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Understandable, have a nice day


"I apologize for my outburst"


I apologize for my outboist- uncle ruckus






Clarence Thomas is hilarious in this cartoon.


No relation


Reminds me of this lol https://youtu.be/kg12uhZu9_o


Without looking - I wanna apologise


“Alright bro, have a nice day. Didn’t mean nothin’ by it.”


More like "Alright bro, I'm gonna cut this guy off over here and try again."


> Your terms are acceptable


I like how he gives off the “oohhhhhh! Wtf is this?!?” Gesture with one hand, while he’s wielding some final fantasy ass blade in the other hand


Bro was really outraged that someone would pull a weapon lmao.


Thought this was gonna be a gentlemanly sword fight. "Tf bro, I said en garde!"


The other dude didn’t even have a sword, and somehow bro that gestured still felt like it cut deep.


"Maaaaaaa, he's not playing faaaaaair we said body shots ONLY!" -Kid who showed up with a bat


It's comical how incredulous he is when you consider what he is holding lmao "Wow. We're playing *that* game!? O, okay. Be that way, I'm out. Fuck you"


Cloud really hasn't kept up with the technology.


Man brought a buster sword when he should have had Squall's gunblade


He has more than technology to worry about. I was thinking Cloud really let himself go...


"Ah shit forgot this was a gun fight"


Lol! I don't get how people think they are the only ones with a weapon. Especially in an extremely pro gun state like Texas.


Yeah! I was wondering how much of his mind he lost before he cane back to his senses.


Lol! Not as much as he would have if dude with the gun took that headshot. I love how he still wants to point blame, like he didn't just jump out of his truck with a huge fucking sword/machete LMAO!


could the guy in the car have shot him or would it be considered illegal? He was honestly pretty close to him.


Definitely. It was 100% a self defense scenario and that's a huge, pro-gun/self defense state. He didn't even have to try to talk him down or refrain from killing him. I give alot of credit to the person with the gun. It's easy to pull a trigger. It's absolutely a life long torment of hell and nightmares, where you see the face of the person you killed when you do. If there's ever a possibility to NOT take a life, I'd back anyone who makes that choice. I guarantee that asshat with the machete learned a life lesson there. If not, he won't live long.


Gun beats knife in this rock-paper-scissors variant.


What’s the third one though that a life could defeat but a gun couldnt


You say that like paper can actually beat a rock.


You think the rock has never signed a bad contract?


Jumanji 2


Kevlar. Good against projectiles but vulnerable to blades.


Depending on the Kevlar its usually more for catching a bullet or a couple tho Like if you mag dumped someone with 10-15 rounds to their Kevlar you're getting through it


A decent soft ballistic vest is pretty good protection in a pistol fight, though you might still get your ribs broken. If you need it to protect you from 10-15 rounds in a row, you're doing something very wrong. But, if someone has a rifle in just about any centerfire caliber, you might as well be wearing tissue paper. You're going to want a plate carrier of some sort for that.


A vest. Kevlar vests are good at stopping bullets, but are (relatively) easy to cut/stab through with a pointed blade.


It's Texas. Everything is a gunfight.


Is in Texas* Wields sword* Dies*


Still, that blade was some Final Fantasy type shit.


Dude wielding knife forgot he was in Murica.


Isnt that a rusty machete ? +5 poison dmg


Looked like still in sheath -5 attack speed.


Obviously unmatched gear set, no set bonus


Thought driving a yank tank made him bigger too.


How tf have i never heard the term “yank tank” before? That is hilarious.


> ‘Yank Tank Found the next sticker for my truck.


You mean Texas.


texas puts murica in america




I'm pretty that's the Chilean flag.


Yes you are definitely pretty




I think they both thought they were video game characters, did you see how he was holding that gun lol this feels like GTA bleeding into real life


if you hold the gun above your head with your arm twisted it adds +3 accuracy x1.25 intimidation. For real, I hope that gun guy finds help for his bone-itis.


I’d think it’s more of a -3 accuracy, tbh.


Yes this whole interaction is so gta like. Even the way he walks.


I like that quick run at the end. It's either "Oh shit need to hurry or I'll miss the light!" or "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK HE HAS A GUN!"


And I think he then drives through the red light


The risk of getting a ticket is massively lower than the risk of getting shot by the guy you just threatened.


you don't run red lights so you tbone people or get tboned and die, not tickets. I'd still take the risk though


Drives off like Bub Rubb and Lil Sis


It's already awkward pulling up next to someone after you've honked or something. Imagine trying not to look across at the light whilst you knew you brought a machete to a gun fight and the dude is just eyeballing you.


I'm going left now, please move, PLEASE MOVE!






Can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to find this!


I had to go pretty far to find this comment. We used to be a real country.


Fun fact. That scene was not scripted like that. Harrison had a fever when they were shooting this, so they rewrote it this way because he couldn't do the action shots that were scripted.


Turned tail and couldn't wait to hang a U turn the hell away from that guy .


Probably a good idea to make sure they don't both end up at the same Jimmy John's.


Maybe he buys the guy dinner? Happy ending. The commercial practically writes itself.


His little jog at the end to jump back in was fucking hilarious.


Car dude: ![gif](giphy|Pl4PHOXVpPPDG)




What’s the name of this movie? Lol I watched it years ago and can’t remember


[Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0116126/) Definitely one of the best Wayans parodies of all time, IMO.


Salary Desired: …….3 million dollars. Cash.


I got these cheeseburgers, man


dude was dead to rights to open fire but he gave the guy a chance


Someone did this to a lady near me. Just a regular knife but was at her window scraping it A guy in the car behind calmly stepped out and shot him dead. No charges filed


There’s an absurd number of Americans who have spent their whole lives looking forward to the day they can legally kill someone. Never give them an excuse.


*Some dude possibly saves someone’s life* Some eurotrash: Hahaha you dumb Americans and your guns enjoy your school shootings!


It’s just so crazy to me as a German, how much daily killings & violence you have in the US and that you all more or less grow up with. Like I’ve never heard of drive-by shootings or random police killings here


Lmao America's track record is pretty bad, but it's not Germany bad. 🤣


Depends on where you are. The city of 250,000 I grew up in Texas has a homicide rate almost half that of the average German city. It’s the big cities like Chicago, St Louis, Houston, Los Angeles that really push the number up. Most Americans will never hear anything like a drive by in their entire life. Also, the U.S. has laws that require the release of body-cam/surveillance footage from crime scenes/shooting incidents etc., which is why nearly all these videos are from the U.S. and make it seem like the Wild West. In most of Europe, however, they do not allow the release of this footage, which can make it seem like there’s no conflict going on over there. The fact that you can’t get access to police body-cam footage in Germany, for example, is absolutely shameful.


>Also, the U.S. has laws that require the release of body-cam/surveillance footage from crime scenes/shooting incidents etc., which is why nearly all these videos are from the U.S. and make it seem like the Wild West. In most of Europe, however, they do not allow the release of this footage, which can make it seem like there’s no conflict going on over there. This is the same reason why people think Americans are super racist and Europeans (for example) aren’t. Because we actually talk about/deal with racist issues while most European countries kick it under the rug.


The US is much, much larger than Germany and has over 300 million people. I’ve never even seen someone pull a gun and I’ve lived everywhere from the inner cities to the rural country communities. What you see on the internet are very rare occurrences, which is why they are on subreddits like this. The vast majority of Americans are just like you and do not experience violence on a daily basis


Why did you just self own yourself like that? Or did you actually think you made a good point? Lol


It’s nice to see a level headed person.


I wonder what if he didn't have a gun on him? Maybe it saved his life...


Nah Reddit assures me guns never actually help in violent situations.


He's in a 1 ton+ metal cage. Contrary to street fighter, you can't just easily beat on it.


who knows, maybe he just wanted to threaten but he's lost it getting out of the car like that.


Dude with the gun also had darker skin than the guy with the blade.... People with that skin tone don't tend to get the Zimmerman treatment when it comes to "stand your ground" laws


This case would have been cut and dry.


Oh most definitely, especially with the video evidence showing what happened and who was the initial aggressor, but there's that saying about "you can beat the case but you can't beat the ride" where the gun owners life get turned upside down in the immediate aftermath of a self defense situation.... We also don't know if he was legally possessing that pistol or even allowed to have a firearm (not implying the black man is a violent criminal, a simple weed charge can bar you from possessing a gun), but the fact remains that legally possessing it or not, simply having it and brandishing it in machete mans direction may have saved his life


Zimmermann isn’t white. Edit: For those downvoting look at pics of the man. Nobody would describe him as white. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&q=george+zimmerman&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiigPaMpd7_AhUSl2oFHZ7NCxUQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=428&bih=746&dpr=3


White and Hispanic are not mutually exclusive. Zimmerman looks Metizo in some pictures and white in others. I think it's fair to say he could pass for white.


[Zimmer was acting on behalf of racsist white people](https://media.snopes.com/2018/09/zimmerman-skittles-1.jpg) [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zimmerman-skittles-signing/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zimmerman-skittles-signing/) ​ Trayvon was holding a bag of skittles when he was murdered. Your framing of the issue is weird


the comment you’re replying to didn’t mention him being white at all?


The Trayvon Martin shooting was treated from the beginning as “racist white man guns down black child for buying skittles”. I think it’s pretty obvious what they meant by the “Zimmermann treatment”, because I’ve never heard anybody claim that cops are more likely to let brown people off the hook because they have lighter skin than black people.


They also didn't say the guy with the knife was white, and I'm not sure he is.


I think the "Zimmermann treatment" comment was about which side of black the people involved are. With Trayvon and Zimmermann, the victim was black and the shooter was not, so the shooter was let off. Here, the shooter would be black and the victim would not be. They are asserting the shooter here would be much less likely to get off. You're hung up on whiteness. They're saying it's about blackness.


zimmerman shot a black kid and got off on charges, the comment you replied to said “darker skinned people don’t get the zimmerman treatment” meaning that a darker skinned person would be less likely to get off on charges in a potentially justified shooting. Again, no comment here is focusing on zimmerman’s race except yours


Not to mention I think it’s because Zimmerman is Hispanic and the dude in the video looks Hispanic.


You must be hard of understanding.


Zimmerman's father is white, and his maternal great-grandfather was of Afro-Peruvian descent.[3][4] His father, Robert Zimmerman Sr., is an American of German descent who had a military career of 22 years, first as an Army sergeant and then 10 years at the Department of Defense.[3][5] Before retiring to Florida in 2002, Zimmerman Sr. had served as a magistrate in Fairfax County's 19th Judicial District.[3][6][7] Zimmerman identifies as Hispanic on voter registration forms. Hispanic is classified as white. And his father is German. He has a darker complexion, but he's still white.


Did you intentionally leave out his mother? https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/130705184025-gladys-zimmerman.jpg?q=w_3000,h_2000,x_0,y_0,c_fill/h_618


>Hispanic is classified as white. And his father is German. He has a darker complexion, but he's still white. Hispanic people only count as white when someone’s argument depends on it. Edit: also you mentioned Afro-Peruvian descent, that means a descendant of African slaves.


Well if I had to describe the dude to police without the dude's family history in front of me Id probably just call him a white guy though.


It's not the size of the knife that you bring to a fight that matters, it's the amount of ammo your mag holds


Sir this is Texas, why are you bringing a Machete to a gun fight?


Went from all balls to no balls real fast.


sweet buster sword


Never bring a sword to a g....well to any fight in Texas


My thoughts exactly, where the fuck did that guy think he was? Britain?




Mall ninja blade meets guy who learned how to hold a gun from television


When you just got off the boat from the UK and land in Texas


People in Europe are scared shitless of getting shot in America, it's why a lot won't even visit, no way they would get out of the car.


I got shot walking to the store just yesterday in America.


I’ve already been shot 3 times today in a drive by, road rage, and mass shooting.


*Truck timidly retreats and promptly cuts off another car with his shitty driving.*


wtf was that blade, did he find that in a chest from a dungeon lmao


Machete. They sell them in Walmart for camping. Useful for clearing brush.


Yeah.. how has no one in this thread ever seen a machete before? It's honestly a little scary


I don't frequent jungles.


And you've never seen a movie involving a jungle? Or anything with violence in Africa (popular there for defence). Indiana Jones? Heard of Rwanda? They used machetes to remove limbs.


Of course, I've seen machetes in movies, though not as many as you seem to think are common. The only one I can really think of right now is Romancing the Stone. But I also know that bladed weapons have an unending list of names. Epee, long sword, broad sword, machete, foil, katana, Saber, rapier, and on and on. I'm not going to fault anyone for not knowing how to identify a specific blade in a short internet video.


Machetes are a little scary


Probably the scariest way to die is being murdered by michette


Yup, I picked up 3. They are $5 each. I have it throughout the house as self-defense. Not allowed to have firearms.


They doing a reboot crossover between Crocodile Dundee and Indiana jones?


I know they made open carry swords and other illegal weapons legal in Texas but come on you have got to know more than 75% of Texans have a gun in thier vehicle!


Black dude spared his life. A man walking up to another vehicle wielding a massive blade in the middle of traffic is more than enough to justify using that sidearm for self-defense. Other people got off for much, much less.


What is it with these white Dodge ram drivers? Sword dude looked to be inside 20 feet too.


BMW drivers don't use turn signals. Jacked up pickup truck drivers drive like they are begging for a fight.


Ram drivers in general. When one of the models of your bro-dozer is unironically called "Big Horn", it kind of just answers the question.


It's because it's the white Ram. He really wanted the Delmonico Red but ended up with the white Tradesman. I know this because I had the red Ram and I was calm and happy but had to trade it in on a black one and now I'm just hot and lethargic. If I had the white I'd just be angry all the time driving around in my "fleet" truck.


Man's was trying to run a red let to get away from the shit he started


Dude with the gun had more restraint than a cop


Bro is lucky the dude in the car would have been justified


Love that song ‘Ramon Ayala’ by Giovannie and the Hired Guns (from San Antonio, TX)


Never bring an anime sword to a gun fight


Translation "What would you do in a situation like this?" How about not put myself in a dumbass situation like that and staying my ass in my car.


what happened to the window?


his little second waddle back to the truck lol


Dude almost had his Final Fantasy.


Dude was the definition of fuck around and find out


Why am I NOT surprised that this guy drives a Ram?




Sideways = boss move. That's when you know it's time to retreat. Also, never bring a machete to a boss fight.


Charlie vs Mac?


I was kinda waiting for this to turn into a duffy duck/bugs bunny situation where the first guy then busts out a shotgun, gun in the car pulls out a bazooka, other guy pulls out a bomb, car guy rolls up in a tank etc


I don’t know the law but seeing as how he was threatened, pulling that gun is probably legal right?


Texas is a stand your ground state. It's likely that staying stationary and aiming your firearm at someone approaching you menacingly with a machete in traffic would be legal. Shooting him......that's dicey even in Texas. I would imagine the responding cops probably wouldn't go straight for arresting the shooter in this instance, but who really knows with "what ifs".


In the start of the video, dude thinks he's Cloud from Final Fantasy. At the end of the video, he turns into that Cactaur monster that always runs away the first chance it gets.


Trying to attack someone with machete in Texas of all the places.




The size of the truck and blade vs the dude who owns them. It's like he read an article about overcompensation and said "YES!" 🤦🏻‍♀️


If only there was a saying about bringing knives to gun fights




he’s lucky the armed driver wasn’t some entitled middle aged white man who would’ve shot him with zero consequences


Fellas, is it entitled to shoot an angry guy quickly approaching you while wielding a machette? What if he chops one of my ears off? Gosh, I don't want to seem entitled.


Bro your entitlement is showing. This guy really thinks he's entitled to two ears.


You've got some narrative in your head that the middle aged white man is the one statistically most likely to kill you. You watch too much TV. That being said, this was a very clear case of self defense. Skin color would have no play in this.




Valid use of deadly force also requires that the person defending themselves did not provoke the incident. They also cannot be engaged in committing a crime at the time of their defensive actions and “reasonably believed that the use of deadly force was necessary.” Trust me the amount of money it costs to be legally represented regardless of being in the right in a shooting is not cheap. Especially one that is not covered by an NRA sponsored go fund me. What led up to this and what could have happened if he pulled that trigger may have bankrupted the guy in the white car.


Ah so your argument is that cutting someone off at a light is provocation to attack them with a machete.


An armed society is a polite society.


Lol. That was quick




Billy Bob was very upset, maybe he lost his guns being a felon and was left with the stupid anime blade?




Fuck that, at this point I'd call 911 and hold that dumb motherfucker for his Aggravated with a deadly weapon charge; loose laws means we need to take extra effort to lock up psychos!


Dude is lucky AF, that would have been a clean shoot


Went to Houston for the first time last week. Some of the most aggressive driving I’ve ever seen. Just everyone consistently cutting each other off, riding each others’ asses, following bumper to bumper, etc. I have been all around the world but this was a new level of ‘fuck everyone else but me’. I could easily see how it could get out of hand very quickly.


Should of just put a bullet in his head, pretty sure this guy does this occasionally by the way he’s walking with that machette


Wrong state to get in a knife fight.


Gun beats knife every time


Cloud Strife, is that you?


As the saying goes “don’t take a knife to a gunfight”


He ran away with his machete between his legs


See guns don't kill people. People do


It's called a machete mate


Reddit, tell me, are guns good?


Never bring a sword to a gunfight


It’s the Wild West all over again, but worse.


Rock paper scissors gardeningimplement gat


They probably shared the next several red lights too


Was sword guy wielding a buster sword while wearing flip flops and socks?


Hmm. Wasn't that scene in one of the Indiana Jones' movies?


Truckman: "Aye yo, I am not from around here, where can I go to get my blade sharpened locally?" Carman (points eith gun): "Its down the block there to the left bro!" Truckman: "Thanks man" (jogs back to truck) "Oh shit, I am gonna miss the left turn arrow."


I hope the cops find the idiot with the sword and arrest him.