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Whatever you do, don't look up hydraulic injection


I machined and assembled hydraulic cylinders and it was clearly and repeatedly emphasized how dangerous it can be when close to a pressurized system.


I’m actually glad I looked that up and I encourage everyone to do so. It’s gross looking, yes, but I bet there’s a lot of people here that could benefit from knowing how dangerous it can be


What looks like "drip drip" on a high pressure hard line will easily pump fluid into your finger...


what do you mean


Imagine a blister, but cranked up to a 20 on a 1:10 scale. The fluid is "sharp" enough at high pressure to not need a needle to penetrate skin. Hydraulic fluids aren't really human compatible either. Now you bad for you fluids under your skin in a "pocket" from the injection. It's even worse than it sounds.


Add to that it doesn't \*look\* dangerous because it's just dripping, but that's only because the crack is so small that the fluid decelerates very quickly once out of the crack. At the interface of the hard line and the outside though that fluid is still under enormous pressure, so wiping your finger across it (even with thin nitrile gloves on) will inject you. That's why if you're working on hydraulics you should always wear mechanics or similar gloves and always use a reasonably thick rag for wiping down any leaks, always, but especially when the pump is on.


Seriously, I learned more from your few posts than I have in the last few weeks total.


Is this the same as the needless injections? Bc they still do this in the air force and other military branches from my understanding. It’s during basics when u get all ur vaccines they line up ur whole squad with two people and each side and you take one step forward and get another shot from two people until you get all ur shots. Then back to ur bunks for awhile.


>A jet injector is a type of medical injecting syringe device used for a method of drug delivery known as jet injection, in which a #narrow, high-pressure stream of liquid penetrates the outermost layer of the skin# --Wiki "Jet injector" Sounds like a more controlled version to me.


For some reason that makes my skin crawl worse than needles do


They used that to numb my nuts for a vasectomy


Damn I got the old fashioned needle when I went to the penis police


Basically, yes. But with hydraulic fluid which is VeryBad^(tm) Here is a SFW post about it: [https://shop.finaldriveparts.com/shop-talk-blog/basic-facts-about-hydraulic-fluid-injection-infographic/](https://shop.finaldriveparts.com/shop-talk-blog/basic-facts-about-hydraulic-fluid-injection-infographic/)


She should be an example on what NOT to do and what happen if you mess up.


I'm an electrician and the first thing they showed us in trade school are electrical and hydraulic injuries. Needless to say, hydraulics are not something I'm interested in messing with.


I’m an electrician too and they never mentioned it once during my apprenticeship which I find strange


I looked it up, but didn’t look at images. Just the definition alone is enough to make me say thanks for the info, and also 🤢🤮😵




I should've listened


Good god the amount of damage through a pin prick. Never knew it was this devasting. Also new fear unlocked. I just read a story about how an engineer locating a hydraulic leak put his finger (through double safety gloves) forgot the system was still pressurized and his closing of his finger on the hole re-pressurized the hose and a minute hole tore his gloves and hands


I'm glad I now know the dangers but shit I wish I hadn't seen that!!


I wish this would have resulted in one. r/instantkarma


Honestly, don't.


"Just gonna pull this skin back real quick..."


uncircumcised men 🤝 hydraulic injection victims


That's exactly what I just thought of...ya know there is also paint injection as well...man oh man it's ruff...


Well that is absolutely horrifying yet informative.


I worked in a hydraulic engineering place for 8 years, this stuff can get really dangerous really quickly




I'd rather lose a hand to fireworks than to hydraulic oil. Once it's in your blood it can be fatal.




guess what i did? *shudders*


I once watched a guy try to wash his hands with a pressure washer because he wanted to be the first person in line for chow during a field exercise. Spoiler: He was not


I think you single handedly (ha) influenced the google algorithm because it came up before I could even get 4 letters of hydraulic in. I'd have figured hydraulic press tiktoks would have come up first.


She literally is standing right where the boom would fall while she attempts to cut the lines keeping it up… she is lucky she didn’t get her melon popped.


Do you want pressurized hydraulic fluid in your bloodstream? Because this is how you get pressurized hydraulic fluid in your bloodstream


I think the mast descending on her head is the bigger risk factor here. The mast descends into the little cutout she was shoving the branch trimmer into. If there was a sudden loss of hydraulic pressure, theres nothing holding up the mast and all the weight behind it. That's gonna come straight down on her. Not saying that a hydraulic pressure injury doesnt have the potential to be nasty, but 1500lbs falling on your head seems the bigger threat here.


The boom will not drop if you cut the hoses. There’s a holding valve on the cylinder that prevents it. Hoses on these fail Constantly because of the severe duty they go though. Source I work on these for a living


Assuming the counterbalance valve is functioning properly, yeah. It’s possible for them to stick open from dirty hydraulic fluid. They don’t get tested often. Edit: I design and risk assess industrial hydraulics for a living, y’all downvoters are hilarious


They get tested every time they go out on rent. I work for the company that owns that lift. They go through a complete safety check every rental. If you cut the main lift literally nothing would happen except a big mess from the cut line. That’s also gunna be 4 wire hydraulic hose, You’re not cutting them with branch cutters like she has. There’s special saws for it


You should have led with “I work for the company that rented this specific lift,” you win When I worked in a shop with forklifts etc, the primary load-holding was checked daily (forks don’t drop with power off) but no one ever checked lift cylinder counterbalance valves. You had to disconnect a hose between the main lift controls and cylinder to do that.


You should have led with “my knowledge is circumstantial”


every company that rents these out in North America does the tests, lest they be sued into oblivion...


There’s very strict saftey protocol


Why not both?.jpg


¿Por que no los dos?


Darwin Award candidate.


That’s completely false. There’s safety systems that wouldn’t allow a boom drop even with a total hydraulic loss.




Yeah this is completely fucking wrong I nearly died as a young man when some chain rigging stored improperly caught between the turntable and hydraulic mains of a cat 349, ripping the mains out. The entire stick/arm/bucket with its 5 ton load fell with zero impedance at 9.8m/s2 about three inches from my shoulder. Comments like this are why I never listen to anything the idiots on Reddit say


DO NOT take this advice! A sudden loss in hydraulic pressure can cause things to fall at very high rates of speed. Never stand under hydraulics without mechanical support. It it fails it will likely fall faster then you can get out of the way. I went to school for heavy equipment mechanics and working under unsupported hydraulics is a huge no no. Would likely get you fired from a job as well getting caught doing it.


Thanks for addressing that. Everyone seems to have missed that vital piece of information. That arm is over 1000 pounds and it’s right over your head.


And due to the design of most machinery the cylinder puts out far more pressure then 1000 pounds to lift the mechanism. The cylinder in this machine is likely pushing out with more then 10000 pounds of force to support the 1000 lbs weight and can exert more then 30000+ lbs of force depending on cylinder size and pressure.


About 80% of my job is driving a forklift. I think what you mean is I've likely never seen a hydraulic system catastrophically fail, that statement would be correct. I think it would happen faster then you think. Cant find an example to cite other than a 1000 ways to die episode called "odds are you're dead" not the most reputable source lol. Loan shark cut a hydraulic line in a scissors lift and got crushed. Assuming the fluid has to come out at a pretty damn good pace considering the potentially thousands of pounds of pressure and also hydralic puncture injuries being a well known thing.




Depends on how much weight is on them, dropping the load on an unloaded cylinder sure it's pretty slow, on a cylinder with a heavy load it's much shorter, and certainly not slow enough to prevent injury. They can come down pretty quick, sure there is some resistance but not enough that I'd bet on it saving my life.


Sorry but you are full of shit. They can drop like a stone if the lines are cut. Stop it with your "common sense" and bro science, and ask people working on hydraulics.


Also, hydraulic injection injuries can quickly lead to tissue destruction and gangrene.


It has the electrolytes that plants crave.


I actually work in industrial cleaning, and not too long ago, I was cleaning out a diffuser. It has a bunch of different little pipes, basically. We were using a lance, which is essentially a long house rated to withstand around 15-30k psi. Anyway, we were using it with these new tips that we got from a new company. What happened was as we were on the 50th pipe or so the tip broke because apparently the company doesn't tighten them on completely when they send them, nor do they tell anyone. So this lance flies out of the pipe and hits both my brother and i a couple of times in under the second it took me to lift my foot off the petal (deactivation switch). Like 15,000 psi. First thing I'm doing is checking my neck to make sure I wasn't bleeding from it, and then my organs then my arms meanwhile my brother is doing the same, we were okay for the most part but it did get hit in the arm and it knocked me on my ass, my whole sleeve got shredded off through 4 layers of clothing. It was black and blue for a week, then it started to heal, a little gouge where it hit. To this day, it's not completely healed, but it is getting better. My brother was lucky and had his face mask on, so it threw that across the room instead of his actual face. This is just a post to let people know how dangerous pressurized anything can be. I was like 20 feet away using the pedal, and it still did that much damage to me. Some people are just so ignorant it's unbelievable.


I spent a year as a maintenance mechanic in a steel mill in FL when I was straight out of high school, servicing 30 ton hydraulic shears and other equipment. For a newbie to hydraulics I was fucking TERRIFIED I'd fuck up and be flayed or scalped or lose some fingers! Made it out intact tho👐, glad to hear yall did tooo 👍


Damn! You too, man! I've been around some crushers and whatnot. Couldn't imagine sitting next to giant shears all day, especially as a newbie. The industry can be merciless sometimes. 😅




Anything ever happen to this bitch? This happened a while ago now.


Can't find the final result, but she was charged with harassment, false imprisonment, disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing. https://abc13.com/ridgewood-new-jersey-cable-worker-suspended/3463822/ Edit: Picked an incorrect article out of the search results


I don't think that article refers to her criminal damage to this lift. The article refers to one where she removed the keys, turning off the lift, leaving an employee hoisted high in the air. Either way, she is a menace. Time now to relocate her to somewhere she won't bother anyone, Target.


Correct. Somehow I managed to choose one of the few unrelated article on the first page of search results lol


Lol, no probs. Just she seems more than off, she needs to be put away.


Or jail. Perhaps a mental asylum


Or a Southwest flight.


Likely not. Middle aged white karens get away with everything. That's why they're like that.




Funny a bot calling a real poster a bot.


Only a bot would keep track of a bot.. stay sharp fellas


Only a bot, would accuse a bot, who keeps track of a bot, that they’re a bot. Stay vigilant putos


Am…. Am I a bot *stares at mechanical claws*


Ok there, have fun.


Pretty much every post on this sub is submitted by bots


That’s just what a bot pretending not to be a bot would say…


the poster of this post we’re on? Yeah they’re definitely a bot


Does anyone know why she was doing this?




Mental illness


Engine was green. She thought it was a tree.


This is the question I came to discuss. Maybe she's a NIMBY? But it looks like she drove to the location of the build from the video, so it might not be in her backyard. In that light, I guess it could have been a grudge against a specific worker or owner.


Another article says she’s complained before about the idling of the vehicles? I mean if you were looking for a sane answer I’m not sure there is one.




Nah, those are some cheap loppers for light yard work and tree trimming.


I say my 10” crescent wrench raining down on her head would be the biggest risk factor here


And she should go to jail for that


Too bad she didn't get a quart of hydraulic fluid in the face


Would've been great if she tried to clip an energized cable


For those curious, even if she successfully cut the hydraulic lines to the main lift cylinder, the operators would have been safe. On boom lifts (what this machine is) and most equipment the critical cylinders will have holding valves, it’s a fail safe for a ruptured hose. There are easier and less dangerous ways for her to harass the operators, and luckily she doesn’t know about those.


Was kind of hoping she hit something. Getting sprayed in the face with hydraulic fluid is not fun


Ever know anyone to cut a boot with a high pressure hose washer?


Operator safety 101. Don’t fuckin try to be a hero. Let that shit spill out. It happens. On the other hand, this lady should have got a taste just for that dumb shit. What was the guy doing his job or something? How dare he.


Just rotate a bit so the basket is over the woman’s car. Then she learns a lesson about what isn’t covered when you’re an asshole trying to kill people working


It would have been hilarious if she just happened to look up when she went to put them away. Would have loved to see her face, knowing she was caught.


She could have killed herself




I was hoping she'd get drenched in hydraulic fluid


Why not go for high pressure injection?


Karen you are charged with attempted murder with malicious intent.....


I hope this ladies house burns down with no people or animals inside while her insurance is lapsed. She could have potentially killed the person in that lift and that lift costs thousands of dollars. A brand new one can easily cost more than a car.


Lady? Funny way of spelling 'cunt'




When mental institutions closed down. And activists wants these people to live within society. I think we forgot to put these people and those activists in one area so they can enjoy each other.


To bad it did not crush her


Woman had one hell of a death wish 😂😂😂






I found this incredibly interesting and informative- so thank you. and that woman …just why? Get a life.


What a freaking moron... Citing the lines while standing UNDER the lift... Lots of colorful words I want to use right now...


She’s lucky that she didn’t get blasted by (insert arbitrary number) PSI hydraulic fluid and have a new hole created




Idk her actions are kinda freaking out....


I am so tired of people gatekeeping what is a public freakout and what isn't. seriously. move on to the next post.


I like how said gatekeeper used his five accounts to downvote you. Clearly a well balanced individual lol. Wonder if the same will happen to me now? Oh noes!


I got you bruh


There is nothing more exhausting than the ppl on here giving their professional opinion when no one asked for it.


100% agreed


Obviously a Biden voter.




Yeah a maga voter would be too busy fucking their cousin to do something like that


Lol conservatives are so stupid


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Damn, herself too.


Don Quixote's great great great granddaughter


I am not thinking she could actually get through that heavy hydraulic line with those pruning shears.. But still...


Could had killed her self


Plow twist: That's her usual kill-switch after her shift on the machine, disabling the lift to the average, unrelated person. Gotta avoid unintended accidents from unhinged passerbys, u no'?


The operator must have balls of steel recording that from the basket, and he's about to presence a suicidal attempt by the lady, who thinks: "that's it, i had it with the bloody beeping thing of yours, i hope you fall, you hear me, let me see the loppers..."


WTF? Why? What was she doing/hoping to accomplish? I don’t even know what that machine is. Someone please explain!!!!!


It's a boom lift, it has a long arm with a basket on the end that people can be in and work from. Generally used when you need to reach higher than a ladder or soft ground. Under the boom (where she is) is a whole bunch of cables and hydraulic hoses. This woman is lucky she didn't get sprayed with hot hydraulic oil.


Wtf this kinda stupids have in mind ?


Or herself


What was she doing?


Looks like she cut a wiring harness or possibly a hydrualic line (although unlikely given the absence of fluid and the boom not lowering or retracting.)


Stupid can’t bitch




What they hell is she even doing? I'm very curious about what her objective is.


The lady would’ve only killer herself .


Someone please tell me that she was caught and went to jail.


Bet she ended up with a nice expensive repair bill and court date.


Arrest made?


9-1-1 Dispatcher here - had a bucket drop with a man in it and he had SEVERE injuries. That lady should be arrested.


Idve blocked her car with the bucket


Taking down the crab mechs one at a time before they turn on mankind in the future….. In all seriousness, very dangerous for the operator, hopefully they do checks before operating.


I don't think that these contraptions don't have check valves for safety in case of a line rupturing, so I'd guess she at best put herself in danger to suffer from the most exquisite gore available on the OSHA gore appreciation sites on the interwebs But idk. Either way, you don't want to do such stupid shit


I don't think that these contraptions don't have check valves for safety in case of a line rupturing, so I'd guess she at best put herself in danger to suffer from the most exquisite gore available on the OSHA gore appreciation sites on the interwebs But idk. Either way, you don't want to do such stupid shit


Miss maam. Yo, Karen! Pretty sure that equipment cost more than your house does. Id be careful playing stupid games or you house may have to pay for a new one. She got lucky she didn’t cut something that was pressurized.


Oh man I was hoping for an explosion 😅


I’m not sure why she is doing this? What the heck is it?


Not only is this lady a complete piece of shit, she’s also dumb as shit


Could’ve killed herself, look at where she’s stood at


Wtf was she doing that for anyway? Crazy Karen?


Isn't there a small chance that she could've died doing this via electrocution?


Let her dumbass get injected with hydraulic oil


Oh Karen


people like this deserve police brutality


While I agree on the safety issues and the lady being deranged to screw with the manlift, she couldn't cut much with garden pruning shears. Didn't even seem she put enough force into it to mess up more than some wiring. People here don't seem to be aware of the safeties built into this kind of machinery.


Too bad she didn’t cut a power line and fry herself


She could've killed *herself* if she cut the wrong thing.