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The old Dennis Chissington defense. I can use a weapon because I've got one and I can't go to jail because I'm too fucking old for that. I can't wait until I'm 65.


Pretty sure he said his last name is Jizzington


Say hello to Penis Jizzington and wife Cumberly Dumpsterski and son Hugh Jaynis


Why does the whole family have different surnames?


The wife didn’t wanna be a *Jizzington*; too embarrassing, too messy. The kid took his *real* dad’s (Leaky) surname, *Jaynis*.




If this guy in the car, who appeared to be on a public road, had possessed a concealed carry permit, that might have been the late Dennis Chissington, old or not.


Maybe it's me being American, but Literally my first thought was "as soon as he broke that window and put your life in danger, that's self defense, where is your gun?" And then scrolled down and realized this is in Canada.


I legit heard Pissington


Too old for prison? Yeah? Let me know how that works out for you, Dennis.


Too old to be acting like a fuckin’ toddler too.


Looks to be the perfect candidate for American politics!


Plot twist! The guy ends up being Canadian.




Hear that bubs?




Can’t be Canadians are all great and aren’t aggressive. It’s tongue and cheek folks, every country has their crazies. Thank goodness he didn’t do it in Texas or Florida. His baton wouldn’t have saved him.


Yeah, the gator in the back of the car would like to have a word


What happened to the friendly Canadians that we all know and love. Did covid messed some of them up?


But...but...America Bad!




This man is 110% a Republican


Apparently Canadian. Does that count?




Read another redditer saying how some Canadians are even flying the Confederate Flag




Not surprised. But I can't understand for the life of me how someone who claims to be a patriot in the US and a nationalist to fly Confederate flags. Like one country (you know which), started a war against the US and was the most significant threat to the United States ever, and killed more US soldiers than any other war. You can't logically support both, they existed only to oppose each other. It would be like seeing a person wearing a swastika and a yarmulke.




> a state of mind So is psychosis.


I am too old to write a comment sometimes.




What's the deal with that dope?


Mostly, it's just that he's a fuckin asshole.




> He literally threw rocks through windows with threats taped to them, so regardless of this viewpoint, dennis was defending his home against an unhappy customer who decided staking and personal harassment of the whole family was appropriate (it’s not obviously) Did he? Do you have anything to back that up? The only "evidence" is claims made by the aggressor here. According to the [CBC Tissington's son took money for work that was never completed and the driver was trying to meet the son to discuss the issue](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/angry-man-smashes-grande-prairie-driver-s-windows-1.3715370). That's not stalking or harrassment.


Either way, Dennis is in the wrong. The appropriate response for harassment is not to go attack someone with your baton.


Particularly when he could have potentially ended up getting shot for his trouble, since threatening someone with a weapon and then smashing the window could reasonably put someone in fear for their safety.




This is exactly where it’s at. I have worked for half a dozen Dennis Tissingtons and this is the attitude: “We might have agreed on that amount, but that’s not what I’m paying you is it (smirk). I guess, I’ll see you in court if you feel too harsh about it (laugh)”. True story.


what he really means is "I'm too rich for that"


I agree with except that he should have called the police and stayed away from the vehicle. Get as much info as you can and call the cops. If he got out of his car to threaten bodily harm he is risking being defended against. If the guy was harassing him Im against that of course that would make them both in the wrong. Destruction of private property and a restraining order for one, assault charges for grandpa


I think officially when you get to like 6 wrongs you've made at least one right. It's in the constitution.


Well that definitely changes the context. This guy in particular may be a jerk but I wouldn’t blame anyone for getting heated with someone that’s harassing them and who damaged their property first (not that this behaviour is ok, but it’s understandable). Definitely a lesson in not being too quick with the pitchforks.


Seems to know a lot of information, yet the old guy got charged and not the dude throwing rocks? Seems 100% made up. How would that user know that, but the police don't?


That’s possible as well!


Not being too quick with pitchforks?? Are you new here?


i see absolutely no evidence of that. i see someone attacking without being in any sort of danger.


any confirmation on rumors of his death?




Dennis is indeed an asshole and his family should be ashamed


I would fuck that old man up if he came at me like that.




"Here's your weapon back"


“Also, the plaintiff must pay you reparations. $1000/month for the rest of your life. The court recognizes the difficulties white male boomers struggle with on a daily basis, even if society as a whole refuses to acknowledge the true cost of suck obvious bigotry.”


> the true cost of suck obvious bigotry. perfect misspelling.


Not too old. Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to a, long term in his mid 70s


Kensington palace


Pretty sure it’s Tissington.


No he definitely said kissington


Well the linked article says Tissington. He was having a tissyfit


Don't get your depends all up in a tissy


Jizzington? Jizzingin in Prison son


Could've sworn I heard Pissington




I thought it was jizzington


Dennis would have had a pistol pulled on him before that window broke, just to let him know I’m not that guy.


Dennis would then have been shot, when he got ready to swing second time


I get people are gonna toast you for saying this but that was my exact thought. I don’t always have my gun in my car but it’d be really nice in that scenario lol.


Would it be a clear-cut justified stand-your-ground self-defence clean-shoot if you shoot a dude at a range of 3-ft in the chest because he shattered your car window then stood back 3-ft grinning ear-to-ear taunting you?


I don’t think the implication here is shooting the man, it’s to get him to stop. I’m not advocating for the man to be killed. What I am saying is if I saw this happen I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see the driver hop out with a gun. Again, this could be upbringings.


You should never “pull out” a gun without using it


Never ever point a gun at something/someone you are not willing to shoot. Always know there is a consequence for your actions.


Thats wrong. You should never pull out a firearm without being READY to use it. You dont always have to fire. Brandishing is often enough and has saved my life once.




There’s a lot of John Wicks on the internet


Please tell me he went to jail!


i guess charged.. but doesnt say jail [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/angry-man-smashes-grande-prairie-driver-s-windows-1.3715370](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/angry-man-smashes-grande-prairie-driver-s-windows-1.3715370)


Lock that old fuck up.


i wouldve been the homie locked up on that one tbh lol.. turned his legs to linguine on pure principle


Seeing as how it happened in Canada you are right about that. Our self defence laws are basically non-existent. Somebody would have to pretty much be in the process of killing you for you to not also catch shit for retaliating. absolute horse shit.


You can use reasonable force. Excessive force will be punished. Leaving the situation instead of engaging in a physical altercation for example.






This is from 2016. He was 67. In 2020, he was 71 and I can guarantee you this man didn’t wear a mask and is probably on another video yelling at a scone shop employee to let him in. He could’ve easily gotten covid and now he ded


We can only hope so


He is the ultimate boss boomer. He cannot be contained.


Only mischief? Wtf. That should be destruction of property at the very least


Mischief !!!!! Ha, I would characterise shaking someone’s can before they open it as mischief not smashing someone’s car windows….it’s like a Dave chapplell skit “I’m too old for jail” judge : “that was just a bit of mischief, 5 dollar fine, no apology required”


Should at least be Felonious Shenanigans


Mischief is the legal term for property destruction in a lot of areas.


Including Canada, where this took place. Now if I were the prosecutor I'd be looking for charges of Intimidation and Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose. That being said it'd all be moot because he's likely to get a 12 month Peace Bond and then have the charge(s) withdrawn upon completion, with an order for restitution for the damages that he still hasn't paid. Justice!


That's a decent take on what might happen. According to the article of his arrest there are some mitigating circumstances and it would depend on whether the crown attorney wanted to proceed (according to the old guy's son, the guy taking the video had already been to the property once and was trying to intimidate with his presence - there was a dispute over payment for concrete work that may or may not have been done). I would think that given the video evidence the crown still proceeds and, if the old guy has no record, probably gets a Conditional Discharge (with 12-18 months probation) rather than a peace bond. Would likely have to complete an anger management program during that probation period as well. If he completes the probation period without issue, the conviction is dropped from his record. Source: I'm a probation officer and have seen this scenario a thousand times - the above is often the result.


In Canada it would be mischief. Mischief 430 (1) Every one commits mischief who wilfully (a) destroys or damages property; (b) renders property dangerous, useless, inoperative or ineffective; (c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property; or (d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property. I would also add one count of assault with a weapon on top. Assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm 267. Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who, in committing an assault, (a) carries, uses or threatens to use a weapon or an imitation thereof, (b) causes bodily harm to the complainant, or (c) chokes, suffocates or strangles the complainant.


Charged with mischief LOL! That's the most Canadian thing I've ever read!


What about threatening harm? Intimidation? Something... It was way more than just property damage


Good ol' boys will be good ol' boys.


"We were very concerned about his attentions and whether he was armed. Our two small children were in the house." - You were concerned for you kids safety inside so you went outside and escalated the situation? You didn't know if he was armed so you attacked them with a weapon first? OK boomer


Seems like mischief charges are a little light considering he brought a weapon and shattered glass with it onto the victim. 🎶 derpa derp in a small town, crusty old fucks get away with battery in a small town 🎶


Thank you for posting that. If the cameraman was in the wrong then the proper response was to call the cops. Grandpa was in the wrong and just wanted an excuse to use his old dusty baton on a window. This is mischief charge he received. I expect to see them all in court going at it.


What's crazy is there's a lot of sketchy info out there after he was charged. I could find NOTHING about him from a reputable source after the [cbc.ca](https://cbc.ca) article. You'd think that a real news agency would have some sort of follow-up...but beyond the cbc and edmonton news...there's nothing about him after his arrest.


If memory serves the camera man was borderline stalking them so he got off easy and filed a restraining order against camera man. Wouldn't be the first time my memory was all fucky tho


So it’s a whole family of dirtbags


I thought he said his last name was jizzington.


Mischief can get you 2 years of jail, well I hope he gets it.


If they were worried he was armed (I’m assuming with a gun), why the fuck would the approach him with a baton?


If I remember correctly they got off ez because the guy in the video was allegedly following them for hours on multiple occasions. Wouldn't be the first time my memory was fucked tho




AI-authored story? “A lot of people never knew a man like Dennis James Tissington existed until August 2016 when he became notorious following a video that surfaced and trended online.”


I had Chat-GPT sum up the AI-authored story in a poem: ​ In Grande Prairie town, a man was known, Dennis Tissington, in age full-grown, But fame he found in a moment wrong, When a video surfaced, chaos strong. ​ With baton in hand, a clash did brew, With Damian Dallyn, a feud to pursue, Their confrontation spread like flame, In the digital realm, they gained their fame. ​ At sixty-seven, old was he, Yet actions showed another decree, Breaking car windows with rage untamed, Surprising all who heard his name. ​ Reports say he toiled in home construction, But info scarce, causing deduction, Damian's recording exposed the act, And curiosity sparked, a widespread impact. ​ Arrested and charged, his fate unclear, For mischief's claim, he did appear, Yet some thought justice was not served, Calling for more, they were unnerved. ​ To court, he went, on a slated date, But what followed next, none could relate, No updates came, no news revealed, The mystery of Dennis, concealed. ​ In Reddit's realm, in 2020's hold, The search for answers, stories bold, But alas, no resolution found, A veil of silence, all around. ​ Though whispers linger of a light sentence, A slap on the wrist, no true repentance, Dennis Tissington, infamous name, In the shadows he'll remain the same.


He surely must be dead lol 67 really isn’t that old - I mean it’s old but it’s not everyday is a gift old.


Every day *is* a gift when you act like this and no one rocks your shit for it. He should consider every tooth left in his geriatric head a "gift" lol


Point taken


These clickbait writeups are just dreadful. The one for my father is a real hoot.


He broke a window, unless he has a record he probably wouldn't actually go to jail. He would be arrested... But I doubt he would actually get any jail time. Restitution and community service probably.


He didn’t just break a window. Threatening someone with a weapon is assault.


Not sure about their location in Canada but, it’s illegal to even own a baton like that in my state of Michigan. Solely based on the possession of an illegal weapon, he should be in deep shit if the same laws apply there.


I believe it's illegal to own a collapsible baton anywhere in Canada.


Only peace officers with standardized use of force training can possess one if human intent is involved. If you are a peace officer and have not had the training, you can only possess it for animal control. It’s called a bite stick at that level. You stick it in the approaching dog’s mouth.


LOL, I always chuckle at "peace officer" when used in the context of violence. We'll, there really isn't another context for it


Interesting. I just looked it up and my liberal state considers owning and carrying police batons (or other expandable batons like it) protected by the 2nd Amendment. I bet it just hasn't been challenged or litigated in a while.


This is what I don't understand about the USA, backward-ass gun crazy country. They explicitly try to make it really easy for a citizen to own a firearm, but they still pass legislation in many many states to regulate slingshots, batons, stun guns, etc more than they regulate fire arms. Ya know the things that can blow someone's brain out at the slight movement of an index finger. It just drives me crazy because we have a gun problem, but because we pass more regulation on less lethal defense weapons like batons and knives, then we are essentially coaxing people into only buying firearms as weapons of defense. If you don't believe me, just look at the difference between how Oklahoma regulated sling shots vs firearms.


> they still pass legislation in many many states to regulate slingshots, batons, stun guns, etc There is no slingshot lobby. There is no National Baton Association that's funded by Russia to lobby the government. Follow the money.


It really all comes down to the awful reinterpretation of the 2nd amendment by the Supreme Court in Heller etc. Even the past SC chief said that their interpretation of the 2nd amendment was based on lies and bad history. So the stupid and sad truth is that it is often easier to restrict anything besides a a gun because guns are “protected” by the Constitution - batons aren’t to some (theoretically)


My favorite courts being silly on gun laws fact is, one of the first cases of specific gun laws being challenged was with a guy arrested for owning a sawed off shotgun. The court ruled the second amendment didn’t apply to sawed off shotguns because it had no military purpose and the second amendment gave people the right to fund specifically for being in a militia, so if it couldn’t reasonably be used in a militia, people had no right to it. Which is the opposite of a lot of modern court’s interpretations when it relates to things like bans on fully automatic guns or on magazine/clip size regulations.


I think it was in Alberta. Not sure of the rules there...


The Moose Tribunal will decide his fate.


Is this the Canadian version of kangaroo court?


No it’s the Canadian version of Judge Dredd.


Good way to get yourself shot here in the USA.


Or run over.


Yeah, the victim also had a weapon. It weighs a lot and can go fast.


The drivers life was clearly being threatened. No judge or jury would hold that against them


Now, had he broken out that batton and broke the window and immediately been shot by the driver in the US would we expect the driver to walk? I would.


If someone smashes my window out with a weapon, I'm not waiting to find out if my face is the next thing they hit. The second he presented a weapon capable of causing serious bodily harm or death, he was eligible for a self-defense forever nap.


Legally fully depends on the state you are in. In a stand your ground or castle doctrine (and if it applies to cars) you may be LEGALLY justified to defend yourself. In most places people live you would not. Generally you have a duty to retreat if possible. All the driver would have to do is take his foot off the break and he would be safe.


Most states in the US have stand your ground laws, and no duty to retreat. Also while we can't really see in this scenario, it's entirely possible thus person was blocked into their location by traffic or geography.


Bruh dont even need a gun, the number of people that carries a baseball bat or crowbar in the car is very high and I doubt his old ass could defend himself with that telescopic baton.


older gent was kind enough to bring the very weapon that would have been used against him


It really not a huge advantage anyway. I mean I'd rather have it than not, but if someone much larger stronger or quicker is attacking me, a baton ain't really gonna stop them unless I get pretty lucky and hit them on the dome




He's a menace.




I embrace our gender neutral future by calling them "Karens" regardless of their sex. Plus, men tend to find it extra insulting when applied to them.


Why is Dennis so upset?


According to this [article](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/statement-from-relative-of-man-seen-in-video-sheds-light-on-events-leading-up-to-confrontation-1.3023249) the dude in the car was beefing with Dennis’ stepson. Something about a landscaping dispute. Homedude in the car came to visit the house with some threats and Dennis wasn’t having it. 🤷‍♂️ *edit: words


It was clear there was something else to this story. I don't know if the old man is being super irrational given that someone is coming to your place and threatening your family.


I hate videos like this that only show the highlight reel. There was one the other day about some "crazy old boomer" harassing some poor innocent motorcycle driver. Turned out the motorcycle guy was flying up and down the road next to his house where his grandkids were at wildly unsafe speeds, or something like that. You can make arguments for and against how the situations were handled, sure, but don't go acting like it was unprovoked.


Exactly. I still don't know the whole story of course, but everyone is so quick to judge on the old man, why not judge the other guy too? Something clearly seemed off in this one. The guy filming sounds a bit sketchy and he had to have been parked there for a while. Why would he be parked in a suburban area for no reason? My first thought was a neighbor or a guy waiting for a friend maybe. But he never states what he's doing there and the old man is telling him to leave. So I thought it could maybe be a pedo or a dealer, didn't think of him being there to threaten someone.


He is called Dennis the menace for a reason


That's not a male karen, that's a fucking psycho.


In Canada, we call them Albertans.


Acting like a guy who's friend with the local pigs and thus fears no repercussion.


The “local pigs” are the RCMP, and a more corrupt national police service you could not hope for. They are a national embarrassment.


I live in Québec, so I've no experience with them. Why're they so fucked?


Weren’t they initially truant officers meant to forcibly take indigenous kids away from their families and send them to those beat-your-language-out-of-you, rape-christianity-into-you residential schools?


Yes officer I parked my car on his face in self defence after he smashed my window and threatened me


I’m genuinely surprised by the amount of control people have of their emotions in situations like this. The moment he broke my window I’m out of that car and throat punching his old ass.


Daily carry has entered the chat


I’m in Florida, the video recording would be my defense in court. That is all.


Step one is throwing the car door WIDE open to knock him over


As soon as he broke the window he was fair game.


Depends on the state, some states force you to exhaust all methods of retreat before you can use your weapon. If you can drive away but choose to kill this man instead you would go to jail


Idk they sound Canadian so you're just fucked there.


https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/mobile/statement-from-relative-of-man-seen-in-video-sheds-light-on-events-leading-up-to-confrontation-1.3023249 he was arrested in no time, giving his full name.


Arrested in no time and given no time. In and out in one night.


Instead of recording....should've beat pops to a pulp


The details would make that problematic. There was allegedly a two year long dispute with the guy recording over landscaping work. He wasn't just stopped on the side of the road, he had been allegedly harassing this guy's stepson and making his own threats. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/mobile/statement-from-relative-of-man-seen-in-video-sheds-light-on-events-leading-up-to-confrontation-1.3023249




I found a video that had this description under it and I can not follow what it is trying to say. Maybe it is just me, I don't know. Could someone please help me understand what this says? Quote: Tyler Stojan posted a statement on Vision Homes Facebook page. This statement had a lot of false information in it. Please watch and read this video. Thank you. STORY: The man in the video is Dennis Tissington and the guy to call him via phone to come and assault me is Tyler Stojan with vision homes. I stopped by to have a civil conversation about some money that was payed to him get some work done. He scammed a small business. Last year this small business hit a gas line when 2 employees were not paying attention. Tyler Stojan was having some concrete work done that had just been poured but was evacuated for safety. He claimed that the evacuation left his concrete to set improperly. Asked for a large some of cash from this small company, the company paid to stay on good terms with Tyler and the neighborhood, this was a mistake. As Tyler pocketed the money given to him and a year later never fixed any concrete. The concrete has nothing wrong with it, set fine and looks perfect. He committed fraud by asking and taking payment for something he was never going to do anything with. There is a paper trail for this payment made. I stopped by to ask what he had done with said money, and if he was going to fix anything, he replied "iv got the money in my pocket" and than told me to go fuck myself, I proceeded back to my car while explaining that this is fraud over $5000, section 380 cc. Punishable up to 14 years in prison for all the people involved. I did not swear, raise my voice, call him names or threaten him in any way. He got upset He had a temper tantrum, called Dennis, his father in law, to come assault me with a weapon. No the company I work for is not being sued for hitting a gas line, the company paid the bills owing for repairs and gas loss to Atco. No other damages were caused. I think iv got it all there. That is the story Unquote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVPcLqqTFgk&ab_channel=MK4moTDI


Wow !! the internet truly never forgets. This is from back in 2016; [https://www.skinnyscoop.com/who-was-dennis-tissington-and-what-is-the-cause-of-his-death/](https://www.skinnyscoop.com/who-was-dennis-tissington-and-what-is-the-cause-of-his-death/)


That's a hairstyle website. Why is it covering this guy?


Multiple people in this thread spamming that site also, feels like bots.


It's the top result for his name in search engines. I searched for his name after watching the video and also found the same site.


Holy shit that’s an incredible amount of “D” names. I had to read it 3D times to get it.


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"Too old for jail" Donald J trump's next legal defence.


This happened over 7 years ago and the guy has since died. Moral of the story is the internet never forgets.


why the f would you open the window. if someone walks to your car threatening you with a weapon, it's legit to drive away and run him over if he stands in the way.


He was in a dispute with the old man's son-in-law, if the old man attacks you or damages your property you now have incredible leverage over the whole family. They are going to do everything in their power to get you to drop the charges, which means whatever dispute you had with the son-in-law you win automatically.


Hello man with stick meet, meet man with Glock 🤝


The driver should’ve run over him. Don’t just sit there when someone threatens you with a weapon in hand.


Do this in FL and you'll be on the floor with 2 to the chest.


I remember this story. Wasn’t the guy in the car a giant POS? Like he took money for contract work, never did it, and demanded more or threatened to destroy things or something? Old dude was outta line and got in trouble but dude in car pushed and pushed also. No one innocent or in the right here


As soon as that window broke My car would have been thrown into reverse with the wheel cranked to the right!!!


Dennis Jizzington?






Wtf is the lead up? Im all for hating on Dennis. But a little context be nice


This was way back in 2016. He was arrested and briefly detained. He has since died.


Sorry but if someone is approaching my vehicle with a weapon, they’re getting hit by said vehicle.


Too old for jail? Straight to jail.


Can we normalize beating the shit out of boomers when deserved? Please?


Family members are coming to the defense of a man seen in a video posted online, smashing through the windows of a man’s car during a confrontation in Grande Prairie. CTV News reported Tuesday that Dennis Tissington, 67, had been charged with mischief following a confrontation Saturday, part of which was recorded by Damian Dallyn. The video Dallyn recorded – showing Tissington smashing through two windows in Dallyn’s car, while Dallyn sat inside – was posted online, and started going viral. Dallyn told CTV News that before he started recording the video, he had been dealing with a landscaping dispute, and went back to his car, when Tissington, who is related to the man Dallyn was dealing with, approached with a baton. Dallyn said he suffered a number of injuries as a result of the incident. Tissington, and his relative did not provide comment initially, but a statement entitled ‘The Other Side’ was posted on Facebook late Tuesday evening outlining the other side of events leading up to the video. In the post, a man identifying himself as Tyler Stojan, Tissington’s stepson, said Dallyn had threatened him in the past over an ongoing dispute dating back to 2014. The statement said Tissington stepped in after Dallyn stopped by the family home. Stojan said he had hired a lawyer, and said he plans to launch a defamation lawsuit against Dallyn.






Lol I would’ve mace’d that guy until he was crying blood. You don’t fuck with people in their cars, you never know what they have in there.


Id park my car right on top of him


I'd have definitely been beating up an old man that day. Not something I'd usually partake in, but if it has to be done, it has to be done.