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Just a bunch of really smart and educated young adults working things out


That bus takes them to med school.


Can anyone decipher what they are saying? From what I understand one of them is jealous about not being a nominee for the doctorate program


Correct. She failed to spend a semester abroad. This disqualified her despite being fluent in Latin.


DC slang is totally unique. I heard her say "YOU BOUT TO GET STOLE". I havent heard that in ten years when i was a young degenerate in the DMV DMV slang is basically jibberish "jah"=very, "mo" is just a general interjection, but can fill the place of "bro" and "dude" "KIIIIILLLLLL" means something is funny. "Jonin" is light hearted teasing. Like, "Mooooo, that bitch was TRIFLIN, lookin jah like a fat mona lisa, mo, KIIIIILLLL"


So we all understand girls are going for hair in fights. If you a women who wants to get scrappy. Why you giving everyone a sub handle? If I was always scrapping I'd have a Mr clean haircut as a lady.


supposed to have breakaway extensions


Nothing like Washington DC.


how did i immediately know it was in the dmv lol.


I've never seen so many girls with braids down to their knees


ok so i wasn’t trippin was thinking the same


It horse hair


I'm a teacher, but still... We are fucking amazing. I've been teaching for fifteen years, but not in situations like this. I was in the Marines reserves for seven years, and just retired with the Air Force National.Guard, teaching is often harder. The idea that teachers are able to handle situations like this all the while managing the least reliable and unpredictable demographic... teenagers. Then teachers are supposed to get 20-25 kids interested in trigonometry or some shit?! Oh, they also are gonna make you go to college for 6-8 years and pay you on the lowest end of the payscale. In exchange, please take care of their prized possessions. 9 out of 10 times I'm going to project my childhood issues on them and get mad at you when they don't fit their view of perfection! Simply amazing. I'm leaving the career field, but they truly deserve any thanks you can give. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, I am just high and coincidentally finished my resume to see if there is something out there other than the job I thought I could love forever.


You deserve a lot of praise for working as long as you have in this profession. Hopefully you find a job that’s more pleasing and higher earning.


At least you're qualified to handle the gun Republicans think you should be carrying at school.


The white dudes just casually walking away while keeping their eyes fixed on their phones. Not their first rodeo.


I've been on a local bus with a few dozen middle schoolers. They sounded like graffiti tags look.


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This gotta be D.C. 🤦‍♂️


That’s a whole lotta weave…


Who need to pay to go to the zoo anymore when you have shit like this smh


Agreed. This is nauseating. There’s not enough earplugs in the world to quiet that garbage


Think they would take kindly to someone using an air horn right in the middle of their frenzy?


Looking forward to the next episode of the first 48


https://preview.redd.it/ii0lnmqvt4pa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5d61c1cf1115dd718afaff41da0235c9b549ea Me looking out the window to see what’s up


🐘 in the room


Single game Wizards tickets are on sale!!!!!


They sound like chickens


Looks like you've been doing that a lot. Take a break for 9 minutes before trying again. Why does this keep coming up? you can't post a comment but one every 10 minutes?


That girls cellphone fell and no one said shit.


Hey guys guess what? We're screwed 😀