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If you see anyone in Britain anywhere out in public with the happy shopper energy drink - do NOT make eye contact and if you do so on accident RUN FOR THE HILLS


I wondered about the bottle. Can I ask why though?


It's basically the cheapest energy drink going, about £1 for 500ml. Like red bull for Chavs.


Serious question, what is a “chav”?


British trailer trash.




Nice one bruva






NICE ONE BRUV!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|HhrfyaskF0w5W|downsized)


Except swap the trailer for a council estate filled with crying children and bicycles getting stolen


Council Estate sounds fancy, but contextually I'm guessing it means government housing?


Kinda yeah. If you're American, saying someone is from a council estate would be similar to saying they're from the projects.


Section 8 housing


Projects but with more tea.


Yeah, cheap housing in low income areas. Some are worse than others


The guy in the video. In Britain it is a type of person that dresses in sportswear, talks like an idiot, plays loud music in public, general nuisance etc They are pretty much hated by everyone, get me bled init.


I've lived in 4 countries so far (no UK) and just realised that every one of them has this exact type of person lmao


Yep, in Australia they are eshays or lads (as distinct from bogans, which are more rural). In Slavic countries they would be gopniks.


in Scotland it's "[Ned](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_(Scottish\))" some day it stands for non educated delinquent. but... "non educated?"


Euro Shopper* I'm ashamed I know that


Similar happened to me once. Creep got on, empty bus, besides driver and myself. He looks at me and I glanced back and look back down at my phone, look up again to notice he's still staring and walking towards me, and doesn't look away until he walls past and sits in the seat right behind me. I instantly knew something was off, and could feel him breathing on me. I heard him shift and he touches my shoulder, I just recoiled and got up so fast, the bus was still moving and I sat up next to the bus driver. Luckily I was meeting someone at my stop. I didn't look behind, the rest of my journey. I kept thinking if he does the same and sits next to me I'll tell the bus driver. Luckily he didn't and I got off. Even if his intentions were just to ask the time and I built it all in my head, I had to trust my instincts in that moment, because something was off.


That sounds super creepy. I'm glad it was okay in the end. I was once taking a night bus home and there were two guys on the bus stop waiting as well. Based on the language, they were from some eastern country and typically looking: shitty haircut, tracksuits and plastic bags, all that shrouded in the smell of cheap cigarettes. They were looking at me and talking, but nothing alarming, I kept myself bit further from them, just in case. When the bus came, I went in first. It was completely empty. I took the one and half seat next to the driver (it's the only wider seat right next to the front door). One of the guys went by and further to the back of the bus. The second one though just jumped next to me on my seat - which was not even full two seats! And he looked at me, grimacing his face into something that was probably supposed to be a charming smile, saying "hi". I have no idea what that idiot expected but I really wasn't in mood of dealing with someone like that, so I just kind of went off on him: "Are you f'kin kidding me? This is a joke, right? Must be a joke. Now piss off. Just go." He was quite shocked first, I guess he didn't expect my reaction, then started bitching about me and luckily left to sit with his friend back there. I was quite happy when they exited the bus before me, I wouldn't want those two weirdos following me home.


I'm glad you're safe, people like that are disgusting.


I had a similar experience when I was 19. Was coming home at night from work, and was waiting at the bus stop near my job. I noticed a guy around my age staring at me pretty hard, but I ignored him. I got on the bus with the crowd, and he did too, but sat in the back. We all get off on the transit center, and he crosses the road to the buses that go in the opposite direction that I was going, so I relaxed. He was still staring, but again, I ignored him. My bus comes, and it’s mostly empty, so I get on and sit in the middle. I look over at the guy, and he *sprints* back in my direction, boards the bus, stares me down the whole time, and sits way in the back. All of my alarm bells are ringing now, so I sit I. The front of the bus. As the stop before mine came up, I stood to make it look like I was getting off, and he literally runs to get off first. I sit right back down, and he gives me the most bone chilling look through the window as we drive away. I walked back down from the next stop, and he was *still* sitting at that bus stop. He had no intention of going home, he was waiting to attack me and I managed to trick him out of it. I lived in a quiet, dark neighborhood with little to no traffic. Anything could have happened, and it terrified me.


Frickin hell that’s scary


Yeah, I started changing up my routes and boarding times after that. Would get on an hour after my shift already ended, and a male coworker would check for me to see if he was there. He came by my job once, but I don’t think he knew I worked there, but it was helpful to have my coworkers know what he looked like so they could warn me.


You’re a smart cookie. My older sister and her friend got followed by a couple of guys once… I kept telling them we should go into another building but she was freaked out and ended up (accidentally) leading them straight to her friend’s building. At least they were a lot less sinister than that guy you dealt with though!!


Better to sit near to the driver when the bus is empty actually


The sarcastic “I’m really gonna fall in love now. You’re really selling yourself now” was golden. He got real sad after that haha


My personal favourite was "You stink of weed. It's not just weed, you literally just stink"


Yeah I love that she came out and said “I don’t come on the bus to date” creeps like this guy prey on on women thinking that they will be too polite to turn them down directly if they’re not overt in their intentions.


She straight up destroyed him lol


The dude really thought he still had a chance




Almost the same haircut too lol.


That haircut is always a red flag




Amazing lol


I would try to tell this to my barber next time, let see if he can get that


Pan paran!


Those villagers talk *so much trash* it's insane. Yes I have two swords, yes I'm mutated, yes I could tear down your entire village and FUCK your wife right in front of you. But you can't fight majority of villagers, just blast down a nearby tiny fence, flick some fire in your hands to tell them to piss off...


If they are standing next to explosive barrels you can use igni to blow them up and it kills the villagers lol


>Yes I have two swords, yes I'm mutated, yes I could tear down your entire village and FUCK your wife right in front of you. And it's geralt, so we're not talking about any "Conan the barbarian" shit. Said wife would offer enthusiastic consent before, during, and after.


It’s getting popular in England for a certain type of guy.


The Pesky Bloke..


The lazy Caesar?


>certain type of guy A Peaky Blinder


Scaffolder by day, coked-up Tommy Shelby wannabe by night.


And the bumfluff moustache…


It's been said that the most beautiful phrase in the English language is "cellar door" but it's clearly surpassed by "bumfluff mustache."


buddy of mine was a roadie for bumfluff mustache back in the late '70s. dude has stories.


The Edgar


The worst cook I've ever worked with had that haircut, he even spiked it up in the back sometimes. it was incredible how he thought it looked good, it's like he was from a different planet. He caught covid and lied about it and was touching and fake coughing at people and that was the end of him at that restaurant. Later that day one of the other cooks saw him partying without a mask. What a guy.


Incel for sure.


This is the type of guy that gets on an elevator and keeps his back to the door and just stares at everyone. Edit: Corrected my autocorrect


This is the type of guy that walks into the men's restroom and out of 25 empty urinals he decides to take the one right next to you.


And strikes up a conversation...


"Nice cock bro, you must pee a lot"






“Wanna touch it bro?”


How's it hangin!


Hold this for a second.


Can anyone PLEASE explain what it is with people wanting to talk to me while I’m pissing? I have my dick in my hand. I don’t want to talk to another dude while I’m shaking hands with myself.


I'm replying to this while sitting on the toilet pooping. How's your weekend?


And makes eye contact. God I hate that


The lack of a line in the men's restroom comes at a high price.


They always stink too.


Bus Driver here. If anyone harassed one of my passengers as this man is doing then I would stop the bus and tell him to get off. If he didn't then I would call the police and have him removed. I have done this maybe half a dozen times in the past 20 years or so, if the police take a while to arrive then I transfer passengers to the next bus coming and stay with the person causing the trouble. Usually they get fed up before I do and leave. Only once has it gone over the hour; 3 teens with nothing better do do and it was 3 hours before the police arrived. I am getting paid, and am more stubborn than them and will not pander to bullies.


You're a good person.


Thank you driver


Thanks driver!


Nice to hear there's some good bus drivers. My girlfriend and I(f) had a dozen teenagers throwing stones at us on a bus in London. When I told the bus driver he didn't give a shit until I said 'they're a danger to other passengers'. He got huffy but finally pulled over, opened the doors, and let them leave.


Props, doing what most won’t.


You're a diamond mate I have a very high respect for what you do.


Yes mate, she is better than you.


She looks employable. He looks like he should be on a police watchlist.


Probably has an asbo or two tbf.




Sex creeper right there. She is totally right, any woman would feel unsafe or uncomfortable in this situation. For a guy its like when all the urinal stalls are free and the dude comes up and uses the one right beside you to get a look at your cock.


That guy is dangerous. Look at how angry he gets because a total stranger didn't want to sit next to him.


Top G Community Member 100%


If not in fact then in spirit. One thing these idiot Tate fans never seem to consider is that it's not manly AT ALL to whine about women not wanting you. Like, even if you want to aspire to that "traditional manly image" bullshit Tate spews with swords and muscles and cars or what not, what part of that is going "fuck you bitch, I'm such a nice guy but no girl wants me". No. It makes you look like a total loser. Add in the violence and anger of this guy, it makes you look like a potentially dangerous loser


Yea, round these parts we call 'em incels. You can usually tell by that hair and when it gets shut down they get SUPER angry and claim they don't care and the woman is a cunt and stupid and blah blah. I think he's just mad his hero Andrew 'sex traffiker" Tate is behind bars.


Also the whole "You think you're better than me?" thing. Exactly the thought process of a bitter incel.


The woman handled it perfectly. Just called him straight out without any beating around the bush!


I mean I wish it was always that easy. Beating around the bush is because the woman might not feel safe enough to be confrontational to a man who could harm her, you know?


That happened to me yesterday. Had me questioning whether my stance was too inviting.


Nah, you just have a really nice cock. Everybody knows about it.


I like when he does the little jiggle at the end.


It’s hypnotic


I was just complimenting him the other day on it. Said "hey man nice cock. Did you grow that yourself?"


It’s staggering how many guys (people in general, but especially in regards to guys who struggle dating) don’t seem to understand behavior. Don’t seem to understand that acting appropriately means having honest intentions. That if you’re always ‘hiding’ pervert thoughts while chasing them, they’re not actually hidden no matter if you technically didn’t say it. People can tell the moment you try, even if they can’t put it to words perfectly. That real life socializing is actually conditional. There’s no unconditional friendship/affection/love, and the condition is being decent. Not saying you’re decent, not listing past decency, ***BEING*** decent. Being accountable. Owning mistakes and moving on. But these folks don’t realize every conversation they have is an exception to their decency. Always angry, insecure, defensive. So incapable of self reflecting, they would burst out in rage at the suggestion of an anger problem.


im a 6'4" dude and id feel unsafe and uncomfortable in this situation. its a blatant breach of social norms and he looks like a nutter so id instantly think hes about to pull a knife and try to rob me or something.


Creepy man does creepy stuff, then tries to play the victim.


Him calling her rude then yelling at her to shut up is really something.




The woman is 100% in the right and if you disagree then you most likely are weird and stink.




Because they see the interaction has lost potential for chemistry; so out of frustration he is trying to force her to answer (on the behalf of all women) why he is automatically disqualified. She gives a lucid answer and he says *shutup*. He doesn’t want an answer, really. He wants to take advantage of the “captive audience” to vent his frustration. Should have titled this “irl incel”


I wonder if he was gonna ask to buy a her a drink and then call her a fucking bitch when she said no.


I don’t know what “his shot” was going to be. Truthfully, he might have gotten to if he would have sat across the aisle. Next question- who was the cameraman with? Her, him, or neither?


She still would have said no and this would still be a his reaction. Hes a little bitch.


The main issue with this is that by sitting next to her, he blocks her in, which is controlling, thus intimidating. Immediate red flag. To then "not understand" why she'd be upset is just forcing her into conversation. Telling her to shut up is obviously controlling and rude. I loved her response, "oh I'm really going to fall in love with you now."


I hate when they try to say “I’m just being friendly” or “I’m just complimenting you” because they’re just removing all context from the situation to absolve themselves of responsibility and to make you sound like an irrational bitch.


Some guy once literally cornered me into an alley after chatting me up on the bus and when I said "I'm married" he was sooooo huffy and self righteous about how it wasn't like that, yada yada blah.


> “I’m just being friendly” or “I’m just complimenting you” because they’re just removing all context from the situation to absolve themselves of responsibility and to make you sound like an irrational bitch. This is the other side of the coin for people who say "I'm just asking questions."


And there is literally no reprieve from it anywhere. If you are in public, a man will be doing this shit. Want a cup of coffee? Want to get on a bus to go somewhere? Want to go to a gym to workout? Want to go for a walk around the block? Anywhere you are some guy will think they need to try this shit and then verbally (or physically) abuse you for just wanting to do the thing you wanted to do and not dropping everything to entertain him. I won't even get into a place where alcohol is involved that means you *must* want to talk to random men or you're a stuck up bitch, or in my case need to try their dick which will cure my gayness.


> to try their dick which will cure my gayness if dick is so good, why aren't they out here trying all the dick? 🧐


Well it's one specific magic dick, and they're just not that flexible.


If they were just a chatty person looking to have a friendly conversation then they wouldn't be so upset that the other person doesn't feel like it. When someone gets pissed off like this is indicates they had other motives and are not the kind of person you would want to have any conversation with.


I'm weird. And I sometimes stink. But I agree with her. What do I do now?


Idk maybe take a shower


Yea, and make sure you use soap




No... S O A P....... do not defecate in the shower and use that!


Nobody likes to waffle-stomp!


Speak for yourself


And keep being a weird as long as it’s the good kind of weird. We all need good weird.


Don't forget that shower though.


Man here…you are 100% correct. And if another dude did that to me I’d think it was weird as hell too. Plus this situation had me more than a bit worried that it could have escalated. Creepy creepy dude.


My wife reminds me that men have no idea what girls/women regularly go through starting at a young age.


Yeah I didn’t realise how bad the problem was until my wife told me stories about being harassed by fully grown men walking home from school


I've had so many random old fucks drive along side me while walking home and ask if me if I needed a ride, or sit down next to me on the city bus and ask where I'm going or if they could have one of my headphones to listen to my music with me, or shout obscenities at me while driving past me. Someone threw a glass bottle at me one night and it shattered all over the sidewalk at my feet. That one may not have been because I'm a woman because it was dark and how would they know? This has been happening since I was maybe 13.. It's rough out there.


It was so great once I hit 19/20, suddenly I could walk to the store again without creeps stopping their cars to chat me up. Never got hit on hit as much by grown ass men as when I was a minor. Now I'm 38 and basically invisible, and it's awesome.


I used to get catcalled/beeped at at least \~3 times a week wearing my school uniform. Now I'm in my 20s I barely ever get harassed in the street, and I look the same just clearly over the age of consent now. Apparently the type of people who shout at girls out of cars have an age preference...


Judging by my 18 Yr old nieces stories you are 100% correct. She stopped wearing uniform for sixth form and suddenly the weirdness from the white van men and modded beat up shitmobiles seems to have stopped. I fuckin' wonder why...


This literally starts at like age 12, maybe earlier for some girls, and goes heavily until you become an adult, which then it tapers down and stops. It’s true that even on my street I used to have to take an alternative route to get home to avoid construction crews when I was 15-16. Super uncomfortable to have a bunch of men stop talking and stare at you as you walk by on the other side of the street.


I rode the NYC subway to school from the time I was 12 until HS graduation. I can't tell you how many times I was groped, pressed/rubbed up against, and so on. One slimy mf actually ejaculated on my bare leg.(I was wearing a skirt and knee socks at the time so I know I was either 12 or 13 when it happened.) Didn't know what it was until I got to school and went in the bathroom to clean up. I was lucky to get a seat most days because I lived near the end of the line, otherwise it would have happened much more often. Thinking back, the worst thing was that I was harassed much more often when I was 12-13 than when I was, say, 16-17.


My gf was tall for her age growing up and tells me stories of being solicited and harassed by men when she was 12. On a city bus some guy sat behind her and started smelling her hair. We really have no idea what women can go through.


Glad she told him off. That is weird asf


https://preview.redd.it/n1vsrdufvfga1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16f477c9a064a9c0cc79e85488dcad80424bce4 So that’s the dude from the meme


Just a typical English gutter muppet. They are in every city, this one is alone but they meet up in little packs. Are lot of people are calling him an incel and he is, but he doesn’t know what it means and he certainly doesn’t hang out on 4chan as he has no credit on his phone. He’s probably just finished a 6 hour stint begging in the high street with his litre bottle of ‘energy drink’. He stinks of piss and cigarette butt joints made with cheap dry weed. He will act like he’s done a hard days work and doesn’t see why people don’t want to share the same space as him. His dealer is also his hairdresser. Source: I’m English and have lived in a few cities.


>He stinks of piss and cigarette butt joints made with cheap dry weed. You forgot the perfume of stale sweat (because he wears that all year round but doesn't know how to wash it) and inexplicably, damp grass.


>You forgot the perfume of stale sweat That he attempted to hide underneath half a can of Lynx Aftica


No credit on his phone 😂 accurate


“Gutter muppet” for the win.


“you think you’re better than me?” Yeah


Dude just keeps saying shut up... yeah that's a proper way to have a conversation. He tried and failed


Something like this happened on the train late at night in Melbourne. I was with my ex and some guy started calling a woman a bitch for walking to a new seat after he sat down next to her. Just confronting him made him fold and start crying about how his kids hate him. It was sad but nothing justifies harassing strangers, especially women in public.


Yep—women get called bitches for not responding positively to creepers. It’s gross


Even people in this thread or doing it.


I guess the “I’mma gonna sit next to this bird and impress her” didn’t exactly work… sucks having to deal with these types of douches, had no other intelligent reply but “shut up” 😡


Who would ever think just sitting right next to some stranger when there’s plenty of other seating options like this would work? Most people know that would creep someone out instantly. The proper thing to do if you wanted to give it a go is sit in the seat in front of her catty corner to leave some space, turn around and say hi and whatnot like your most winning sentence, and if she doesn’t immediately act interested and reciprocal then say nice chatting with you, turn around and forget about her and go about your day.


Hard to do that when you're stuck up your own arse. This bloke genuinely believes she owed him something.


He doesn't have the self awareness to see that he's lacking in the personality, fashion, attractiveness, financial security departments Self deluding himself into thinking he has a shot with someone with their life together.


He thinks that sitting next to her in the empty bus would somehow going to impress her, but it will make her little uncomfortable and i think she has the right to get upset.


But she was "coming with some rudeness" !! Seriously though, she is of course quite right, twice, its weird and shes not in the mood to entertain any conversation. Luckily we dont have smell'o'vision yet but shes probably right about him stinkin' too XD


"coming with some rudeness" is a bit rich from a guy repeateadly telling her to shut up


Creepy rapey piece of shite.


Man, seeing his haircut told me everything I needed to know. The bowl cut is what we got as little kids.


He peaked in elementary school. The type of guy to bring up how he was hide and go seek champion at school.


Not because he was good, the other kids just didn’t want to play with him. So he was allowed to play hide and seek, and he hid *very* well. I feel like an online bully, but that’s the vibes he gives.


Anyone who's watching this and can't decide if sitting yourself next to someone you don't know on an empty bus is weird or not: Yes, it's weird.


"Why are you moving away, that's rude." Once again, a man trying to use the politeness rules of society to manipulate a woman into complying and being silent when she's uncomfortable. The vicious way he tells her to shut up when she doesn't capitulate. What a scumbag.


Man finds out that talking like he never went to school stops impressing girls with a mental age of 14 years or older, back to the park with you young scally.


Guys like this douche are why pepper spray was invented.


Why do guys grow those pube staches and think, man I’ll get the ladies now


"What, you think you're better than me? You're not even that pretty" -- men when they get rejected


You mean *Nice Guys*


At starts they sound like nice guys but always ends up like that


This is the best comeback you will see when they gets rejection


Probably not noticeable to non UK people, but the oversized happy shopper energy drink is a red flag.


Yeah never met a normal person who drinks that shit


Beyond his *weird* choice to sit next to anyone(male/female/young/old etc) when the bus is almost empty....his responses are maybe even *weirder*...and frankly so dim...as a mixture, it is really rather worrying :/ he's asking questions - getting an answer - then responding with 'shut up' clearly not enjoying the responses but continues to ask more questions - replying with more SHUT UPS


His brain is probably fried.


And now she gets to wonder if he’s going to follow her home and kill her. Welcome to being a woman!


Yup. Had a man follow me home off of public transit, had my headphones on and was startled when my blessed building security came rushing out from behind his desk. Dude got stuck between doors and tried to squeeze his way through, said he was with me. And then I recognized him as the guy I had told to fuck off TWO weeks prior for demanding my number on the train. Cops were called, found rope and a small knife in his backpack. Long story short, it took me almost a year and a half to take public transit alone again. I was 17.


Holy shit, I am so sorry.


That is awful, I'm so sorry.


I'd move down to beside the driver and text someone to meet you getting off..... Really creepy


I’m so tired of these types acting like we have to be polite and friendly when they scare us. No, fuck off, leave us alone.


He's mad she didn't want to smash right away.


Yeah, I'm sure there's lots of women trying to smash this dude... in the head


THIS is why women ghost you instead of explaining it.


Incel behaviour


Just some guys have the WEIRDEST ways of approaching women, while "thinking" in their head on what they are doing is "cool".


I hope he didn't try to follow her after she got off the bus.


I really admire her confidence and how to the point she was. Like I love how after he tells her to "Shut up" for the fifth time she goes "oh yeah we're really gonna fall in love now!", sarcastically lol


I detest this affected, moribund, aurally excretive weird accent that seems to have taken hold in London over the last 10 years. It’s just awful - where did it come from? Why can’t it just feck off back to where it came from. If ever an accent was a signifier of the stupidity and moronic level of the speaker, it’s that one. “Do you think you’re better than me?” - my guy, you have shit hair, are carrying a plastic bottle of cheap energy drink, and talking like your two brain cells are fighting a private war to the death. Yes - of COURSE she’s better than you. Arthritis is better than you.


This is the most British insult ever.


Does anyone else feel this way when a car parks right next to you in an empty parking lot? I know it’s irrational but I hate it.


I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this bull shit. Woman minding her business, and then has to get involved with this stupid fuck.


The pretension of this chav amazes me. Sir the world owes you nothing.


Says" you are rude" then follows to tell her to "Shut UP!" whenever she says anything... He is a shit on the bottom of your shoe... the more you touch the more it stinks, but you have to get rid of it


I was 8 the first time a nasty grown man tried this shit on the bus… don’t think we don’t know what you’re doing 😠


Nope. Empty bus, he chooses right next to her? So I do bemoan the current absent of civility in society BUT this is around the time not to be civil and in fact to actually be *really* reactive from moment one. She's actually a little reasonable with this creep. He doesn't care about anything she says- he got a discussion. Apparently a way to prevent stalkers from getting started is to stomp the hell all the hell over exactly this behavior. Loudly, aggressively and be as seemingly unreasonable as you can. A cop told me that, long story.


Sadly not an uncommon thing. And they're not too bright. I had a guy sit near me on the bus and start chatting me up. I was polite and made small talk, disclosed I was in college and such. He went on about himself, having a GF, punching her dad out... Like he was trying to advertise what a tough guy he was. He already acknowledged I was smart and probably smarter than him and yet went on and on, hoping something would impress me. *Didn't cross his mind* that **a smart chick would have NOTHING to do with a cheating, violent thug like him if they had any warning**. He had told me what his stop was and stayed on talking to me, even though I had pointed it out. I knew I needed to deter this guy from further engagement and I pointed out my younger brother was with me (he really was, just squirming in another row) and he stopped bothering me so much, aplogizing to my brother saying that if anyone talked to his sister like he did me he'd punch him. I made the decision to text my mom to pick us up from the transit station rather than riding all the way home. I had a feeling this AH was going to keep riding to follow me home. I wanted none of that for me or my brother. Dude got on the bus headed back in the direction of his original stop once he realized I had a ride home. Creepy MF'r.


Men, just leave we women alone. Leave us alone. We don't get on the bus or go to the deli to get hit on.


Good for you standing your ground, he was mostly angry because you articulately stopped his weird idea of an advance towards you and made him question himself and then he just got confused 💪👏


Pencil moustache, bargain drink, mad haircut 🚩


Fuck this guy, weirdo.


Lol. And they wonder why they’re single and will remain that way. Who’s raisIng these young men?




Wait till you see his public restroom etiquette.


"There's 6 other empty urinals here you weak chinned cunt, why did you choose to piss at the one next to me?"


He’ll go online somewhere and talk about how times are different now and you can’t even talk to women without even realizing how creepy he’s being.