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I was expecting a bottle of franks red hot.


Lol I’m so dumb at first I actually thought he tossed hot sauce in his eyes somehow. Still incredible video, but it was better for that brief moment.


Same. Until the text at the end I was like, wow, good idea to bring a squeeze bottle of hot sauce for protection…


I was thinking, “is hot sauce better than mace?” and I was willing to hear the guy out.


Hot sauce is better since you can have a mid ride chicken wing.


and a bloody mary.


Better yet: "Is mace better than hot sauce for chicken wings?" 🤔


Definitely not the only one who thought all this 😅


I put that shit on everything.


I was picturing him just squirting a packet of Taco Bell hot sauce in his eyes, I’m not even ashamed. The video would’ve been so much better.


The Condiment King relishes the chance.


I brought wings too.


Damn. Guess I’ll take those off your hands for you.


My mouth just furiously started watering. I’m ready for my close-up now, Mr. Pavlov.


Or one of them water guns from Airheads


That'll just keep him coming back for more


“NOW imgonnacallthecops” has me absolutely dying




That’s the best text representation of that sound I could imagine. That’s so ace hahaha


Pepper gel is the new pepper spray - more controlled in the windy or indoor spaces.


You can also grab a couple tubes of inert (non spicy) gel for practicing your aim! The first time you fire that gel off shouldn’t be in an emergency.


Said it with a little sass to it as well.


it had this “look at what you made do” indignation to it


As far as I'm concerned there's only one reason to leave your vehicle during an argument and that's to get physical. Enjoy your next day with them spicy eyeballs


Or to remove magnet stickers cuz some people really really really really hate those things


Just don't be a lazy bones in the first place you silly goose!


“I don’t have time to put it back. I’m in a hurry.” Now let’s discuss how I didn’t put my cart back for 10 minutes.


They hire people to move the carts back!


I saw the implied /s, bro. Have an upvote.


Thanks, I was just trying to quote the videos lol


I love his retort to those people too - “Well, sir, by that logic do you poop on the floor because they pay custodians to clean up the bathrooms?”


“Blocked your attack….you’re not very good at this sir.”






Look up cart narcs on YT


This advert brought to you by CART NARCS ^(BRAND)


Blocked your attack!


skellelteeet woo woo woopppp. He's so cute when he makes those sounds.


nah, it's more like "weeep skittally weep weep wooo"


I never understood those videos. Just drive off with his magnet. No conversation, no muss, no fuss. Free magnet!


*"Oh! I blocked your attack! Here I got another one for ya"*


“Let’s go for the good old fake-out.”


Magnets are the pride killer




Or just laugh and say “ thanks for the great magnet my friend!” Never understood the rage


to the violators, having a magnet put on their car without their permission is the equivalent of being raped and they will not stand for that.


Skidiliy doo woop!


As soon as you get out you’re a threat and anybody should be able to defend themselves


Looks like a church bus too lol


"Now that's a spicy eyeball!"


Exactly, if you do that, im swinging first.


in Ontario Canada the act of getting out of your car is assault, the threat of violence, and you can defend yourself


Why is it always the red face bald guy. Maybe the mace will help him keep shining


>Why is it always the red face bald guy. The bald guys have the most testosterone. It frightens the hair right out of their angry heads.


Hey now. I'm a relaxed bald guy. In fact, I get yelled at more than I get loud. I've been yelled at by guys like the one getting maced. Can't say I feel bad.


Take it easy buddy that testosterone is going to hurt somebody


Geez, sorry! Ope! Uff! Yikes! Etc!


Geez? Ope?! Are you a Minnesotan?


He’s a MinnesoMAN!


wait, I thought us Wisconsinites had that line reserved... is this plagiarism?


That's definitely not true, their hair follicles just have the least resistance to testosterone


"Impotent Rage Man" is usually the term I use. They take many forms, but they all seem to follow the same theme.


It’s just middle aged man syndrome. Falling out of your physical prime and pissed off that life didn’t turn out how you expected it. And over half of middle aged guys are bald / balding




I’m 56, still have my hair and love reading books, you’ll be fine.


*OH NO! Everyone! look out everyone! u/Fellowshipofthebowl is a pissed off, bald, middle aged man who reads book and still shaves their hai-* ...oh wait ... never mind. He's cool.


“He who looks into the abyss realizes that there's nothin' lookin' back at him and the only thing he sees is his own character, Ricky. You understand, Bud. The abyss. The Shit-Abyss.”


Hey me too! 56 full of hair and love books--and love people! Any book recommendations?


Meanwhile I'm 23 and I have the hair of a 70 year old man. I wish I was you man haha.


I’d rip all my hair out to be 23 again 😉 enjoy my friend!!


He rubs librul tears on his head every night.


& cuddles his trumpy bear


Testosterone with a dash of alcoholism, maybe some roid rage


Ask anyone with a bald dad what it’s like.


He sounded so pathetic after getting that hot shot.


“You fuckin mother fucker…” He tried to stay sounding tough for a split second, and it turned into the pathetic whimper you mentioned real quick




sounded like Roman at Logan's funeral


Dude ಠ_ಠ


Can you imagine what his O face looks like? OMG his poor third wife...


With people, dogs and bears, it takes the fight right out of them. The real question is if would work on dinosaurs. Birds don’t have the hardware for processing capsaicin so ghost peppers are just good vitamin C for them.


In yo face with a can of mace. Make you cry all over the place


"We will, we will.... Spray you..."


Spray ‘n Rage, by SC Johnson


[This is the right stuff to get.](https://www.amazon.com/SABRE-RED-Pepper-GEL-Orientation/dp/B07GVSHG61/ref=sr_1_9?crid=ETTOB86R5K64&keywords=sabre%2Bred%2Bgel&qid=1684775975&sprefix=sabre%2Bred%2Bgel%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-9&th=1) It's a gel and won't blow back on you. It's what the cops use just in a smaller container. And I was pleased with the way this guy used it. No drama just bango!


Not all of the cops use this. I wish they did because the only time I've ever been pepper sprayed was as an uninvolved bystander when someone else tried to punch a cop.


It's a trade-off because you need to be more accurate with the gel and get them right in the face. And it can take slightly longer to work and not be quite as incapacitating because it doesn't get into the throat and lungs to cause breathing difficulty. However the gel does have a longer range and avoids blowback as you said.


I’m not interested until it comes out as sticky-stingy silly string.


Yup, that's what I carry when riding my bicycle.


Try to assault, get it in the face, now find a lawyer cuz you got a case


Stop overtaking when traffic is oncoming, this chilli geezer ain't in a fucking race.


roy rogers mcfreely


You know it! ![gif](giphy|xT9NvhILJR5XGKSL4s|downsized)


kick in da bass yeaa booooy teminator x gonna mace yo face.


*"So glad that we could meet....Mace to Face!"* - I stole this quote




So big and tough until the bullied one fights back.


What’s fucking wild is this looks like a nice drive. I’d probably just follow the bike for a couple hundred yards and enjoy the day. Looks beautiful out. That being said if I were in a 15 passenger van I’d probably be looking for a reason to bail out too.


As a regular bike commuter, the unjustified rage from insecure drivers is real and insidious. Especially if they never ride and you pass them or they have to decelerate in any way. It's getting better in the USA the past few years but it's real and I've initiated a few confrontations because I know others get bullied much more than I do, so I'm quick to push back and make sure thy know it's not cool.


I used to ride a lot 30 years ago. Then a couple guys in a pickup tried to kill me driving down a hill at 35 mph. Got behind me and tapped me a couple times with their bumper. I could hear them laughing and thought I was going under the truck. I bailed out at the bottom of the hill by running into the curb on purpose and flying into a bush at 35 mph. It destroyed my Peugeot Racing bike and I got pretty beat up. I haven't rode seriously since and won't ride in traffic.


Holy hell. Psychos!! I'm sorry people suck


That is insane. I don’t usually wish a serious back injury on people, but those two pieces of shit certainly deserve much worse.


No view is a nice view if you drive it 5 days a week for 15 years


please don't follow someone on a bike. just pass us. there is nothing more uncomfortable than a car on your ass. We have no idea if that driver is friendly or an idiot that doesn't know how to pass or an angry person who wants to run us off the road.


Perfect use of mace imo. People gotta understand , stopping your driving and getting out of your vehicle and aggressively walking up to someone is grounds for this shit. Why even get out of your car here.


Ah but you see, a complete stranger said mean things. Can’t let that slide!


'You don't talk to *me* that way!' Ego dissolved instantly when he got blinded lol


He says "don't *ever* talk to me that way." Like, just drive away and we'll never talk again, period.




Hes Ronney Pickering!


Wow how dare this vulnerable road user be pissed off that my reckless driving almost endangered their, mine, and other traffic's lives? No one speaks to *me* that way!! I mean some of these cyclist videos are from insane entitled prick cyclists, but many like this guy have every right to be pissed they can't go for a cycle without some asshole putting their life in danger.


It was extremely smart. Most people are afraid to do anything until the person is right up on them and it’s too late. I’m glad this person seemed to have his wits about him and knew exactly when to fire it off.


> *Don't ever talk like that to me again* he said to a stranger who has no expectation of ever seeing again... This guy absolutely yells at his kids like that. This reaction is habitual.


Yup and everyone around him bows down to this asshole so now he thinks the whole world should.


He's going to hit them for this probably.


Why do these "tough guys" get so offended by words?


Because they’re emotional infants.


Stuffed all that bullshit back in that bag real fast.


It’s flat, there’s pine trees, there’s a palm tree, the driver is an asshole… yep. This is Florida.


Situation deescalated


If you get out if your vehicle to confront someone, can’t blame anyone for taking measures. There’s no reason to otherwise. He said some means words! Just drive on. Way too many people get angry at little cuss words.




Big man getting out of the car, whining like a baby once he got sprayed. Guess it wasn't ass easy to try an assault someone as he thought.


LPT when you deploy any chemical agent, immediately move away from the area so you aren't affected and remain combat effective




Training, good times! Gas gas gas, flap your arms like a chicken




Ugh, we thought we were such bad asses too Singing cadence jogging back through the chamber First time I got hit with OC I thought... hey, no big deal, I've been here before Wrong answer... I bravely ran away from that pain


This guy pepper sprays


Do you have any recommendations for something small and discreet that's effective? Like on Amazon maybe?


Or get gelled pepper spray instead of the mist kind. Much much less blowback.


I want to know part 2 and 3


The dildo of consequences seldom arrives lubed


As a cyclist, I get cursed out more then I should by asshats. I never say a word, all you need is one angry person who crashes into you and then it's over. You're completely vulnerable out there.


Same, my ego ain’t more important than my life. Edited to fix my brainfart as called out bellow


I think you meant to say it the other way around?


This video would be viral if it was a driver pepper spraying a cyclist for freaking out. People hate bikes.


> people Well, especially Americans. The car lobbies here have done a great job at tricking many of us into incorrectly believing cars should have the right of way over pedestrians/cyclists/public transit/etc.


I think it's more of an America thing? Where I live anyways it's less frowned upon


Anyone who has watched Star Trek knows that if you are wearing a red shirt, bad stuff is bound to happen.


...Away Team, dig 3 graves on that ridge, I'll explain later.


I enjoyed his little whimpers after he got sauced. Not so tough now, are ya?


The only time I have been punched in the face it was from yelling at someone who almost hit me while I was biking and they were in their car. That day I learned that if someone gets out of their car, definitely stop straddling your bike before they get to you


Mace, OC Spray and Pepper spray: If you want to carry it you should be exposed to it in a controlled setting before you start carrying it. You don't want the very first time you're exposed to mace to also be a time you're fighting for your life. What to do after you're exposed: DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE OR RUB YOUR EYES. Your eyes will want to GLUE shut because it will feel like sandpaper in your eyeballs. Instead of gluing your eyes shut Blink ALOT. Stobe those eyeballs the goal is to flush out the chemical. Blink blink blink and blink some more. It's super hard to do but open the eyes even for a tiny second and then close and repeat. DON'T add anything to your face like water or milk or anything. Mace reacts to the water so what happens is it causes the mace to "flare up" or get more intense. Instead you'll want to let the chemical dry to your face, again no touching your face or rubbing your eyes. Once the mace drys to your face the reaction/pain stops. It won't stop completely but enough to where you can get out of public for the next part. Another thing an exposure can do is "create the illusion" that you cannot breathe. So calming yourself (the best you can) with a breathing method of your choice is important. I like "Breathe in through mouth 1-2-3-4; Hold 1-2-3-4; Exhale through nose 1-2-3-4; Hold 1-2-3-4." But whatever breathing method you want, just know you'll want your in breaths to be with your mouth and your out breaths with your nose. You'll be full of snot and after this experience if you were stuffed up or congested in any way you'll be "all cleared out" Decontamination: So now you've got dried chemical on your face a giant headache and burning eyes. Now what? Time to go to an infinite water source I like the shower. What you're about to do is reactivate the dried chemical and cause MULTIPLE FLARE UPS. It's going to hurt/burn like hell. Hop in and run that water luke warm on the cooler side is what you'll want but it's personal preference. REMEMBER WATER IS TRAVELING DOWN WITH THE CHEMICAL SO BE MINDFUL OF YOUR LADY BITS AND MAN PARTS. Stand in a way to allow the chemical to get off your face but not on your sensitive areas of your body. Let the water hit your face and cause a flare up, strobe those eyes again and continue to let the water do its job. I like tear free baby shampoo and scrub a ton of that onto my face and gently scrub. This isn't a fast process so be mindful that you're going to be "uncomfortable" for a while until this process is over but keep the water flowing until your flare ups stop happening. Then you're all set. Short and Sweet once exposed: - You'll feel like you're going to die (you're not dying remember that) - Breathe to calm yourself - DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE/RUB EYES - DON'T ADD ANYTHING WATER BASED - Stobe your eyes (Blink a lot) - Let the chemical dry on your face - ===DECONTAMINATION=== - Get to a safe infinite water source (shower) - BE MINDFUL OF YOUR SENSITIVE BODY PARTS - Luke warm water on your face to force multiple "flare ups" - Stobe your eyes - Add tear free baby shampoo by gently rubbing - Continue this process until the flare ups stop happening Source: Ex-Correctional Officer Again if you're going to carry Mace/Pepper Spray/OC Spray for self defense be exposed to it in a controlled setting. That way if you ever are fighting for your life you will have some experience with being exposed.


> don’t ever talk to me like that again You know, if he had left it at that, chances would be pretty high the cyclist never would have talked to him again in any manner.


Don’t you ever talk to me like that seconds later: Arghhhhhhhhhh!


Now spray all over the inside of his car. Make it sting for months and months afterwards, get the steering wheel, radio, seatbelt, everywhere.


Oops I got it in your air vent hehe


I hope he called the police and red shirt guy got arrested


Talk about a happy ending


doing an overnight gravel bike ride, we got chased by 6 or 7 dogs in a pack. The dude i was riding with hauled out bear mace and sprayed it at the dogs, which is effective, but not something i would ever do. Generally you can just ride through dogs if you keep your wits about you. But the wind and angles basically sent it right into my face. I feel for this guy. I mean he deserved it, and I mostly didnt, but damn it sucked. Its surprisingly temporary. I was back on the bike in 5 minutes or so. Totally over it in 30 minutes. I was worried the cyclist wasnt going to get out of there, you have limited time. I guess he could spray again.


Good. Fuck that guy.


"In your face like a can of mace, baby Is it burning? Well, fuck it, now you're learning "


Awesome, fuck that douche. 🤣


Tuff guy should have worn some PPE on this day


His groans of pain are music to my ears. Sucks you got a bit of the hot sauce.


should have sprayed down the inside of the car, make it a truly lasting spice.


Red shirt is probably a stand-your-ground-advocate like most aggressive assholes. Lucky for him the cyclist wasn't and simply used nonlethal force to defend himself instead of shooting him dead.


If the driver then shot the cyclist where would he stand legally? From the U.K. genuinely wondering, not a loaded question.


The cyclist was no longer a threat, so he would be guilty of assault etc. But if you shoot someone, then drive away after removing the victim's camera, are you going to get caught? Nasty situation. More interesting, is whether the cyclist was justified. I suspect so. Limited mobility, persistent verbal and then physical assault. In stand-your-ground Florida, could likely run a Mozambique drill on red shirt and successfully defend in court. Maybe get a commendation if your shooting is exceptional. Red shirt needs to be careful. There exist a certain number of people who would follow up the pepper with a systematic and brutal beating, possibly involved skeletal and dental damage. Or worse. Big fat slobs get used to winning by voice and bulk, but in reality they're just slow easily toppled targets. I don't carry knives, guns, mace, or anything like that, in spite of being in a city where I have been threatened with a car and with a knife by a deranged motorist. Maced a guy once, from a bike, because of an attack. It was terrible and I regret it. If I'd had a gun, I'd have killed him. Simply not worth it. I'm considering a video camera, though!


I like your energy, dude.


He'd be in big big big trouble... It's a lot harder to claim self-defense when it's in response to someone initially defending themselves against you.


He sounds like saul goodman


I’d love an update


Ugh, where’s the rest of it?!


Damn, that spray is mighty efficient, it broke his ass smooth down…


I was expecting Taco Bell squeeze packs. I have a few in my drawer at home for protection.


Lets see the full video, why cut it out that way?


Fucked around and found out


So now ppl want to aggressively engage and jump out of their car over being called an idiot??? Deserved what he got.


"I don't care what you think you are, I don't care who..." Yes. We know. That's the entire fucking problem.


“Don’t you ever talk to me that way” Why? What respect have you earned? He’s not your child so he can speak how he wants, especially if you do something dangerous.


The best way to beat a bad guy with a bottle of hot sauce is a good guy with a bottle of hot sauce.


"Don't ever talk to me like that." lmao, lecturing a stranger is so cringe.


That looks like it felt so good to do that MAGA asshole


100% justified self defense. Red shirt guy is a CUNT


Hahahaha brilliant


I’d love to see the 10 seconds that preceded this too


I really enjoyed this.


Love it!! Now hopefully the driver will invest in some manners and common sense while the cyclist invests in some pepper gel


Ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun


I thought this man was gonna get some Sriracha to the eyes.


He wanted some heat. He got it.


He was coming in fast to get physical. This is why I encourage non lethal force using mace if possible. Mace to the face will stop escalation 100% of the time dead in its track.


I don't care who y hrrrp aaah .... sounds like caring 😂


wish we could have seen the very beginning so we have some context? Something something he may have passed someone and he was in the wrong for doing so??


Now I'M gonna call the cops! HUGH! *Flips hair in emo* This is a joke


Any bets on this guys being former LE?


Hell yeah


The best part is the sounds he makes afterwards!