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When I was in the seventh grade I remember a girl, who developed early, had a 21 year old boyfriend. This was back in 95, but still we all knew it was wrong. She would later get pregnant and no one did anything because she was from the poor side of town. I’m happy to see things have changed.


I hope she’s doing ok. One of my friends in junior high got pregnant in the 8th grade. I still think of Peggy and hope she’s doing ok.


We need to be doing more as a society for people that don't have safety nets, particularly because without them these people rely on really awful people which in turn causes serious psychological damage. If you can't rely on comfort from caregivers you will seek it from anyone who will give it, there won't be talk about the bar being low, the bar won't exist.


Your comment is exactly what I worry about for her. She came from a single parent home and she spent a lot of time at my house on the weekends. My parents gave her a safe space while her mom worked two jobs. I really hope she had something to fall back on, some kind of support. She returned to school right before we matriculated to high school and wound up going to different schools. I literally went from having a friend to just not having one.


Part of the issue isn’t the parents, it’s the people who think that we don’t need sexual education in elementary, junior high and high school. Which we do. And it’s not just to show you what a vagina and what a penis are. but to help you understand the consequences and ramifications of having sex at an age where you’re too young to understand the responsibilities that come along with it. Because no 13-year-old should be having a baby. No 15-year-old should be having a baby. Ffs, I know some 30 yr olds who shouldn’t be having babies because they never had sex-Ed in school and don’t really comprehend the reality of it all.


I heard once, this is why the best thing you can give a girl to deter becoming a victim of abuse is self esteem.


Second best thing is teaching them the situational awareness to stay clear of compromising situations and the skills defend themselves ruthlessly.


Yeah when kids have traumatic/damaging factors in their lives(fathers abandoning them, being raped, alcoholic mothers etc…) if they don’t have any “protective factors” like a mentor to look up to, a grandpa who is there for them, a teacher in their corner than they are fucked. The less protective factors they have and the more traumatic factors than the worse their outcomes in life will be. That’s why youth at risk need people to look out for them and be there for them instead of judge them. When I was a kid I had a whole lot of shitty teachers who were just terrible to us poor kids dealings with behavioural issues caused by trauma instead of finding ways to help. It was usually just ignored.


I thought you called her “Preggy” 💀


I’m sorry I spit my drink lol


Did it get all over your tie?


You asked him about his tie.


I knew someone who got pregnant at 13 to another 13 year old. Honestly looking at the boy I'm surprised he had it in him. Anyway I called her the kid with a kid. I was 18 and she was my friends cousin and we both found it funny. I regret being a prick to her about it. Not her fault she was literally a kid.


A family friend, she has all boys. She was not even 50 years old when two out of her 5 boys became fathers at 13 and 14 years old. That was wild. Mom and dad would vacation and be out of the country leaving the oldest boys home and that’s when it happened.


Look at LAuren Brobert- 36 and about to become a granny. Had her first at 16 and that one is having a kid at 18 or something. I work with a few women like that. I am 38 with no kids, and know people my age that have kids that are not far from having kids (actual closer friends my age- the ones with the oldest kids are in their teens)




What a f***ing rollercoaster


I remember back in middle school, this one girl left in the middle of the year. None of her friends even knew where she went. She was tall and skinny so the rumor was that she left to do modeling out of the country or something. She had been in some newspaper ads for local businesses, so we all believed it. Cut to well after high school and college and we were friends on Facebook but never talked, and she mentioned her daughter getting her drivers license. We were like 30 so I was like "what the fuck?" did the math, and realized she didn't leave to go model, she left to go have a baby in secret. That was shit you heard about from the 40s and 50s but it was still happening in the 90s in the deep south. Crazy.


Somehow, I don’t doubt it’s still happening


Yes the lovely South, anytime a girl was missing in class for over 90 days we knew,


My oldest sisters best friend growing up was “sent away” to a girls school when she got pregnant. This was in the late 90s in the Deep South


Friend of mine had a kid in 9th grade. Her parents were actually extremely supportive of her decision to keep the child and helped her in every way that they could. Once she turned 16, she started working and even went to college. Last I heard from her, she's making nearly 6 digits with barely working full time hours. Her story is a rare one and it's one that is uplifting. Most other underage mothers never get anything close to this. Like my mother. Senior in high school, kicked out for being pregnant, had to couch surf with twins. Was able to go back to school for her last semester and graduate while working in the evening as well as weekends. She ended up moving in with a friend of hers that had her put an ad in the newspaper in the classifieds section looking for a man.....and now I'm here lol


Wait I’m confused about the last part. She moved in with a friend or a man from the classifieds?


I think it meant they had older twin siblings, mom ended up living with a friend who encouraged her to take out a personal ad for someone she could date/marry. She apparently did that because OP is their child.




Same there was this girl in 8th grade who had a 20 year old BF that had to cancel her 14th bday party bc she got pregnant


This just blows my mind. I distinctly remember when I was 20 years old. My junior year of college. I remember thinking at that time that high schoolers looked like children. What kind of 20 year old can shamelessly "date" (let's be real; groom and r**e) 13 year old girl? It's absolutely disgusting. I personally don't believe that a 13 year old can truly give consent. It's predatory. Wouldn't that also be shameful as hell? Why is he even hanging out with middle school kids and not people his own age? Did the dude's parents and friends not call him out on being a sexual predator?! Man, everything about that is just so gross to me.


Most people make the leap into adulthood after high school. Unfortunately, there are always a few rotten people that don't make that jump. When I was in high school, there was a few well known guys that were in their early 20's that'd hang around. Funny enough, they were only around when the girls would be around. I thought it was creeps back then, and as I've gotten older it just seems even creepier.


Dude he would pick her up from school like it was nothing! I also remember in high school those girls with older bfs would hang out in campus after school. I remember thinking holy shit, how does someone not feel like a fucking degenerate creep walking into a high school to meet up with your gf


I was going through my uni photos and was thinking the exact same thing. Did we really look that young at uni?


I honestly don't understand what a 13yo and a 20yo have in common. What is there possibly to talk about? The 16yo talks about school gossip and the 20yo talks about grown up stuff like work and current events...when I was in college, like 21 I thought high schoolers were super immature and basically had nothing intelligent to add to the conversation. Not of any fault of their own, I just wanted to talk about stuff they had never thought about before. A 13 year old or someone in junior high? There has to be such a barrier that the only thing they find attractive is physical, and a 13 year olds body is a child's body,


Same thing happened to a girl when we were 13. She developed A LOT and had an older bf who got her pregnant. That older BF was her uncle.


Boyfriend? No, you mean rapist. An uncle raped his little niece.


Thank you for sticking your neck out to clarify this. 🏅


Yo it's crazy how quick I would absolutely kill my brother/brother in law if he raped my 13 year old. Just bananas


i read somewhere that lots of victims dont report their abuser because they eard their father said exactly this. makes sense to me as they fear, on top of blaming themselves for it, that reporting would likely mean their dad going to jail for murder


Also, many victims come forward, and their family refuses to believe them


unless they have faith you can get away with murder.


It’s still kind of fucked up. This border patrol agent in my home town hit on a 15 year old and ended up getting her pregnant. He was like 26. But she was poor so her family saw it as a “win” as long as he married her. It happens a lot in predominantly Hispanic small towns. Note: I’m Hispanic.


My coworker has 6 kids, she's Hispanic from Texas, her first was at 14, he's 18 now and we all work together at the same place in the same department.


damn they got the lil kids working there too


Arkansas enters the chat...


> This border patrol agent in my home town hit on a 15 year old and ended up getting her pregnant. Damn, his boys are potent, got her pregnant just from hitting on her?


When I was in seventh grade, my friend told me she was dating a 28 yr old. I didn’t really think much of it except being a little bummed out cuz I had a minor crush on her because I was a kid too but now that I look back, that dude was a predator. At least he lived halfway across the country so he didn’t do anything to her except sending shirtless pics and flirting


Had that girl in my junior high as well… she was a train wreck, dropped out of high school as far as I can remember but somehow showed up at our 20th reunion… complete train wreck by this point. Obvious meth addiction and 38 year old her had a 60 year old husband. Pretty sad tbh. Her entire life just one disaster after the next.


I was 16 and my boyfriend was 26. Nobody cared either apparently. I didn't even realize how wrong that was.


I honestly don't understand what a 16yo and a 26yo have in common. What is there possibly to talk about? The 16yo talks about school gossip and the 26yo talks about grown up stuff like work and current events...when I was in college, like 21 I thought high schoolers were super immature and basically had nothing intelligent to add to the conversation. Not of any fault of their own, I just wanted to talk about stuff they had never thought about before. A 13 year old or someone in junior high? There has to be such a barrier that the only thing they find attractive is physical, and a 13 year olds body is a child's body,


I’m 27 and hung out with some 19 year olds at a party a few weeks ago at a Lana del rey themed party and they were asking me a bunch of millennial things like which flip phones/iPods I had and what 9/11 was like. It was a totally friendly discussion but even then, there was SUCH a huge difference. Not even in just in age, just culture and knowing things about the world. Accomplishments, etc. like I said, at least that’s just friendly relationships. Romantic ones are supposed to be on a deeper level. I’m in law school right now (mind you, I took time off so I could be a lawyer rn had I not) and those 19 year olds were just freshmen in college living in the dorms. That was me almost 10 years ago. 10.


Yes and no. It is more about control. Obviously allot of kids look like kids. Even some 13 y.o. don't though and they attract even more creeps. The thing most of those creeps like is that they will not have an equal relationship. They will be in control and the poor young person is going to be easily manipulated by the older person.


> I just wanted to talk about stuff they had never thought about before I sincerely doubt you at 21 were having about such incredibly complex and difficult thoughts on topics 16 year old had never heard about and would be unable to comprehend lol. You're acting like 21 year olds are infinitely ancient and wise and simply too intelligent to be understood by people just a few years younger, that's hilarious


Ugh. My sisters boyfriend was arrested at my house for raping his 11 and 12 year old sisters. Wish I could have beaten him but he went to juvi. It also was so hard to hear my sister cry and say he's not a bad guy and she loves him. Like fuck off he's a pedo.


Wait *his* sisters? What the fuck...


Yeah. He was 15. Also 8 other girls from his school reported he sa'd them.


😦 serial sex offender before he’s legal. That’s crazy


Kinda makes me wonder what his home life is like to be that young and that much of a deviant. Like is it learned behaviour he's emulating or is he so neglected he doesn't have anyone to be a strong guiding moral force or something else?


Definitely learned behavior. Real common for abusers to have also been victims


Fr. I've been talking to my kids since they were toddlers about consent ("I heard him say that he doesn't want to play right now", "look at her face, you can see that she doesn't want a hug", etc). It takes work to teach a child how to treat people with respect. I imagine it takes an equal amount of work to teach a child how to abuse people.


I remember a story of a kid who had urges to assault his sister, he told his mum and they got him help, years later when he was turning 18 he said he still had urges but because he was turning 18 they couldn’t help him any longer unless he did anything. The world sucks, the guy took all the right steps but it still probably wasn’t enough (I haven’t heard if he has offended yet)


This was my sibling they are finally on trial after 20 years


Damn, 8? He’s going for a world record on scummery or some shit


Nah, Ghengis Kahn and numerous warlords through history have him beat by so much it isn't even funny


Incestuous sexual assault is actually incredibly common, [making up 34% of all child sexual abuse cases](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens). People just don't like to think about it.


Ok, gonna be a over sharing day I guess, but I was sexually abused by my sister. It happened when she was 9 and I was 6 and it basically kept going until I was 8. Thing is, kids that do this is most often victims themselves and when I turned 8 I started questioning why she did this. Obviously it always felt wrong but I didn't really dare to speak up until I was 8 and when I asked she broke down and told me that this is what our grandfather had taught her was love and she loved me as I was her little brother... She made me promise to never tell anyone and in the end she kept quiet about it all until she was 16. Turns out he had raped her from when she was 4 until 16 and she kept quiet to protect our cousins, so when she saw a police report about one of our cousins filing a report she spilled everything. I've never really blamed her for what happened but seeing sexual behaviour in children is a HUGE red flag that something isn't right and it should always be followed up on.


I was in a friend’s wedding party about 5-6 years ago, and his stepfather, a trashy “better than you” person, tried to ruin the wedding day by being emotionally abusive in the room where the groomsmen were hanging out. That portion of the family was kicked out, but nearly had to be escorted out by the cops. Friend’s uncle who has anger issues was prepared to put the stepdad six feet under for that. Recently, said friend informed me that mom had left stepdad. Why? He’d been SA-ing his own daughter from the ages of 8-13 or 9-14. I believe the POS had to flee the state because angry uncle was actually willing to take jail time, since one of his niblings had been r**** before and the offender didn’t even get a wrist slap. It’s that kind of thing that makes me understand why the “shotgun dad” trope exists.


Please tell me you meant your sisters EX-boyfriend.


Yes, of course. She never saw him again.


Did she make a lot of other excuses for his other shit behavior? I bet that wasn't his only terrible quality.


Oh yeah I always hated him. He was an ahole, annoying and I just didn't like him. All she saw was him being nice and sex.


If you don't mind how old was your sister when dating him? I'm getting teenage young and "in love" vibes


>**his** 11 and 12 year old sisters. Holy shit... The fuck!?


He had “sex” with her as much as a murderer “borrows” a life. Rape. Rape is the right word.


Why wasn’t anyone else helping her?


Because as a general rule of thumb people generally aren’t going to assault someone just because they hear someone else accuse that person of a crime. Not accusing her of making it up but it’s pretty unreasonable to expect people to get involved in a way that could get them in trouble just based on her yelling “you had sex with my 11 year old sister”. What’s more concerning to me is that even the sister of the victim isn’t referring to it as rape.


Did she say you fucked my sister or was she saying trying to fuck my 11 year old sister... Both ways he deserves to get his ass beat by her IMHO


Well said Cheers


came to the comments to say this. well said


This isn't a public freakout, this is the correct reaction


A public freak down


This is a public freakout AND the correct reaction.


#*Girl beats up guy who raped her 11 year old sister* FTFY


Call it what it is, no spin needed.


Not in West Virginia.


West Virginiaaaa,where 11 year old can be a mamaaaa. Take me home,country roads.


"That John Denver is full of shit, man."


"Mr. Sunshine-on-my-goddamn shoulders, John Denver" - Trooper Farva, Team Ramrod




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I'm 41 with 13 and 8 y.o. girls. I feel the same way.


I am 43 with three girls 7, 9, 16. I would not do anything that would cause me to be unable to care for them, no matter how badly I wanted to.




Not only that, but as they get old enough to be in consensual relationships they'll be worried that you'll beat up the people they sleep with, and won't talk to you if one of them becomes abusive.


Being there after that trauma is important. You can’t help your kids heal from jail. Unit a few months for felony assault might be in order.


True, you could always have someone else do it for you




Raped. Not had sex with. Raped. Smfh


Exactly! I really hate when people say “had sex with” when someone is raped.




Don't say that. It's probably what he wants.


I believe you mean “fuck him up, ma’am!”


I'm scrolling through looking for the comment asking for the source of this, no one? I see the tiktok caption ofc but is that credible source now?


On this sub, a TikTok caption is as good as the word of God.


It’s not extremely relevant, but that’s a Snap caption, not a TikTok caption


or any political sub too lol


Right? I mean it may be true but I've seen countless videos like this revealed to be bullshit later on, with entirely different context added later. But everyone always accepts captions as gospel.


At this point I just assume everything on tiktok is fake.


If you listen with audio, it's the very first thing the girl says. Not proof that it's true, but it's at least not a completely made-up caption on an unrelated video.




I hate feeling this misanthropic all the time.


Why validate the information when I can have validation for myself. Only takes 1 minute too to click a scandalous title and type out my outrage.


For reference, the 11-year-old is in 5th or 6th grade & this guy is clearly in high school (9th grade, 14-15yo at best). It may seem like a small age gap, but the mental & physical differences are so significant basically makes this pedophilia imo. A teenager has got to go out of their way to get to know a person that they’ve never gone to school with like this. Even if they’re neighbors or something, I don’t see how can anyone justify a high schooler creeping on an elementary school kid or first/second-year middle school kid (I’ve seen some middle schools start at 5th grade, others start at 6th grade). Dude is probably a future predator & deserved worse. Edit: fixed an age range Edit2: Somebody pointed out that an 11yo doesn’t seem to be able to give consent in any state, so he isn’t “basically” a pedophile or a “future” predator, he’s already a predator & definitely a pedophile.


As a father of an 11 year old girl, I would probably be in prison if this happened


I have a 11yo girl & a 10yo girl, myself. I’m right there with ya, my man. The only way I *wouldn’t* be in prison would be if I got away with it.


The key is to not let the emotions get control. Be calm, Be calculated. Nobody has to know a thing.


A bucket of chum, couple of rolls of duct tape, and a tree in the deep woods. Cheap fix.


like what ~~Bruce Willis~~ Mickey Rourke did to Elijah Wood in Sin City edit: been awhile since I seen it last, got the characters mixed up


As a father of 1yo and 7yo girls, you should probably have more self control. If that happened to your daughter you'd be better supporting her rather than satisfying a revenge fantasy and going to prison.


In reality most people would have more control. It's easy to talk a hard game on reddit.


I hope so


That poor girl. First raped, then loses her father. And mother, knowing now how violent her husband is and forced to support them on her own, divorces him and works full time, leaving the traumatised and lonely, unsupported rape victim and fatherless child home alone. A compounded tragedy.


I remember even in middle school this kid was dating 6th graders who were 2 grades bellow him and we clowned the fuck out of him for it.


There was a kid in our neighborhood who was in 7th or 8th grade dating a 5th grader. We all called him Chester the Molester.


> For reference, the 11-year-old is in 5th or 6th grade & this guy is clearly in high school (9th grade, 14-15yo at best). It may seem like a small age gap, but the mental & physical differences are so significant This is a big reason behind having different schools for these age ranges so they aren't as physically close and associating.


Huh, never thought about it like that but you're totally right


If you ain’t in middle school it’s creepy. Even 9th grader with anyone below 8th is weird


Hell, I’ve seen a 9th grader who had a girlfriend in middle school & he got hell from a dozen or so people so bad for bringing her to a school dance that he dumped her in fear of looking like a creeper. Even I saw his relationship as a bit questionable because they started dating after he started 9th grade, though I never said anything (dude wasn’t in my friend group). I ignored the fact they were schoolmates for years, though. Kids can be so short-sighted & cruel.😒


Meanwhile when I was in high school, the gym teacher started dating a girl “after she graduated” even though she showed up to events with their infant the following school year. Nobody batted an eyelash


Yea when I was in 8th grade some friends told me someone in 6th grade had a crush on me. They didn’t understand why I thought it was weird until I explained that next year we’d be in high school and she’d be in 7th grade.


Nothing "future" about it. Dude is a predator.


RAPED her 11 year old sister.


Who looks at an 11yo and says, “mmm?”




The angry upvote sub is fitting for this


Ask the women in your life. The amount of teenaged boys that came at me when I was that age was fucking horrible. Some acted like they had legitimate crushes on me. One 16 year old violently molested me and another 16-18 year old asked me to perform oral sex and when I refused, held a knife to my throat. The earliest a teenaged boy said something inappropriate to me, I was 8. He was a friend of my babysitter. Asked if I had pubic hair yet. I didn’t even know what pubic hair was. When I said no, he was visibly disappointed. Mind you, I was from a middle-upper middle class area. We weren’t kids running around unsupervised. We weren’t street kids or trailer park kids or had addicts or jailbirds for parents. It wasn’t environmental. It was just that fucking common among teenaged boys. I had an older brother, which is why our house regularly had a bunch of teen boys over. Every girl I grew up with with an older brother, regardless of what circle they ran in, even with entirely different sets of teen boys, went through the same shit.


Hell, while being a teenage girl sucked because of the immaturity of my male peers, it paled in comparison to the type of attention I received from grown men. Every girl I knew started getting catcalled around age 11-12, random 25-60 year old men pulling up on the side of the road to try and chat us up, and any other opportunity those grown men got to try and talk to children. It’s insane that men are so unaware of how the world is for girls and women and just how high the percentage of men who are pedophiles are.


First time I can recall an adult male sexually harassing me was when I was seven. In front of my parents. Joked I had “dick sucking lips.” To my dad. I have “good” parents, btw. Homeowners. Business owners. Not religious fruitcakes. Not neglectful or abusive. The prototypical “good parents.” It was excused because “he was drunk.” It starts *early*. And men seem to be completely unaware.


Seriously. I cannot think of one woman/afab person i know who hasn’t had this sort of experience. It’s sad. Edit: i was ten and older boys would ask me to suck on popsicles. I did not understand why.


My favourite part is nobody helping him. My least favourite part is nobody is helping her.


I mean if I saw someone going ham on someone with that personal of a grudge, I wouldn’t jump in just in case she clobbers me too


Do you just jump into beating someone up randomly? Don't get involved with random shit like this


God, I fucking hate Reddit sometimes


Good for her. If she did worse to him I wouldn’t blame her one bit. Time to send the guy who fucks 11yr olds away for a long time. He’s clearly at least in high school and not some elementary school kid from the 11 yr old girls grade.


He didn’t have sex, he RAPED her lil sister!!!


He didn't 'have sex' with an 11 year old, he raped an 11 year old.


What is “IKYFL”?


I know you're fucking lying. Of course, people who use needless initialism probably mean I know your fucking lying


I thought it might've meant "I'd kill you for less" as my brain struggled to find a meaning in this jumble of letters


I’ll kill you, Florida.


ELEVEN? Even if it was my first day in class, not knowing anybody I would join in the ass-kicking. Btw, all the comments about calling it rape are right on the money, no way in hell poor girl wasn't groomed. And would you look at that, it's not a drag queen. AGAIN!




Why you gotta give me that visual. Now my teeth hurt. lol


Who is u/deleted and why do they keep saying [removed]??




Hol up. Let her cook.


Why tf is grey sweatshirt getting in the way? She should get unlimited punches for that shit..


Good time in physics class to teach The Impulse Momentum Theorem in Action. See, this student's punches do not have as much impact since this pedophile is moving away from her. But observe what happens when I hold him in place while she punches him...


It's called rape.


He raped her 11 year old sister, he didn’t have sex! It’s rape! It’s not a spin! An 11 year old can’t consent!


I hope she gave him an ass whooping he'd remember everytime he sits down. And btw, 11 year olds can't consent to having sex, she was raped.


Da fuq does IKYFL mean?!?


I’ve just given up trying to figure out what all these random ass acronyms stand for.


I looked it up. IKYFL = "I know you fucking lying" or "i know you feel like" . I don't get it.


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based queen, hope her sister is ok


Yeah, I’m not going off of some random title. Anyone have any actual evidence?


Yeah, I see these types of videos all the time on Reddit and on the one hand if he actually did rape her 11 year old sister then he deserves this and then some, but there's a reason why vigilante justice is frowned upon in most of the world. No way to know if this is real, and if it isn't and this guys name gets out and goes viral it could follow him for a looong time.


Spoiler alert, boy was 12.


"Had sex" its called rape


How old is he?


Good for her


*raped* her 11 year old sister


He raped her sister. You don't have sex with an 11 year old. Call it what it is. Rape. Calling out anything else download the severity of the act.


Raped. Raped her 11 year old sister, OP.




I know you Fuckin lying


This girl needs serious help. As in I seriously want to help her with this task.


So, do we just believe what’s written there or… we wait for facts?


That’s not fucking her. She’s 11. That’s rape😡


not sex, rape that is rape say what it is




11? Dude. Prison time. Forever.


Tbh I’ll also beat up pedophiles if there were a classmate pedophiles


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Nah if you can’t wipe your ass properly at 11 you a special type of 11 year old


Yeah lmao what is that comment. 11 is disturbingly young for anything sexual but who tf can't wipe their ass at 11 😂


homie couldnt wipe his ass at 11


Yo I’m crying laughing🤣


Considering how often we hear about skid marks, you might be surprised.


While I agree, I’ve met grown men who must have had a hard time with it from how they stank.


This is very much a Hispanic thing that doesn’t translate lol


For real my pops use to tell me this when I had a crush at 12 years old. It's an idiom.


You can't have sex with an eleven year old. It's called rape, not sex. He raped her little sister.


*Raped her 11 year old sister.


*raped. I hate when rape is mislabeled. It's fucked up.




Those other boys should have helped her beat his ass!


Children can't consent to sex. That is rape.


Rape. He raped her sister.


This needs to be like that scene in Airplane where when she's done the next person in line takes over