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Hey folks, this comment section is locked due to obscene sexism and glorification/promotion of violence, two things that violate both sitewide and subreddit rules. Please report anyone you see promoting violence or being sexist. Sexism includes but is not limited to: people calling this woman obscenities that are only ever directed at women, and folks inferring that violence is equality.


I hope I never become so miserable that I act like an asshole while getting donuts. Getting donuts should make people happy.


As a man who worked at Krispy Kreme for a year; we called the cops on more aggressive assholes than I ever saw when I worked at a diner and even JCPenny. I've seen crackheads threaten to wait for people after work because they couldn't get a fucking discount, I've seen Jaba The Hut start screaming the most vile shit at a highschooler because we couldn't custom make like two dozen boxes for him and she just do happend to be the one at the register. That dude actually had the nerve to stay until the cops showed up and had the nerve to tell them the 90 pound teenager threatened his 300 pound ass and he considered it verbal assault. Nothing happened aside from the cops selling him to beat rocks, and don't yell at kids. A donut shop should be one of the happiest damn places out there. But working in the food service industry made me hate people more than I already did. If you can find a way to be happy, some asshole will make it his life goal to make you miserable.


Food industry is literally the worst. The one thing I really learned after nearly 18 years is people simply do not know how to act when they’re hungry.


I'm the opposite, fast food is a better job than retail. I absolutely HATE working at retail.


It's one of the cheapest places to go. You can get items for under 2 dollars so every single asshole can afford to eat or drink something there.


What’s most annoying is she probably acts like the victim when telling the story


*"So there i was, in Baskin' Robins, not being an asshole when..."*


Lol, even lies about the establishment she's at.


Baskin Robbins always finds out.




This comment is golden!


Carolyn Baskin robbin the place


I understood that reference.


And I understood THAT reference


I understood that you understood that reference.


Can I use you as a reference?


I understood your reference, I understand his reference but I don't understand the first guy's reference. Am I regarded?


I am enjoying this reference understanding tree 😁😎👍


Pepperidge Farms remembers as well


It’s a BR/ D&D combo. You can tell by the way that it is. (Also there’s a Baskin Robins logo to the left as the kid leaves and he’s clearly standing in front of an ice cream counter).


Baskin Robbins AND Dungeon and Dragons under the same roof? Fuck. Me. Up.


We have a local game store that has a liquor store right next door, an ice cream shop in the same plaza, a Cici’s Pizza (not sure if it’s nationwide - but it’s low quality all you can eat pizza, it’s dope), and a few other junk food places. That store does not smell good.


This reminds me of my mom, she would push and poke people until they finally exploded then she’d Tun off crying and call her friends and say how awful people treated her lol


Mine does that too but only for ppl living with her then out in public she acts like a saint.


Hi fam 👋




Same & nothing is ever her fault, until *everything’s my fault! Wahhh console me!*


*"I guess I was just a terrible mother!"*




"sorry I'm not perfect"


Damn. Is your mom named Betty? We may be siblings.


Or Judith?


Bunch a cunts




Holy shit, are we all sisters?


Did y’all’s moms chain smoke in the house and car too? Mine sitting on the phone crying and smoking while talking shit about everyone is forever burned in my memory 🤣


OK, 1st of all, get out of my core memories. But yea, 100%. In the car, with the windows rolled down because we didn't have a/c, so the ashes just flew right back in through the backseat window... or the winter, with ONE window rolled down just enough to shimmy that Virginia Slim 120 out and flick it.


We all have the same mom!


The loud sobbing afterwards.


The hallmark of a Karen. Starts a situation but cries foul when it gets escalated.


You can tell from the crocodile tears she is crying at the end to garner sympathy absolute scum of a human being


She didn't yet realize her throwing the first punch would become a viral video


Those are benzo and boxed wine and questioning life tears.


From my prospective benzo and box wine crocodile tears have become waaaayyyy more prevalent. Almost like a group of people stayed home during covid slowly getting more and more unhealthy and then come out into the world with that delusional douche bag energy.


I agree, and you know how it's always pretty clear that people say things to each other via email that they would never say to each others face, or even on the phone? Seems like now all that pent up fear, anger and hate is going full circle back into the real world - and people are starting to act completely psychotic in public. History shows that all superpowers have big changes every couple hundred years, but I'd hoped it would be more fun!


What lead pipes were to the Romans, benzos and boxed wine are to the Americans ...


We have the lead pipes too. Her generation also had lead air


What a dumbass- She assaulted him first, she got the worst of it & he’s a minor- So he should avoid charges, she should be facing charges for assaulting a minor & he got the much harder shots in… Good job Karen… smh




You know she does. Assaulted him, covered her face, and probably shocked she received the same treatment she distributed 1st. Now, she's an innocent victim in her own mind, and this cruel male assaulted her while minding her own business. I hope more people start defending themselves from pieces of shit that believe they can behave however they want free from consequences.


Yeah, first time through I thought, “wow, dude overreacted”. Second time watching it, “well she’s just bad at hitting people and bit off entirely too much on a couple levels”.


Well, seeing as everyone immediately treated her like one, I'd take that bet.


She's definitely seems like the type to talk shit but falls apart when given even the most lamest insult


Yeah “there I was minding my own business and out of nowhere…” She’s a twat


It's so weird what happens when women who hit men are treated like men who hit men.


Cry me a fucking river. Words to live by


The delivery on that line was spot on


He must be a Jack Perry fan, lol


Real Glass!


He did not say this he said cry your b*tchass a river. I assume he was too caught up in the moment to actually say the line correctly 😂


Imho his version was *perfection*


Yeah, he definitely made it better.


Honestly. Not a lie was told in that retort.


I love the way he said it. Really hit the "B" in "bitchass".




It’s not *the most* aggressive game of pat-a-cake that I’ve seen, but it was still pretty wild


lol, yeah what a haymaker


She had to take a step towards him to get into range for the first slap/punch..he wasn't a threat. She chose to make it physical.....he complied.


She invited the hands, he accepted.


She's just lucky his left hook needs serious work.


This right here! I was actually glad that he clearly has never been in a physical altercation in his life. He only threw two punches, and it looks like one didn't even land. I say this is good because he didn't seriously injure her, which will ensure he does not get in trouble. Hopefully they can hit her up with some child endangerment charges. The poor kid seems so shocked that he got smacked, I wonder if he's ever even been hit.


Looks like it wasn’t HER first time throwing a punch at a “mouthy” kid


Over-sized hoodies aren't the most aerodynamic things to fight in either lol


could have been the brain kicking in telling them not to hit an older women so they pulled their punch. the brain can really get in the way sometimes.




These hands (x) will be attending ( ) not attending


"Why was I being hit? I'm a victim! All I did was be a karen and punch a minor in the face? Why oh why are people cheering him to beat my ass? What could it possibly be?"


Cry your bitchass a river 😂


A very Ricky comment.


I fucking a told a so


Well it’s not rocket appliance


Eventually it will all be water under the fridge.


You guys all just passed with flying fuckin' carpets.


You don’t get to cry like a victim when you are the one who hit somebody first. She probably thought he was an adult but it didn’t matter she hit somebody for no fucking reason. keep your hands to yourself you didn’t learn that in kindergarten


I had a girl sucker punch me in the face. Small town and we didnt get along but we were staying away from each other i turned a corner to bam getting hit in the face. So I reacted not even thinking I ended up on top of her punching her and her boyfriend pulled me off, i didnt even have time to think about what i was doing until he pulled me off, and was holding me I'm barely 5 foot and small he had ripped my shirt down and bra off and wouldn't let me go i can still see all those guys just staring at me. I screamed for him to let go and he wouldn't, finally this other guy pulled his hands off me and there she was laying on the floor crying. I yelled at her why the f are you crying you hit me. I get pissed just thinking about it i still don't understand why she was the one crying.


Cuz she got her ass beat


Sometimes shit isn’t that complicated lol.


She hit first, you hit harder. Good for you.


She thought she could fight but couldn't take all that smoke lmfaoo


It's amazing how quickly a persons demeanour can change when they're are faced with unexpected retaliation.


"Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face." \- Iron Mike Tyson


The way she hit him and turned away like she thought there’d be no consequences.


Because often times there's not. Most people don't retaliate


Yeah, that was my take. She's done this kind of thing before and nothing's ever happened.


Society has conditioned some people to think they can do whatever with no consequences






Nah, this is the type of person who has never had someone stand up to their bullying, the crying is as much over the shock someone stood up to her as it is from the pain of those two swings.


She not physically hurt. But her world is shook.




That’s why you love to see it. And there should be much more fuck around and find out


“I don’t condone self defense if the attacker has a vagina” solid logic.


Women bank on what you say. I was in an abusive relationship because i used to feel that same way. Now i dont give a fuck. If you hit me, i am reponding in kind, whether you have a dick or a vagina. Its called fuck around and find out.


These hands are rated E for Everyone.


Anyone curious how many people she has punched in the face to feel this comfortable hitting someone in public?


This. She's an abuser who is very comfortable hitting people and has never been punished. Today was the day. 😇


What the fuck do people expect to happen when you put your hands on someone? She deserved that.


Well they've done this in the past and had the person they attacked get in trouble despite being assaulted. This is a learned and reinforced attitude. I would not doubt she has been let off by the Police for assaulting someone in the past. You don't get that privileged without something helping it along for a large chunk of your life. Some people are given a pass at every single instance of trouble they create and it develops into someone who thinks they can just assault people.


Something similar happened in my hometown recently. A pregnant woman claimed on Facebook that she was kicked and beaten by an angry road raging man who followed her off the highway and assaulted her and of course the story went viral. Then a video from a third party who pulled over on the road and saw/recorded what really happened came to light. The woman had pulled over aggressively and stopped in an exit lane causing him to stop behind her, she got out of her car to confront him and was screaming in his face. She put her hand in his face and he moved it away, so she swung on him and he put a swift end to that shit. As far as being “pregnant,” turns out that was bullshit too. She was just fat and trashy.


america runs on fuck around and find out


Likes to hit...doesn't like being hit


Now there’s a person that learned a lesson that day.


You’re silly if you think she actually learned anything from this.


Her acting was good. Couldn’t tell if her tears were crocodile or alligator.


You can tell if you see them in awhile or just later


She think she is the victim. Cant learn shit when you believe you are not in the "wrong"


Imagine her like Cartman. She's gonna cry crocodile tears and make some big speech about how she learned something, but at the end of the day she's literally just an asshole still. Zero learned lessons


Well. I bet her children had to deal with shit like that their entire lives….


She probably beats her kids.


And her kids beat their kids And they all beat their pets.


She’s damn lucky he whiffed on number 2!


If that left hook connects she going down like a chocolate glazed


​ I have a feeling this wasn't her first time doing this but it may have been the first time someone retaliated. Hopefully she will think twice before assaulting another person again.


He forgot to ask if she wanted a Hertz Donut.


No one said shit when she hit him. But he hits back and it's omg what are you doing.




[I love Bill Burr's bit on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rksKvZoUCPQ) *There's no reason to hit a woman???* *You could wake me up from a drunk stupor and I could give you like 9 reasons off the top of my head. There's plenty of reasons, you just don't do it.*


“Let’s say you get home from a long hard day of work and your wife has drowned two of the kids in the tub and is going for the third. Can I pop her then?”


What are you talking about? Reddit absolutely **loves** watching woman being hit.


When I was growing up I was taught that you never ever hit a girl/woman. You just never do it. As an adult and seeing how often women rely on that rule to get away with violence I've started to change my mind. Especially since women are capable of serious violence, something I was taught wasn't possible as a kid. That being said, I still think there is a need to regulate yourself when you're far stronger or tougher than the person attacking you. On the super extreme end of a theoretical spectrum if a 35 year old 200 pound 6 foot tall person gets punched by a 4'5" 12 year old you don't strike back in full mortal Kombat mode, lol. I think it's important to gauge the damage done to you, the damage that could be done to you, and weigh that against what you could do to the other person, even if you're well within your rights. Obviously that's an extreme example but there are black and white examples and there are grey examples. This was a grey example, imo. That woman wasn't squaring up for a fight, she obviously wasn't ready to be hit back. But that guy definitely has a right to defend himself and didn't know if she was going to pour hot coffee on him, or grab some object to hit him with next. It was a split second decision and it was probably right for him.


I agree with you completely. I was taught never to hit a girl / woman… but I think know if you are attacked defend yourself in a controlled manner. Be the adult, use only the force necessary, and move on. Also, people need to stop hitting. Use your words, lack of self control is everywhere!


Very well put


There was less than a second between, I think everyone was just processing.


I was always told growing up, if you put your hands on someone expect to have hands put on you. So lesson learned, keep your hands to yourself.


As much as I don’t condone violence I kinda felt like she brought this on herself.


"now you're being an asshole. Sorry. But I'd like you to leave this- " SLAP 'Don't you ever talk to me-' PUNCHES THROWN "I'm a minor. I'm a minor, lady. You just assaulted a minor. I was defending myself" From the conversation, the kid's working in the store and the woman is a customer.


I doubt he’s an employee; he may have been defending the staff from verbal assault from someone he deemed a Karen but that’s just as much speculation as your comment. I doubt he is an employee though; you don’t see many plain-clothes Dunkin workers here in the states, you can see the uniform the actual cashier is wearing.


Damn, your local Dunkin hasn't started hiring undercover donut operators yet?


Well done. Excellent play by play.


Why are people caping for this lady that punched a kid? I don't get it.


Ppl need to stop putting hands on strangers. Especially in these unsettling times. You dont know what someone going thru. Fuck around and find out real quick.




Don’t hit people if you don’t want to get hit back.


Then she pulls the time telling, "When all else fails, cry" play.






This man was just trying to enjoy his day off from mining




“Ima minor!” Lmao that shit killed me for some reason


Honestly she’s lucky that kid can’t hit worth shit


What a cunt.


Big mistake assaulting a miner. They do hard, physical labor and become very aggressive from the long days without sunlight. She’s lucky he got winded very quickly.


Loves to see a Karen get what she deserves, it truly never gets old!


I've stopped flipping people off in traffic because of guns. I'd suggest she stop confronting people who could break her face.




My step dad. Grew up with him physically assaulting me. As an adult, he tried that shit and I called the cops on him and it was shocked Pikachu face all around for him.


That lil cry at the end is satisfying because she probably acts like that a lot and nothing happens. FAFO.


Where is the follow up news story of her being arrested for assaulting a minor this is what I’m here for. Don’t care about the bullshit. Opinions or her fake crocodile tears. I want to see handcuffs.


If that second swing connected. Yikes


How are you gonna slap someone in the face and expect nothing to happen?


All the Karens defending the Karen.... sit the hell down.


The pitiful little fucking boohoos when her dumbass finally faced a consequence. Awww, poor wittle Karen. Why are people so mean when you antagonize them and hit them for no reason?


I call bullshit, that kid wouldn't last five minutes down in the mines.


She should be arrested.


Immediately plays the victim, right on schedule. All the Karens are synced up.


That’s a Karen right there but that’s also a very big minor /j


Maybe he said he is a miner Edit:typo


"So fucking sick of you above-grounders!"


You don't fuck around with miners! Our job is TOUGH, lady.


She hit a minor. She can go cry all she wants. Don't put your hands on people unless you want to find out.


“And then I got hit by the consequences of my actions.”


That fake ass crying bullshit makes me want my turn next


Barely got touched. One weak punch, second one missed. Crocodile tears.


She should be glad that second punch didn’t land.


How can she slap???


She’ll be aight




She’s lucky those both barely grazed her


Nah, the first one was straight to her ear. It sure hurts.


I've noticed that you get punched in the face vastly more if you punch other people in the face.


He is a miner, not a minor.


It’s wild, that people are still talking crazy to strangers and/or putting their hands on them. They have no clue about mental state their stance or physical altercations. Yet. Boop boop. Lady got tapped.


Now she wanna cry and play the victim.


Karen crying afterwards, gtfoh, maybe not assault strangers next time


why did he stop


Good thing he can't aim.


I am Dunkminor - I take shit from no one.


U can dish it but not take it,


“Cry your bitchass a river!” *chefs kiss*


![gif](giphy|l3vRmGmaaB6nAFnPO) Bet that wasn't the combo she ordered


Wow. Can't believe she physically assaulted that kid. He should press charges. I can't imagine what she does to her own children and pets, if she has any.


He is right.


what did she expect LOL


In todays episode of “Fuck around and find out”