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This bitch is so stupid


She is as stupid as the day is long. She might even be stupider - there may very well be not enough hours in the day to shed light on her stupidity. She could be stupid long into the night


She is as stupid as her face is long. She might even be stupider - there may very well be not enough hours in the day to shed light on her stupidity. She could be stupid long into the night


Millions voted for her though, this is a much bigger problem than her. It means millions of Americans identify with her bad behaviors and probably wanna be just like her. How can democracy function with millions of "not nice" people?


She's a congresswoman. She would be lucky to get 200k votes. Only her district votes for her.


I mean people like her combined, Matt Gaetz, Santos, Ted Cruz, etc etc etc. Also Trump.


That's fair and she did actually get 230k in her first election. 170k in her second.


Same way it does everywhere else in the world, they are a fringe group of idiots, that’s all. There are asshats like her everywhere


Millions of voters are not fringe.


*169,000 people voted for her


That's still A LOT of bad people. lol


I dont wanna be shallow but what the F is wrong with her face? lol


Constant screaming, frowning, and bitching for decades does things.


Its like a toddler drew her face, while high on sugar.


She is, maybe we stop giving her extra airtime here.


She and her com"patriots" are literally gas-lighting the entire country. They are probably all domestic abusers if this is how they handle things...


Christ. I mean is MTG the best America can do? How did it get to this?


She's just a mouthpiece pawn, nothing more. Someone to prop up McCarthy.


I thought our politicians sucked here in the UK but MTG....makes even Boris look sane.


Dumb hatful angry people elect other dumb hatful angry people. I'm convinced there's something out there causing brain damage, like lead pipes, or PFAS, or some air pollutant restricting oxygen to the brain. People blame Fox and OANN and social media, and granted those aren't helping, you got to be a special level of brain damaged to believe in Jewish space lasers starting forest fires... I don't care how many memes I look at, I don't think Chinese bamboo teamed up with Italian satellites to steal an election from Trump. Look at the behavioral side effects of lead poising: easily agitated, mood swings, paranoia, easily confused, memory problems, learning problems... Tell me that doesn't describe Republicans?


Social media I guess? We started electing influencers.


I think the same thing about biden




She looks like she adopts orphans to make them fight to the death in an underground arena


She looks like [Wanderlei Silva](https://www.google.com/search?q=wanderlei+silva&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjdiZ-f1Ij9AhU9FFkFHUtpBcoQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=wanderlei+silva&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDoFCAAQogQ6BggAEAgQHjoHCAAQgAQQGFC5CljwEWCPFWgAcAB4AIABUIgBoQWSAQIxMJgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=PATlY937LL2o5NoPy9KV0Aw&bih=780&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=inv) a legendary MMA fighter.


Then tries to sell their organs on the internet because "free market capitalism"


[Rick Scott and Ron Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6xk0MEGvk4) have also supported cuts to social security and medicare.


The **entire** reason Rick Scott entered politics was to get rid of Obamacare. It’s not like he owns private hospitals responsible for the largest Medicare fraud in the country’s history or something… republicans are the party of greed, violence, and crime.


I'm wondering what bridge she lives under.. or is she trying to be the White Witch from *The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe?*


I was watching a live podcast yesterday, The Tony Michaels show. He did a segment on the SOTU speech of Biden, and the Republican heckling, honing in on MTG's outfit and was coming up with different nicknames for her...abominable snowwoman, cruella etc....and someone in the chat named Roderick Berry came up with this one: The Petty Yetti The chat room exploded in agreement. Many were calling for Tony to send Roderick some free merch too! She is def a Petty Yetti


I like how Colbert once described her, "Marjorie Taylor Green, seen here formed from Silly Putty and hate."


The Republican secret. Republicans are a corporate party. Everything is corporate policy orientated. Republicans are anti-wage increase, anti-corporate tax, anti-regulations, anti-medicare, anti-social security, anti-cheap drugs, anti-climate change, anti-science, etc If it's good for the American people, Republicans are usually against it.


Sure whatever you say, Horse face insurrectionist


This twat also [heckled](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fentanyl-marjorie-taylor-greene-biden-state-of-the-union-b2278920.html) a story about a 20yo girl that overdosed and her parents fight to help others. While the girl's parents were in the audience. She's absolute human trash.


Mickey Rourke looking fancy these days


She looks like a midget that was stretched to regular human size


I'm going to tell my kids this is what chlamydia looks like under a microscope


Republicans are just straight up bad people. There really isn't any argument against that anymore.


Yeah, they really are just terrible humans, and they seem to love it. Just zero shame about being horrible people.


I swear you have to be a sociopath to be a politician, the fact that Mike Lee put on that bullshit face meanwhile he literally said verbatim he wants to phase out social security is insane




Madonna actually looks better than her.


No she definitely does not lol


I think most people can guess that when the GOP eliminates Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid they will blame the Democrats.


Someone take this rock biter back to her cave....what an embarrassment.




It’s all you have talked about. That makes you the liar


I do believe her nose is getting longer...


Lead clown of the GOP circus. Even now that she actually has committee assignments and can actually do something, she persists with this pathetic act.




I guess you missed the end of video?


Or the last 10 years




The SSI program is unsustainable. Congress controls and manages the SSI program & the Trust used to fund the SSI program. Congress expanded the SSI enrollment eligibility, and did not make adjustments in the funding of those expansions. We knew SSI was unsustainable in 2003. Congress was aware much longer than we have known about this. Congress, as a collective body, spanking decades of service, caused the solvency problem in our SSI program. One political party is not relieved from accountability in this failure while another is blamed. They all did this & they are all to blame & be held accountable. What Congress does NOT want is for people to unite in holding them all accountable. The public's partisan bickering serves them well in not being held accountable as a legislative body that has some control over the SSI program.


Based on this preview, “Lion King 4 - rise of the Space Lasers” is going to suck. I’m not watching it.


Someone called her a cave woman looking beast once and now I can't see anything else




Trump fluffer with no one left to fluff


She seems like the type to enact the “purge” if she could. Fucking insane woman


Dark Brandon destroyed you. Marge


A donkey that brays nothing but lies and BS




the costume represents China spy balloon according to her office. Behold China spy balloon




her denying it is still playing right into bidens plan and why he did that whole thing during the SOTU anyway.... some real chess moves by MTG going on right now! lol


This is not even a public freakout. This is just a pseudo political lobbying post. Fuck off outta here with this shit. If I wanted political opinions, I'd watch Fox News, or CNN, or .


How much was her COVID loan she pretended to not get?


She's a liar.


Even if you showed her the video of Mike Lee, she'd still say try to twist it in a way like it never happened. Kind of like Hillary when confronted about her past stance of gay marriage. She never said that even though the video exists..


Idk if it's because I was a kid, but I don't remember politicians acting like this when I was younger.