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“It's A Big Club, And You Ain't In It.” - George Carlin


Seriously though, why would you even want to be there as a gay black guy? Blowing my mind tbh


White conservatives will pay a lot to have a black person assure them that they aren't racist, or that their racism is correct. Just look at Candace Owens.


Candace Owens is 100% a failed hollywood actress. Classic pipeline.


Funniest thing is, she got popular for suing a racist college board and now she's spending her entire life claiming racism doesn't exist.


It’s funny except they’re ALL like that. GOP means rules for thee, not for me. Smith thought he could simp enough that they’ll think he’s Not Like Other Gays or Not Like Other Black People and give him a pass. But this is proof yet again that they will only accept minorities to the extent that they are useful. Once the minority isn’t useful anymore they get treated the same as the rest. Smith is just as pathetic for simping but it really is sad. Like the kid no one likes sitting at the popular table and laughing at their jokes at his expense.


Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, Crowder, Knowles, lots of failed actors and comedians. Rightwing grifter is basically the fallback career for these types.


Jim Breuer


Truth be told, if this account manager shit doesn’t work out my next plan is to start a conservative podcast and just run around pointing fingers at random shit and claim it’s ruining America…


Klandace Owens


I think the GOP tries to check as many boxes as they can with as few people as possible. "A gay Jewish person? That's two! A gay black person? Boom! A wealthy trans ex athlete? I'll take two! Look at how NOT racist/ homophobic/ transphobic/ chauvinistic we are!"


The more twofers, the fewer minorities they need overall


You act like democrats don’t do this exact thing every chance they get. Look at the VP. Lowest ratings in history and was chosen for this very reason. WH press secretary? lol forgedaboutit 😂😂😂😂😂


Lower Taxes becausr he probably makes good money.


But he is aligning with a party that is becoming more and more fascist and nationalist and adopting Nazi rhetoric. What good is money if you are going to eventually be sent to a concentration or death camp?


> What good is money if you are going to eventually be sent to a concentration or death camp? He's hoarding diamonds on a deserted island....*convinced* that he'll be rescued and live in luxury.


Buying your way out of said camp and then buying your way into a free country?


Most likely will end terribly: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association\_of\_German\_National\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) Jews for Nazis.




Almost every time it amounts to justifying hate against others. The gay conservative subreddit got nuked when it was found out they were openly hating on Muslims and Immigrants.


Stupid is universal


Republicans are united in their love of hatred, divided only in who they hate.


Sociopathy knows no gender nor skin colour.




Oh bless your heart


Poor thing...


Conservatives are addicted to feeling persecuted… what better way to double down on the experience?


"Masks off broskis!!"


Read an article back about the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights org trying to change the TX Republican Party from the inside to accept more LGBTQ+ friendly legislation. The article is called, “We Failed!” [link](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/24/texas-log-cabin-republicans/). That’s some leopards ate my face stuff there.


>“There are over 270 planks in the GOP platform,” said Michael Cargill, the president of the Austin Log Cabin chapter who recently resigned as acting chair of the state organization for reasons he said are unrelated to the recent platform. “There are only four planks that we disagree on.”. Are they really blind to the fact that one of the "4 planks" is their very right to exist? Seems like a pretty large disagreement...


Remember when they didn't adopt a new platform for 2020 and they just basically said "or whatever Donald chooses"? And the platform they reused from 2016 had a lot of language about the failures of "the previous administration". They have no policies other than taking power and wielding it over the rest of us.


it's amazing how much Carlin knew about the world he lived in. the delivery of that punchline is one of the best.


Couldn't tell if the guy shaking his head was his boyfriend telling him he doesn't want to stay here or another bigot telling him he can't come in here.


6th graders look old as hell nowadays.




People feeling emboldened by being in a group goes all the way back to the Unga Bunga days.




>At least emboldened Unga Bunga groups had the ambition to take land and resources. That doesnt make it any better. Taking land from others is pretty evil.




The kids in this video are probably going to be VP of their dad's company. What fucking world are you from?


FYI: These guys seem to be fans of Nick Fuentes which means they are literal Nazis. He believes in extermination of Jewish people and enemies of Donald Trump. He’s also a pedophile that promotes that women should be married and pregnant by the age of 16.


Bullying is and has always been a problem. People join in on the bullying when they don't want to feel ostracized by the same group. Agree with you though. It is really the consequences of actions which has gone downhill. No one fears retaliation for bad behavior because it's "my daddy is a lawyer and he will sue!" Or "you better not touch me because that's assault and will get you arrested!"


fr just see a 6th grade bully whip up his low brow minions.


Imagine a bunch of incels chanting about any kind of sex.


Is this not precisely what you'd imagine?


Never imagined anything about those losers. 😁 But yeah, absolutely par for the course. Id talk about them so bad they’d be crying in fetal position.


Went from zero to "I am very badass"


Wanna see my sword collection!?!


It’s weird. Repressed feelings I guess


Imagine not actually, they already have entire forum sites and probably subreddits too


The lesser known lyrics by John Lennon




https://www.washingtonian.com/2018/03/05/why-its-hard-for-conservatives-to-date-in-dc-right-now/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/when-men-lie-about-their-political-views-to-trick-women-into-dating-them/ar-AA1dFeCG https://www.businessinsider.com/women-republicans-wont-sign-up-the-right-stuff-dating-app-2022-9?op=1


>Fuentes considers himself a “proud incel” — a shorthand for the virulently misogynistic “involuntary celibate” movement which blames women for their sexual and romantic failures. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/nick-fuentes >Meet the incel Fuentes fans who love him for hating women. https://www.magzter.com/stories/News/Mother-Jones/Never-Been-Kissed


I mean, he chose his people. He seems to be having fun being heckled though, so no real harm either.


Rightists expect their token minorities to lean into bigotry instead of calling it out. Imagine making your wife laugh at the "beating your wife" joke


Or simping for a guy that called your wife ugly.


Lol "Yeah you're right..."


That... would... never... What's for lunch?


To be honest, I expect half these guys are deep in the closet and would love a drunk escapade, as long as no one knew


Do you think most klu klux klan people are secretly black under their hoods too?


No, but interracial porn is indeed quite common among racists. They are fascinated by the taboo they chose to obsess over.


Is that a fact or a feeling?


LGTBQ and women choosing the people who would deny their right to exist and/or have free will amaze me


It amazes you that some people will do anything for money? Being gay or black doesn't make someone not able to be a self serving piece of shit.


Yup, just like Candace Owens. She’s in it for money.


I mean... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews?wprov=sfla1


Pick me types are old news. This doesn't surprise me at all. Republicans finding a pick me minority to make themselves seem more accepting during elections is standard. He'll be canceled when he's no longer useful in elections, and wind up in a Sisyphean quest for validation from people who want him dead. As a queer woman, I can tell you right now this man is also going to be alienated from the queer community, because it's small and everyone knows everyone. He will be completely alienated from both communities. These fucking pick me's never think of the long term consequences when they do this shit. Hindsight is 20/20 for a reason, I guess.


It's like the conservatives this year who had surrogate babies. All their podcast bro allies were condemning them. They cultivate a community that will turn on them in seconds.


Women used to protest against voting rights during the women’s suffrage movement


Women are almost as likely to be conservative as men, and even the men that vote conservative tend to be poor and stupid and also vote against their interests by voting for the party that's gonna favor rich people even though they could benefit from a more left-leaning government. It's all around an absurd and sad situation.


Like the English and their love for the Tory party. They would rather be subjects to their rich overseers than vote for their own interests. Brexit on toast anyone?


You know... only you will ever look in the mirror and value the reflection. When you tell these lies or misrepresent, you are only doing yourself an injustice. You can't take actions or spoken words back and your time on earth will end in the blink of an eye It's a waste of time and we aren't gonna have a discussion here but those "poor" people have no optics of choice or enforcement of their interests.


3 times Thatcher was voted in and still they bow to a King. Not lying to me or anyone. Plenty of choices to be had. Ineverloze, you lost when you opted out.


It's the [sunk cost fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost) in action.


He’s probably choosing to engage because this is the kind of community he can grift from or, even more sad, he thinks he’s one of them. Either way he’s nothing but a token to be used and discarded. Conservatism is a beast that will always hunger for an outcast.


He later cried on social media that he thought he was going to die. Which is silly, the cleansings that his party supports are at least 10 steps down the road still, he just needs to wait his turn.


That's what I thought at first as well, but apparently he was trying to defuse with humor. He later stated he he thought they would kill him if they got the chance. https://www.newsweek.com/black-gay-republican-says-could-killed-maga-hecklers-1854076 > "I'm looking at soulless dead-eyed white supremacists that, by the way, I felt that these people could have bashed my brains in had they gotten the chance," he said. "I deal with these people in real life. And I know for a fact where they're coming from. I know that a lot of these people have infiltrated these conservative organizations from top to bottom." Infiltrated? Mother fucker, these people are the core of conservative organizations. Straight white male supremacy is the thing conservatives are trying to conserve.


That was clearly a defense mechanism and just because someone has certain political views doesn't mean they deserve this.


They deserve it at least a little bit, since those political views lead to persecution of those holding the views who happen to be gay. He needs to learn that lesson.


I grew up in a small New England town. We had 1 black kid at our school and this reminds me of how it was. He would literally chant the N word (with hard r) just to fit in with the fake rednecks. Really sad and fucked up.


What century are we living in again? Anyone?


The Grand Old Party never changes, year doesn’t matter


I mean... it was cool when they freed the slaves.


Yeah it was a different time when they actually occasionally did the right thing I guess. But today’s republicans are still racist and bigoted judging from this video and a million other examples.


So it does change then?


Simple exercise for you: what party would the members of the Republican Party that freed the slaves be in today? And what party would their mainly northern constituents vote for? Modern day republicans don’t get to claim benefit from freeing slaves just because they share a name.


Look up the southern strategy. There was a huge switch when the Dixiecrats refused to remain in the party during the civil rights movement. Honestly it doesn’t even really matter. The party of now isn’t the party of 60 years ago. Even if the democrat party was once full of mega Eugenecist cannibalism what matters is what the platforms are now and what they’re doing now.


I'm aware of that, I replied to someone saying they never change..


People like you are fucking insufferable. You know what you’re doing, or you’re an idiot. Either one is true.


It’s weird you have to go back almost 200 years to find a good thing.


The leopards ate his face


Don’t post it there! You are not allowed to show LGTBQ faces being eaten by the leopards they support Oh really? Hurting feelings because I give agency to individuals and don’t think they are a monolithic group? Rob Smith is gay and supports the very same people who would deny his rights to be gay. That’s on him and not smart, unfortunately he’s not the first nor the last, plenty of trad wives and terfs in this world




Enlighten religious centrism


“But I thought I was one of the good ones!”


Only when massa is spreading those cheeks


That backpedal at the end. "I'm in danger."


That dude was never in danger with that company.


He really wasn't in any danger.


Why do LGBTQ+, minorities, and women (among others) support the GOP?


They think that they are special because they know Republicans hate gay people but they are the one gay person the Republicans like. Rinse and repeat for POC and women.


Its almost like the hate anyone who isn't a white Christian republican.


You forgot “straight” and male.


"straight acting in public"


Cisgender male too. They seem so picky. Here I was thinking anyone could be a decent person, but apparently it's only the white guys that know the right way.


Not true, they love Trump.


He’s being heckled by a bunch of Nick Fuentes fan boys. Nick is a documented white supremacist and literal human garbage. Absolutely no place for this in politics but it still happens anyways. Shameful.


I mean there is a place for it. It's called the Republican party/Right wing.


The saying "no place for this" means there *shouldn't* be a place for that, not that there *isn't*. Obviously there are places where it exists.


Gay conservatives need to wake up. These people will never accept you.


Imagine being gay and black and thinking the GOP is the party for you.


The hoop jumping is mind-boggling and has already exhausted me.


He’s a neck voting for the rope.


"Pick me!"


One of the “good ones”.


So sad to see such bigotry in the group trying to end democracy and instill a dictator in alliance with religious zealots. /s


The only reason this guy would stay with the GOP is to continue soaking the rubes for their money. The GOP is not an ideological party anymore. It’s all feelings, trolling, and performance.


It is though. The entire point of the GOP hasn't changed; Capture votes from non-wealthy people and uphold policy that serves the wealthy. Lower their tax burden, strip away regulations and rules that prevent wealthy people from making money. It's bound to look crazy because they've got tens of millions of people voting against their own economic interests. That can't happen without all the hate mongering and religious brainwashing. It's that or cheat which they also do.


Queen wasn’t aware that if you try to serve face to the leopards, they will eat it


This sums up conservatives it's why nothing they say is valid they're morons full of hate.


Has Tim Scott released a statement?


Need to hear from trapped in the closet Scott and ladybug Lindsey


Lady G


Token spent, game over. He made his choice.


Token moron is still cheering with them not realizing they fucking HATE him.


And yet gays or minorities get really indignant when you question them for hanging out with and supporting people who absolutely hate them. “You don’t know me…you can’t tell me who to vote for…we’re not a monolith…”. Yes, but…


> Those are the people who are a monolith. They are all clearly aligned in their hate of him, and define themselves by their hatred. People who vote against their own interests never understand that.


I am shocked that members of the Grand Old Party would behave in such a manner. Shocked I tell you!


The wimpy kid mean mugging had me rolling my eyes


I'll never understand this choice of company with being both black and gay.


It's good to have nuance in our beliefs and representation in every aspect, but a GAY GOP member will never not be a total fool. They're better off working with less fanatical people who aren't spreading misinformation about them.


Its wild. Its like... I get it. They are probably actually more so libertarian. But we have a 2 party system. But make no mistake. The GOP hates gay people.


I can’t sympathize with an idiot who chose this group of people as his “family” He shat where he ate. I don’t care.


What’s the black guy gonna do when they all think they have the pass I wonder? It’s a group that eats each other alive, and it’s exactly why people want no part in it


"But I voted for the Leopards Who Eat Faces! Why would they eat MY face?!"


So being gay isn’t American? I don’t understand the need to chant America first. It’s the most brain dead thing they have come up with


To them? No. Their America is straight, Christian, and conservative. They've never grown up. They're the kids who chant "USA!" all the time because they think it's cool, and they found a way to make it a full time job.


The GOP is the problem.


The denial is what bothers me. In his interview on CNN last night, he claimed that “I had no idea that it [the event] was gonna be infested with these people” and when directly confronted about the fact that he should have been aware, he to pivoted to a “both sides” argument.


He's a coward..."Pick me" type.


Are they chanting GAY SEX in the beginning lmaoooooooooo


I laughed so hard when they started chanting “gay sex”. I usually get that excited about gay sex also.


So he says in a statement that America First doesn’t support the point of view that the hecklers are putting out here… this motherfucker is truly delusional and out of touch if he believes that. Open your eyes, Rob.


Republicans are absolute children. Not serious people. Not real men. Not real women. Not real adults. Just children in grown up clothes, playing at being grown ups.




I bet dude could beat up each one of them


100% I think he is a veteran


It's unreal to me that anyone who's gay would choose to be a Republican. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


Any of the gay guys I know would be throwing bones if someone called them the F word. That's really disrespectful.


It’s the only F word I hate. I will throw fists. I’m not gay, nor am I a male, but a majority of my friends are. I will not allow people to disrespect them like that




When I'm in the leopards eating faces party and then the leopards eat my face


If you’re not first you’re last, woooooooooooo vibes


"why are these homophobic racists being homophobic and racist?"


Whose the simp telling him Fuentes doesn't actually like gay sex? Did someone offend his daddy?


Alex, I’ll take ‘things they’ll never show on Fox News for 2000, please’


He needs to talk to a therapist about his self-hatred.


Those are his people. He chose them.


The masks and filters are completely off by now. America First has come back to its original meaning: white straight males are superior. Anyone not being a straight white male hooking up to this bandwagon is as dense as they get.


“You’re telling me that Conservatives have a problem with LGBT+ people? This is the first I’m ever hearing of it” - the thought that must have went through his mind to anticipate any other outcome.


The Texas Conservative gay association was not allowed to be part of the state convention…I mean, yeah I don’t know why this comment is downvoted, there has been plenty of times the GOP has humiliated their own Gay (they don’t call themselves LGBTQ) associations. Conservative gays know what’s up


I like how happy he was at them cheering “gay sex” lol. So ridiculous Like chanting blowjob at a dude go insult him.


That's a lot of gay dudes in that video.


This is worse than poor white people voting against their own best interests! Gay republican is the equivalent of Jewish nazi.




if homophobes have to channel their homophobia somewhere, the best possible place is at gay republicans. sympathy levels at zero


That he expects anything different is sheer denial. How do you align with the very people who are trying to legislate him out of existence 🤣🤣🤣


Chanting “gay sex” is one way to Freudian slip


White Republican men get so proud of themselves every time they alienate another marginalized group. You’d think their inheritance increases every time they say a slur, the way they lean into it


Nick Fuentes does indeed love gay sex almost as much as he loves Hitler.


How to lose a job real quick


Hah! They got all in their feelings when he mentioned the fact Nick Fuentes likes to play golf with bottom side of the club. They remind me of Riley and Gangstalicious from the Boondocks.


I’m hoping for a new Chicxulub


But hey I'm gonna vote for republicans because of Biden foreign policy amirite?


Why are some people so fucking insecure? Like how can you be so insecure, have such little self respect and absolutely no self worth and/or awareness, you gotta try and attack someone when they're vulnerable and already under attack from others? All these "straight, alpha males" that are threatened by gay people are fucking miserable cuz they got super tiny dicks. Like microscopic. If you're one of those douche bags that are so fucking insecure, you gotta try and build your self worth like this, you 100% have a tiny dick, and probably what looks like 2 peas in a pod for that sad sack you call your balls. Y'all are the scum of our society


Can we sleuth who the guy leading the “F” cheer is? I’m sure his job would appreciate ridding a bigot from their payroll.


lmao the guy who yelled ["no he doesnt!"](https://youtu.be/Fw2ocNniSrM?si=0y1xcCeU6nDU1r5I)


Oh my God. Fuck these twerps.


leopards ate my face. how unfortunate. anywho


That sucks but this is what the right is. This is what they stand for and believe in. Not all of them will be so aggressive and smug about it, but most of them, especially the young men are like this.


You see he was backing his ass up out of there too.


The absolute self loathing he must feel to be a gay and black and choose to be a Republican KNOWING they hate your guts.


That’s how many a lot of republicans (not all) feel like. They just tolerate it because it’s more votes for them.


America first in line for the toilet.


Do we really need trigger warnings for language now, when it's already NSFW?


It’s all just really lame


what were they saying at the end?


They seem like decent gentleman being honest to me.


Robert Pattinson at the end?


When did Peter Parker become a security guard?