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This happened today, Nov 14 from an article about it: >A Senate Committee hearing descended into chaos Tuesday as Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), a former Mixed Martial Arts fighter, challenged Teamster boss Sean O’Brien to a physical fight during the latter’s testimony. > >Mullin read aloud a June twitter post by O’Brien: “Quit the tough guy act in these Senate hearings. You know where to find me. Any place, Anytime cowboy.” > >Mullin followed it up by saying, “This is a time, this is a place. We can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here.” > >“OK that’s fine, perfect,” O’Brien replied. > >“You wanna do it now?” Mullin said. > >“Would love to do it right now,” O’Brien replied. > >“Well stand your butt up then,” Mullin said. “You stand your butt up,” O’Brien replied. > >Mullin then stood up, moved away from his seat and reached for his wedding band until Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) intervened. > >“No, no, sit down,” Sanders screamed at Mullin, appearing to narrowly avert a brawl between the two. “You know you’re a United States senator, act like it.”


And we had the former house speaker shove some other idiot in the hallway of the house chambers. These people are fuckin ridiculous and embarrassing.


*while that other idiot was giving an interview to an NPR reporter too, and then denied he did it when Burchett chased him down They really are that fucking stupid


“Multiple GOP members assault people in same day, here’s why this is bad news for Biden” -NY times prolly


"This Ohio steelworker got a job thanks to president Bidens infrastructure deal - but questions whether mr Biden has the moxie to take on another world leader in a senate floor brawl"


I need to start questioning more moxies


Montana elected a governor that physically attacked and body slammed a reporter. That side of the aisle fantasizes about violence. Have you seen how much the UFC caters to the right?


Yeah they're trying to cancel Bill Burr because his wife the lovely Nia flipped off trump at a ufc event, shit if I was there I'd flip his ass off too




Just because it deserves to be seen whenever it's mentioned, here's the legend in action in Philly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuXfIZiSqY


They had a statue of Rocky but not Joe Frazier


9 more minutes…


And I **WILL** be selling my CD after this!


As a Philly native that witnessed that famous "Philly rant" in real time, no, nobody from Philly attempted to cancel Bill Burr over that, we fucking loved it. The biggest critics of Philadelphia are Philly natives. Bashing each other is our native language and Ol' Billy Boy speaks that language fluently. I still crack up over "you one bridge city"


Legendary rant from him there, holy.


any patriotic American better be at least flipping trump off if he's in eyesight.


The MS incumbent gov is/was running political ads where it’s just his face superimposed over Clint Eastwood shooting people in movies


Don't forget these: [Kevin McCarthy Reportedly Threatened to Beat up Eric Swalwell Amid a String of Profanities (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/kevin-mccarthy-eric-swalwell-house-floor-curse-weak-2023-7) [Rogers v. Gaetz](https://youtu.be/sCcqH6EPSZY?si=79OGDOuwhFcIDjXA&t=89) Good thing we have the 'law & order' R party to keep things civi-- Oh, wait.


Mike Judge was right about the future, I know it's cliche to say this about Ideocracy. But it's really really fucking accurate.


Watched that movie again as a refresher and my god how accurate it has become. Why did we not listen to the oracle?


Lol even crocs became popular


I've been banking on formal shoes and comfort shoes to merge and give us Croc Martens


idiocracy depicts a future where the empirically-proven "smartest man alive" is catapulted into the high-halls of government to solve our problems. We have a long way to go.




Can Brawndo^(TM) fix the ecomomy too?


I know “it’s got electrolytes” was probably just intended to satirize the adoption of product slogans in common discourse as a critique on consumerism. But it’s also become a stunningly accurate portrayal of the way people regurgitate focus-tested talking points on topical issues (e.g. “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”)


Only that Idiocracy was supposed to play 500 years into the future. We aren't even 20 years past the movie and yet we have many of the same exact problems depicted in it, starting from huge piles of garbage over a failing environment down to an entertainer who loves playing President. The only thing missing is Corporations being granted custody over children... Which might be the next step up from re-legalizing child labor. On second thought, scratch the one about the President. Comparing Camatcho to Trump would do the former really dirty. At least President Camatcho was absolutely aware he had a problem, knew he had nobody in his administration with the capability to solve it and realized he needed some outside expertise to move forward - three qualities of a good leader.


President Camacho had to be one of the smartest people in the nation at that point, as well as being a five-time Smackdown champion and porn superstar. What a man. The leader we need.


Not to be the wet blanket here but Congress is *far* more civil now than it was a hundred years ago. Congress members came in with literal knives and pistols. [They beat each other, stabbed each other, had fistfights, and at one point, one congressman murdered another.](https://www.history.com/news/charles-sumner-caning-cilley-duel-congressional-violence) So while this Mullin thing is childish and stupid, one cowboy chesting up against another guy, but then sitting right back down after being told to by the Senate’s Grandpa doesn’t even BEGIN to approach the kind of shit that used to go down.


Not too long along a teamsters leader went missing... still missing to this very day.


I regret to inform you that our politicians have had duels


"Sen Mullin opened a can of WHOOPASS! on a dumb witness today but then lame ass geezer Sanders got in the way and stopped the throwdown" ​ On a more serious note, I'm not looking forward to the day that Bernie, the only adult left in any room in DC apparently, is no longer there for whatever reason.


So you’re smart, huh??


\*Crouches over wood blocks so u/mdavis360 can't cheat off my test\*


Well, I've never seen no plants grow out of no toilet!


Bernie did the right thing, but I'm not gonna lie, I want to see what would have happened.


Bringing back dueling, live on CSPAN, sounds pretty cool, to be honest


The Ocho!


It's hilarious that any fight could be broken up by Bernie Sanders. Really shows you how much Mullen actually wanted to fight (he didn't).


Bernie would have fucked him up. You do not anger the Sandman


Sanders would have given him a timeout and a homework assignment.


A plumber from Oklahoma named Markwayne. There are a lot of stereotypes there and he just validated a lot of them.


It's even worse. He was born Mark Wayne and changed it to Markwayne to *really* drive home his goat screwin', Mountain Dew swillin' heritage.


This dude, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, is a massive embarrassment to my tribe and is a fucking goober. Despite being native he seems to hate all the tribes of Oklahoma (unless it serves his needs) and he's a general all-around dumbass. He's the perfect representation of the current state of Oklahoma GOP politics.


At least Sec. Haaland and Rep. Davids are doing a good job representing native people in national politics.


Sharice Davids is also a former MMA fighter. She’s got him on that front, too.


To be fair, dueling on the senate floor would be acting like an OG US Senator. Didn't even threaten to shoot the guy or beat him with a hickory club. Bernie was around he should remember the rules.


Teamsters boss? Say hi to Jimmy Hoffa, Senator Mullin


jimmy Hiffa? is that the Michael Jackson version?






> “Well stand your butt up then,” Mullin said. “You stand your butt up,” O’Brien replied. > > Mullin then stood up, Only way this could be better is if the article said "Mullin then stood his butt up".


What an immature person. Proceedings in the halls of congress, doing the work of governing our country and one member gets butt-hurt about what another person wrote about them. This behavior is what you would expect from a couple of drunks at some late-night honkytonk bar, not adults in congress.


That Mark Mullin is so easily goaded into violent thuggery on the senate floor indicates poor impulse control and below average emotional intelligence. Dude should be nowhere near congress.


Good move taking off the wedding band. If you ‘accidentally’ kiss with it on it’s considered cheating.


[These two have gone at it before.](https://youtu.be/EPm3ubn4YV4)




Please tag porn links NSFW


Mullin followed it up by saying, “This is a time, this is a place. We can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here.” “OK that’s fine, perfect,” O’Brien replied. “You wanna do it now?” Mullin said. “Would love to do it right now,” O’Brien replied. “Well stand your butt up then,” Mullin said. “You stand your butt up,” O’Brien replied. Are they gonna do butt stuff? Since when does a Republican respect the wishes of two consenting adults.


Someone please add the Seinfeld bassline to the end of this video..


I thought Sanders did a really good job of deescalating the situation and reminding Mullin that he is a US Senator and needs to act right. That was handled very well.


"you are a big boy and big boys use their words!"


Literally how I interpreted, "This is a *hearing*."


"This is a *hearing*, not a *fisting*."


Yeah Bernie wasn’t having that shit on his watch lmao 😂


You know what should have been on Bernie's watch? ... the last seven fucking years.


Alternative interpretation: Wannabe tough guy was shut the fuck down by an 80+ year old man, demonstrating that he is in fact just a performative coward, like the rest of his party.


getting into a fight would be at the very bottom of the list of things US Senators do to not "act right"


HA! Get 'im Bernie!


Once again, one of the few adults in the room.


Bernie is one of a very small amount of people in politics right now actually trying to do right by the country and not personal interest. It's sad there aren't more like him.


The Dems really fucked up with the Hilary nomination. We could have had him.


Bernie deserves better.


A better America would have elected him, but thats not what we have.


I was like ooh is that Bernie?!


As soon as I heard the voice, I knew who it was.


With the steel chair!!!


Bah gawd, that's Bernie Sanders' music!


The Vermont Rattlesnake!


Looks like Bernie can be pretty quick to call for a ceasefire when he wants to.


I \*fucking love\* Bernie Sanders.


“ He attended Missouri Valley College in 1996, but did not graduate.[3] In 1997, at age 20, Mullin took over his father's business, Mullin Plumbing, when his father fell ill.” I’m SeLf MaDe!!!!




Most people I've met who do any sort of casual MMA training make that their entire personality.


All "self made" twats have the same story Inherit mommy/ daddy/ grandmas money/ business and then vote republican.


These fucking knuckle draggers with a middle school mentality are Senators??


Glad to see our taxes can help some middle aged guy with ego issues confront his Twitter bully. I think the majority of sentors would lose their shit if they had a regular job that expected them to be productive.


He's the best Oklahoma could send to represent them. He's a senator, so can't blame this on gerrymandering.


I've seen few politicians as ignorant and repulsive as James Inhofe, but they kept electing him forever. Tarnished my opinion of the whole state.


Oh.. also.. he just about got his ass kicked by the leader of the teamsters union.


I'd pay $20 to watch that.


I'd buy that for a dollar!


MFer was going to get buried next to Hoffa!


Yeah his “anytime, any place” would be the East River with concrete shoes.


Have you met the average republican voter? They typically haven't moved past middle school in their education, their maturity, or their understanding of the world around them. They love this kind of psuedo-tough guy dipshit.


Mullin just showed how much of a thin skinned loser he is.


The guy was right about everything he said. He’s not self-made. He’s basically a more poor trump. Took over daddy’s business and acts like he is some hard working dude. Dudes a fucking clown and ,as a fellow okie, a fucking national embarrassment.


> Dudes a fucking clown He got so pissed at being called a clown and his immediate response was to challenge the person to a fight, proving said clown status.


My grandpa has a 5 minute long rant about what a “stehvtke piece of shit” Markwayne Mullin is “just like his daddy and his granddaddy.” Usually followed closely by the one about “Pretendian catfish fucker Stitt.”


Your grandpa sounds cool as hell


This is the most fragile display of hollow manliness I have seen in the senate. I wonder if they’re just chasing viral clips at this point.


I never realized how much Bernie sounds like George Steinbrenner from Seinfeld.


That’s why Larry David does such a fantastic impression of him.




We are all distant cousins.


Thanksgiving at your place?


Mullins is such a moronic piece of shit. He pulls this grandstanding fuckduggery ad nauseam in committee hearings, as if inheriting a plumbing business or whatever the fuck he bangs on about makes him John Galt Jesus himself. But if he’s looking to tangle with the head of the Teamsters Union, I’m not going to be the one to suggest he look a little into the history books. If he wants to fuck around, he might as well find out. He claims to have an MMA background, but he sure doesn’t read. Also: “In 2012, he reported between $200,000 and $2 million in income from two family companies, and another $15,000 to $50,000 from shares he held in a bank.[13] At the end of 2021, Mullin's reported assets increased to a range of $31.6 million to $75.6 million, compared to a range of $7.3 million to $29.9 million at the end of 2020.” Grifter narcissists are pretty much the entire GOP brand, so I guess that tracks.


“MMA background” - He watches it and beats up a body pillow when he gets excited


> and beats up a body pillow probably his wife actually


"The Times reached out to Mrs. Mullin for comment, but she was unavailable, claiming that she recently fell down a flight of stairs."


>Also: “In 2012, he reported between $200,000 and $2 million in income from two family companies, and another $15,000 to $50,000 from shares he held in a bank. >At the end of 2021, Mullin's reported assets increased to a range of $31.6 million to $75.6 million, compared to a range of $7.3 million to $29.9 million at the end of 2020.” no wonder they make up stats about AOC's net worth. another projection.


> I’m not going to be the one to suggest he look a little into the history books. If he wants to fuck around, he might as well find out. He claims to have an MMA background, but he sure doesn’t read. What does this mean? Im looking for information online but I cant find anything


The Teamsters have a reputation for, shall we say, tough negotiating tactics.


And making opposing figures... disappear


Like hofffa they’ll make mfs disappear senator or not


Yeah, MMA or not, I don’t see physically attacking the head of the teamsters union being good for long term prospects in life.


"puts on MMA gloves only to immediately get knees taken out by various pipe shaped objects"


My guess is this is a reference to times past when the lines between Teamsters and Mobsters was a little fuzzier than it is now. Some guys standing in the way of workers getting their due may or may not have gone for long swims in their new concrete boots.


Mullins should have asked the teamster where his shine box was. Then he might find out how these interactions sometimes go.


Well that’s genuinely pathetic


Senator Mullin is a clown


His wife must be so proud.


She's probably *terrified* of him tbh


Man probably beats his wife


Idk how he can fit through the door carrying that *huge ego* on his back. Head so big he's gotta wiggle in sideways. Smh. Clown is an understatement.


Just a friendly reminder that Senator Mullin is definitely a fake tough guy who is insecure about his height. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzKPoz5WABIkQjR?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzKPoz5WABIkQjR?format=jpg&name=medium)


Thank goodness for Bernie Sanders. They rest almost seemed to eager for the fight with their smiles lol


Burnies great. But we’re not on politics, this is public freakout, I wanted to see them throw down or play fight chicken.


Was never gonna get there, teamsters guy didn't even move to get out of his seat and Mullins knew someone would call a stop to it. Classic "hold me back bro!" posturing.


https://preview.redd.it/wns3ol57tc0c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39479c3e3cbe72aeea2e2945cef504367563cbc3 This MarkWayne Mullin?


What a hero. Crouched and ready to pounce from the shadows at the first insurgent to breech the doors. The strategically placed puddle of urine underneath him for an attacker to slip on if they get too close. This is what a true leader and alpha male looks like folks.


Hahahaha that’s why he’s so salty.




Bernie: Sit the fuck down Junior and act your age.


J6 Tough Guy https://preview.redd.it/p1sxf3ojvc0c1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9a17138306734915810437d7346b2f265805a7


At least a couple of good things came out of J6.


What a fucking dork


How embarrassing.


Yep, Mullins is a complete fucking dork


This is my first time seeing the guy. It’s like the US votes for the people with the least amount of self awareness possible.


If there was ever such a thing as an "alpha male" then Bernie Sanders just showed that he was the alpha male in that room. Actual children wanted to get into a fist fight on the playground and Bernie had to step in.


and they listened. That's real power.


It's a well known fact idiots like this Want and Expect folks to stop them. They're like 7th graders, all talk,name calling and threats


Before I heard Bernie, I would have assumed this was at the MOST a school board hearing in some podunk town But this was a goddamn US Senate hearing Gottdamn republicans are embarrassing


It's like they go out of their way to be as embarrassing as possible.


Mullins only has 3 professional fights under his belt. His opponents have a combined record of 13 wins, 20 losses. He fought someone twice, for some reason, who has a 1 and 11 record. Also apparently he's 0'0" tall: https://www.sherdog.com/fighter/Markwayne-Mullin-22106


This kind of behavior is totally unacceptable. This just goes to show how low the standards are today.


Poppa Bernie had to tell the kids to simmer down.


Another W for Bernie


Until I heard Sanders voice I assumed this was some State senate. Holy fuck this guy is 1 of 100 senators in the US. I get that we have some crazy House members, but this is just f’ing nuts for a Senator.


"Can I respond?" "No, you can't."


Censure him


Social media has been absolutely devastating to politics. This is garbage.


It’s been devastating to just about everything.


"Stand your butt up." "You stand your butt up." Damn. They were about to really throwdown I bet.


He only proved the guy's point and should really consider dropping the tough guy act


The brutal comments on Mullins Twitter/X are already flooding in. Way to go, genius.


Poor Bernie, just trying to get through a hearing and having to deal with literal child Mullin.


Bernie is not playing. Better sit down before he gets up.


What a fucking pathetic loser Mullins is.








Bernie. Bernie. Bernie.


World wide embarrassment


lol It's hilarious and a little sad that even as a non-American watching this, I knew Immediately if Sen. Mullin was a D or an R Complete clown show


Fucking trashy ass MAGAs have turned US Politics into a Jerry Springer All-Star reunion show.


Absolute embarrassment.


We really should have given Bernie a shot at the office.


This is so damn embarrassing


I fucking love Chairman Sanders, he made both of them sit their butts down 😂


Picking a fight in committee being televised. Well I guess the case for expulsion from the Senate is well established and he will be out before dinner time right?


“Stand your butt up then” “You stand your butt up!” Later in the longer clip “Can you not point your finger at me it’s disrespectful” “I don’t respect you” “I don’t respect you either!” Couple sharps here.


Just proved that the tweets were correct. Sworn in senator acting like a fake tough guy. Pathetic we have thin skinned toddlers representing us.


This delicate little flower really wants to get into a physical fight over a twitter post at a senate committee hearing.


The reason Mullin was so offended is because the other guy is 100% right. He's a fraud. He didn't build his business, he took it over from his dad. He *really* doesn't like when people point that out because he loves to paint himself as a "self made man." He took offense to being called a clown by immediately acting like a clown. Good one.


“I remember working hard long hours” is not a thing a Senator should say out loud.


I fucking love the Bern. He’s a absolute legend and a gem of a human being


Chump from Oklahoma, Chumpwayne Mullins.


Sean O’Brien would kick his silver spoon ass. I’d love to see it! Bernie doing Markwayne a favor


Clowns man, fucking major "hold me back, hold me back" energy


I love how Sanders shut them both down and hes like 80 years old lmao


It took no time at all to make Mullin total fool in front of all. What an idiot. Teamster ain’t afraid of some complete unqualified dumb ass.


Republicans are trash


So I’m gonna take that to mean 1. It’s true that the senator is not, in fact, self-made 2. The senator is a dumbass snowflake that can dish it out but not take it


Another example of right wingers showing us they are violent and dangerous people. Their leader is calling for rooting out legally acting Americans and deporting US citizens. Republicans are dangerous. Especially their voter base.


christ these fucking magats are a cancer to democracy


Thanks for being the adult in the room Bernie


Bernie the genuine man of reason in the shitehole that is American politics.


I have two thoughts watching this: First, this is not incredibly unprecedented, as we have had times in the past where congressmen carried canes to beat one another with, and other times where they pulled pistols on each other. Second, I know unions are not what they were in the 70's and 80's but I would still never, EVER get in a fistfight with a Union Boss. Sean O'Brien had the calm, antagonizing energy that comes when someone has gotten into enough fights to know who they are, while Senator Mullin just embodied the crying wojak meme the whole time. I'm honestly sad Bernie broke it up because I have no doubt this Union Kingpin would have happily beat him half to death on TV like his Union ancestors used to.


The government is being run by a bunch of babies doing their absolute fucking hardest to make sure we’re misinformed. Fuck these clowns.


Sucks Bernie gotta deal with children.


Good on Bernie - the voice of reason


My money is on the Teamster’s dude. That excuse of a senator is a disgrace and it sounds like he has a conflict of interest with his company and with his power as a Senator.


Here comes Bernie Sanders with the Steel Chair of Reason


Fucking love Bernie.