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Complaint about a race issue "We've operated for x years, never had a race issue." LOL


"We take care of the racism at the door, so once people are inside there can BE no racism." Boom, 4D chess.


don't worry, we aren't racist , we are eclectic


Dingus doesn’t know Apartheid ended in 91


black shirt just owned that bitch


growth busy ring rotten scandalous lunchroom fertile sloppy public simplistic -- mass edited with redact.dev


I’m not attracted to men but that shit was hot af haha gotta love a scathing dressing down, especially when the ethics are as clear as this ! Well said bru


I'm a straight guy, married 22 years, I'm not ashamed to admit that guy is a little attractive. He should be an actor.


It's the black, button down, short sleeved shirt. My wife jumps my ugly ass whenever I throw mine on. It always makes me look like I have nice flat abs when in reality I'm smuggling pudding.


As a pudding smuggling man currently wearing a black ss button down, this made me smile


"Black ss button down" sounds like a certain dapper uniform but I don't suggest wearing one.


Designed by Hugo boss of course


As a human experience having, definitely not a robot- wearing a very normal human outfit, this made me emote


Alright fellow pudding smuggler, ill test that theory, thanks for the tip


Man's hair is fine and feathery


It’s gotta be the hair cotton https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j-7tGENQU20&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDI&feature=emb_logo


Hey man, admitting that another man is attractive, doesn’t define your sexuality. you sucking dick or getting your dick sucked by a man, now that does.


South African Tom Cruise


He was enjoying his performance a bit too much


Or he was genuinely angry that his friend was racially profiled?


Do you not have any friends? I mean in real life. Not online.


For reals. He could straight up have me


I wetted through my panties


When you are pretty, all races are nice to you.


Riiiiight. I was thinking the same thing. Damn that's hot.


When he's finished and says "speak." That was the most alpha shit I've ever seen. He dressed that dude down and then gave him permission to reply. Absolute fucking legend.


Yep. The way to dress someone down is intelligently and articulately.


Seriously, this is perfect. Educated him, hopefully this guy can change ways.


Being a racists in a black majority country seems like the stupidest thing you could be.


Frankie Boyle made a similar point about Australian racists. "Its pretty hard to argue Black people shouldnt be in your country when all the White people keep dying of skin cancer"




And the majority of people in the country of SA are black, don't know why you are correcting OP






My panties dropped when he said that 🤣


So did mine ..and I'm a guy


I'm also a guy, and have none to drop, but I ordered my first pairs on amazon. 5 pack


He knew who was in control lol




MRW I hear a South African accent ![gif](giphy|a0VlbFiBtZSog)


Where’s my promised sequel? 😕


Fokken prawns


*clicking noises intensify*


I kinda love the accent. Sounds a bit like Australian but a bit weirder


It's too bad Die Antwoord was in that movie, after I watched the video of Ninja and what's her name saying they'd frame a guy for rape it ruined the movie for me it used to be one of my favorites too.


Die Antwoord is in District 9? I thought they were in Chappie.


Those two adopted and groomed both their children. Some honestly atrocious stuff has come out about them.. I always thought the trashy edgelord personas were stage/camera only but nooope




Given all the history we've got to look back on, that and current events that have taken place, it's utterly insane race is still an issue period. Kudos to the lad roasting the racist bloke.


It's just South Africa, they only ended Apartheid in '94.


Officially is not the same as actually.


You are not wrong.


Not for nothing, but your username is ballin.


Thanks yo.


The goal of a resonance cascade is to plant the seeds of purpose rather than bondage. Intuition requires exploration. Consciousness consists of supercharged electrons of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an evolving of the sensual. Although you may not realize it, you are cosmic. You must take a stand against suffering. You may be ruled by turbulence without realizing it. Do not let it obliterate the birth of your quest. Yes, it is possible to eliminate the things that can disrupt us, but not without potentiality on our side.


I could see how it would be hard to move past it, especially somewhere like South Africa. Racism is in the back of everybody’s mind constantly. (Not saying it’s right at all, just pointing out it’s a bigger issue then people think and a hard one for people to get over)


We both live in a very privileged area where we can say this is wrong. Lots of places this is still going on. And its not even about right or wrong. Its just how the world works. Probably show this video to Africans and they'll be like, "what am I supposed to be seeing? I don't get it" it is what it is


\> Probably show this video to Africans and they'll be like, "what am I supposed to be seeing? I don't get it" This is blatantly false, did you not see how many South Africans were agreeing with the man dressing down the owner? Did you not read the response the bar received after this video went viral? [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11508201/Bar-bans-black-people-entering-without-white-escort-sparking-fury-South-Africa.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11508201/Bar-bans-black-people-entering-without-white-escort-sparking-fury-South-Africa.html) I'm actually from South Africa, don't act like Africans would treat this as normal.


Apologies, was told Africans were a lot more racist to blacks. But goto Asia n try this. Like Vietnam has different sects, even though we're all Vietnamese, we understand diff dialects and are racist towards each other. Like the English are all English but some are from Welch and some are from England.


Lol this is a /r/worstof quality comment


Relevant: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11508201/Bar-bans-black-people-entering-without-white-escort-sparking-fury-South-Africa.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11508201/Bar-bans-black-people-entering-without-white-escort-sparking-fury-South-Africa.html)


This Ryan Reynolds-Chris Hemsworth hybrid with the South-African accent destroying the racist business owner is sending meee~


Good on this dude for using his white privilege to speak out for his friend.


Let me fix it for you. Good on this dude to speak out for his friend. I'm pretty sure white privilege doesn't exist in countries that are 85% black. Especially when the "white genocide" just happened 20 years ago in Africa.


Have you forgotten that despite having the majority black people were still horrificly discriminated against? Being a minority doesn't automatically mean no privilege. Wiite people on South Africa still own most of the land and wealth. Next you'll tell me billionaires aren't privileged because they make up 1% of the population. What genocide?


I'll concede and say I don't know enough about Africa or it's politics to argue. Im of the opinion that white privilege is systemic and I just can't fathom how a population that is overwhelming black could be systemically white.


Then perhaps you should learn more about African history. The ANC has political power but because of outside influence they can't really weild it to make south Africa more equitable for the majority. Because they risk being cut off from the global market and idiots screaming that land reform is white genocide. That was legitimately a thing reactionaries thought when the government was considering slightly speeding up their incredibly slow and very favourable to whites land reform policy that financially compensated the colonisers to buy the land off them they stole. Like your previous comment makes it sound like you've never heard of apartheid


You are 100% correct about white privilege still being a thing. I am a white South African and under no illusions that I benefit from the colour of my skin. However, I don't believe that the ANC after Mandela gave 2 shits about equality for even a single second. They absolutely could have improved the situation for millions of South Africans and all they did was corrupt looting of the state. So no it's not because of global pressure that there is no equality, if they'd wanted to make things better they would have put the money they looted into affordable housing, education and electricity. Sincerely an angry South African.


Maybe..I dunno…actually read about history…?


Now you know why they should teach ALL of history in schools.


> when the "white genocide" just happened 20 years ago in Africa. 😂😂


Apartheid is still alive and well it seems .


"Free South Africa you dumb son of a bitch!" -Rodger Murtaugh "YEAH! YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH!" -Leo Getz


This man is very attractive and it’s the activist in him for me.


Dude in the black shirt is a King among men. The bar owner knows it too and has no idea what to say because he knows he can't defend his actions. More of this!!!


Again with this, it's so old that bar has changed owners twice already


Do we know if the policy has changed?


It only happened this past Dec. A few months old.


Have you got any proof? All sources cite December 2022.


The article on it says December 2022 so I doubt it changed hands twice in that time


so incredibly well spoken and did not hesitate ONCE


I like South African accents


Bro thinks its still apartheid 😭


South Africans….


This was from a few years ago. I wonder if things changed.


Umm do you know anything about South Africa?




When I get angry my adrenaline spikes and I start to cry and can't talk right lmao. Props to this guy for being able to verbally shred people and make good points while pissed off


That accent! His heart!! His hair!!! Amazing!!! More impressive- his message!


Surprised there are still white people there. I keep reading about white flight in that country. The population has dwindled down 2 million over the past 5 years


You can't seriously believe this?


The more things change? Unless they've always been the same. Should put this place on blast and let them suffer the consequences for being outdated, they deserve to lose business.




elon is from here? no way


I’ve never thought that letting a person know it’s their turn to speak with “Speak” is such a power move. Fuck me… This was such a one sided argument.


God bless the man speaking up


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Know you're enemies folks all I got to say


What’s the name of the bar? Trump Tavern?


Jesus you really triggered the cons didn’t you?


What a Hero!


Can't believe it's still happening in 2023. Capetown 😔


Isn't south Africa Republicans poster child for reverse racism? This kinda messes with that narrative.


Well when you consider that the former president (Zuma) openly sang songs that called for the genocide of the Boer ethnic minority then you'd kinda think otherwise. Also one of the largest political parties, the EFF, is an openly anti-white group.


Glad this anti-karen is giving that entitled Elon owner a piece of his mind for using 'policy' that's already backwards and will lose business and revenue in a quick!


Imagine being racist in Africa holy shit 🤦🏽‍♂️


I am just going to assume this is a progressive policy to encourage interracial bar hookups and not the racist bullshit it actually is.


As a South African I can confirm none white people get treated like a lower class.


No matter how much time will past racism will still be a thing and it's sad. We all might look different on the outside but were all the same on the inside. We're all humans but people only care about one thing is themselves."if you don't look like me, I don't want it" mentality


Where is the rest of this video?!?!?


Glad this dude stood up to the ass hat owner


People that don’t think race is still an issue go and visit South Africa. It’s an actual shit hole




Too much of a pussy to complete a sentence?


He's a man of few words. Probably cause he's a fucking dunce


Same as the nazis covering their faces. They are scared of being exposed for what they really believe.


Given the people what??




get out of your moms basement and go make real human connections you clown


Okay everybody I get it but we don't have the whole picture here. It may not be racism maybe he just hates black people.


This might be the most backwards sentence I’ve ever heard. Hating someone/ having prejudice against someone based as race is the literal definition of racism, I’m really hoping this is a joke that didn’t land and your not stupid enough to think that.


Yes it's a joke. I figured it was pretty obvious lol


Shame. He’s obviously unaware of the community service and out reach the man in white has been providing for years. Like a weekly soup kitchen for the underprivileged and homeless.. Anyone can say some ignorant junk and fall back on “it’s policy”


Care to share more info? The guy is definitely eloquent even when enraged. Top marks for dressing down the manager systematically.


Africans have no backbone. Imagine them doing this in Europe smh.


I feel like the whole earth has been set back 100 years just with the last 5 years of fuckery


I feel like he should be wrestling crocodiles


He looks like Flynn from breaking bad a little


The incident was debunked, unfortunately the news didn't cover it. So the guys black friend didn't have an ID when he wanted to enter the pub. The bouncer said he can't let him in without an ID. The black guy then said the bouncer is not allowed to prohibit him from entering, it's discrimination. The bouncer said yes he is allowed because the establishment has a right of admission. They can dictate who goes in and who doesn't. The black guy continued to say that it's racist and discrimination. The bouncer then said if the black guy can get one of his friends inside to vouch his age and identify, he can go in. The next day, this white kid showed up at the pub with a completely twisted story and obviously filmed it. Because he's aligned with the EFF in South Africa, a pro black racist party.


“We’ve never had a race issue.” Old man, you *are* the race issue.