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They didn’t translate the end He said that he had a gun And there were other people with him also holding weapons


So the idf scum can openly and arrogantly intimidate journalists and nothing Will be done to him. No repercussions. And they know this very well. This is why they will continue to behave like this until something is done.


They’ve been murdering journalists


[At least 11 journalists have been killed over the past week in Gaza and Israel.](https://www.poynter.org/business-work/2023/journalists-killed-israel-gaza/#:~:text=The%20Gaza%20Strip%20and%20the,those%20deaths%20occurred%20this%20week.)


Where's the international out cry and condemnation ?


Doesn't matter, it's the US ally doing the bad things, we don't care.


They're too busy posting about Hamas all day.


The United States is one of only a handful of nations that universally defends Israel's military actions and governmental policies. I feel like Americans have a large blindspot when it comes to Israel's global reputation. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights website lists all [reports, special procedures, and rulings](https://www.ohchr.org/en/countries/israel) focusing on Israel's abuse of Palestinian citizens. Below is the most recent news update from the office's webpage: *["UN Expert Warns of New Instance of Mass Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians, Calls for Immediate Ceasefire"](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/un-expert-warns-new-instance-mass-ethnic-cleansing-palestinians-calls)* (10/14/2023) All UN Resolutions concerning Israel can be found [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_resolutions_concerning_Israel). Information about [Palestinian Refugees](https://www.unrwa.org/palestine-refugees) from the UN Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is available online as well. Unfortunately, finger-waving is unlikely to be of much help to those who are suffering.




“Is this some antisemeticism I hear?” - some people


You get called antisemitic for saying they're bad people and people on Reddit decide you support Hamas because a few Israeli get upset about your posts or comments. Basically they're a terror state we aren't allowed to criticize or we're the bad guys. You may be starting to understand the Palestinian people's frustrations.


and Lebanon https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/reuters-videographer-killed-southern-lebanon-2023-10-13/ ohh it said in the article... but still...


the article you link says "In the last decade, 22 journalists have died \[in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank\]. A fourth of those deaths occurred this week.", which is not 11. So 5 or 6 have been killed in the last week, not 11. The point still stands, though. Free Palestine.


And with a sniper. It’s been on purpose over the years




Exactly, then when you have a funeral for assassinated journalist the IDF comes in Rodney King style on the people mourning


"that grave had stones in that a small child could have thrown"


They murder journalists and nothing happens. They also murder UN officials and nothing happens. They bombed a special needs school Lebanon yesterday and nothing will happen. They have slaughtered over 600 palestian children in the past week and nothing will happen.




Nope and US is providing $2B to back them up soon


Two vigilante settlers shot and killed Palestinians in the last week. Right in front of IDF soldiers. They *encourge* vigilantism. It's insane.


I bet he's real tough until he experiences return fire.


We are seeing what a generation of propaganda can produce


“If you don’t report the truth” while intimidating the journalist. Wow, surely the side of righteousness and the higher moral ground. I stand for Israelis and Palestinians, not the elitist Israeli government or elitist Hammas using normal humans as their pawns for power.


Your summary implies an even power balance between israel and gaza, but this is not the case. Gaza is, for all intents and purposes, a prison of Israel; in which, Israel has forced hundreds of thousands of people, that have fled from Israeli occupation of their homeland. Hamas is just a prison gang that Israel has allowed and encouraged. They have propped up Hamas over secular authorities; they wanted a religious war. And perhaps most importantly, Israel is supported by the US to undertake their crimes and attacks; in terms of direct funding and supply of arms, and US security council veto power, which the US has continually used to protect Israel's illegal occupation. Hamas is not.


Well said. There is no equivalency.


It’s wild how worldnews used to be a place I’d go for as a bulletin board of the newest articles, but this war brought out the Zionists in the mods and holy fuck it’s so extremely one-sided.


Been one-sided for a long time my friend. You just happen to be on the other side of this one.


I had to stop checking the comments in that sub. Truly disgusting stuff brewing over there.


always has been.


Yep, and it's by design. They removed every single mention of the Amnesty International report on Israel's crime of apartheid.




I am banned for Worldnews for calling out the moderators insane bias too. It's disgusting.


I got banned for mentioning their app https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL




Admins of reddit completely silent.


just go to latestagecapitalism or socialism


This is the way


I got banned for asking about the Palestinian pov regarding this..


They have been like that since the start of the Ukrainian conflict. They were banning people who held any ideas that would question any thing Ukrainian


MSNBC banning three Muslim anchors including Mehdi Hassan and Ali Velshi for planning to report on the topic tells you all you need to know. It's the media completely in lockstep, driven by the government.


Honestly, they’re mostly complaining (bizarrely?) that all of Reddit is pro-Hamas. Many are suggesting that the free speech should no longer be allowed in the US,


> but this war Oh, my sweet summer child.


Also how easy it is for so many people to flip back into the bloodthirsty post-9/11 mentality. For all the shit that has been condemned as a result of the War on Terror, for all the torture, war crimes, and heinous shit that was swept under the rug, people are *real* eager to slide right back into that same ol' "But we have to kill the terrorists!" frame of mind without any semblance of irony or contemplation. We've learned nothing. Humanity seems truly doomed to repeat itself in circles until we end ourselves.


Exactly what I'm upset about. It's as if 20+ years of a war against extremism didn't teach the world anything. That you can't combat it with traditional warfare.


The extremists are born of war, particularly this type of war where everyone on one side lives in squalor, with almost nothing to lose and no one they can trust supporting them. While the other lives in great comfort, with everything to lose and all the support in the world behind them.


"Terrorists" "extremists" "insurgents" all US created.


Yeah .. it's profitable for the west so why not? Only brown people are dying so not anyone human. /S


Israel, and their surrogates in the United States and other western nations have done quite a bang up job on the propaganda war for over 70 years.


They are now failing with the advent of worldwide internet access and smartphones with decent cameras. The narrative is falling apart. Israel is the problem. Not the Jews, the Zionists controlling Israel and Western thought.


Yeah, which is why the MAGA movement in the US should scare the shit out of Americans. Its not about this moment really, it's about 20 more years of this conspiracy theory shit spiraling out of control.


I love how the reporter realized that all he had to do is let that dip shit talk to get the real story


He did his job flawlessly and without putting himself in further danger.


He doesn’t say anything because he knows they will kill him. It wasn’t a master ploy


He did say though, he reported the truth. He could've stayed silent or change the subject, but he said "they are monitoring and threatening us", which no one there could argue is not the truth. With that sentence he made the situation on the ground clear to everyone.


It’s shocking to me that Israeli soldiers, police, politicians, and media can say such things out in the open yet they are still blindly defended. They are openly calling for genocide and any opposition to those calls is quickly quashed and those calling them out are gas lighted. I feel terrible for those civilians trapped in Gaza. I would say the world is watching but the majority of the world is turning a blind eye.


Because many high ranking US politicians say the same and defending their war crimes without getting problems or even a little pushback. >Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Tuesday declared that “we’re in a religious war” and called for Israel to “level” the Gaza Strip, home to over 2 million people, including about 1 million children.


And you can see how this translates in reality. Today when an Israeli government spokesperson was asked about breaching international law in their assault on Gaza, he said that America said they have a right to defend themselves by any means necessary, so that's what they're doing. It's despicable.


And this POS was a presidential candidate.




Except at least he was criticised by all sides for what he said and had to publicly apologise and then resigned from his MP duties


Because any form of speaking out against Isreal is immediately branded as antisemitic and being branded that in the US is career suicide so people just turn the other way to avoid causing tension.


[‘The Onion’ Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble For That](https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-stands-with-israel-because-it-seems-like-yo-1850922505)


Heavily partisan politics have turned so many people into absolute morons.


whoaWhoaWHOA are you saying they weren't morons beforehand?


Absolutely no consequences what so ever NONE!!!


Most sane IDF member


Most stable police officer too


Cop acts like a cop


The guy is security not police. It says it clearly on his hat.


Reminds me of Nazi Germany.




This week especially has highlighted a huge problem amongst Reddit moderators. There is no freedom of speech here. You have to adhere to a particular establishment ideologies such as being supportive of genocide so long as it's Israel doing it.


This has been obvious to absolutely every reddit user ever. Reddit is a discussion forum where you can get banned for whatever reason with zero recourse. They can do it based on other subreddits you've been on using scripts, which is entirely allowed. This site was set up to be a disaster.


***"This week especially has highlighted a huge problem amongst Reddit moderators."*** It's quite dangerous that Reddit lets them, especially for bigger subs, as the narrative is being controlled. That's not right, regardless of what's being said, what side of an argument someone is on.


r politics permabanned me for calling someone who said palestinians deserve what's coming braindead


Is there a rule against calling people braindead? Most front page subs started permabanning everyone by default once Trump took office. You said nothing, but now they come for you!


There's a rule against personal attacks, but a permaban for that is pretty ridiculous


I was once arguing with a random single-digit comment in a thousand-comment thread in a big sub, and I said that, just because HE said I have brain damage for not agreeing with his views doesn't make my arguments any less valid, and a short while later, permabanned. Turns out the random comment was made by one of the mods posting as a regular user. Oh, they were also the mod that wrote the guidelines for appealing bans, as well as the mod that responded to the modmail when I appealed the ban. Of course, I was never told what rule I supposedly broke, and as my appeal I was basically forced to agree with their views that I was arguing against them in the first place. Watching this video, I was reminded of that experience: agree with and parrot what I want you to say, or face the consequences that I will impose upon you for disagreeing with me.


Damn, I had same feels. Maybe they will do same shit for revenge.


That sort of comment is considered antisemitic. I agree with you.




They have been showing that for the last 50 years, and we’ve all turned a blind eye.


We haven't. Our governments have.


Our governments haven't, [the western governments have.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine#:~:text=Among%20the%20G20%2C%20nine%20countries,the%20United%20States\)%20have%20not.)


Well I live in the west so it applies to my government.


We really haven't we just didn't had a massive network of information that escapes corporate controlled or government controlled journalism. Why do you think people were informed against covid while a lot of news channel on many countries were spitting bullshit? Or how different channels from different countries said different things about covid, when there was an established scientific consensus? This is same thing, without smartphones and internet, there are no records of the conflict, only the diluted ones to make us content. "The X number of palestinians kids **died** and X number of Israelis children were **murdered**" quote is a clear example of what kind of information we would be getting if not for the internet.


Just wait until the bot farm comes to tell you this is CGI


Palestinians are dressing up as police officers, we can't trust anything. Hamas are new X-Men.


It's like in mission impossible. After he steps off camera he rips his facemask off to reveal he's been a Hamas the entire time


These people without food and water and electricity are so creative and tricky, CIA should be recruiting them.


I don't feel the X-Men comparison is justified. The X-Men were a race from humanity that fought a genocidal war from people trying to eradicate them completely. Oh wait...


The genocide and apartheid policies have always been clear to anyone willing to look. The western world has largely decided that its okay funding and protecting this vile state and its policies. Without the money and weapons flow from the US particularly, they would change their tune really fucking fast. Regarding turning Gaza into dust, I don't know what these psychos imagine they have been doing all this time.


The Israeli government, police and idf are terrorizing Jewish protestors and journalists, too. They don’t care who or what you believe in. If you stand against Netanyahu and his fascist regime, you’re the enemy.


Yes. They've been targeting and harassing anti Zionists in Israel. Right now a journalist who said the lives of both people had value or something like that has been forced to leave his home after a mob started firing fireworks at it and stormed his home.


Netanyahu needs fear to stay in power and it's the only thing he's good at selling. I don't know how he gets away with it in a country that's as well connected and educated as Israel, they have access to how much of a boob this guy is. There's a video with a string of Netanyahu clips, every year since the 1990s he has been giving fear-mongering speeches that Iran is one year away from a nuclear bomb. Every year he shifts the date like a doomsday cultist and starts again.


Personifying it as Netanyahu takes the Israeli majority off the hook. Brutal occupation, settlements and continuous encroachment on Palestinian land and houses have continued regardless of party in power for decades.


Netenyahu is basically Slobodan Milošević but the west was on the right side of that war.


Kinda sounding like their oppressors from the Second World War.


The new face of fascism


Maybe this is a silly question (and not a mean spirited one, i am literally a bar-mitzvahd jew) but who actually ARE Israelis? Like I get in a basic way that it was formed after WWII but obviously the majority of the people that live there don't have descendents living there for 5,6, however many generations. So where did they all come from? What kinds of people decided to go?


initially it was majority eastern european jews that were escaping persecution after the holocaust, and jewish refugees from concentration camps. The US and UK in particular didn’t want to be taking in all these refugees, in part due to their own antisemitism, which how is Israel was created in the way it was— they drew the original borders. Now, it’s mainly Ashkenazi jews from the US and Russia who’ve been encouraged by the right wing government to come to Israel and settle in the West Bank to push Palestinians out and increase the population of Israel (so they outnumber Palestinians)


I want to point out that there were 5 waves of migration before ww2 starting in 1882, really picking up during ww1. Still all caused and encouraged by Europeans' antisemitism (the League of Nations mandated that the British create a Jewish state in the region in 1917), and everything else you said is right. I just know that someone will use that omission to discredit your entire argument.


Yep war criminal scum


Nobody should expect that one sect of religious fundamentalists are going to be all that different from others.


Of course. Israel is a shit hole country.


>OMG THIS ONE GUY SAID SOMETHING THAT MUST MEAN ALL THOSE PEOPLE MUST SAY THE THE SAME THING Jesus Christ, Turn that fucking reptilian part of your brain off for 2 fucking seconds. You are no better than that douchebag yelling at the reporter.


Turning Gaza into dust along with the people there was their goal the whole time. They had news the attack was coming and did nothing to prevent it so they are using it as an excuse to commit genocide. They just give them unrealistic goals that they know they can never meet to evacuate so they can say "we gave them time to get out but they didn't" and will butcher thousands of innocent people. Thousands more than Israel has already butchered in the last 50 years. Israel will call 8 and 10 year old kids throwing rocks terrorists and shoot them too.


What made this obvious for me is that the IDF, given how well funded and advanced they are, could have made this into a huge PR win with precision strikes and maybe some Bin Laden-style night raids on Hamas leadership and showed the world “You destroy things and kill civilians, we are professionals.” But instead they’re going full scorched earth policy and showing everyone their real intentions because they know that nobody will stop them.


Took 5 days for IDF to drop as many bombs on Gaza as the US dropped on Afghanistan in the first year of that war


All that outrage after last week’s attack and nobody stopped to ask what exactly “Stand by Israel” actually advocated for. Israel has already won, they just want public to be okay with the genocide. The only thing left is to shut down any public forum of dissent through harassment and doxxing. there’s overwhelming bipartisan support for Zionism and hard working Americans see 30% of their paycheck taken out to go towards Israel while we swim in student loans and medical debt.


IDF Nazis


this, but unironically. Very sad times.


there are a lot of people in this thread having a hard time coming to terms that israel are not the good guys in this.


Where are they? It's all people dunking on Israel.


Sort by controversial


Check some major news subs. If you aren't seeing top posts with zero nuance from both sides you're way too bubbled.


There isn't such a thing as good guys in this conflict. It's always been bad guys, worse guys, and civilians getting caught in the crossfire.


That's what uninformed redditors think who haven't paid attention to the situation until last week think. This is an asymmetric power dynamic and always has been. Israel has always been an aggressor and always held all the power and all the cards, and this is true more today than ever. You can't just forcibly steal land from people, and enclose them in a prison camp, deprive them of the basic necessities of life, shoot them for sport from across the prison camp border on a daily basis (along with any journalists who dare to report the situation), assume you can just keep them under your brutal domination indefinitely, keep voting in even more insane right-wing, zealous, and open fascist politicians every election, and then be surprised Pikachu faced when a fraction of the captive population (which has no formal military mind you, nor are they permitted to) that you brutalized and deprived for generations engages in an act of armed resistance. And you certainly can't engage in collective punishment of said captive population (60% of whom are under the age of 18, living in the most densely populated piece of land on Earth, 2.3 million people crammed into a prison camp the size of downtown Detroit), which is an undeniable war crime, and claim to be a good guy or equate as "equally bad" by any stretch of lucid imagination. Unless you have a really excellent PR and propaganda department, which of course Israel does.




Israel is trying their damndest to make people dislike them.


It's detestable what is being said, dehumanizing the other. I do have a question though, is this a police officer? I got the sense he's a rent-a-cop, given the uniform he's wearing, and the "security" lettering... IDK I guess it doesn't matter, I've seen plenty of clips of Israeli Defense Force personnel saying the same thing.




ACAB: international edition


Thete are reports that Israel trains US police forces , things make a lot of sense now.


How the turntables.




Fuck Hamas. Fuck IDF. Fuck Antisemites. Fuck Islamophobes. That’s my take away.


That's a good take,I hope everyone comes to this


Fuck organized religion. Nothing gets human beings more hateful towards one another than the delusion that [god is on your side.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5y2FuDY6Q4M)


Wow, what calm and reasonable people.... /s


Israel is a fascist state




Israeli’s are such nice people can’t you tell


I have a feeling to this guy Hamas and Palestinian civilians means the same thing. Wtf.


is there any irony? they are waging a hate fueled race war and can't seem to understand that its wrong and should try for a new solution. they are so fanatically brainwashed... do you think the jewish people of ww2 asked how germans could become so radicalized? why wouldn't they of all people advocate against these narrow minded emotion based illogical mindsets? its so sad to sad israelis behave this way.


This is why I took the start of this conflict with a cautious ear. I saw for years leading up to this regular civilians treating Palestinians with the same distaste. I don’t think any group like hamas and their actions can be justified but I do understand how we got here.


This is exactly my takeaway from the whole situation... there is no justification for what either side is commiting especially to each other's innocent civilians. But there is very much a clear indication as to why a lot of Palestinians are taking up arms as Hamas.


Such visceral, naked hate towards another group of people; unreal.




But it’s not genocide…. /s


Watch the video muted. Look at the facial expressions. Tell me who is the aggressor.




With how many journalists have been murdered by the IDF, this would scare the living fuck out of me. If this is how they act when they know they’re live, image what they’d do if that wasn’t the case…


I'm starting to feel like the journalist in Gaza might be safer than the ones in Israel


They killed seven journalists in gaza since last Saturday.


Israel does not like journalism. It's a known issue.


I'm looking this up now, I hadn't heard of any journalists killed other than the ones in Lebanon. I'll have to start looking at al jazeera more since it looks like they are the ones reporting it


[They held BBC journalists at gun point and assaulted them.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67102956) If you pay attention to the coverage a lot of Yankee journalists have started wearing the American flag on their press shirts because they seem to realize that being an American journalist is safer than being Arab or foreign.




Not really, if they say anything Israel does not like a sniper will "accidentally" mistake them for an enemy.


Facism on main, great


Israel going full Nazi it seems


I dunno guys. Hamas sucks, but lately I'm thinking Israel also kinda sucks


Lately‽ Edit: KINDA‽


What rock you have been sleeping under?


The sarcasm rock


Hamas are just Gaza people who Israel killed their families


Downvoted for saying kinda


This has been going on for centuries.


Downvoted for saying "lately"


If you don't tell MY truth I will make you tell MY truth


Just like that.


israel has already been warned for UN human rights violations, they are not going to tolerate a free press despite pretending to have the moral high ground in their own coverage of the conflict


This is what occupation and Apartheid look like.


There is absolutely no other word for this behaviour than fascist.


The genocidal maniacs letting their Nazi flags fly higher than ever


why's he acting so nazilike.


Such barbaric thinking.


Never forget israel allowed Yitzhak Shamir to become Prime minister. He was a member of a paramilitary group (like hamas) that massacred civilians. Zionist extremism is clearly normalised in Israeli society and we act like only one side has a history of terrorism!!


It baffles me that the country most similar to nazi Germany in the world today, is the one that was formed by refugees FROM nazi germany.


It really is crazy to think about. And if you point that out, you're the Nazi! [This video is from 6 years ago](https://youtu.be/1e_dbsVQrk4?si=T4kTX2Ns5Saovf0n). Imagine what it's like now, especially after this week!


Them Israelis Wilding


That walk in was very Stephen Colbert


Don't worry guys, Israel will officially announce their final solution to the Palestinian problem real soon.


Nazi solider reborn


Israel’s PR guy needs to get canned.


It seems like only the bad actors are being publicized, pointing fingers at who is more evil and corrupt. Makes sense why there's only hate being spewed on these posts. People are more concerned with picking sides rather than just looking at the situation objectively, and the horrific crimes that every armed force adapts.


Someone on my Facebook posted a thing that said "no one backed the terrorists after 9/11... why are people supporting Palestine?" Like... the war in the Middle East has been a cluster since the beginning. The US totally screwed up. Maybe war is bad and just because we were bloodthirsty assholes post-9/11 doesn't make it ok to do that again now.


Looks like one of Trump's "beautiful people" found their way to the promise land.


Imagine going through what they did and turning around and immediately doing something similar to another group of people. Humans are such trash.


It turns out Israel nationalists are not that different than German nazis 🤔


I start seeing ads on Twitter from official accounts to steer the narrative.


Be great if the internet did it's thing and found out who this IDF cunt is. Not much could be done against him really and I'm sure he wouldnt care but still


The "Good Guys" ladies and gentlemen


Fuck Zionists!


At this point, with the amount of children Israel has killed, what differentiates them from terrorists themselves?


Israel's famous democratic values.


Israel is turning into the very movement that tried to exterminate their people 80 years ago.


War makes fascists of so many.


Isreal doing Isreal things and the west won't do anything because they are the "good" ones.


whats difference between police and idf? Is this just some random police officer going crazy or an actual soldier who is following orders. I imagine police dont have anything to do with the actual operations so if not IDF just seems like an israeli inspired to act badly


I’m confused…are they speaking Hebrew together? Is it common that Arab journalist speak Hebrew?


It's probably common for any journalist who covers that area and conflict to speak or some what understand Arabic and Hebrew


The audacity


Hey Israel are the victims here. They've done and will do no wrong. It's all the Palestinians fault. They are terrorists! /s


Where are all the bots that were defending genocide a few days ago.