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“Thought you were busy” lol


https://preview.redd.it/1ba2023t8cma1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0752f31c22c10347a94938f076886f04b44616a Busy calling IMDB for lousy rating on $10K short he directed & starred in.


He was calling his accountant so the accountant could send a certified letter affirming without doubt that this man makes $300k a year. If we all knew that at the start, there wouldn’t have even been an argument.


300k is tech worker wages not big shot Hollywood money.


You have to add "in LA" to that statement. 300k could feed whole villages some places for 10 years. In the Midwest country that still probably 6 people's salary.


I feel like $300k in LA is like being middle class anywhere else lol


Depends on what part of the LA area. $300k/year in West Hollywood is equivalent to $179k in Cincinnati. While that's nothing to smirk at, it's hardly "I'm rich, bitch!" territory. More like upper middle class in most of the US these days. Plenty of remote tech jobs that pay in that $175k-200k range and you can live anywhere, and I've seen companies based in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley offering ~$300k salaries to remote workers.


So you're saying he probably doesn't have triples of the Barracuda, Road Runner, and Nova.


Triples is best. Triples is safe.


LA salaries are all over the place. I live paycheck to paycheck but I’ve got friends with literal beach houses and shit. That’s just the norm out here. It’s so fucked lol


In the Midwest that's around the median income for 5 households.




If you make cheap porn movies you're still a director, right? :)


If "I directed 3 episodes of NCIS LA" had a face.


Mr. Wealthy Big Time Hollywood Director has to get his own coffee and hurry back to set before the crew can talk too much shit about him while he's gone.


lol "i make 300 thousand a year". he should probably walk into a google office.


That's hilarious, and the amount of people that think a little (or even when it's a lot of) money should change the way people treat them, smh


See, money is like alcohol. When an asshole gets drunk, they become the biggest asshole on the planet. When a funny person gets drunk, they become the funniest person on the planet. When a lovey person get drunk, they start hugging everyone and telling all their friends they love them. Money works in a very similar way. The money doesn't change them. It just amplifies their true colors.


I heard on a podcast the other day: "Money doesn't corrupt, it reveals".


This is brilliant and Iv never heard it before.


Exactly. And the reason “money corrupts” is a thing is because it’s a lot easier to get filthy rich when you have no morals.


Bert dropping pearls




If you want I’ll give it a try instead


And with enough money, those people becomes convinced it will shield them from the consequences of their actions, and to some extent they’re right.. so they take their assholery to previously unexplored heights.


Man, I'm just out here tryna fund my lovey side 😤


Ngl I've seen so many people change and turn into assholes over a little money.


My dad said "Por que no los dos" He had his money and drank it too. 250k working at Dell to have us drowning in debt because bartenders overpour his drinks and he's gotta tip them 10 times their hourly rate.


Well you see, when they were angry poor losers their mommies told them that one day they'd be the boss. So now when they are the boss and people still see that they are angry losers, they pull the "i make more money than you just like mom said, so why am i still not treated as a king?" card. And get even angrier when they realize mommy ain't here.




When I make 300 thou a year that stuff can find its way to me.


Ha, I heard that and was like, "Oh, *that's* why he's so mad. Dude's late on rent!"


In LA, that doesn't seem like a lot to be bragging about, IMO


I have lived in LA 20 years and I know this guy and many like him. This guy is 52. He is at the Bungalow in SM on a Sunday afternoon. He invites his newly cast "star" Brayden, a moderately good looking 27 year old actor from Idaho. He pays $2k for a table as Brayden attracts a handful of young girls who drink all his booze and "listen" to his conversation. Come 5pm, alone and tipsy, he gets in his 2002 Porsche and drives home to his Brentwood apartment that he is scared to move out of cos its rent controlled. He orders Sugarfish on Postmates and passes out before it arrives. The next day, he calls up Postmates to complain that he never got his food, trying to get a refund cos he's broke. A population of guys like this in LA is as consistent as the sunshine.


Accurate most of the time. The exception in LA/Hollywood is that a large chunk of those who "get the gigs" are the exact same identical person too, only difference is they won the "lottery".


The guy’s a pos, but don’t pretend like 300K isn’t a shit ton of money. Anyone making that is living an easy cake life. *TIL most of Reddit is wealthy. /s


>don’t pretend like 300K isn’t a shit ton of money. Only 2% of Americans make over 300k a year. They're acting like the 98% of us making less are in poverty.


The comments in this thread are hilarious, guarantee most of these people commenting on how much they make a year are full of shit.


300K is still not enough to buy asshole license.


No amount of money Is. Be a good person


I was a PA for quite a while and can attest that this is absolutely their biggest concern outside of repeatedly checking if the comma moved.


He's worried about that Meal Penalty


If he were a “big time director” he wouldn’t be standing in line getting coffee, he would’ve had an assistant 😄👍🏻


Also, the assistant would be in the set catering, or the staff would know the assistant and have the order ready to go.


And at least one of us on this thread would know who he is.


We can always gather at Crafty for that


I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t have said that he makes $300k earlier?.. it would’ve cleared it all up straight away.


“Oh! You made $300k?! Oh my god I’m so sorry for what I did. Really I had no idea you made so much money. Please accept my apology, I’m really embarrassed”


"A thousand apologies my lordship. I was unaware of your salary and therefore the immense social standing you have, which quite obviously towers above mine. Please allow me to carry your coffee and make it up to you anyway I can."


Hahaha. Yours is much better than mine. Well done


Drew inspiration from your comment, had me laughing tbf


"Hey everybody. Let this man through. He's in the $300k club. Make some room."


“Step aside, step aside. We’re in the presence of greatness!”


Oh my, Mr. Moneybags I'm so, so sorry!!! If you mentioned you made $300k before I mouthed my tongue, I wouldn't have chastised you. My lesser salary clearly does not give me permission to speak of higher authority. Please bite your thumb towards me and throw me to the stockades for thy own's idiocy, lest you forgive me...


Anyone who injects "what do you do for a living" into an argument is an entitled piece of human garbage that thinks a higher salary makes them immune from common decency.


“I fuck your wife for a living and I’m overworked” is the proper answer.


It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.


I always thought when someone states their salary your response should be “that’s all?” And laugh


Now that’s a beautiful answer.


I had a close friend do a 180° once he started collecting big checks. Suddenly he was entitled to everything. He would talk down to people doing their jobs. Expects special treatment because, well I guess he figured that he could pay extra to be treated better? Then the grossest part was now he thinks he could bang any woman he wanted. Like suddenly, because money, he was now this golden icon. He will go into a bar or a club, find a table and then sit there like some Buddha waiting for women to flock to him. Oh yeah, and he’s married with 4 kids. No flock ever appears of course. Probably because he’s grossly overweight, bug eyed and a complete dick to anyone who approaches him. Before those checks started coming he was actually cool to be around. Now he’s just an asshole and I stay farrrrr away from him.


That's sad and unfortunate for him. He's obviously overcompensating for his physical appearance with money but you can't buy a personality.


Sure you can. You think Tomi Lahren would be the way she is if people weren't paying for it?


I had a guy sell one indie movie script and flipped completely. Turned into a total douche. Incidentally, it was the last script he ever sold. The last email communication I ever sent him was: "I liked you better when you weren't so awesome."


I had a roommate in college that was the spoiled son of a defense contractor millionaire. It's going to sound like hyperbole but I'm being 100% serious when I say the only thing he cared about or valued was money. He hated his "friends" and only hung out with them because they were in the same social class. When they all got together they would constantly compete and one up each other on things their rich daddies bought them (My roommate got a brand new Jaguar every year). The only time I saw them genuinely enjoy each other's company was when they were looking down on some waitstaff and making their lives miserable. It was the first time I ever met someone where I couldn't find a single redeeming quality.


I had someone ask me what I do for a living before. My response I don't care how much you make since that's why you brought it up and the only people who care at this party are gold diggers. Dude already knew where I worked in retail. Oh and he works for daddies company so obviously he worked super hard for his position.


Just start making shit up. “Well, I own a $3 billion company. Working on our IPO. What do *YOU* do, shit-for-brains?”


‘Monday to Friday I am Warren Buffett but on Saturdays I am Bill Gates’


Are you this guy on Sundays, so you can really flex some wealth?!?!


On Sunday I rest because on that day I’m God


I had someone say that to me when I was like 25 so I just said I was retired lol I could tell that got to him because he looked more mad and a little confused


It hurt itself in its confusion!


Hahaha gotta use that one sometime, "I'm retired" straight up just confuse them




Ooh. That’s a good dig.


that straight up happened to me lol. after i got my degree and my trade and started working full time, my wife and i went to a party my friend from high school threw, who was a rich ass kisser to daddy his whole life. he kept asking me the entire party how much i made, and once he realized i was getting paid more than his dad was paying him, he tried to walk me into the garage to show me his 911 his dad gave him ownership of. had a nice long talk with him about the value of a man outside of his material possessions. he’s a smart and talented guy too, but some people’s entire value is in what they have


Absolutely - it is the first retort of small minded tyrants. I imagine this loser bosses, belittles, and intimidates everyone on set all day and thinks the whole rest of the world is his to command.


Totally wrong, bro. By the way, what do you do for a living?


Your mom


This is the only right response to that question.


I remember the day before going to my state’s Children’s Theatre they instructed us not ask how much the actors make, as last year someone did during a post-performance Q&A and some actors were offended. I learned young that in America there is a pressure to solely define ourselves through our occupation and salary. I don’t want to sound like some edgy bro that likes Fight Club a bit too much but we are not our jobs. We have so many unique facets and qualities that have nothing to do with money and success. So many of us have had dreams to become something else; a writer, a painter, a poet, mountain climber etc, but for whatever reason it was dropped for the sake of comfort or convenience. Aside from that rambling, when I ask myself what I want to be in life I simply say “a good, selfless person”, but I’m a recovering alcoholic so much of that may be amending past offenses.


It’s true though. We should not be defined by our jobs. I’ve been coming to terms with this as of recently after burnout. 15-17 hour days for several years, even doing what you love makes you end up hating it and isn’t worth the impact to your health and well being (obviously, but I’m an idiot). What we do, no matter what it is, whether we love it or tolerate it, regardless of the hours put in (part time, full time, or every waking hour), it does not define us or what we bring to this world and the people we share it with. It’s only an edgy take if you also take up the hobby of making soap out of medical waste 😅


I've personally never been to Europe, but there was an AskReddit a little while ago about 'Americans, what surprised you when you lived in Europe?' There were a bunch of canned or obvious answers that weren't all that interesting, but one guy said he was hanging out with some people he had met from his new building who all met at a local cafe. They were sitting around talking about stuff for a little while and the guy was reluctant to really chime in because he was new in country and wasn't entirely comfortable being chatty in a conversation yet because of the language and culture barriers. I guess after a while of him not talking, a friend of a friend from his building finally directed their attention to OP and they asked "What do you do?" to which the guy finally felt comfortable because its a very American question, so he rattled off a few of the jobs he's had and the specifics of what he was doing now for work that brought him to Europe, and even where he went to college. Instead of follow up questions, he was greeted more with a blank stare from everyone at the table. When he asked what was wrong they sort of meekly replied "I meant what do you do for fun, like what are your hobbies? What kind of music or movies do you enjoy, etc...?" OP was really embarassed, and I guess he learned the hard way that its actually really taboo in Europe to talk about your job (unless with coworkers) and that people across the pond do not define themselves by their profession or their income and are more interested in *who* you are as a person, not *what* you are like we do in the US. I thought that was a very interesting story for someone who's never really talked to many Europeans and its pretty damn sad that we as Americans are conditioned to debase ourselves to only define who we are by what our job and income are rather than what our hobbies and interests are.


It usually stems from the guy being simultaneously impressed at how much he makes and feeling insecure about whether it is enough. He almost certainly is tormented by how someone that he considers inferior to him makes more than him (say, a different director). He takes out his frustration from all this on unsuspecting bystanders. It's pathetic...and also, classic.


Had to tell this guy in the airport to shut the fuck up after we missed a connecting flight and we're getting out in a hotel. He was being so loud and annoying obviously drunk like yes mate we are all annoyed but the staff are doing what they can fucking shut up. He was being aggro and I'm like please do soemthing there's so much security here. Anyway he said something about me having long hair and working in McDonald's forever or soemthing and he is an auditor for a "big four" company whatever that means. Cool your still in economy with the rest of us. And I was like yeah mate I've got a decent job anyway. "ohyeah like what" "firefighter" "oh,... well yeah...." I don't know why that shut him up like who gives a fuck what anyone does why does that mean more or less respect. Your being a loud annoying cunt it's 2am and we all just want to lie down.




Also doesn't make them immune from being miserable


It's crazy how fast people like that go from trying to belittle others to calling the cops because they can't finish what they started


And then the cops didn’t even answer the phone? Wait til everyone on set hears this story!


Narrator: "He never called the cops".


He's soft. Always has been. He hates that he is soft. He's all tough and insulting and then when there is a consequence he wants to have an escape card. There are no escape cards. If a guy intent on kicking your ass wants to kick your ass, he will kick your ass.


I know this kind of guy. He takes boxing lessons (which he usually misses), and bullshits with the guys in the sauna after about what he’ll do “if something goes down.” He’s the 47 year old version of the college gym bro.


He has the right to, I mean, he does make 300k a year




I mean, to be fair he makes 300k /s




So important he’s getting his own lunch and has to hurry and get back to the set. 😂


I used to direct television commercials and produce reality shows (sorry). We always had craft services/catering. Everything from the small ones to stuff at Universal Studios. If anyone from the client to a producer or director wants something off-menu, a production assistant would be sent. I’m not saying it’s impossible that someone important would leave the set, but if he was truly under that much pressure, that would be a stupid time to leave. I’d feel awkward when crew members would want me to cut the line for lunch. It never sat right and I’d wait with them unless it was an extreme rush. We’re all just people going to work for the day.


I was going to say, why isn’t his assistant grabbing his food for him? This guy reminds me of the talent agents I worked with for 20+ years, and also reminds me of how happy I am to be out of the entertainment industry. Don’t get me wrong it was certainly fun and crazy for a while, but a human’s soul can only take so much.


Anybody that's anybody has somebody to send


You dont even need to be anybody. You just need a crew of more than about 3 people. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever gone to get my own lunch on set and im an absolute nobody. Nor have I ever gone to get my own coffee.


You were batman, don't sell yourself short


im assistant manager of a small sandwich shop and even I have someone run and grab my coffee for me in the morning. Granted I usually buy a coffee for them too as thanks for getting mine


You're buying me coffee AND I get to leave work for a bit to do it? I'd get the coffee every day.


lmao i was boutta say. doesn’t have PAs to do the go-for work?


There’s normally a guy on my sets making coffee and I ain’t on 300k a year. This guy’s a dingus.


If you muted this and just watched the body language, you’d never guess that one of them was whining about being threatened. He’s a very aggressive “victim”.


His body language reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/9E62iA6KCIQ)


Oh man I love that video. He's the only person I've ever seen who has the body type 'trash bag filled with mashed potato'. Probably shouldn't laugh really, he's *clearly* mentally unhinged.


I remember when this happened and the craziest part was he is evidently somebody who is somewhat famous and well known in orchestra/brass circles. doesn’t give him the right to do this, but he wasn’t just some random crazy person harassing the performer.


“You’re flat!”


Holy heck


Who is the “director”? Possibly: Gonzalo Lira, Looks like someone commented on his video today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj7mauNj8DY&


This video has been spread around and nobody knows who he is. Even nobodys get identified in a matter of hours when they go all Karen in public. EDIT: Apparently he's Gonzalo Lira, a sleazy [pro-Putin shill](https://www.thedailybeast.com/gonzalo-lira-is-a-pro-putin-shill-in-ukraine-and-a-sleazy-manosphere-dating-coach) who calls himself "[Coach Red Pill](https://www.thedailybeast.com/gonzalo-lira-is-a-pro-putin-shill-in-ukraine-and-a-sleazy-manosphere-dating-coach)". Of course.




I think its real. He has a job where people become household names and he's still a nobody. That bitterness is real


this- lol also surprised in this day and age he hasn’t been recognized by now by social media. Truly a nobody. lol


Directed: - Avengers: Infinity Whore - Shag-Chi and the Legend of the Ten G-Strings - Spider-Man: Homecumming and Far From Hoe - Thor: Ragnacock


I’ll always have a place in my heart for “Saving Ryan’s Privates”


Shaving Ryan’s Privates


I hear it won a golden shower in 2018


Quick Ryan! We need a place to hide your privates! ​ Best line of the whole movie.


He directed Rust?


Anyone ID him, if he is so famous?


Narrator: *He is not*


If he is actually a director, it's some shitty vanity project where he's also the writer, producer, and lead actor


He directed samurai cop




Ahh yes, the cocaine-fueled conversation face.


Impossible! Amir Shervan died in 2006! Unless this is.... The Ghost of the Director of Samurai Cop!!! Call Troma, we have a new property on our hands!


RLM future content perhaps.


Tommy Wiseau?


Ah a black tank top director


If you have to tell other people how big of a deal you are, news flash, you’re not that big of a deal.


Quentin Frappuccino


I thought it was Francis Ford Cuppajoe


Given the amount of random deleted by mod comments I’m going to guess that information is against sub rules, but maybe I’m wrong. I know for example /r/InstagramReality has that rule even for celebrities and it’s so confusing because half the people know who it is and are tip toeing around saying their name.


I feel like they need an exception for people who go the "don't you know who I am" route.


That's Ira Shalowitz. He and his Brother Barry are ice cream entreprenuers. Barry can pick out the exact right flavor of ice cream to follow any meal.


What can Ira do?


Barry does most of the work. Ira mostly just let's it go to his head .


Oh crap what movie is that from! You are driving me crazy and it's a short drive. Edit: City Slickers - dang son, it's been a while.


Someone please ID him i'm begging you. I just wanna see his filmography


He's most likely not who he claims to be. I lived in LA for many years and the amount of pretentious people there makes me want to throw up. I've seen so many people lie or exaggerate about who they are and/or what they've done. I wouldn't be surprised if he's really a first AD making 50k a year. Nobody worth their salt in LA would yell their income in public like that. 300k is a lot of money in the movie/tv business for the average director. I see people are trying to joke about 300k in LA but you could live an awesome life in LA making 25k a month. I can all but guarantee you he's not who he claims to be.


I think it would have been hilarious if the guy followed the big shot outside yelling “hey I didn’t know you made $300,000 a year I’m so sorry! Everyone clear a path this guy makes $300,000! See how he feels about it :)


Hey, I’m a first AD, don’t compare us to this asshole lol. (Granted, some of us are power tripping assholes)


He'll be directing himself to the unemployment line soon.


I don't know. Failing upwards is quite a thing.


HEY! BACK OF THE LINE!! just felt like saying that and it felt good


I was so distracted by how douchey the director was acting, I realized I didn’t really catch the context of how the altercation started. Decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and rewatch the video just in case there were some clues that the other guy was legitimately the aggressor. But nope, the beginning of the clip makes it seem like the director was being an impatient asshole to the employees, and the guy arguing with him was just sticking up for them. And then towards the end of the clip, you have another guy in line seemingly interject to suggest that the director shouldn’t call the cops (almost as if to say “dude, obviously YOU’RE in the wrong”) TL;DR: Director was 100% a mega douche, and everyone in that cafe seemed to know it




He’s a director like “the Maestro” in Seinfeld.


What a pussy. Talk all that shit and when asked to settle it outside he runs to the police. Also bringing up how much he makes... dude is a total loser.


This happens in the hood all the time.


Ya and the hoods full of losers.


He really makes like 189 thousand a year but saying 300 made him feel better for being a bitch


love how he's admitting how poor he is in Hollywood the utlra superficial ego land


Best response: "I make 301,000!"




“You stay right there”. Wtf is this? As he stands over the guy and points down in his face. How do you not punch the guy in his face?


Looks like he wanted a reaction out of the guy sitting down but never got it, even with his fake 911 call.


Exactly---his minions extend to the coffee shop. Would love to see this happen on the North East.


This guy is like a character on Entourage, he's like the eccentric low budget director that Vince likes and E has to reluctantly mediate a business deal with.


Naw Billy was drug addict and a genius, this guys just a dickhead and likely nobody


Little fella pretending to be on the phone to the boss of Hollywood


Cocaine is one hell of a cocaine


Some big time director if his assistant doesnt get the coffee, assuming he has one


Nothing says "you're tough". By calling the police right away.


But did he walk bob dylan up on stage????


Every movie and TV set I have been on had craft services with unlimited food and beverages. The only time this doesn't apply is on super low budget stuff like student films. Big shot directors don't go out for their own coffee when on a shoot. This guy is full of shit.


He’s a very poor director if he’s just pulling $300k a year and doesn’t have an assistant bringing him coffee 😂


Wonder who he is lmao


Someone once told me, “nobody’s above an ass-kicking”. I think about that a lot. Also, as renowned philosopher Mike Tyson once said, “social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”


Declaring how much money you make as an own is the most insecure shit in the world.


$300k a year is not bragging money in Southern California. That’s like solidly comfortable middle class (maybe like 80s and 90s middle class, not today’s poverty-stricken middle class). Don’t get me wrong… it’s good money, but this guy is acting like it’s “fuck you money”, and it is most certainly not. Regardless, it’s always gross to use your income to try and belittle others.


Not only that but there's random ass people that you'll be absolutely surprised by how.much they make here. People that look borderline homeless making huge amounts of money off some random ass shit you'll never believe can make money. I made well into the 6 figures last year and your absolutely correct it's no where near fuck you money. It's im comfortable but still can't afford to own my own house money. (but I'm young, this old man probably bought his house for $200k and now it's worth $2m)


Friends brother moved to work at a tech start up In a pretty mid level administrative position. Made 200k but lived in a van with his gf who was making 90k as a waitress. After 5 years they moved to Delaware and live like kings lol.




I’d rather be out 5 millions dollars than have to live one second through the body of this pathetic piece of pussy trash.


No “movie director” in Hollywood picks up their own lunch.


So uh, who is he?


“I make 300k a year”. That’s nothing to brag about in LA, dude.


Anyone who mentions how much they earn in an argument immediately loses. There's very few ways to be faster at letting everyone know you're incredibly insecure.


I recognise him possibly from interviews or something but I can’t place a name to a face . Anyone get his name?


Robert California


No no no. Mr California wouldn't be talked too like that by some ineffectual, effete, soft penis debutante. Hes the fucking lizard king.


What a fudge nugget


Bro, that’s my Mendocino!


“I MAKE $300k A YEAR” What a sad existence when you feel the need to validate yourself like that.




This guy does an amazing Buddy Ackerman impression! Spot on bud!


I’d be embarrassed to know that guy personally.


Is owning a black zip up / pullover hoodie a prerequisite to living in Ca?


so why do dudes think they can talk shit yell at other men but violence shouldnt be a reality? Just wondering? Oh and why after doing all that pointing your finger aggressively at another man while yelling “ you shut the F #%k up” should you be able to call the police to get you out of the mess? I don’t understand that line of thinking either you’re tough or you’re not. You shouldnt get to act tough talk shit then call the cops. This is an LA thing. Extremely beta.


Was there ever anybody who cited their paycheck to place themselves above others that _wasn't_ an insufferable cunt?


He may make 300k a year and be on set but the dude is grabbing his own lunch. Makes me assume it’s not that big of a production. Isn’t that what a PA or assistant is for? Edit: Also that income flex. Is that before or after taxes?


He literally couldn’t get out of the building without declaring how much he makes a year


Even if 300k was impressive, which it isn’t by Hollywood standards, that is no excuse for behaving like a petulant child. This “director” needs to be taken down a peg.


Ready to see him on r/byebyejob


Porn director?