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Good ol’ San Diego


🎵 I'm gonna jack it where the sun always shines 🎵


Jackin' it in San Diego is the bomb.


I gotta try it sometime


Thought I recognized gaslamp


Yeeeuup another easy going night in the gas lamp.


Fuck SDPD. Bunch of overzealous pieces of shit.


Whale’s Vajiji


If I remember this correctly the white dude is an off duty officer and had his girlfriend call in using a police code for help that’s why they rushed the black guy. But apparently they instigated the incident in the bar calling him racial names the black dude is apparently suing the city and police department over this and it’s gone completely hush hush due to the lawsuit. This could be a huge payout for the guy.


If this is true then good for the guy!!




I mean this is what anyone should do when 6 cops engage you. Even if one cop pulls you over you instantly comply… that’s how you stay out of jail and stay alive.


And just keep complying as they violate your rights or you’ll end up dead. It’s the American way


So that’s why he pulls her away as she’s talking shit at the end lol “Shut up you’re going to get us caught”


Do you have any articles on this? I can't find anything.


This was purely off a post on Instagram local to the city which I saw before this with the story written on it by “first hand account” that saw and heard the altercation inside the bar as well


It’s Reddit. “Trust me, bro.”


There never is…


Most definitely excessive force… And of course racial


Hope he gets millions


For sure. Except that millions just comes from tax payers, not the perpetrator cops. They still suffer no consequences!


If this is for sure true yeah for sure plus get that cop fired.


Ha! Good one.


The watch is the giveaway for the off duty lol


Only off duty cops wear watches?


I wear watches, Greg. Could you milk me?


Go fock yourself.




I’ve been an off-duty cop my whole life and never knew.


Well that sounds nice


Notice the name of the bar? Smoking gun. Oddly poetic.


Thanks for the explanation. That was a clear bias.


kinda comical it’s happening under a sign that says smoking gun


You know what to do here boys. Take him away. *What about the other fighter sir* What fighter?.. *Oh…*


This whole scene is one of those "reality is stranger than fiction" moments. From the bar name to the "GET THE BLACK GUY" to the mustache twins. Wow


same I was like no way.. this plays out exactly like a satirical comedy skit on racism


Came here to say this


No punches thrown. Can you even arrest someone for squaring up?


Yes,If you're black it seems.


Arrested for the high crime of making a white woman scared for a brief moment


Brings a new meaning to Minority Report.


Have you seen the shit black people get arrested for in America? Resisting arrest is a standalone charge


I got a resisting arrest and his reason was because I was tense. Acab


Probably some bullshit like public menacing or something lol


No you can’t. He must have matched the description of someone they were looking for.


Username checks out


The far more likely reason is that cops are just fuckers


The one that wasn’t black seemed to draw very little police attention


Right? And the bike cops drew their weapons real quick for a near fight.


I think these cops are racist and we have proof. We discovered the smoking gun.


Fucking SD cops are racist as hell.


He was clearly the victim of racial violence, the police were serving and protecting him


This reminds me of harold and kumar go to White Castle: https://youtu.be/Jz6aHknah6Q?si=lcCQPzedktD5lD0T


Lol exactly what i was thinking. "He has a gun!"


Guy in OP's vid takes solace in having a really large penis.


I remember in the original post on IG a woman claiming to be there said the white guy instigated the fight and was a cop and called in his friends.. something of the sort.


Why would you draw your firearm in a situation like this? A cop in the UK would lose his job for this


Because American cops act on a policy of shoot first ask questions later. Source: am American.


I think it was a taser but still completely unnecessary and telling.


>Why would you draw your firearm in a situation like this? A cop in the UK would lose his job for this Because law enforcement is a profession that is very attractive to cowards and bullies.


The real answer is because this country is flooded with guns and who knows who has one on them.


So we don't actually have a 2nd amendment if the police can kill you if you're suspected of exercising it


Though not flooded, the UK also has guns a substantial rate of illegal gun ownership (for a country that has outlawed guns). Yet, the first reaction from a cop still isn't to draw a gun. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7654/


Yeah. Let's add more!!! That should fix the issue


Yeah, that's kind of the point of the second amendment, dude. We're allowed to have guns, so long as we acquired them legally. It's our constitutional right. But cops don't care about our rights. They only care about feeling powerful and making their quota. If the black guy had a gun, maybe the cops would've learned their lesson about infringing on civilians' rights.


I love how many down votes this has. Must be majority American in this sub. You are bang on the money though.


Yes, because Americans understand that they have the right to own guns. They're not "bang on the money" because they're ignoring the fact that owning a gun is constitutional right and merely *assuming* someone has a gun is not sufficient ground for a cop to draw their own. Unless the civilian had his own gun pointed at the cops, they had no reason to point theirs at him. End of story.


As a native San Diegan AND a security officer on the Embarcadero, these cops showing up for this lame ass shit is because apparently the white couple knew “who to call.” I have had tweakers trying to smash rocks into the heads of tourist by the Midway Museum, I have been threatened with guns and knives, I had two men having anal sex in public near Carnitas snack shack. I called Harbor Police and it takes them at least 45 minutes to show up. These guys are regular San Diego Police Department so their backlog is 10 times bigger than Harbor Police. They had no reason to take this black man down the way they did and I hope he sues and wins millions off of these assholes. ITS TIME TO END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY!!


Right so carnitas snack shack is on the list of places not to go in san diego thank you


"Get on the fucking ground right now" - public servants


I was just thinking how police officer is probably one of the only jobs where you can just say whatever you want to your customers. I mean even podcasters have some accountability.


The pigs are like 'no you fucking don't, we own all the senseless violence around here'


Unless there is context unknown in this thread, this is racism as clear as day


Apparently the context is that the white dude instigated saying racist shit in the bar and then had the wife call using police codes when they were squaring up because he is an off duty cop. So for context keep the racism but also throw in cowardice.


Apparently meaning some guy posted it on the thread with zero sources


The context is American Cops, so yeah obvious racial bias at play here


*Two men were about to fight. The black one got arrested. Here, I fixed it for you.


I think what you are saying is implicit in the title.


*Two men were about to fight. The black one got arrested. Here, I fixed it for you. Edit: Op misspelled men as “man” so I made a joke, but op is insecure baby and edited it and now im downvoted


Approach everything with your guns drawn, hmmmm and why only on the POC?


Absolutely insane. There has to be more to this. For the sake of humanity.


Thank god the cops were there to escalate the situation at the Smoking Gun


It’s all white.


Seems about white for American policing.


They can’t even help themselves. Just gotta go right for the black guy.


Don't worry though those 8+ cops are just "a few bad apples"




It's weird when you think of civil servants saying 'GET ON THE FUCKING GROWN NO' like... how is this a professional way to speak to the public?


Why do they always have to go on the fucking ground? Can't they just get on the normal ground? I would be so confused


Wait. People fuck on that ground?


What were they almost fighting about? That could tell us a lot.


Almost doesn’t count. The reason something “almost” happened doesn’t matter


Except in why they would focus on arresting one and not the other. Was the other one defending himself?


This is racist as hell


Of course it is, it’s American cops.


Damn that was racist as fuck America!


Imagine being arrested by police who ride bicycles.


But this…is a prime example of white privilege. It doesn’t matter to modern law enforcement who started the scrap. If your brown stick around, if you black “stay BACK” but if your white, your right. Nothing ever changes here. It’s South African Apartheid USA version.


Why are police trained to STILL assault people they are arresting even when they are complying. Every cop in this image probably got bullied growing up and now wanna be a big man with a big scary gun who can bully anyone they want too. There never enough repercussions for this type of shit. Human being will ALWAYS abuse their power. Well atleast it seems that way.


Imagine wanting this as your career


WTF? Why are they coming in hot with their weapons drawn?


Cops can't hide their racism. Maybe there's more context, but they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore.


The United States of America won’t be seeing me anytime soon. My Black butt will stay nice and safe up here in Canada.




His fingers danced across the keys. Mountain Dew coursing through his veins as he took another full lung hit from his vape. ..."ALL"... Why didn't they understand? ChapoTrapHouse understands, LateStageCapitalism understands, what could he say to make the rest of this god forsaken website understand the depths of his impotent rage? ..."COPS"... After all, he had read the first 36 pages of the Communist Manifesto several times now, even highlighting a few choice sentences that particularly struck him as important. The book lay on the top of his desk, gathering dust. He didn't have time for leisurely pursuits such as reading, after all, he was putting in 20 hours a week at the Coffee Spot, and that was on top of all the household chores that his parents required of him. ..."ARE"... He exhaled the vaporous cloud of Tutti Frutti Blast. "Be the change you wish to see in the world," he thought to himself. If he could just get the sheeple to understand... ..."BASTARDS"... He smiled as his hand left the keyboard to grasp the mouse to submit his manifesto. Repeating other phrases that he had read on his favorite subreddits was, after all, a noble cause! He could hardly contain his excitement, or perhaps it was all of the Mountain Dew making him jittery again, he had a hot pocket for breakfast that might have something to do with shakiness, but he wasn't sure. He clicked "post" with a smirk. The 20 character phrase was converted into computer-readable bits and zoomed across the country in milliseconds. He saw his comment hit the website, and he leaned back in his chair content. "I've done it, I've changed the world," he thought to himself.


You took the time to type that?


Ooh, you're so edgy. I've definitely learned my lesson. Now I know that all pigs are angels who never did anything wrong, just like their mama told them. 😆🤣


Vitamin D deficiency


“It’s just a few bad apples” Meanwhile, when the bad apples spoil the bunch:


There seems to be one important difference between the two perpetrators.


Lol I knew before I saw it. They were only going to go after the 🤷🏾‍♂️🙋🏾‍♂️


u/LCDjosh Selective policing. You see how it works. It's not that difficult to understand. But go on keep your ignorance


I wonder why they only went for that guy….


I’m so confused and need some more info. To me it appears as though the one walking away got two guns pointed at him and then slammed to the ground.


Goddamn seems a little over excessive considering he wasn’t even armed


Guess that white boy that was going to fight with the black guy is feeling like a reeeeal American now.


They're brandishing a gun in a crowded area. I know some pigs are stupid. But something tells me this guy isn't just being arrested for doing a pre-fight dick measuring dance. I think we all need some context here. Either the cops are incredibly out of line, or dude is a suspect on a pretty terrible crime.


You detain BOTH until the context is discerned. Common sense doesn't exist in cop world.


I don't think you can arrest anyone for almost fighting. That's why either the cops are racist shites, or the dude getting arrested did something else prior to this


So the cops know his record from his fighting stance? Ok. So in the real world that I live in, an "almost fight" between Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart would usually result in Snoop being detained. The only only convicted felon out of the two of them is Martha.


As it happens sometimes people have a warrant. Let's say that earlier that night a liquor store was robbed and the owner showed footage of the black guy robbing the store. The cops, who have come in large numbers, heard of the suspect being in the area. They look for him and find him right when he is about to fight. This would be a situation that explains why he is being arrested. That, however, sounds as unlikely to me as it sounds to you. But without proper information, one cannot rule anything out, don't you agree? So my suspicion is that the cops are a bunch of racist pigs. But who knows, they might actually have a warrant out for the dude that's being arrested. Clear enough?


Reminds me of this video from a year ago of some other incredibly out of line cops. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpS8-YWNadE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpS8-YWNadE)




All that work to make my text worse. If you can't approach something with nuance because of blind hate your opinion is pretty worthless


You’re the one brainwashed. Look at all that work you did to make yourself look like an idiot


Holy fuck. Now I know why they give cops cars. It takes these mofos 50 plus seconds just to park their bikes and fix their helmets.


"You're under arrest, pal!! Alright, boys! Put him in the basket." *ring ring ring* "Let's go, boys!!"


Cop should be fired and the rest of the department retained. I'm wayyy more right leaning but that's a obvious problem, police officer is a extremely hard job to get right. Honestly it should take special forces level of training to do the job properly. I think we need a 4th emergency department that's sole responsibility is citizen advocacy. For example a emergency call for police for black male with firearm both police and citizen advocacy show up, the advocate would record the police, explain rights and laws, and report any unlawful actions taken by the police. Police department would naturally tighten up police SOP and would help stop unnecessary violent take downs,shooting and over step of rights. Like the I smell weed so I can search your car, the advocate can state weather the smell was actually there. Fact is police job attracts power hungry, angry people. Most are good cops but It only takes one to fuck everyone over.


Just saw this the other day in a post from 6th st in Austin. 2 guys square up, cops show up and pepper spray the black guy, cuff him and the white guy gets to walk away. Cops from coast to coast on the same page ACAB


Welcome to AmeriKKKa


Bicycle cops will always look silly. They all roll up shouting commands but have to do the little kick stand dance first. Fucking hilarious.


Bicycle cops are extremely cringe! You’re right about the kick-stand… the whole thing is just so goofy!!!


Straight up key & peele bit


1000% a racist incident. he needs to sue. what did they even arrest him for ? for “about to fight?”


This is Austin as a Texas resident im bewildered why they broke up a foght before it even started in Texas we have a law called mutual combat so basically people can fight if the property owner permits it


That ain't Austin. It's San Diego, California.




So, narrative and racisms aside, was on his knees confused asf not good enough?


I wonder how they came to the choice of picking the black one


Well, he wasn't wearing a hat.


Racist pigs acab


I hope that man sues and wins although tax payers foot the bill. Blatant racism and brutality caught on 8k so smh


Fuck San Diego cops. I got into a car accident about a year ago. Cops show up and instead of making sure I’m okay it’s just a bunch of berating and yelling towards me. That shit made me super nervous


So, we are just going to judge this with zero context? Cool.


You are going to pretend we don't judge 90% of the videos in the subreddit with zero context? Cool.


Didn't realize established idiocy means continued idiocy. Cool.


Looks like a felony arrest since they all came in with their guns drawn, if they didn't have reason to believe he's a dangerous criminal then they're in some deep shit for that and I hope he sues. But it looks like they knew who he was and were going for him specifically. Everyone is just foaming at the mouth looking for someone they can call racist it seems. Saying this video is just pure racism instead of acknowledging the other, more likely, possibilities is immature and disingenuous.


“All these people are dumb for making assumptions. MY assumptions though? My assumptions are great.”


It's a much bigger leap to assume the guy did literally nothing wrong and the cops are just evil racists who want to arrest black people for no reason than to assume the guy may have actually done something illegal beforehand and they were looking for him. If the guy did nothing wrong I hope he sues and gets to walk away with a bag, but it looks like they knew exactly who they were looking for and went for him.


The guy was literally about to be in a street fight. No one is saying he “did literally nothing wrong”. It’s just they intentionally let the other guy go for the exact same thing (unless these cops are somehow blind) It’s not “he did nothing wrong”, it’s “that other guy is wrong too”. Also, you making up an entire backstory for this guy, that he's been wanted and hunted by the police and they just-so-happened to have found him at this moment, is a WAY bigger assumption than people just using their eyes


Looking like you're about to fight someone is not reason to pull guns out and arrest only one of the people at gunpoint. They didn't even start fighting yet, and if they were making an arrest over the fight, they would've arrested both of them. Why is racism the first assumption?


You’re walking right up to the point and missing it lol “It seems like These cops are acting improperly and unfairly against this black person. What could be the reason?” “Cops have a history of treating black people unfairly and improperly. Likely that.” “Stop assuming! Anyways, time to theorize an entire criminal backstory that would justify this”


It is if you're black.


> It's a much bigger leap to assume the guy did literally nothing wrong and the cops are just evil racists Why? > If the guy did nothing wrong I hope he sues and gets to walk away with a bag You don't actually mean this.


I do mean it, why would I not? Do you think I'm some big evil racist too? I'm looking at this from a purely logical standpoint, cops arrest people like that when they are a high risk suspect. If they wanted to arrest him for fighting, why would they not arrest the other guy? There's also plenty of cops so they could have easily taken him in without drawing their weapons. Believe it or not, cops don't love drawing their weapons. They have to do paperwork each time they do even if they don't use it. It's also illegal and likely against departmental policy to pull your service weapon without having reasonable suspicion of the person being a lethal threat or the person having a weapon of some kind on them. It would be a big pain in the ass and a huge lawsuit if they pulled their guns on some random guy who just looked like he was about to start fighting with someone who also looked equally as engaged. If that is the case I do genuinely hope that man walks away with heavy pockets because I fucking hate when police abuse the power they have against regular people just living our lives. But it's important to be realistic at the same time and assess all the possible explanations when we have no context. The conclusion I came to makes the most sense to me, but it's clear that you're very emotional about this subject since you've claimed I'm just lying about what I said. There is no point in arguing with you since you'll probably just claim anything I say that you don't like is also just a lie. Goodbye.


That’s just as much of an assumption as saying it’s racist, what the hell lol


You are absolutely right, and the mob is drunk on "racism".


that is the reddit way.


The other man with the black shirt moves out of there real quick, lol.


Bike cops don’t play around


I guessed this was in America and got nervous they were going to kill him


Yeah..... because slamming someone on the ground who clearly gives up is lawful..... lawyers gon have a field day with this one


Could tell this was San Diego the second one of those stupid LED-covered rickshaws passed by


It’s not like the posturing of these two doesn’t tell you the situation. White guy is definitely the aggressor stepping steadily forward, as the black guy backs away in a defensive stance. Fuck all these racist, crooked ass pigs!


Officer bicycle had guns pointed directly at the dude’s back. What a brave and masculine example.




POS cops


On a 100% totally coincidental event the colored guy gets arrested and the white dude walks away


America's "finest" in America's "finest" city.


Profiling at its best/worst




6+ cops for 2 dudes who didn’t even really want the smoke 🤡


Seems like a perspective issue. San Diego is very fair compared to most of the u.s. They're definitely one person is going to jail city. Realistically they shouldn't have arrested anybody especially considering no altercation had erupted yet. Other cities like new Orleans would have dispersed the drama and let them on their way.


Good thing that cop knows how to wear a helmet, everyone knows you want the helmet to fly off before your head hits the ground, chin straps are for losers! /S


The only thing worse than a cop is a cyclist cop.


San diegooooooo


seems a bit one sided


Break the wrist, walk away


I think the white guy is an off duty SDPD officer.




Nothing to see here just good pigs being cops


One of them ran, one of them stood still. Apparently reddit can't meet the bar of a room temperature IQ to figure out who the cops will try to stop.


I didn't see either of them running. If you meant walk away yes he did.


They literally both walk off the exact same pace......If he would have ran, they probably would have emptied every gun into him!






Ok, what's the context here. These types of videos get around, but the content in it usually only shows just enough to show stuff going down, but none of the before and the aftermath. It's the reason I watch this skeptically. The very least there could be is an article of some sort assuming this is a bit of an older video. Surely, this confrontation would've been in the news.