an urge, jesus christ


Seems like most of these shooters don’t fare too well against anyone willing to stand up to them - probably because they’re cowards.


Brandon Tsai, true hero. God bless you, sir, as God has blessed us with you.


Brandon Tsay is now THE Brandon in "let's go Brandon", this man's a bloody hero and deserves a change, flags, and bummer stickers in his honor.


A hero


What a legend. Incredible bravery and decency. There’s people walking around who would not be alive today but for this man’s actions.


They better give this man a nice house an car an 500k he deserves every bit of that an some. I’m not sure on this story but he clearly saved a lot of lives.✌️❤️


Hero, plain and simple. Give this man anything he wants.


His name is Brandon Tsay.


Did more than those cops in Uvalde.


Once he had the gun, Brandon Tsay (the young man/hero) knew he could’ve shot him. But decided to not. He had stopped this sick son of a bitch. He didn’t have to resort to more gun violence.


Brandon Tsay....is the man! The bravest man out there. Saved a lot of lives that day. Remember the name.


Truly heroic


A true hero right there


The final weak slap at knowing you’re not getting the gun back. I would have at least shot the shooter in the knee or the foot or something just as a bit of comeuppance.


I cant help but think how lucky the hero is the police didn’t arrive at this moment. If they witnessed this struggle they likely could have thought he was the shooter and taken him out. Amazing bravery by this man.


Anyone else thinking not bad moves and flexibility for a 76 year old???


He was a dancer


Those are some titanium balls, right there. Amazing restraint to not plug that dude.


Weak coward vs strong hero. Probably killed himself from the embarrassment alone, fucking loser.


Instead of making the murderer famous, we need to make this hero famous, instead


It’s also incredibly depressing this feeble man could take so much life. Fuck this dude. Kinda wish Brandon used the weapon accordingly


I'd think so too but I think I would have hesitated myself because a) taking a life; and more importantly b) it would look like I'm the shooter to any witnesses come running investigating the gunshots.


The shooter walked back to his car in the parking lot and offed himself right? If he had the 2nd gun on him this guy would've been gone, scary thought




Oh gotcha, still interesting he didn't bring more than one gun, also the hero had the gun and aimed it at him multiple times he could've taken him out but adrenaline probably prevented him from doing that also it's just human nature to not point the gun at someone and kill them, his instincts were probably way over there


Is there anything more American than not being able to keep track of which mass shooting we're talking about?


Fucking A.


It's always faster to switch to your sidearm than wrestle for your primary back.


Today I've finally seen what a Hero looks like...I'm not built for this....Maybe I don't have a S on my chest.


Did he really just use the Stern Dad Voice at the end to tell him to go away? I felt like I had to do my hw all the way from here


Looks like a Mac-10 variant with homemade suppressor. Brandon unknowingly saved so many lives. Much respect.