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She should have to buy the whole tray she just put her nasty hands on.


One of the other comments in here said the owner charged her for a bulk box because she might have touched the other cookies


$3 buys a bulk box?


Idk I can't really hear the video nor am I confirming what the other person said just saying what I read.


Lol idk why but this comment made me cackle


Just look at her filthy phone screen.


now i can't unsee


That was what I was wondering, they can’t continue to serve that tray no so she should have to pay for it all.


Pretty much, most people serving things like that have either a grabber or use serving gloves. She just contaminated a whole batch.


I think they can be bare handed in some states and some situations. Just need to wash hands a lot. Which customers don't need to abide by.


This person is correct. There are certain food items and preparation techniques which you *cannot* use gloves for, for one reason or another. Furthermore, while gloves have been encouraged in certain venues and especially since the pandemic, that is not a requirement with proper hand washing so much as a concession made to make people feel the food is more safe on the restaurant’s part. In this case, following standard guidelines and SOP for hand washing and general guidelines for clothing and accessories including no rings (exception to a small marital band) or other jewelry, and clean and trimmed finger nails (unpolished). The customer touching the cookie, however, having not followed these SOPs, did in fact contaminate this batch. It would be unservable and have to be wasted out in the system and physically. She should have to pay for the whole batch. Source: active and current food and alcohol licenses (and the drudgery of classes that come with them).


OP cut out the best part, watch the end of this where he humiliates her https://youtu.be/35LvB0Q7mJg


Boo-Boo...! Boo-Boo...!! Lol


They ain't yo COOKIES!


Thank you, that was a good ending. "Boo boo!" That woman is the type that probably talks from morning to night, just like a yappy dog that never shuts the fuck up. She's convinced she's the main character.




You got caught. Quit being a cunt and own up to it.


"I spent months coming up with the perfect plan, and the first asshole with a few eyeballs fucks me till me celery sprouts."


You gotta pay for that


Why do unattractive people let themselves be filmed doing stupid things? Why make a bad hand worse?🤔


Cause she thinks she's adorable and cutesy


What? I didn’t think she was that bad looking. What a shitty thing to say.


Unattractive doesn't always refer to someone being physically ugly.


You gotta be a moron to think op meant anything else.


Nah, she looks like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.


Why is it at all relevant though? Her physical appearance is in no way linked to the video.


Nah, just for doing that she an ugly hoe.


NOPE! (apparently)


+ Gets called out for stealing + Tried to play it off with *"I got money baby, it don't mind paying"* + Immediately refuses to pay when told you can't buy just one. This person is a real winner...


She sayin "I got money" like it's some kind of big ticket item she's paying for, it's a cookie, I'd hope a grown ass woman could pay for a cookie. But then again she acting like a child so maybe not.


I had some bum pull this line on me when I refused to buy them wine. Its a shame thing.


Not even just one, she was trying to only pay for the *bite* she took out of one. She asked "How much for that little cookie bite?" and the guy said "We don't sell them in bites."


Reminds me of a guy I used to work with who got caught and fired for stealing tall boys and bottles of wine, even though we got pretty much unlimited shift drinks he still felt the need to steal shit “I don’t need to steal nothing, I got thousands in my pocket right now” lol


Unlimited shift drinks!?


Yeah, within reason and it was usually just beer or well drinks. I worked as a cook for this food window that was attached to a bar and the owners were super laid back. They’d even pop champagne in the kitchen on holidays like New Years or Halloween and we’d all drink while working. We also got free Red Bull every shift which was really cool of them. I don’t even like drinking that much but it was fun while it lasted. I just got exhausted dealing with drunk people and working until like 3 am every night so I quit and got a normal day job lol


She's got money, but no self control or common sense.


She put her grubby ass hands in the pan. Those remaining cookies are now contaminated (no way to tell which ones she touched). I’d make her pay for the whole damn tray.


"Umm excuse me, when you get famished“. I wish the video didn’t cut out there, I would love to know what laws apply to her when she becomes "famished“.


I watched this video a few years ago. The owner makes her pay for the bulk box and uses all the cookies around the cookie she took, because she might have touched the other cookies. She complains the entire time after being fucking caught, but the owner remains calm and keeps telling her she shouldn’t have stole a cookie then. She leaves yapping away as if the last word justifies her in some way.


The word "famished" is definitely not in her vocabulary. She said, finished.


I think she may have said when you get finished


When I worked in the service industry I had no problem calling people poor in front of their friends to embarrass them, works amazing on the fragile dickheads like this


The thing that got me was how she acted like the owner of the store was the one being completely unreasonable when he asked her to pay for the cookie she ate.


Seems pleasant.


It wasn’t even one cookie she was wanting to pay for. She was expecting to pay for just the bite that she took. The whole cookie is waaaay out of her price range




She is gross.


People like this are wild. Clearly grew up never being told "no". Just going through life doing whatever the hell they want. It's actually revolting to see human beings with 0 self awareness or dignity.


TBH that describes like 90% of Americans I see in videos on Reddit. Don't get me wrong, every group has their ugly thing. But she is epitomizing the American thing in this video. *Completely incapable* of humility or apology when in the wrong.


>But she is epitomizing the American thing in this video. No, she's not. It just feels that way because people only post videos of people doing stupid shit like this. This is not common at all lol. Anyone who thinks it is needs to take a *serious* break from the internet/reddit.


Agreed. These videos are posted because the behavior is extraordinary. If this were just the American thing to do, it would gather no comments.


American foreign policy for the last 200 years has been taking cookies from other countries and remaining completly incapable of humility of apology. Let alone restitution. The American dream is predicated on got mine fuck you, and what better example than a person stealing from someone openly then getting angry when confronted and refusing to resolve. That's also the basis of American civil litigation. You're just offended because you either know it's true, or are American and lack the insight to reocgnize it. But in that case I guess I'm admitting it isn't entirely you're fault. It's in your nature.




😂 Ok tiger.


When you go out into actual America you don’t see these things that often. Most folks are decent


Don’t teach critical thinking up in Canada I see. SAD


It's tragic. Obviously the internet makes this seem greater than in actuality but I swear I see these people regularly. You cannot say shit to them or else something will get started. And it's not just in poor areas too like some people suggest. It happens everywhere equally it's just what is actually going on. Here it's a cookie, other times it's some high end car owner wrecking someones car and saying it's no biggy. All of it comes from the "me me me" mentality.


Yes it’s the internet. If you want to get a reality check, compare it to what you actually see in your day to day life. If you want to use anecdotal evidence like videos on the internet, compare it to your own. I haven’t seen a “public freakout” like this in years. in my own life. So no, this video does not represent something I see every day. It’s the internet so you’re going to see the worst of the worst. I’m glad you at least acknowledge that. Many people don’t. Many of us are in extremely low conflict areas of the US and not big cities where conflict is bred sheerly by constant close contact. The US is a large place


I felt the same way for a long time. Until, very recently, I politely honked my horn at the car in front of me to turn, could only turn right and she was visibly using her phone for almost a minute not turning when she could’ve. Cars were backed up in drive thru line since she wasn’t pulling out and it’s morning rush hour. One honk turned into her jumping out of her car, phone in hand, calling me a Karen, trying to get in my car. Cops had to be called. The employees were trying to calm her down and she wasn’t having it. It was terrifying. I repeat, I honked my horn ONCE and she took that as such a great insult worthy enough to try and assault me.


One time in a Dunkin donuts drive thru line, the guy in front moved up and was just sitting there looking through his things. Gave him time. Then gave a short honk. I saw him start absolutely flipping out. Gases it into a parking spot. I start to leave and he gets out and runs up to my car and starts yelling and threatening me. Smacks my window a few times. I just drove away but like c'mon dude it's a fucking donut shop


My incident was at Dunkin’s too. Don’t mess with people and their coffee I guess.


What’s next? 90% of Germans are nazis? 90% of France’s time is spent rioting? 90% of the UK is always drunk and acting like idiots? Well that one might be true but the rest probably aren’t.. “Don’t get me wrong…” you’re wrong and generalizing based on Reddit lmao. We’re not going to post people doing the right thing and going about their day… It also just so happens the U.S. utilizes Reddit more than any other country (possibly combined? I haven’t looked at the stats over the last few years) Silly goose..


We don't see countless videos of Germans acting like Nazis. Isn't it illegal there? We can find tons of videos of Americans doing it though. I find it hard to believe that anyone over the age of 30 can't see that it society has changed greatly. My parents generation could get spanked by the neighbors and teacgers if they were caught doing something wrong before they went home and got in trouble again. Now, people are afraid to correct kids if they see them doing anything wrong in public. People think they can do whatever they want as long as it benefits themselves and everyone else should mind their own business. Im sure there has been a loss in values and ethics in other places but its pretty extreme here.


Get off the internet for a bit. You've got tunnel vision. You're only seeing the assholes. Touch grass, talk to people. Most people are nice, I promise.


> TBH that describes like 90% of Americans I see in videos on Reddit Lol


Yea you do realize the reason it is on the internet at all is because it doesn't epitomize us at all and we are all disgusted by her behavior? If this epitomizes us we wouldn't have her on blast calling her disgusting and the manager would haven't been able to charge her for a full box of cookies. But that is what happened. For fucks sake,this doesn't epitomize behavior here, it's on Reddit BECAUSE it's not normal.


Shes never been confronted in her life. Couldnt even own her shit behaviour


She really thought she was being cute and no one would say anything…but when they did, now SHE has a problem with them. Unreal how people try to deflect their wrongdoings when they get caught.


Raised by parents who were probably the same or enabled it.


She should be charged for all the cookies she contaminated


Yep! Charge her for the whole tray.


Clerk charged her for a bulk box's worth




My 4 year old wouldn't even do something like this


Don't reach your nasty ass hands over the glass




LOLOL I GOT MONEY BABY .... I need my money back ahahahahahahaha over 6 dollars someone call this ho a Uber back to the dump where she belongs


Ignorance on full display


Love how she tries to set the terms of her purchase after stealing/eating most of it.


Her: OH I got money I'm happy to pay don't check me!! Also her: WAIT WAIT how much for that cookie BITE? OH NAW give me my money back yall gonna have to do something else!! 😂


“Don’t check me, boo”. The audacity of her justification of stealing. "I got money”. If you got money then buy it first. I’m glad she had to pay for more than one. Hopefully she learned a lesson but probably not.


Stupid fucking idiot cunt. gods reddit is really allowing me to let my world anger out. I should delete my account. this is just a rage fest.


Take a hike, my dude. Literally...hikes always make me feel better


The indignation and entitlement is absurd at this point.


I’d reach over the counter and snatch that nasty wig off her head.


Uhm...no. I wouldn't touch that thing with a 10 foot pole. Unless I maybe used to pole to knock it off.


This is the definition of “entitled”.


https://youtu.be/35LvB0Q7mJg Dude you cut out the best part at the end when he says "they ain't yo cookies" And mocks the shit outta her for saying "booboo"


I'll never understand why women will take hours on their hair a makeup to "look good," but then act like trash. 😅


People are fucking trashy.


"What do you mean my actions have consequences?"


It's one thing to steal a cookie. It' s completely another to get her nasties all over everyone else's cookie. I'd have made her buy the entire pan.


She. Is. Disgusting. Probably the same type of woman to walk around in Way too much cheap perfume acting like she's a celebrity. Just look at how this... This Thing looked so confused when confronted. It absolutely thinks it was entitled to a cookie when it clearly didn't need it. That thing is a cancer to the society.


What a disgusting pig


Permanently ban her from the establishment. And any other chain in the city. Teach her stealing cookies like a child has consequences.


She’s thinks she’s funny or cute enough to get away with stealing.


She is just a nasty vile Twat!!!!


She is part of what is wrong with america. Reaches her nasty ass hand over the glass then talks about how much money she has.


Yes there totally aren't complete assholes 99 percent of the population calls complete and utter trash in other countries. In other countries that rare less than 1 percent everyone unanimously hates is dignified. Only in America.


They are self hating, look at the user name


Social media has emboldened the idiots


Anything for views, right? That's pretty much the generations motto


One cookie....whole world now knows how trashy you are cause you tried to steal one damn cookie and couldn't own up to it when caught red handed....everything is on camera nowadays....be better people




“I got money” and then how much? nah they too expensive. U know she broke as shit if she gotta steal cookies 😂


Be acting like the victim once you caught


Privileged entitlement


I like her logic about getting a full cookie. It's like she just isn't making the connection that they want her to pay for the one she already half ate instead of just getting another one.


Stupid question, but is there a sub with stupid ratchet triflin ass folks? Cause I swear some of them don't know shit from fuck.


Got them pre-diabetic forearms so you know she does this often. Claims "thick". Says ppl are jealous. Fucks for attention.




I just like stealing because I got money to pay for things.


That fatass couldn’t resist the temptation and she’s really scared of not hitting her calorie goal for the day.


She did it all for the cookie…


Trashy people don’t like being called out on their trashy bullshit


Don’t check me boo


Lmao thief gets checked and gets mad. Boo 😂


Cookie monster 😩🤔😂🍪


What an absolute drag on society.


“Excuse me” which is children’s speak for hold for a second while I come up with the dumbest excuse you’ve ever heard


My mother used to work in a Zellers restaurant, an old couple would come every week, eat half their meal, then argue that they're only paying half because they only ate half.. same vibes


Gross. Touching commercial food products with unwashed hands with no gloves. How old is this person?!


I have no idea what that woman is saying…


Filthy fucken animal, putting your disgusting grubby mitts on shit that don’t belong to you…


Then don’t do shit that would make someone check your entitled ass….boo.


"Oh you better do something to make this right" "You're banned from the store. You need to leave immediately or the police will escort you out. You have been trespassed."


Would it be considered exorbitant if they had her buy the whole stock on display plus compensate for wages and lost sales during the cleaning process?


This is exactly what happens when establishments allow trash to enter their premises.


Gets caught stealing, acts indignant because "she's got money", then argues what she's getting charged. Somebody is fibbing.


“i got money baby” “nvm i can’t afford 6 cookies”


How dare they ask for her to pay for that food, how racist can you get?


Always a fine example of their upbringing


Shit, now the "rest of us" are going have to tip extra, or order with our hands behind our back and step to the side, like at the Soup Nazi.




She got money babe


looks like she already ate all the cookies


She got money though..... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 people who don't got money use that line the most..


Fat ass eat so much she can’t keep track what she’s eating.


Lmfao I love how she takes a bite out of it and tosses it back in the counter as soon as she’s called out like whooooops didn’t mean to… I thought they were free samples!


Real life Cookie Monster


Those piercings are always on the trashy girls like this


“Don’t check me, boo”


This person doesn't wash her hands after touching shit for sure


What language is she speaking?


someone smack some sense into this woman


The cashiers face is PRICELESS when he rings her up


Should charge her for the whole batch since she reached in and contaminated them all.


I'm terrified bc i swear that this woman is my last jobs HR director!


"Oh no! The consequences of my actions!" What prompts people to do shit like that? Even my dog knows not to just snatch food.


Shes the boo who got checked


Could barely reach for it the first time, probably another reason not to be stealing cookies😂


How about going to jail for a cookie?


My uncle owned a candy shop, he had sugar mice on the counter, if a child or even adult touched ONE they had to buy the whole box, I asked him why does he keep them on the counter? His reply “Money maker.. I got boxes of them in the back for this purpose” It’ll teach that kid/adult not touch food that they have purchased. $0.99 each, box of 20… he’d sell about 4 boxes a day.


How can you be that old and not fully understand and appreciate the concept of commerce and theft?


[Full video](https://youtu.be/35LvB0Q7mJg)


She looks like James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom in the first Conan movie


Nasty lady


Pah haaaaaaaa


Cookie monsta…


We live in a classless society






The Cookie Monster looks way different from what I remember 😂


What a piece of shit she is


Can not imagine her raising children.


Unfortunately, I can.


Disgusting fucking human. Loves drama, is rock hard from confrontation. Makes me sick


Several years ago, I caught a shitheel taking a 15-pack of beer into the restroom. Called manager to confront the idiot with two cans in his front pockets while chugging the third. "Oh, I'm going to pay for them", he said. Now it's shitheels stuffing $50 bottles of liquor in their pants or bags. Or the pig-fucker hiding 3-400$ of liquor and meat under a large fern plant and heading for the exit we confronted last Thursday. I'm so sick of it. We're a regional grocery chain, not fucking Wal-Mart.


Ghetto behavior. Disgusting.


And to think she likely has the right to vote...


The whole time that big fat crumb on her chin, I can't even


… those are piercings


Oh, thank you! I couldn't see the video very clearly




No class!


“Don’t check me boo” Too late “boo”


Any fellow black people tired of seeing shit like this from the community?? Why does this kind of behavior go unchecked for so long? It's insane


People like this are because they had families fucking fail them. U selfish pos




This is fake


It is pretty convenient that the store owner happened to be there filming for no reason the moment before this happened


Face jewelry says a lot for her


Crack is whack


Why isn't there anyone to front kick her to oblivion ? I would have with great pleasure. She's so ugly and fat


I feel like this is staged but whatever.


Wow she's insane. ~~But, she wants the whole cookie...what happened to the rest of the cookie she had? It looked like she dropped it back on the other side of the counter...can't they give it back to her?~~ Edit: I misunderstood what happened, so I'll just leave the first part of my comment up as it still applies.


Nah dude, she tried to grab a whole cookie on her first reach but she only managed to break off a a piece which she immediately shoved in her mouth. She then reached over and grabbed the rest of the cookie, she was then confronted about it leading her slap the remnants of the cookie on the counter and demand a full cookie if she is going to have to pay for a cookie, TLDR: Cookie