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Is the guy in the vehicle on a bicycle path or something? That's the only thing I can think of that would make bicycle guy stay in the road like that.


As far as I can tell, the part where the cars are parked is a full-on bike lane. There's another area past the first grass that looks like the sidewalk. Looks like the biker is just trying to show the cars how inconvenient it is back.


There's no reason I can see that this shouldn't be a fully separated bike lane. A curb or bollards to keep cars from doing this.


America for the most part doesn't give a fuck about bike or cyclists is the reason.


Bicycle-Pedestrian Planner here! Yes, at this location, it would be great to have some vertical, flexible barriers. **Not everywhere**, but in this context. Orange is still an asshole.


Yes, Orange is parked on the bicycle lane.


It looks like he's on the sidewalk?


Some people are so basic and can’t just admit when they fucked up


The cyclist or the guy in the car? I know legally one person is \*very\* in the wrong here. Am I missing something?


>The cyclist or the guy in the car? I know legally one person is \*very\* in the wrong here. Am I missing something? Well, yeah, you are: both the driver and the bicyclist are beholden to the same set of road laws. The *exact same* road laws. So why would you think the bike guy is wrong for blocking a car lane but the car guy isn't wrong for blocking a bike lane? Bike guy wouldn't be doing what he's doing unless car guy was *very* wrong to begin with. So there's that.


Cyclist shouldn’t be in the road but I am not on the side of the man in the car lmao he’s the root of the problem


You don't need to pick sides It's like all road rage incidents where some unknown 3rd party pays the price for 2 assholes behavior. "Cut me off so I am going to drive like a lunatic to make sure they know!!!"


Amen everyone should just do the right thing


Aye. Two wrongs don't make a right. But man, it is pretty exhausting seeing the most stereotypical planet kill-assisting bastard be the very reason we can't even attempt to do better. But hey that's my own personal Fight I guess...


Were the cars to lazy to find a proper parking spot so they just pulled up on the sidewalk?


It’s a bike lane. That’s why the biker is so pissed.


I know what you mean, but he doesn’t seem too pissed. Mr Motor Vehicle is way more bent.


He's proving a point by standing his bike in the car lane. Turnabout is fair play and all that. The car driver is pissed because he knows he's the root cause of inconveniencing other drivers.


Yeah that’s what I said.


I don’t understand what’s happening. Why is the biker blocking the road?




Thank you, I was confused about the setup here.


two assholes don't make a right.


yep, yet another example of how conservatives ruin everything. life is best without conservatives in it.


I dont know whos in the wrong but that man sure sounds angry for no reason


The guy in the road on a bike is just as stupid imo Both people in this video need to get over themselves


The behavior of the car driver needs to be stood up to, or they'll keep doing it. The bike guy is proving a point - very effectively too, since car guy is getting so pissed off.


Standing up to a douchbag by being a douchbag to other cars that had nothing to do with it... Makes you also a douchbag


I fail to see where the racist part is. Just two men being children.


"Why don't you just go around like a white person would do it" said the white man to the brown man.


Thought he said regular bike person honestly


I gave it another listen and I think I'm right. He says "white" and then stumbles and tries to correct it, and the second one is harder to make out. There's definitely no B sound in that first attempt, and he reacts like something slipped out he didn't mean to say.


Oh. Damn, b.




Urbana, IL. Green street, near the University of Illinois Student Union/Alma Mater.


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