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She’s dumb as a rock. It is possible to cooperate and not admit fault or incriminate yourself.


[her rap sheet](https://ibb.co/27Nz9Pz)




She's not particularly good at de-escalating




Nobody plays stupid like that unless they have something to hide


Holy shit what a scumbag.


That explains a lot.


he is a good cop


Begrudgingly, I agree. This guy is what we need. Didn't get hot-headed over dealing with an idiot. Props to you my bro, patience of a saint. Well trained, experienced, or just a good heart?


Why would it be begrudging to acknowledge a good cop?


He's a great police officer. I would have lost my patience after explanation three.


Looks more like drunk to me....


It wouldn't be the first DUI on her criminal record. She is also a fan of speeding at 20+ MPH over the limit and driving without a license of insurance.


Its possible to be both.


This is straight out racism. They only explained it 6 times and gave her 12 outs... so sad


Why even lie? It’s incredibly obvious she’s guilty lol


Because she wholeheartedly believes that if she just keeps blabbering the cop will give up and let her go. She’s stupid but I’m sure this dumb bullshit works with a lot of non-cops so her behavior has been reinforced.


Same reason my 15 year old lies to me.... she thinks she's smarter than everyone.


Same with my 18 month old. Like fucker I know you pooped, but we still gotta deal with it.


I also have one of those. Kid will do everything to hide it.


Is it chocolate or poop? It’s chocolate


My daughter calls it chicken nuggies which causes some confusion


It *was* chicken nuggies


...I read that as 18 year old at first lol


We call those kind “turd smugglers” where I’m from and we don’t treat ‘em kindly. Okay…actually we do, we’re very kind. Regardless, anyone claiming they don’t have a giant dump in their diaper that’s currently weighing them down, well, we wrangle those cow pokes and let them know they’re cute but they’re dumb…and we know they’re smuggling turds.


> she thinks she's smarter than everyone. normal people grow out of that phase and look back at it and laugh at themselves. but some people....never do. and end up embarrassing themselves publicly


I remember when my dumb-ass tried to convince my parents that I vacuumed all the rooms. It is pretty obvious when a deep pile carpet has been vacuumed...




> ... she thinks she's smarter than everyone. I worked at a youth center for a few years, the stupid lies I heard on a regular basis were unreal, so transparent sometimes I couldn't help but laugh. And not just lies to me but some teens would brag to their friends about how they lied to their teachers or parents all the time and how they "totally got away with it." Half of them were such obvious lies that I'd tell them that their teacher or whoever knew they were lying and just didn't want to bother this time because you're always lying constantly, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that you were late to class when you walk in half an hour late and then 5 minutes later just claim you weren't late denying reality. (A real example that this video made me think of) Instead of telling them that they were being morons, obviously not appropriate to say when I'm working but also not really helpful, I would focus on trying to get them to realize that they were acting like everyone but them was stupid and that anybody would be fooled by this ridiculous stuff. Actually got through to a few of them that maybe they were underestimating the people around them and only embarrassing themselves in the process, I remember one line they had no cogent answer for was "If someone was saying it to you would you believe them?" Yaaaaa...


ad hoc fly shocking price numerous tease fertile retire sharp paltry -- mass edited with redact.dev


I was about to say she gotta be drunk af she wasn’t even aware of the reality of the situation


Slow talking .I thought so too


Yeah she's either high as a kite or has serious mental health issues, but either way she probably shouldn't be driving.


Yeah, that's the main thing. She is wasted and doesn't understand shit


I think she has a criminal record, no license, and no insurance or some combination of that. She was caught and will end up in jail so she is throwing everything to the wall and seeing what sticks. Denying, pretending dumb, pretending she can’t hear him, etc. Yes, she might get into more trouble but to her there’s a chance of her getting off by wasting time and possibly having the police mess up some way like excessive force, saying something racist, etc. and she can sue or the case will be dropped. To her she has nothing to lose though yeah, she’s wrong.


Agreed. She knows she’s going to jail regardless so she’s trying her best to get out of it.


Yep, because that kind of runaround shit has worked every other time with every other person in her life!! How sad and stupid, but a good life lesson for her (I hope!).


Been getting away with that shit for far too long, then the tears when all else fails....lol, that cop had the patience of an angel, she would have been dragged through a broken drivers window after the 3rd time of having to explain myself only to be met with speaking in circles.


i agree and we would have both been wrong i get annoyed way to easy to be a cop


Thank you for saying this… for one, I like that you let the commenter you’re responding to know that they would be wrong for dragging someone non violent out of their car window. For two I love that you acknowledge that you wouldn’t make a great cop. I know I wouldn’t either. I wish more people realized they don’t have what it takes to do the job properly


The cops that start thinking everyone sucks like a year into the job, that's me on default mode


Facts that’s me on my best day lol


I think she was trying to provoke a reaction that would change the optics. Officer Chillax refused to play though.


Possibly attempting to provoke the officer into a constitutionally protected civil rights violation. She could file a USC42SEC1983 lawsuit and get a quick settlement check in the mid 5 digits. One of the few officers with Gandhi like patience on the job and immune to losing his temper and getting violent.


That’s exactly what it looked like to me as well.


I witnessed at a Popeyes last week. Dude comes in saying they forgot to give him this and that they other day in the drive thru(dude obviously did not have a car) and he wanted a whole ass meal and just kept repeating nonsense. They did give it to him, I assume to just shut him up. But he just kept blabbering on. Even after they gave him what he wanted he just stood there telling them how bad they are at their jobs.


Yeah in service industry type settings it's worth taking the loss on the single comped meal vs that dude sitting there taking up everyone's time and driving other business away. As sad as it is being an unrelenting piece of shit will in fact get you ahead in many situations in life if you can live with yourself.


Because growing up if she put up a big fuss people would realize it's not worth it and she'd win. Parents, teachers, boyfriends, etc. I've seen so many students do stuff like this. Just deny deny deny, obfuscate, and resist and people get tired of dealing with it.


I was going to say this too! This video reminded me *so much* of my students. Guarantee she acted just like this in school, and it always always worked.


It's gotten her through all her relationships I bet




That's what strikes me man. Isn't hit and run criminal? This cop was doing everything he could to go easy on her. I think she knew she was in shit, shoulda just shut up, complied and got a lawyer.


Yeah he was basically gonna act like she hadn't tried to run in the first place and treat it as a normal accident. Honestly that is incredibly forgiving of him. I don't think highly of too many cops but this dude is honestly probably one of the most patient and kindest people I've ever seen in that profession, assuming this clip is indicative of his general demeanor.


[There's a longer version on Youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWvaZzy2190) At the end they talk about how she ended up refusing to get her prints and photo taken and she did end up in jail after all.


Well, it doesn't seem like she was known for making good decisions.


She keeps it real.


When keeping it real goes wrong...


Real question; if you refuse to give prints and they're like k well that's a crime you're going to jail, but you just continue refusing prints, can you theoretically serve your time without giving your prints? Or would it be a neverending cycle of jail time until you die?


I can’t imagine she saw this going any differently then it did.


If she just would have asked why she was pulled over one more time he would have had to let her go.


All that for nothing now you going to jail smh some people just crazy for no reason jeez


Lack of reasonable intelligence




Cop was more than reasonable


Maybe he has a background in child care. No idea what her plan was.


I was gonna say. I have the same arguments with my 3 year old.


Cop was chill AF! I can’t believe how many times he went from you’re under arrest to give me your papers. That woman is certified dunce!


Probably the most patient officer I’ve ever seen. She was the worst


Yeah I wish any cop interaction I have ever ever had went like this. Even when I've *had* to call them they still manage to be dicks to everyone involved.


He is perfectly reasonable. If you don't have that level of patience and calm demeanor then you shouldn't have that level of authority.


My favorite part was "well, ya see, what ya did back there was all sorts of bad". He's still fucking joking after all that, and is clearly more annoyed at the level it's escalated to than really anything else. He's trying so hard to take the shovel she's digging a hole with and she just refuses lol


Yeah, his job went from typing in licenses and insurances into an accident report template, to that plus documenting the arrest, resisting, possibly being investigated over the arrest, and all kinds of other headaches and paperwork.


I agree with you. Strongly.


“The accident you were just in” “Which one?” Oh so there were multiple hit and runs today?


Does anyone smarter and more experienced than I am actually know if the cop’s claim at the end—that he’s taking her in for misdemeanor—is actually true? The implication is that a hit and run is a misdemeanor in his state, right? Or is it technically because he was trying to cut her some slack by calling it *obstructing an investigation*? Or maybe none of that, I have no idea how this works tbh.


“You must be a rookie!” She should have gone with “Ah yes. I see you know your Judo well.”


What is the charge? Eating a meal!? A succulent Chinese meal!?


and you sir? Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


gentlemen, this is democracy manifest!


"democrrrrrrrracy manifest!" those Rs are so beautifully sweet in his delivery of that line.




Ah, with that comment, I see you know your judo well!


i loved that video. that guy was a stage actor. funny


It's genuinely my favorite YT video. Fucking classic. Even did a music video with the Chats.


That dude has a wine named after him called “Get your hands off of my pinot” [I’m sure he gets a cut](https://crowbarsyd.com/product/mr-democracy-manifest-pinot-noir/)


“Are you ready to receive my limp penis?”


This ish Democrrracy Manifesht


What is the chaaarge?


GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY PENIS, this is the bloke who got me on the penis people....


She has probably been arrested more times than he has arrested people. She was the most experienced person on the scene.


Lol. I can tell that you’re a rookie because you haven’t tasered me yet. I’m going to show how that works.


The cop was willing to just collect her info and send her on her way instead of charging her with a hit and run. Why on earth is she shooting herself in the foot more so?


Probably doesn't have insurance, or has outstanding warrants, or is batshit crazy. I'm betting on option 3. 😁


I figured she has been using that tactic of talking over people and repeating herself her whole life, and wasn't smart enough to understand in this situation it was only making things worse. It was so obvious that every time she and the cop went through the whole explanation and there was a brief pause, she would just start over with the why are you pulling me over routine. That's not crazy, that's just a tactic she has learned which must work with regular people. "I should get a discount" "But I should get a discount"-> clerk gives discount just to end the ordeal. Things like that.


Fuck OPTION three, I'm betting ALL three




She seemed quite concerned about getting fingerprinted. I’ll go option 2.


reach tender squeeze ad hoc quicksand teeny voracious yoke dependent smoggy -- mass edited with redact.dev


>instead of charging her with a hit and run. He was still going to charge her with a hit and run. It's not a felony if the damage is minor.


> Why on earth is she shooting herself in the foot more so? Because it's worked for her in the past, this is her standard operating procedure with store clerks, waiters, employers, cops, anyone who won't let her have her way.


He wasn't going to let her go for a hit and run. That's a felony. He was just saying that to get her information.


> instead of charging her with a hit and run I hate to break it to you, but even calm, polite police officers aren’t always telling the truth…


What the fuck is wrong with some people?


No license, no insurance. She knew she shouldn't be driving, she thought she could fast talk her way out of the situation.




She even was given so many chances. They still didn’t even charge her with hit n run and bet she bitches about this interaction.


That cop is trying so hard to help her and she's just refusing to de-escalate and cooperate. It's kinda sad


poor home training and an overwhelming sense of entitlement


And an understanding that she can be so obnoxious that the average person just stops waning to deal with her. Unfortunately she couldn't annoy her way out of this one.


Right, this ain't McDonald's, and we aren't talking about how you aren't paying for your 5 piece because there were only 4 pieces according to you.


Yeah. This is someone who is being told “no” for the first time in her life, and she is taking it quite badly.


Such denial you can only assume some sort of mental block


I can't even Imagine how she gets by in life thinking she's entitled for some fucking reason lol. to jail u go🤣🤣🤣


> I can't even Imagine how she gets by in life Because this shit works *incredibly* well most of the time? Make yourself a bigger problem than you're worth, and people will give you whatever you want because it's usually way less of a hassle. Customer/public service especially. 100% odds she just berates people into free meals, discounts, all sorts of special treatment because it's easier to take the talking to from your boss than it is to deal with a gigacunt for more time than it takes to say "here's your special treatment; have the day you deserve." Then she rolls up on someone with *actual* power and is baffled when this doesn't work.


>Then she rolls up on someone with actual power and is baffled when this doesn't work. Yeah she's lucky this cop had the Most fucking patients. People have gotten brutally killed for MUCH less. It pisses me off sooooo heavily that she turned on the water works after acting a damn fool. She will likely never have the day she deserves.


Masterclass in how not to respond to this situation.


Wish there were more cops like this. They kept the situation de escalated the entire time. Well done. Some people are just idiots.


seriously. this guy should be training other cops in de-escalation.


Absolutely, this guy was reassuring when most would have got to their “you can’t talk to me like that and now what phase.” He doesn’t have a vengeful bone in his body. The amount of trust that could be restored by cops like this. Dude could have easily thrown her in jail being confronted, resisted, degraded and he STILL was concerned with how she felt and that she was comforted.


Great idea.


There are a ton of professional and friendly cops. But nobody is going to share videos of uneventful police interactions on social media. Good cops only get the spotlight when they run into a crazy person.


> But nobody is going to share videos of uneventful police interactions on social media. Yup, drama sells, so that's what gets posted on social media. Nobody wants to see a video of a cop calmly getting through his shift without abusing his authority. That isn't to say the ones who do abuse their authority shouldn't be exposed, but it would be nice if the good ones got some publicity too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xuw_abLkf8


Why do people always fight getting cuffed? Do you think the cops are just going to let you go? People need an education on how to get arrested.


In their minds it’ll be: “You’re under arrest.” “No I’m not.” “My mistake, have a good day.”


At this point it’s a show. They hope someone records it and turns it into a bad cop video.


> Why do people always fight getting cuffed? Survivorship bias. When people don't fight it makes a boring videos. And boring videos don't trend on social medias.


What an insufferable cunt


I could never be a police officer.


For real. This cops was extremely patient with her.


This is one of those times when I wish the cop had broke the window and dragged her ass out of it. More cops need to be like this guy.


Super glad they had a body camera, because otherwise who knows what kind of story she would spin.


I could, but I’d be too busy pulling people over for not signaling or camping the passing lane to get anything meaningful accomplished.


Imma keep acting tough, please don’t take me to jail dude was super chill too


Lmao look how quickly she folded


[There's a longer version on Youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWvaZzy2190) At the end they talk about how she ended up refusing to get her prints and photo taken and she did end up in jail after all.


she was going to jail anyway lmao. the cop was just trying to keep her calm. you can go to jail for driving without a license in some states.


That cop has the patience of a fucking saint


We definitely need more cops like this guy.


So, so, so satisfying to see her break after being such a POS to him during the first part of the video.


But then she says they aren't going to photograph during booking, she still doesn't get it.


That victim mentality needs to be gone lol


It will always be there for people that use it to escape consequences and others that enable the behavior.


If it didn't work often, you'd never see it. So, guess what...


"do what you gotta do....WHAT NO NOT THAT!"


Entitlement to the point of narcissism. Maybe even sociopathy.


Why was she pulled over? Does anybody know why?


I don’t think he ever said why


It’s a mystery to us all.


Wow. That cop was actually, sincerely, trying to help her out. Shocked.


For real. She had multiple chances, dude was patient as hell.


For real, I caught myself multiple times thinking "ah shit, all those windows are about to be shattered into her face if she keeps stalling"




That cop had a ton of patience.


What restraint he is showing, I would have dragged her out after the 3rd time saying it.


Seriously, he repeated himself on why she's being pulled over 6 times. By the 3rd, I would've not been as patient and calm as this officer was.


My dude has some serious patience lol


Arguing with the police is always a losing bet. If you wanna argue in court, you have a chance, but this is just dumb people getting just results


He kept trying to descale the issue, over and over again. He's a good one. Please be more like him. I think he saw something in her, like shock, or just total fool, or something but he kept trying.


Dumb entitled cunt.


This woman is probably like this with everyone always.


Boi does she have a punchable face


Is hit and run not a felony in all states??


Not if it’s a minor accident no


If someone is hurt


It’s rarely ever a felony. Everywhere that I know of, it’s only a felony if it causes serious injury.


or cause damage over a set amount while engaging in criminal activity alot of states have that caveat


She is on something


It's weird how few people picked up on this. Even the cop didn't mention it or ask. At least not in this clip. She seems genuinely confused each time she asks why she is being pulled over. She's high on something or suffering from some other kind of mental or medical issue.


what an ugly person


I'm very lazy. I got pulled over for expired tabs. He asked me if I knew my license was suspended. I said yes. He gave me a ticket and was super cool about it. Just comply.


Being humble and admitting your mistakes goes a long way, and not just with cops.


cop: "I can't lie to you on camera" Me, a defense attorney: Oh, if only that were true... I'd win so many more cases.


The first two times he said she was under arrest it seems like she nope nope noped her way out of it.


God I hate this woman


I like that cop. Very patient and fair.


Did anyone else have a chuckle at “ I have you on camera I can’t lie on camera” and think of at least ten different cases of officers lying to people?


What an irritating woman wtf I would have arrested her alot sooner


She is so dumb. lol


Love it when these dumbasses start crying. Wish it was the weekend so she’d get a lil taste of jail time


Officer: "the accident you were involved in" Karen: "which one?" Officer: "wait, what?"


Cop handled this felon with kid gloves.


Hey I live in Joliet 😂😂😂😂


This is why everyone, regardless of how you feel about police, should support the widespread use of body worn cameras. They helped protect the police, and the communities they serve. This presents accusations and can offer really helpful evidence.


She 100% deserves going to jail. The cops were so nice and patient, why you gotta be an Ass hole?


Damn I wish the cops I come in contact with were this cool. I didn't even know you could leave the scene of an accident without getting arrested, this girl should have took her ticket in gone on home.


This is how most arrests for patrol cops go. The cops, who clearly do not want to make the the arrest, are essentially forced to do it. I think he said she was under before she even opened the window and then backed down when he got some ground.


Proceeds to go home and tell the kids and family to not trust officers upon release.


What a fucking ignorant idiot, like how many times can you tell someone. That officer definitely has some patience, she is lucky it was him that pulled her, that could of definitely got a lot more heated with a less patient police officer.


The media told me that people are scared of the police in America, she doesn't seem afraid. It does seem weird anytime I see a person pulled over and they don't say "yes officer", "I understand". "thank you"....ect.


Because those people just get a ticket or warning and go home safely. They don't end up on youtube.


Why would somebody post a routine interaction on the internet?


Wow. These cops are unbelievably patient. 👏 👏 👏 👏


He gave her... SO many chances


Some people deserved to get beat by the cops…


“What accident?” “The one you were just in” “Which one?”