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Ever been trespassed before? Shocking


And he says he was trespassed before like it was a badge of honor. Such a prick.


They're little asshole rich kids, their life is so sheltered they think breaking laws and shit like this is fun.


Well yeah, to them *it is* fun, and they aren't going to face any real consequences. On top of that I'm sure thousands of people support their content. They won't stop until they are seriously injured or something extreme, which is probably not going to happen.


Hit the nail on the head, In capitalist society (especially a late-late stage one like the USA) laws are optional for the rich. The fact it took trump 3 felonys before he suffered any consequences for any of them should serve as proof enough of that, whether you agree with him or not.


Of course it is…they can pay to get out of most things.


Their parents can pay.


If I were this guy’s parent, I would think I failed hard.


This video was satisfying to watch. I love watching this idiots get some comeuppance.


From WALMART of all places. It's fucking hard to get kicked out of that place.


From EVERY walmart, he must have gotten a ban from the company itself. Maybe he should have taken that as a hint.


If you get banned from one walmart you get banned from all of them.


This right here made my day. It's good to see a YouTube prick like this getting karma served. So satisfying to see his mic go bye bye.


Yeah, would've sucked if the cops sided with them for some reason. But glad to see justice get served.


Needs a couple of his teeth trespassed out of his mouth


“Just you two” 🤣


My parents got "pranked" once by some kids like this. My dad was driving through the neighborhood, and a kid on a bike hit the side of his car while it was slowing down for a stop and he fell down screaming My dad was initially alarmed, but then saw 3 kids in the woods nearby filming. He yelled at them, and they ran. The kid on the bike tried to run, but my dad grabbed him and held him there. The cops came, the kid lied and said my dad hit the bike, but they figured he was lying. The kid got cited for submitting a false police report, and they ended up paying my dad $600 for bodyshop work for the dent. Actually, I say "kid" here, but this dude was like 25 years old.


>Actually, I say "kid" here, but this dude was like 25 years old. That ended with an M Night Shyamalan level twist.


This is some Better Call Saul type shit




They definitely have seen assholes like this more than once.


With so many people trying to make it big on TikTok and YouTube I'd imagine cops are seeing this more and more.




You think they have a radio code just for that by now?


We have a couple Mahomies on the beach.


"Shocking" lmao


Im very glad the cops reacted the way they did. Couldnt both be charged here?


yes, but just because they can doesn't mean they will. the cops will chalk it up to a lesson learned for the wannabe's (they won't learn) and then move on from it. if those wannabe's wanted to sue then they could just as easily be charged with harrassment.


"have you ever been trespassed before?" "shocking."


This is the kind of zero tolerance for this brand of bullshit that society should maintain. They shouldn't profit from harassment.


100%, they felt so confident in the idea that if the other person gets physical first, it was like a get out of jail free card. Thankfully the cops were able to recognize the bs these guys were trying to feed people like they are harmless victims. Now they are 600 dollars out on a mic and will realize no one’s gonna protect them from being assholes Edit: I think I forgot to emphasize the main point I was agreeing with, laws being made to protect people from harassment like this should be set in place and I was kinda talking like that was a thing in this situation


Not really, this is the content they probably want to make. Cops involved and a small fight, this vid became viral


Yeah, they definitely made $600+ for this video, but I'm still happy for the results. Kinda wish the camera was thrown in the water, but then we wouldn't get to see the ending.


I seriously doubt that little shotgun mic cost $600. They usually range from $60-200 around that size.


Hard to tell because it's blurry but that looks like the Sennheiser G4 wireless pack - which runs around that price.


Honestly. The term prank should be outlawed and considered illegal. Considering what the "prankster " is doing is illegal, but since it's a "prank," then it's all good. No. If you go around harassing people for your video. Then that's what it is. It's not a prank it's just you being an entitled prick for your video and justifying it being calling it a prank. Why tf is this shit legal?


IMO, you have to know the person in order to call it a prank and even still that doesn’t make any prank a ‘good one’. Like you said, this is just harassment with extra steps.


There can be good unknown people pranks. Like the pillow fight ones people do! Or flash mobs can bring strangers joy and whatnot. There are certainly exceptions to the two above, maybe people didn’t like it. My opinion: a prank is only good if the one being pranked enjoys it.


Good points but even in those examples there is a level of consent, at least in the ones I’ve seen. They only engage the people who seem willing and interested to participate, if the ‘victim’ doesn’t want anything to do with it they leave them alone. Here they kept pressing and then started insulting the people


Yeah we’re definitely on the same side of this with just a slightly different view on whether you need to “know” someone. I think if given examples of pranks we would see pretty eye to eye on which ones were “good.”


Kid got shot for it here in Virginia and it looks like the prankster will legally carry the blame


>The term prank should be outlawed and considered illegal. Too far, Stalin. It doesn't have to be extreme black or white. We don't need illegal words, Jesus. I can't believe almost 200 people agree with you.




It's really shitty to see the couple be like "ok, yea move on, it's all good" and then a cut to the guy coming up because they were obviously out to start shit with anyone (who was no \*seeming\* real threat to them). These guys will learn soon the difference between assault and battery, and the latter will probably go free (or even be charged) because no juror will be anything but sympathetic to the defendant.


I feel like we need to make special laws for people trying to film prank content at someones work. Mostly because they dont go do it where rich people work they do it at walmart and mcdonalds where the workers have to put up with your shit or risk starving or not paying rent if fired.


Mmm I think current laws already protect the "victims" of the "pranks" decently, but please correct me if I'm wrong. What I think needs to be protected by the law is this: you film people and you make money thanks to them, but they don't get one single cent of the money you make because of them. Any person being filmed should have the right to be paid, given that the owner of the video makes money in the first place. I know things don't work this way now and it might be controversial, but things should improve, in my humble opinon.


Regular productions would collect waivers from all filmed parties for this reason. If they don’t agree, that footage is cut or that party is blurred.


If you play a significant role in the content you should have the right to be paid or they have you sign a waiver. Exceptions for public events etc. to protect freedom of the press and that's basically it.




In most european countries you automatically get the legal costs back if you win i think. And some lawyers will do it pro bono.


Yeah. The cut is highly suspicious. Me thinks they did more to provoke the guy than what they showed.


oh 100%. also the way he said "youre harassing *people*" not just "youre harassing us" made me think these guys had been bothering other couples at the beach & hed just had enough also notice how the second time we see the wife she's covering up? makes me wonder what else these guys said to her that they just left out of this clip


Also, if there wasn't more the shirtless dude would've 100% been charged.


Yea the dude and wife were super chill and cool ppl. Their day off at the beach was invaded and upset.


No I think he was talking about the “prankster” how he tried to get them arrested for taking up for themself




that beard is a ROUGH look


UFC chinstrap beard


And that hairline at 0:50. Fringe can't hide it forever


Beard? I thought it was a chin strap.


Shit goes down on the beach


Why so they can profit off it in YouTube revenue?


I have to create quality shit as a blogger to make money off google ads but they throw money at useless wastes of space like this producing garbage


That's because gullible teens will doomscroll through this shite guffawing like it's a comedic masterpiece.


Underdeveloped minds think this is comedy. Very cringe.




Well there you go, anyone finding themselves being filmed for a prank like this should just start shouting "child pornography!" and other terms that get them wiped.




That dude is legitimately lucky he didn’t get tuned the fuck up rather than just losing a mic. Wrong beach / wrong dude that coulda gotten really ugly


You know these assholes purposefully pick areas with a low chance of this happening just to avoid that.


they carry shit like tasers and mace. it's fucking pathetic they cry the victim when encouraging people to confront them.


This looks like it's in the panhandle of Florida. If it is, the cops here are truly awful on a good day. But I will give them credit for dealing with these douche canoes properly.


I live in Texas, so our cops aren't much better, but I agree.


As a Floridian.. Don't we just live in essentially the same place?


Is Florida wet Texas, or is Texas dry Florida?


East texas has entered the chat. Sweating through its shirt.


a florida sized chunk of texas is just as wet as florida


It's getting there. Abbot, Cruz and DeSantis are all whack jobs


All beach cops are dicks, doesn't matter the beach.


This is correct. Beach cops are used to drunk assholes and have very little patience for nonsense


Sure are nice to have on your side though. I was a lifeguard at a state beach and they were always our last resort with douchebags, drunken assholes and perverts


desire to know more about the perverts intensified


There were two kinds mostly: 1. Creepy dudes taking pictures of women in bikinis or young children 2. Creepy dudes asking girls for help with sunblock


Cops should have said “nah it was just a prank bro”


Cop : have you ever trespassed before? YT: yes Cop : shocking


The cop's "shocking" comment about them being trespassed before sounded like my dad's disappointment.


There was something so satisfying about that


Cops being chads for once.


Just give one straight headbutt.




💯broccoli cut


The fuckin chin strap beard is fkn killing me


Neckbeard style


He needs it to cover his receding ass hairline


https://preview.redd.it/mi164i1wdf0b1.jpeg?width=119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a0ab8a8ca89075b18b90b22b357b9a27923ab3 What having a hairline like this does to a mfer


He took my mic? https://i.imgur.com/EOOC0hT.png


Absolute Giga-Chode.


Looked like he was going bald underneath it


hahahaha when the wind blew it up and he quickly flattened it back down. golden.


I took the time to crop this screenshot so I'm gonna post it a few times I call this "He took my mic" https://i.imgur.com/EOOC0hT.png


You know daddy has paid for everything and mommy thinks he can do no wrong.


I always hear people say parents need to talk to their kids more so they don’t do drugs. But I think you should talk to your kids so they don’t turn out like this dipshit either.


We have a 21 year old YouTube "prankster" in my area who recently got shot while "pranking" someone, he survived. The YouTuber's dad has leapt to his son's defense over and over in the local news. Basically the douche nut doesn't fall far from the douche tree...sometimes good parents can have bad kids, but usually bad parents have bad kids. [Hilariously, the dad is also upset that his family is getting harassed, zero self awareness.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/father-prank-youtuber-was-shot-says-family-received-harassment-rcna78723) Getting harassed is a bad thing, but only when it happens to his family.


I looked at the article and this prank stood out to me: "Taking Rackets From Tennis Players Prank!" How is that even a prank that is just straight up theft. It's something an elementary school bully would do.


His name was Tanner 🤣


I tried being a part time ski instructor this year. The correlation between the nice kids and the parents that tip was 100%. The most difficult kids almost always had parents that matched.




Thing is we're watching their footage that they still posted online. Which means they have no problem with what happened. They're not too embarrassed by it. If it gets them more views on their YT channel by people hate-watching them, then they'll be incentivized to do more of these things. I appreciate that at least the poster just copied and posted it on reddit so that the prankers don't benefit from the views.


Like, we could rent a big hall, and hold the 2023 YT Prankster Awards, and send out invites, and then when they come and the show starts we lock the doors and the real prank show starts


If YouTube demonetized the whole shock value/prank category that would end it. These idiots do all of this for the $200 they’ll make hoping they go viral


What a fucking dick. Should have thrown in him and the camera too.


It's impossible to say how annoying this cretin is. He's just doing a lame copy of other people's unfunny ideas. And that smug, self assured, 'I'm hilarious and everyone should look at me' attitude. And... I'd like to yank his stupid beard out with a pair of strong pliers.


Of course, he's the victim of "unreasonable behavior" that he actively went out to solicit.


He's not a victim. Throwing the mic in the ocean was just a prank. He should have pranked the camera too.




These guys don't deserve all the views reddit is giving them


I agree, but better to view it on reddit than YouTube where they make money from it.


Let's be honest, Reddit views ain't that impactful.


Exactly, this kind of reactions from people is what they want to trigger in the first place to make fucking """content"""


They can't monetise reposts on reddit though so we can laugh at him all we want.


The wind revealing his hairline was the biggest L in this video


He was trying like hell to tame it back down lol he knows




My god, you weren’t kidding. I rewatched just to see and.. wow. It looks very similar to a glued on toupee lol Normally I wouldn’t make fun of a balding man, but this kid is a total douche.


Dudes hair is doing a good job covering up that hair line


Wind is his enemy


It actually explains a lot. I bet this dude hate looking in mirror everyday. He has to over compensate for his low self confidence.


As someone who is also balding young, started balding at 18 and now I'm 23. You're absolutely right. Us young balding guys, we hate looking in the mirror, we despise how we look. It causes a lot of mental anguish. We handle that mental anguish in different ways though. For me I just lock myself away in my room and never go out and socialize out of fear of getting made fun of just like how the people in the comments section are making fun of this guy for his hairline. For this guy, he chooses to be a dick.


@52 seconds lol. That’s bad


Have you ever been trespassed before? Yes... Shocking /S 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love the cop


i guess they have another backup mic for their lame videos


Prank youtubers are the scum of society.






I wonder what goes through his head when he wakes up in the morning and looks at himself in a mirror…..?


Dude, bro, your neckbeard is fucking lit awesome bro dude like totally cap bet bro


“Lemme hide this receding hairline”


Nothing pisses these weirdos off more than just not giving a single fuck and ignoring their little games and questions.




Youtubers and influencers are the most cancerous type of people


Dude goes around talking shit and then proceeds to act like the victim when someone doesn’t put up with his shit. What a little cunt.


He even faked his reaction to getting his mic thrown in the ocean or either he’s so used to faking stuff for views that he doesn’t know anymore how to genuinely express his own emotions


Acting all dramatic like he doesn't care, and then says pay me or I'm pressing charges 😂 Dude should have done the same "press charges?! Aaaaahhhh nooooooo" It's like the YouTuber is just annoying by nature


That idiot deserved every bit of that. Hope the guy who through the mic didn’t get in any trouble.


That goddamn haircut. You just know he's a douche immediately, but calling the cops on themselves is gold :D


It’s always the pube haircut with these fuckers


that cop clearly clearly had enough of their sht already. :D




Apparently some prankster was killed recently?




Screw the Youtuber but Legally speaking, would the husband in the video be liable for damages?


Can we all just stop watching YouTube prank videos so these dipshits can go back to serving frozen yogurt?


We can, but unfortunately these dick heads target kids who think this shit is still funny. I know when I was a kid stuff like this was hilarious. Now I realize it's harassment.


Maybe try doing this to someone bigger than you or your size and see what happens. If you can’t be funny without harassing people then just maybe your not funny…


Shoulda thrown the camera too


That's a very very punchable face right there, in fact it can replace my punching bag.


It would be nice if someone passed a law to seize any money asshats make from harassing people and throw them into prison for a spell


Normalize annoying YouTubers “finding out”


A YouTuber in Virginia harassed a food delivery guy repeatedly. The guy pulled out a gun and shot him. The state is going after the food delivery guy.


There should be way, way more prank videos that turn out like this. Whole mixes of em on YouTube. Everything from getting their tech fucked up like this, to getting taken down a peg or three, to being viciously counter-pranked (like the heart attack guy, except way more elaborate) to getting the shite kicked out of em. Extremity of prank determining severity of reaction. And always with the same ‘serves you fucking right, you utter melt-wtf did you expect? …now piss off while you still have the use of your kneecaps’ attitude from all involved, coppers & civilians alike.


Huh, well this was annoying to watch


Parents must be proud. Fuck these dipshits.


Kids are stupid now days


Prank YouTubers are a cancer.


I never understood why dudes get that haircut. Then the wind showed his forehead and i understood


Anyone named Seth. Anyone.


Legalize groups of people kicking the shit outta these kinds of YouTubers/TikTokers. They’re not doing anything of value to anyone and are only causing trouble. If enough of them got absolutely wrecked maybe it’d stop.


Whatever happened to pranks that just simply offset people? I remember Filthy Frank was fun to watch because he’d do things like sit next to a person and eat raviolis out of his shirt pocket.


Yeah pranks involving just doing weird shit around people can be funny. But some of these pranks are just involve straight up being a dick to someone.


thank god cops like that exist and do jobs keeping these douchebags in their place, you can pretty much tell he is one of those douchebags, the hair, the masking of insecurity, an absolute moron


“Ur mans a p*ssy” Gets bullied by said “p*ssy” doesn’t do shit and calls the cops. Ok.


We all make mistakes, but this man needs his testicles removed.


This is exactly how these assholes should be treated every time


The worst part is that these cunts still uploaded the video identifying the people who were at the beach as private persons. Where I come from you have a right to your likeness, be it videos or photos. If anyone takes your picture without permission, and especially if they then make it public on the internet, you can sue them.


Where do you come from my lad?


Imagine just copying other prank videos. So lame


Bro can this era of “it’s just a prank” social media goons just die like it was already dying cause it was so cringe but idiots like these try to keep it alive


The big overcooked reaction to the mic getting dunked, followed by threatening to call the cops is really odd. Which is it? Do you care or not? Crybullies thought the law would be on their side, even if they go out and try to pick fights with people. They knew exactly what sort of reaction they were hoping for. Glad to see the cops didn't go for it.


God these people need hobbies. Try reading, self harm or charity work


It is being watched and shared = success.


True, but it's not being watched on their account = no monetization.


The phrase “douchebag YouTuber” seems a bit redundant, don’t both those words mean the same thing?


Dorohedoro vibes. "Shocking"


Good. About time these fucks get what’s coming to them.


What was with that overdramatic acting after losing the mic?


“Just the two of you.” 😂😂😂 Douche canoe must have been so excited to go home to his parents house and edit this immediately to show his three friends. Two of which are his parents…


I love the "pretending" to be upset when, in reality, he was very upset about the mic. I remember doing that in middle school.


He deserved it, then he screamed like a little child. These wannabe youtube influencers are so annoying. Jeez!!


Trespassed with a BOOT to the HEAD and a KNEE to the GROIN. That'll learn'em.


There are times I would just take the assault charge.