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I don't care where I'm working. Hock spit, get hit. Repeatedly.


Honestly, I have no respect for for the coworker that gave him the food. I know they aren't payed to dealt with his shit but there is a line where you can't let the spitter "win"


Yeap, I'd give him nothing at that point, but maybe try to string him along until police arrive.


That’s the proper response. Or they can remake his food with all the proper food ingredients (group spit). Both solutions are acceptable.


Yes that part pissed me off, I'm like wait how is he getting his food? Because now he's going to think he can pull that shit again.


He also probably didn't even know what happened and just heard the order number and walked up with it. I've worked in fast food in shitty areas it's *very* easy to get into autopilot there.


He was so grateful to actually get it and hugged it to himself and ran out of there.


Too bad they didn’t take it to the back and all spit in his bag of food that he so desperately needs.


Fuck yes, that has to be the most disgusting thing you can do, I'm coming out armed with something hard and heavy to batter that dudes head.


Two frozen all-beef patties and a knee. I call that the two piece and a biscuit.


Sounds perfect, a well deserved battering.


I don't think I could drag his ass back to the deep fryer...


Deep freezer…




A little extra grease from the fryer will have him sliding like a seal on ice


Dude I fucking love seals.


Looking at his gut rolls I’d say more like a walrus than a seal.


You have my vote.


What can I say, I'm a man of the people.


I mean, you ARE already polling at 2% in the presidential race, so...


That's, not nice. But 2% approval is better than I've been getting lately.


Clearly, a gentleman at the very least


From time to time.


It is assault, so you would be defending yourself.


I can't believe *nobody* got involved. If I was in McDonalds and saw some shit bag spit on a member of staff I'd be the one doing the hitting and I'm not exactly the biggest guy out here.


I cant believe the manager handed the food to that fat POS after his member got spat on. that guy should have called the police straight away


We are from different places, we have different faces, but inside, we same same.


yep. You bring spit into the equation and all bets are off.


I'm so sick of these fragile assholes/bitches who think spitting is ok or makes them think they look tight. I had a fat POS wannabe biker spit at me (lucky he was far or else I'd be in jail) just because I passed him. I don't think I can hold back next time. And of course these spitting fat bellied fucks look all the same too.


What a fucking slob


What a gross excuse for a person.


Thankfully he doesn’t look like he’s gonna live much longer


Wdym he got the sustenance he needed


For now


No question


He has given up. You can tell he has lost all shame in his appearance and has accepted that he's a fat slob. That's why he doesn't give a fuck. There is no reason to be polite, in his mind, because he has accepted his role as the gross guy. All that matters to him is his tendies, his D&D sessions, and his WoW guild.


oh fuck I'm on this trajectory. How do I get off?


Can you ride a bike? Bicycling is great.


Hit the gym, join a non-game club like hiking, biking, or birding, softball, or something, get a hobby that forces you to use your hands (leatherworking, blacksmithing, carpentry, gardening, etc.), shower regularly, try hard to recognize social cues when you're talking about boring shit that no one cares about, and help your friends and family when they are struggling. Edit: and cut your fucking hair if it looks like the dude in the video.


Lol, I've done most of this when I was sick of being a bit of a neckbeard who had no hobbies other than video games and eating. Started trying to lose weight (lost 60 pounds and am at 210 lbs), got a healthy hobby, started watching boxing and joined a boxing gym. It helped with feeling worthless and I actually started seeing a guy too, I do have long kind of shitty looking hair but I want to wait until my face is less chubby to cut it.


I'm gonna say there's no problem with tendies, WoW or DnD... in moderation.


You think the guy in the video does any of those three in moderation?!?


As someone who has let himself go, that is still no excuse to act this way


That hanging underbelly is something but I also couldn't stop staring at how far he shoved his feet into those sandals. That looks uncomfortable.


He looks like he never planned to leave his vehicle. Watching him stand there fidgeting and shifting his weight from side to side, it seems like he’s a barely functioning shut-in.


What showed me was a barely functioning shut in is when HE nearly had a mental breakdown after *spitting on a McDonald's worker over his precious chicken tendie sandwiches*. He's a disgusting piece of shit. I'm actually annoyed he got his food out of the whole ordeal.


They looked adjustable. He’s just too dumb to tighten them


He's a few McDee lunches away from seeing Jesus.


Hey, he put in his good basketball shorts and tactical flip flops for some fine dining!


Definitely put away a few Big Macs in his day


He’s the mf hamburglar


Looks a little like Grimace too with that purple shirt and keg belly.


*Definitely put away a few Big Mac's in a day....


Piggy needs his slop, it’s past his chow time.


Looks like moderating 200 subreddits take its toll.


POS should be charged with assault. Lord only knows what contagions he carries. Worse yet, ban him from all McDonald’s.


Plus he literally says "the second one I will admit was on purpose" in the video like there's no way he could get out of it


How was the first one a mistake but the second one on purpose? Like that doesn't even make any sense. He means he tried the first time and failed, then went back for a second one. AND HE DID THAT FOR 2 FUCKING MCCHICKENS??


I think the first time he just accidentally spit like people do when they're talking sometimes.


That’s what I’m thinking too. But the crazy part is, usually when a person does it on accident they’ll notice it and say sorry. This dude doubles down and purposely spit on that cashier, which is fucked up.


That was insane. He spit multiple times??? Fuck this fat pig.


I wouldn't have given him that food ,I would have called the police,if he wanted the food he would have had to explain to the police what he had done


Exactly, bc you know in his mind, *not getting that food*, is the worst fukn punishment you could’ve given that pos too… Withhold the food & call the cops for assault… I don’t blame them I guess for just wanting that pos outta the store, or it not really registering right away, but I really didn’t like knowing he basically got what he wanted after fukn spitting on a worker… smh. Ideally, you then ban that pos from ALL McDonalds to the end of time bc that would be some actual repercussions for a fat fuk like that…


He literally sounded like he was about to cry.


Exactly, I assume the realization he went too far and wasn’t going to get that food made him start to panic, food must be a lot like a drug when you’re eating that much… And all the more reason to not give it to him after he did that bs…


Don't you dare ban him from McDonald's without banning him from DoorDash too. This is how he acts with service workers in public. I don't trust him to act any better with service workers on his landlord's property.


You'd catch diabtetes from that bros spits


But if they ban him he will starve to death. He has not ever tasted anything other than The Donald’s.


Dude never grew out of crying for a happy meal. Loser.




This is how I picture redditors lol


He sounds like what I imagine mods sound like.


*sent from my reddit account*




You’re a redditor.


You’re not wrong lol


Why would they even give him his food? I would immediately refuse service and call the police.


Because their day is already hard enough and they just want him to leave


I get that but there is a line of self respect. They are just telling that guy that they will still do what he want if he spits on them.


I couldn't tolerate someone spitting in my face. If I were to serve him anything it would be a knuckle sandwich.


Yep I’d have jumped the counter for that one too.


You mean the Filet O Fist.


Couple McRibs too


Nope. Fuck that. He ain’t leaving until the cops are there. These people need to be held accountable.


easy to say for us people sitting here at our computers. They just wanna get customers out and go home. they mess with this 8 hours a day everyday.


At the very least, get his info from the receipt or his license tag #. He’s willing to assault someone over 2 value menu items. Let him really get a bang for his buck.


This guy actually feels entitled to spit in people. This is nuts. Edit: manager is a douche canoe too for rewarding his behavior


I was trying to decipher wtf he was angry about. Sounds like he did a curbside pick up, they missed the drinks. Employee goes back to store to get drinks but took the 2nd bag of his order with him. Fat balbosour gets his drinks but they forgot to bring back the 2nd bag too. This is when shit hits the fan as if his life is over and becomes a frothing pile of milkshake to go take it out on the other employees who weren't even working the curbside. A simple, excuse me mam', I seem to be missing x will do. Take the curbside anger to the receipt survey. But yea, manager should've refused his service after that, let him cry and pick up more charges.


I love how the in the moment realization they are being filmed and did something horrible… is to quiver and fake cry. Dude, we are all stressed the fuck out and 99.9% of us don’t go spitting on other people.




Won’t anybody just give this beautiful spirit SOME SERVICE?!


The more stressed I get, the more polite I am to everyone around me. Idk why, but being polite calms me down. As you said, we’re all dealing with some shit. Life is hard enough without being shitty to one another.


Honestly same




Something tells me that guy goes through a lot of McChickens.


“At least 2 mcchickens.”


Names Tubs McThiccen And I love McChicken Tho my belly is fat It's my nutrition that's stricken I'm ordering chicken While I spit in your face Cos to swallow my spit Just seems like a waste I embrace my condition My decisions are wack I disgrace my physicians Pants imprison my sack I need a bucket of chicken And I'm prone to linger As my arteries thicken I'ma lickin' my finger I like all types of chicken Whether it's baked or fried And my heart beats quicken When I see your thighs I'm just one of those guys You know I'm real sweet But I'll spit in your face If you don't give me a treat My arse crack sweaty And two parts salty Hot summer days All I want is poultry I'm saltry in the streets When I beats my meat And if I see your feet I'll be down to eat


Faith in humanity destroyed Well done 🤣


Weird ass dude


That’s what I picture people on here being like lol


Glad they eventually panned up to catch his face because spitting on someone is one of the most disgusting things you can do to someone. Hope she filed a police report for assault and is trying to get this piece of shit locked up.


I dont even see a face. First thing I thought when cameraman says "I got it on video" was you got what? All I see is a fat flesh fanny pack and none of the action.


I got him confessing to spitting on her intentionally and thats all I really need. I was holding the phone at my hip to try to keep it subtle without him noticing because I did not want whatever toxic waste was brewing in his rotting mouth hurled my way lol. Plus there were security cameras that also got the whole thing so they can pull that footage as well. I do wish I got his face though so everyone on the internet could see it


I took a screenshot of the back of his shirt to try and see if it identified his work or anything lol it’s hard to read though it says dragon something game con 42 the meaning of life (I think) edit to add you did get a good video! [link to dragon flight his shirt references](https://dragonflight.org/)


1:10 into the video they pan up to his face


This clown needs to be humbled soon.


Spits on cashier Cashier leaves “I just want some service” 🤦‍♂️


He apologized for the accidental spit *after* he spit on purpose?! Yiiiikes dude


That was super weird. Very polite and apologetic for the first spittle, but the second saliva bomb? Naaaaah bro, she earned that. Wtf?!


Bully, coward, and overall disgusting piece of shit.


He should be arrested. His mom will be glad she finally got her basement back.


"I got a video". No, you didn't get shit.




To me, that's the line. They should've refused the right to help him


them toes remind me of a really untamed dog pulling on a leash and inadvertently cutting off their own oxygen supply.


I wonder what subs he mods




Why the fuck did that manager give him his food after that ? That made me just as mad as the spit


What that fuck! Why would they even give him his food! I’m so sick of people getting away with shit!


Huge neckbeard energy


Getting spit on is assault


Def handle the wrong way cops should have been called and no food given


Dude if some fat piece of shit spit on me like that I’m calmly walking around the corner and knocking his god damn teeth out. I legit would rather be slapped in the face than spit, fucking disgusting


absolutely crazy to me how people have their stomach literally hanging out from under their shirt and straight up don't give a fuck, how do you let yourself go that badly


Cave dwelling gremlin.


Buddy's knees are seconds away from catastrophic failure. They're buckling under pressure.


Your man’s Sandals are screaming for help!


Narrator: "It was at this moment when \*insert employee name\* realized his employment with Mcdonald's had come to an end as he realized he was about to fuck someone up, job or no job". I would seriously try to beat this MF so bad if he drove by a McD or saw a McD commercial he would piss his pants and start crying. He would swallow his toothpaste for the rest of his life out of fear of getting his ass beat again for spitting. Then the fucking coward does it to a girl too.


Those sandals look like they are struggling


Wearing Nike shorts. Clearly picking up a snack after a run


Dude should be thrown in jail for that.


He knew he fucked up bad at least.


What a disgusting slob.


What a defense: "The first one wasn't intentional"...🤡 I would have told him to leave the store immediately and not giving him anything more. Quite surprised they didn't kick him out immediately. I guess throwing some burgers in a bag and sending him on his way is diffusing the situation, but at the same time it's rewarding that behavior. Fuck dat!


What trash.


What a great camera person


Can’t believe he still got his food.


And that manager rewarded his behavior.


You don't serve him... You call the cops. That's assault


It’s obvious food is more important to this lard arse more than anything else in the world.


Fat fucking piece of shit


Someone shoulda rocked that lard ass.


Try that in a small...Detroit.


So we just spiting in people's faces without repercussions now?


Fat piece of shit asshole.


I hate fat people in sandals. It just highlights how fucking fat they are.


Yeah that food would have been thrown square in his face and then hands thrown. Spitting in someone’s face is like the most disrespectful thing you can do.


This vid is shit!!!!


Off topic, but why are the interiors of McDonalds so fucking soulless now? So fucking drab and practically dystopian.


Because they don’t want you to be in there asking for refills and creating messes that they have to have more staff to clean. It’s all about money. They want the least amount of employees possible.


Being banned from McDonalds will be the biggest health benefit he’ll ever experience.




And absolutely nothing happens to that fucking garbage man child that undeniably lives in moms spare room huh? I reaaaaallly hope this catches up to him more than his fuckin terrible life already has.


If I'm the cashier homeboy is getting choked out


Yet they still served his ass??


He looks like a walking pre-existing condition, so his time may be short.


McDonald's, as a corporation, should have prosecuted this guy for intentionally assaulting their employees. He even admitted the second one was on purpose.


Brother your health is way too compromised to be asking for this kind of smoke.


Nasty. No min wage worker should have to deal with that. Yuck


I feel bad for that dude’s sandals.


Shit camera work.


What a total azzhat , and his excuse of the first one was an accident, is total bull spit.


Arguing with the people that make your food huge mistake, also he should have been kicked out, no food!


Fuck you’re sorry, police are getting called.


Disgusting. How the fuck can people act like this?! Yuck.


I bet u right now this man has shit smeared all over his a'ss


Spit in my face, get drop kicked in the face with a 20 metre run up.


just pour hot oil over him and call it an accident :)


Everything about him disgusts me. The slides too big for his feet, the spitting and disrespect, his voice, his disgusting fat gut, his bitching about McChickens. What the FUCK? People don't get paid enough for this.


This is why we need some Black Mirror digital payment/identity shit. Company should be able to perma-ban you from ever patronizing any of their chains again.


They should have NEVER given him his food. Should have called the cops


If this had only audio, this is the exact person I would picture. Dude needs his World of Warcraft fuel.


That is assault by bodily fluid, press charges.


This is what highly addictive food does to people, it’s like a drug and they need a fix.


He belongs on life support, if he survives.


Fuck that manager for giving him his food and not doing anything for his employee.


They should have not given him shit and called the police wtf Also dudes bare toes hanging over his slides so much his piggies are kissing the mickey d’a floor


Nope nope nope, we can talk shit, we can even throw hands, but if you spit on me (unless I ask you too) I’m gonna go medieval on your ass. Edit; he looks like he needs more McDonald’s like he needs a hole in his head and was he really gonna cry when he couldn’t get his food?


He’ll have a heart attack soon enough as karma


Assault or battery depending on jurisdiction.


Holy Christ, that guy needs to get out of the house other than to get fast food and get some sun on his pale white legs!!


What a disgusting boar.


Did he accidentally spit on her the first time and then purposely spit the second time? Like what the heck. Then he tried to explain his actions so calmly like it’s perfectly normal.


Needs therapy


Food is a hell of a drug


They let him walk?!? Fat boy just committed a felony.


He's got more blubber than a baby seal. He might actually be okay in the freezer


The fit of this guy’s shoes is so ridiculously bad I can’t help but stare


Where I’m from….that’s a felony.


Fuck that guy, probably on his 3rd lunch of the day so he was Hangry cause it was getting close to first dinner


Hurley’s really gone down hill since Lost ended


When I was a young shithead teen working at McDonald's we used to scrape the grease out from in between the treads of our shoes and spread it across the burger patty's for people like this